994 resultados para Electric activity


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The temporal dynamics of the neural activity that implements the dimensions valence and arousal during processing of emotional stimuli were studied in two multi-channel ERP experiments that used visually presented emotional words (experiment 1) and emotional pictures (experiment 2) as stimulus material. Thirty-two healthy subjects participated (mean age 26.8 +/- 6.4 years, 24 women). The stimuli in both experiments were selected on the basis of verbal reports in such a way that we were able to map the temporal dynamics of one dimension while controlling for the other one. Words (pictures) were centrally presented for 450 (600) ms with interstimulus intervals of 1,550 (1,400) ms. ERP microstate analysis of the entire epochs of stimulus presentations parsed the data into sequential steps of information processing. The results revealed that in several microstates of both experiments, processing of pleasant and unpleasant valence (experiment 1, microstate #3: 118-162 ms, #6: 218-238 ms, #7: 238-266 ms, #8: 266-294 ms; experiment 2, microstate #5: 142-178 ms, #6: 178-226 ms, #7: 226-246 ms, #9: 262-302 ms, #10: 302-330 ms) as well as of low and high arousal (experiment 1, microstate #8: 266-294 ms, #9: 294-346 ms; experiment 2, microstate #10: 302-330 ms, #15: 562-600 ms) involved different neural assemblies. The results revealed also that in both experiments, information about valence was extracted before information about arousal. The last microstate of valence extraction was identical with the first microstate of arousal extraction.


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The effects of occlusal splint on the electric activity of masseter were studied in 15 women who presented sleep bruxism using surface electromyography. Sleep bruxism was defined by its clinical characteristics. The signal acquisition was done during mandible occlusion without clenching and maximum voluntary contraction in two situations. The first was after a workday without using the occlusal splint; and the second, after a sleeping night using occlusal splints. Evaluating masseter muscles during mandible occlusion without clenching, it could be observed that lower values were noticed after splint wearing in both sides. The same results were verified in maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). These results confirmed that the use of occlusal splints reduced the electromyographic activity of the right and left masseters, showing its myorelaxing effect. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Commonality of activation of spontaneously forming and stimulus-induced mental representations is an often made but rarely tested assumption in neuroscience. In a conjunction analysis of two earlier studies, brain electric activity during visual-concrete and abstract thoughts was studied. The conditions were: in study 1, spontaneous stimulus-independent thinking (post-hoc, visual imagery or abstract thought were identified); in study 2, reading of single nouns ranking high or low on a visual imagery scale. In both studies, subjects' tasks were similar: when prompted, they had to recall the last thought (study 1) or the last word (study 2). In both studies, subjects had no instruction to classify or to visually imagine their thoughts, and accordingly were not aware of the studies' aim. Brain electric data were analyzed into functional topographic brain images (using LORETA) of the last microstate before the prompt (study 1) and of the word-type discriminating event-related microstate after word onset (study 2). Conjunction analysis across the two studies yielded commonality of activation of core networks for abstract thought content in left anterior superior regions, and for visual-concrete thought content in right temporal-posterior inferior regions. The results suggest that two different core networks are automatedly activated when abstract or visual-concrete information, respectively, enters working memory, without a subject task or instruction about the two classes of information, and regardless of internal or external origin, and of input modality. These core machineries of working memory thus are invariant to source or modality of input when treating the two types of information.


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Brian electric activity is viewed as sequences of momentary maps of potential distribution. Frequency-domain source modeling, estimation of the complexity of the trajectory of the mapped brain field distributions in state space, and microstate parsing were used as analysis tools. Input-presentation as well as task-free (spontaneous thought) data collection paradigms were employed. We found: Alpha EEG field strength is more affected by visualizing mentation than by abstract mentation, both input-driven as well as self-generated. There are different neuronal populations and brain locations of the electric generators for different temporal frequencies of the brain field. Different alpha frequencies execute different brain functions as revealed by canonical correlations with mentation profiles. Different modes of mentation engage the same temporal frequencies at different brain locations. The basic structure of alpha electric fields implies inhomogeneity over time — alpha consists of concatenated global microstates in the sub-second range, characterized by quasi-stable field topographies, and rapid transitions between the microstates. In general, brain activity is strongly discontinuous, indicating that parsing into field landscape-defined microstates is appropriate. Different modes of spontaneous and induced mentation are associated with different brain electric microstates; these are proposed as candidates for psychophysiological ``atoms of thought''.


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Prompted reports of recall of spontaneous, conscious experiences were collected in a no-input, no-task, no-response paradigm (30 random prompts to each of 13 healthy volunteers). The mentation reports were classified into visual imagery and abstract thought. Spontaneous 19-channel brain electric activity (EEG) was continuously recorded, viewed as series of momentary spatial distributions (maps) of the brain electric field and segmented into microstates, i.e. into time segments characterized by quasi-stable landscapes of potential distribution maps which showed varying durations in the sub-second range. Microstate segmentation used a data-driven strategy. Different microstates, i.e. different brain electric landscapes must have been generated by activity of different neural assemblies and therefore are hypothesized to constitute different functions. The two types of reported experiences were associated with significantly different microstates (mean duration 121 ms) immediately preceding the prompts; these microstates showed, across subjects, for abstract thought (compared to visual imagery) a shift of the electric gravity center to the left and a clockwise rotation of the field axis. Contrariwise, the microstates 2 s before the prompt did not differ between the two types of experiences. The results support the hypothesis that different microstates of the brain as recognized in its electric field implement different conscious, reportable mind states, i.e. different classes (types) of thoughts (mentations); thus, the microstates might be candidates for the `atoms of thought'.


