930 resultados para Electoral fraud


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Electoral fraud is a common problem in young democracies. Election observers constitute one possible remedy. Yet, quantitative evidence of the exact effects of observers is scarce. Data on the random assignment of observers during Mozambique’s 2009 general elections is used to estimate the impact that observers have on ballot fraud. It is shown that the presence of national observers reduces high levels of turnout and manipulation of ballots. The findings contribute to the understanding of the behavior of politicians and have implications for the implementation of observer missions.


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Studies of electoral fraud tend to focus their analyses only on the pre-electoral or electoral phases. By examining the Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930), this article shifts the focus to a later phase, discussing a particular type of electoral fraud that has been little explored by the literature, namely, that perpetrated by the legislatures themselves during the process of giving final approval to election results. The Brazilian case is interesting because of a practice known as degola ('beheading') whereby electoral results were altered when Congress decided on which deputies to certify as duly elected. This has come to be seen as a widespread and standard practice in this period. However, this article shows that this final phase of rubber-stamping or overturning election results was important not because of the number of degolas, which was actually much lower than the literature would have us believe, but chiefly because of their strategic use during moments of political uncertainty. It argues that the congressional certification of electoral results was deployed as a key tool in ensuring the political stability of the Republican regime in the absence of an electoral court.


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During the last two decades there have been but a handful of recorded cases of electoral fraud in Latin America. However, survey research consistently shows that often citizens do not trust the integrity of the electoral process. This dissertation addresses the puzzle by explaining the mismatch between how elections are conducted and how the process is perceived. My theoretical contribution provides a double-folded argument. First, voters’ trust in their community members (“the local experience”) impacts their level of confidence in the electoral process. Since voters often find their peers working at polling stations, negative opinions about them translate into negative opinions about the election. Second, perceptions of unfairness of the system (“the global effect”) negatively impact the way people perceive the transparency of the electoral process. When the political system fails to account for social injustice, citizens lose faith in the mechanism designed to elect representatives -and ultimately a set of policies. The fact that certain groups are systematically disregarded by the system triggers the notion that the electoral process is flawed. This is motivated by either egotropic or sociotropic considerations. To test these hypotheses, I employ a survey conducted in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala during May/June 2014, which includes a population-based experiment. I show that Voters who trust their peers consistently have higher confidence in the electoral process. Whereas respondents who were primed about social unfairness (treatment) expressed less confidence in the quality of the election. Finally, I find that the local experience is predominant over the global effect. The treatment has a statistically significant effect only for respondents who trust their community. Attribution of responsibility for voters who are skeptics of their peers is clear and simple, leaving no room for a more diffuse mechanism, the unfairness of the political system. Finally, now I extend analysis to the Latin America region. Using data from LAPOP that comprises four waves of surveys in 22 countries, I confirm the influence of the “local experience” and the “global effect” as determinants of the level of confidence in the electoral process.


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Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estrategia política del presidente Roberto M. Ortiz durante el período en actividad (1938-1940) para combatir el fraude electoral y normalizar las prácticas electorales e institucionalidad democrática de la Argentina de fines de los años treinta. Se presume que el presidente orientó su proyecto político de una manera aperturista y de diálogo sincero con la Unión Cívica Radical (UCR). Para ello promovió dos estrategias claras: lograr el apoyo de los sectores liberales del Ejército, e intervenir las provincias con prácticas fraudulentas. Su política contra el fraude provocó una situación inédita de erosión de la coalición de partidos oficialistas, base de sustentación del Poder Ejecutivo. Sin apoyo partidario, Ortiz quedó aislado y en clara confrontación con el Senado, dominado por grupos conservadores.


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En las primeras décadas del siglo XX, la Argentina sufrió un desajuste económico y social respecto del plan estratégico de 1880. Los acontecimientos históricos rompieron el modelo de la prosperidad infinita y pusieron de manifiesto la disolución del ser nacional en revueltas militares, fraude electoral, corrupción, caudillismo y brechas profundas entre regiones y clases sociales. Hacia 1930, la escritura de Roberto Artl se presenta como un cuestionamiento acerca de los límites del proyecto modernizador y de las instancias más significativas del mandato de progreso histórico. Los personajes de sus ficciones le permiten al escritor proyectar una interpretación no solo de su ser caído y angustiado, sino también del sujeto desligado de aquella sociabilidad propuesta por la generación de los románticos y que en 1880 parecía determinar una identidad estable, según reglas aparentemente seguras. El escritor posee la visión de que 1930 es el momento histórico que exige otro estatuto de lo real. El efecto de lectura de la obra de Arlt reside en la manipulación indefinida del lenguaje literario a través de la propuesta de personajes anclados en la percepción de un mundo que los excluye y de una peripecia narrativa que devela la descentración de la Historia como relato total. Consecuentemente, su eficacia es impactar y movilizar el cuerpo social a través de la producción imaginaria como una versión literaria de la Historia.


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En este trabajo se reconstruye la trayectoria del régimen fraudulento durante el gobierno de Agustín Justo (1932-1938). Las acciones coercitivas desplegadas por los caudillos durante la jornada electoral fueron su rasgo más evidente, pero la instrumentación del fraude tuvo alcances más profundos. A lo largo de esta experiencia, el ejercicio abierto de la coerción sobre el principal partido opositor y el avasallamiento de los derechos de la ciudadanía fueron acompañados por la reorganización del Estado en un sentido que quebró la relación de equilibrio entre los poderes a través de la subordinación del Poder Judicial y el Legislativo a las directivas del elenco gobernante. En este texto se identifican las prácticas y las decisiones desplegadas por los partidos políticos del campo opositor y del oficialista en relación con este proceso.