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We report the Heck coupling of 2-vinyl-4,5-dicyanoimidazole (vinazene) with selected di- and trihalo aromatics in an effort to prepare linear and branched electron-accepting conjugated materials for application in organic electronics. By selecting the suitable halo-aromatic moiety, it is possible to tune the HOMO - LUMO energy levels, absorption, and emission properties for a specific application. In this regard, materials with strong photoluminescence from blue → green → red are reported that may have potential application in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Furthermore, derivatives with strong absorption in the visible spectrum, coupled with favorable HOMO-LUMO levels, have been used to prepare promising organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) when combined with commercially available semiconducting donor polymers.


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Electric activity of the heart consists of repeated cardiomyocyte depolarizations and repolarizations. Abnormalities in repolarization predispose to ventricular arrhythmias. In body surface electrocardiogram, ventricular repolarization generates the T wave. Several electrocardiographic measures have been developed both for clinical and research purposes to detect repolarization abnormalities. The study aim was to investigate modifiers of ventricular repolarization with the focus on the relationship of the left ventricular mass, antihypertensive drugs, and common gene variants, to electrocardiographic repolarization parameters. The prognostic value of repolarization parameters was also assessed. The study subjects originated from a population of more than 200 middle-aged hypertensive men attending the GENRES hypertension study, and from an epidemiological survey, the Health 2000 Study, including more than 6000 participants. Ventricular repolarization was analysed from digital standard 12-lead resting electrocardiograms with two QT-interval based repolarization parameters (QT interval, T-wave peak to T-wave end interval) and with a set of four T-wave morphology parameters. The results showed that in hypertensive men, a linear change in repolarization parameters is present even in the normal range of left ventricular mass, and that even mild left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with potentially adverse electrocardiographic repolarization changes. In addition, treatments with losartan, bisoprolol, amlodipine, and hydrochlorothiazide have divergent short-term effects on repolarization parameters in hypertensive men. Analyses of the general population sample showed that single nucleotide polymorphisms in KCNH2, KCNE1, and NOS1AP genes are associated with changes in QT-interval based repolarization parameters but not consistently with T-wave morphology parameters. T-wave morphology parameters, but not QT interval or T-wave peak to T-wave end interval, provided independent prognostic information on mortality. The prognostic value was specifically related to cardiovascular mortality. The results indicate that, in hypertension, altered ventricular repolarization is already present in mild left ventricular mass increase, and that commonly used antihypertensive drugs may relatively rapidly and treatment-specifically modify electrocardiographic repolarization parameters. Common variants in cardiac ion channel genes and NOS1AP gene may also modify repolarization-related arrhythmia vulnerability. In the general population, T-wave morphology parameters may be useful in the risk assessment of cardiovascular mortality.


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Epilepsies are neurological disorders characterized by recurrent and spontaneous seizures due to an abnormal electric activity in a brain network. The mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most prevalent type of epilepsy in adulthood, and it occurs frequently in association with hippocampal sclerosis. Unfortunately, not all patients benefit from pharmacological treatment (drug-resistant patients), and therefore become candidates for surgery, a procedure of high complexity and cost. Nowadays, the most common surgery is the anterior temporal lobectomy with selective amygdalohippocampectomy, a procedure standardized by anatomical markers. However, part of patients still present seizure after the procedure. Then, to increase the efficiency of this kind of procedure, it is fundamental to know the epileptic human brain in order to create new tools for auxiliary an individualized surgery procedure. The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the occurrence of epilepticform activity -such as interictal spikes (IS) and high frequency oscillations (HFO) - in electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals acutely recorded during the surgery procedure in drug-resistant patients with MTLE. The ECoG recording (32 channels at sample rate of 1 kHz) was performed in the surface of temporal lobe in three moments: without any cortical resection, after anterior temporal lobectomy and after amygdalohippocampectomy (mean duration of each record: 10 min; N = 17 patients; ethic approval #1038/03 in Research Ethic Committee of Federal University of São Paulo). The occurrence of IS and HFO was quantified automatically by MATLAB routines and validated manually. The events rate (number of events/channels) in each recording time was correlated with seizure control outcome. In 8 hours and 40 minutes of record, we identified 36,858 IS and 1.756 HFO. We observed that seizure-free outcome patients had more HFO rate before the resection than non-seizure free, however do not differentiate in relation of frequency, morphology and distribution of IS. The HFO rate in the first record was better than IS rate on prediction of seizure-free patients (IS: AUC = 57%, Sens = 70%, Spec = 71% vs HFO: AUC = 77%, Sens = 100%, Spec = 70%). We observed the same for the difference of the rate of pre and post-resection (IS: AUC = 54%, Sens = 60%, Spec = 71%; vs HFO: AUC = 84%, Sens = 100%, Spec = 80%). In this case, the algorithm identifies all seizure-free patients (N = 7) with two false positives. To conclude, we observed that the IS and HFO can be found in intra-operative ECoG record, despite the anesthesia and the short time of record. The possibility to classify the patients before any cortical resection suggest that ECoG can be important to decide the use of adjuvant pharmacological treatment or to change for tailored resection procedure. The mechanism responsible for this effect is still unknown, thus more studies are necessary to clarify the processes related to it


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INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de dor femoropatelar (SDFP) é um problema comum que afeta uma em cada quatro pessoas. A alteração no tempo de ativação e a intensidade de contração dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo (VMO) e vasto lateral (VL) são consideradas fatores importantes na etiologia da SDFP. No entanto, existem poucos estudos sobre a função da porção oblíqua do vasto lateral (VLO) e nenhum sobre o tempo de ativação (onset) do VLO em atividades funcionais em sujeitos normais e com SDFP. OBJETIVO: Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi investigar o tempo de início de atividade eletromiográfica nos músculos VMO, VLO e VL longo (VLL) durante a marcha. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra foi formada por 15 sujeitos sem e 12 com SDFP. Dados eletromiográficos foram obtidos dos músculos VMO, VLL e VLO durante caminhada na esteira sem inclinação. A diferença relativa no onset (DRO) entre VMO-VLL e VMO-VLO foi determinada a partir da média de três passadas. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre os sujeitos com e sem SDFP em relação à DRO entre VMO-VLL. Nos sujeitos com SDFP, a ordem de início da atividade elétrica foi VLL seguida por VLO e após VMO. Nos indivíduos sem a patologia, a ordem foi diferente: primeiro VMO após VLO e, por último, VLL. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem que a ativação do VMO após o VLL poderia auxiliar no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da SDFP, enquanto o tempo de ativação do VLO possui menor participação.


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Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograp, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with middle grip. The trapezius acted preferentially in the modalities standing press behind neck; and sitting forward and press behind neck, while SI did not show any significative difference among the modalities. The high levels of action potentials with which TS and SI acted justify the inclusion of these exercises in physical programmes.


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The interaction between humic substances and poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA), a conducting polymer, was investigated for both solution and self-assembled films. The results have shown that the humic substances induce a doping of POEA by protonation, as indicated by UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopies. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies on the self-assembled films have shown that the average roughness of the polymer film has increased after exposing it to humic substances (fulvic and humic acids), consistent with the interaction between POEA and humic substances. However, this change in morphology is reversible by washing the films with water in agreement with the electrical data allowing using this system in sensor applications. Here, the sensor formed by an array of different sensing units was able to detect and distinguish humic substances in aqueous solution, as shown by multivariate analysis (principal component analysis). The motivation to detect humic substance comes due to its importance in terms of quality control of water or soil. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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The present study aimed at analyzing and comparing longitudinally the EMG (electromyographic activity) of the superior orbicularis oris muscle according to the breathing mode. The sample, 38 adolescents with Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion with predominantly nose (PNB) or mouth (PMB) breathing, was evaluated at two different periods, with a two-year interval between them. For that purpose, a 16-channel electromyography machine was employed, which was properly calibrated in a PC equipped with an analogue-digital converter, with utilization of surface, passive and bipolar electrodes. The RMS data (root mean square) were collected at rest and in 12 movements and normalized according to time and amplitude, by the peak value of EMG, in order to allow comparisons between subjects and between periods. Comparison of the muscle function of PNB and PMB subjects at period 1 (P1), period 2 (P2) and the variation between periods (Δ) did not reveal statistically significant differences between groups (p < 0.05). However, longitudinal evaluation of the muscle function in PNB and PMB subjects demonstrated different evolutions in the percentage of required EMG for accomplishment of the movements investigated. It was possible to conclude that there are differences in the percentage of electric activity of the upper lip with the growth of the subjects according to the breathing mode.


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The advancement of knowledge in neurophysiology has demonstrated that acupuncture is a method of peripheral neural stimulation that promotes local and systemic reflexive responses. The purpose of this study was to determine if surface electromyography can be used as a tool to study the action of auricular acupuncture on striated skeletal muscle. The electromyographic amplitudes of the anterior, middle and posterior deltoid muscle and the upper trapezium muscle with 20%, 40% and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction of 15 healthy volunteers, were analyzed after the individuals were submitted to the auricular acupuncture treatment. The non-parametric Friedman test was used to compare Root Mean Square values estimated by using a 200 ms moving window. Significant results were further analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In this exploratory study, the level of significance of each comparison was set to p < 0.05. It was concluded in this study that a surface electromyography can be used as a tool to investigate possible alterations of electrical activity in muscles after auricular acupuncture. However there is still a lack of adequate methodology for its use in this type of study, being that the method used to record the electromyographic signal can also influence the results. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.