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En este trabajo se reconstruye la trayectoria del régimen fraudulento durante el gobierno de Agustín Justo (1932-1938). Las acciones coercitivas desplegadas por los caudillos durante la jornada electoral fueron su rasgo más evidente, pero la instrumentación del fraude tuvo alcances más profundos. A lo largo de esta experiencia, el ejercicio abierto de la coerción sobre el principal partido opositor y el avasallamiento de los derechos de la ciudadanía fueron acompañados por la reorganización del Estado en un sentido que quebró la relación de equilibrio entre los poderes a través de la subordinación del Poder Judicial y el Legislativo a las directivas del elenco gobernante. En este texto se identifican las prácticas y las decisiones desplegadas por los partidos políticos del campo opositor y del oficialista en relación con este proceso.


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En este trabajo se reconstruye la trayectoria del régimen fraudulento durante el gobierno de Agustín Justo (1932-1938). Las acciones coercitivas desplegadas por los caudillos durante la jornada electoral fueron su rasgo más evidente, pero la instrumentación del fraude tuvo alcances más profundos. A lo largo de esta experiencia, el ejercicio abierto de la coerción sobre el principal partido opositor y el avasallamiento de los derechos de la ciudadanía fueron acompañados por la reorganización del Estado en un sentido que quebró la relación de equilibrio entre los poderes a través de la subordinación del Poder Judicial y el Legislativo a las directivas del elenco gobernante. En este texto se identifican las prácticas y las decisiones desplegadas por los partidos políticos del campo opositor y del oficialista en relación con este proceso.


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Democracy is not necessarily consolidated simply by the introduction of formal democratic institutions. It is often observed in new democracies that democratic institutions are neglected and eroded in actual practice. Particularly, electoral fraud committed by a ruler is one of the main problems in this regard. This paper deals with two questions, (1) under what conditions does a ruler have an incentive to hold fair elections (or to rig elections), and (2) what makes a ruler prefer to establish an independent election governing institution? Assuming that a ruler prefers to maintain her power, basically she has an incentive to rig elections in order to be victorious in the political competition. A ruler, however, faces the risk of losing power if the opposition stages successful protests on a sufficiently large scale. If opponents are able to pose a credible threat to a ruler, she will have an incentive to hold fair elections. The problem is that information on electoral fraud is not shared by every player in the game. For the opposition, imperfect information deepens their coordination problems. Imperfect information, on the other hand, in some cases causes a problem for a ruler. If the opposition is sufficiently cohesive and have little tolerance of cheating, even unverified suspicions of fraud may trigger menacing protests. In such a case, a ruler has an incentive to establish an independent election commission to avoid unnecessary collisions by revealing the nature of the elections.


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El propósito del presente trabajo de grado es determinar la incidencia que tuvo la trashumancia electoral en los comicios locales de 2003-2007-2011 en Boyacá, para la designación de Alcaldes municipales en dichos momentos. De esta manera, se sostiene que el fraude en inscripción de cédulas, como se le conoce al delito, ayudó a llegar al poder a líderes que utilizaron el transporte de votantes como forma de hacerse elegir en cada uno de los territorios en los que aspiraban al cargo. Por ello, se identificaron las inconsistencias existentes entre el crecimiento poblacional mayor de 18 años y el censo electoral de cada uno de los periodos analizados, considerando las diferentes denuncias tanto administrativas como penales, presentadas ante los organismos competentes, así como las percepciones sociales a través del análisis de prensa local. Con esto, se busca dar a conocer una de las consecuencias del fraude en los contextos democráticos.


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The difficulty of holding fair elections continues to be a critical problem in many newly democratized countries. The core of the problem is the electoral administration's lack of political autonomy and capability to regulate fraud. This paper seeks to identify the conditions for establishing an autonomous and capable electoral administration system. An electoral administration system has two main functions: to disclose the nature of elections and to prevent fraud. We argue in this paper that an autonomous and capable electoral administration system exists if the major political players have the incentive to disclose the information on the elections and to secure the ruler's credible commitment to fair elections. We examine this argument through comparative case studies of Korea and the Philippines. Despite similar historical and institutional settings, their election commissions exhibit contrasting features. The difference in the incentive structures of the major political players seems to have caused the divergence in the institutional evolution of the election commissions in the two countries.


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Deals with the Hayes-Tilden presidential contest.


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Public key cryptography, and with it,the ability to compute digital signatures, have made it possible for electronic commerce to flourish. It is thus unsurprising that the proposed Australian NECS will also utilise digital signatures in its system so as to provide a fully automated process from the creation of electronic land title instrument to the digital signing, and electronic lodgment of these instruments. This necessitates an analysis of the fraud risks raised by the usage of digital signatures because a compromise of the integrity of digital signatures will lead to a compromise of the Torrens system itself. This article will show that digital signatures may in fact offer greater security against fraud than handwritten signatures; but to achieve this, digital signatures require an infrastructure whereby each component is properly implemented and managed.