803 resultados para Elderly violence
The repercussions of violence on the mental, social, and physical well-being of the elderly are some of the most challenging problems in public health today. Using a qualitative design, we conducted a study in Portugal and the United States that applied both descriptive and comparative methods in order to understand the social representations of violence against the elderly. Utilizing the Theory of Social Representations, we explored the perspectives of the elderly, their families, and healthcare professionals on the subject of violence against the elderly. The data on which the findings were based were obtained in two very different cultural contexts, yet the representations of violence against the elderly revealed no significant cross-cultural differences. However, conceptualizations regarding expectations of care and protection for the elderly proved to be distinct. We discussed concerns about the general attitudes of tolerance toward violence, including those of the elderly who self-identified as eventual victims. Violence against the elderly was portrayed as a part of old age and also somehow was justified by it. The results also indicated the need to better prepare healthcare professionals and society in general to deal with the consequences of the problem and not, as we would like to report, to prevent it from happening.
As the percentage of elderly people in the population grows, violence against persons of advanced age constitutes an increasing social problem. The findings of the clinical forensic examinations (CE group) and autopsies performed on elderly violence victims (> or = 60 years) between 1999 and 2008 at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Hanover Medical School were retrospectively analysed. In all, the study material comprised 55 victims of the CE group (35 females and 20 males, median age 73.5 years) and 55 autopsies (33 females and 22 males, median age 72.7 years). In most of the autopsy cases, the suspect was a family member or partner. In contrast, the alleged perpetrator was a stranger in most cases of the CE group. Blunt force injuries were most often found in the CE group victims (63.6%). Altogether, 38.2% (CE group) and 20.0% (autopsy cases) of the violent assaults were associated with robbery. In the majority of the CE cases, the victims suffered potentially or acute life-threatening injuries. In summary, the analysis shows that elderly people frequently become victims of robbery and blunt force injury. In most homicides of old people, the perpetrator is familiar to the victim. In surviving elderly violence victims, the assault is more likely to be reported to the police if the suspect is a stranger.
A violência doméstica não é um fenômeno novo e a que atinge o idoso é parte integrante deste fenômeno. Os dados sobre violência contra o idoso, entretanto, são escassos no Brasil. Contudo, para se realizar um estudo mais sistemático sobre magnitude, fatores de risco e cuidados às vítimas, torna-se necessária uma documentação sistemática e acurada dos eventos relacionados aos fatores de risco, às situações envolvidas e consequências da violência. Esta tese procurou estudar alguns instrumentos específicos de avaliação de violência doméstica contra o idoso existentes e conhecidos e adaptá-los ao contexto sócio cultural brasileiro, especificamente em idosos atendidos por Serviços de Saúde na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Outro objetivo desta tese foi inserir a avaliação da violência em um ambiente de avaliação funcional do paciente idoso, por motivos que não serão explicitados. O capítulo 1 concerne à apresentação da tese. O capítulo 2 oferece uma introdução a respeito do problema de violência doméstica com um breve histórico do estudo da violência familiar e especificamente no indivíduo idoso. Fornece alguns dados de magnitude e de que forma a violência doméstica e suas consequências podem ser avaliadas no contexto da avaliação funcional do indivíduo idoso. Alguns conceitos e teorias sobre fatores de risco, causas e métodos estruturados de avaliação são discutidos. Em seguida, o tema específico dos métodos estruturados de avaliação é pormenorizado em no capítulo 3, apresenta-se uma justificativa detalha para os estudos desenvolvidos para esta tese. O quarto capítulo apresenta os métodos utilizados para a produção dos três artigos que, no capítulo 5, são apresentados, na íntegra. No primeiro artigo descreve-se a revisão dos 17 instrumentos de risco de violência contra o idoso que foram encontrados a partir das bases de dados vasculhadas. Destes, somente a Conflicts Tactics Scale foi adaptadas para o Brasil, ainda que para o uso em um grupo etário mais jovem. O segundo artigo descreve as etapas de equivalência da validade conceitual, semântica e de itens de um dos instrumentos escolhidos, especificamente, de avaliação do cuidador do sujeito idoso (Caregiver Abuse Screen CASE). Foi possível estabelecer uma versão em português para o Brasil, mas resta a etapa de equivalência de mensuração deste instrumento. O terceiro artigo, por sua vez, se refere à adaptação transcultural envolvendo as etapas citadas no artigo anteriormente descrito acrescidas da avaliação de equivalência de mensuração do segundo instrumento escolhido, mais especificamente, de avaliação do indivíduo idoso (Hwalek & Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test H-S/EAST). À análise de fatores encontraram-se três dimensões, grosso modo em acordo com os autores do instrumento. Entretanto, os itens que carregaram em cada uma das dimensões divergiram, fornecendo interpretações distintas da análise original. Do mesmo modo, as análises de confiabilidade identificaram problemas. Ainda restam lacunas a serem preenchidas com estudos futuros para que o H-S/SEAT possa ser utilizado no Brasil sem restrições. O sexto e último capítulo da tese oferece uma discussão geral sobre a importância de instrumento válidos e confiáveis no âmbito da epidemiologia. Identifica, também, questões a serem ainda resolvidas sobre instrumentos de avaliação de violência doméstica no indivíduo idoso e, por fim, apresenta os desdobramentos em termos de estudos e projetos que se seguirão.
O trabalho de investigação documentado nesta dissertação insere-se no estudo das representações sociais da violência contra idosos. Para tanto, recorreu-se à Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici com o objetivo de conhecer as representações acerca da violência contra o idoso, identificando as perspectivas distintas de três grupos participantes de dois países, Portugal e EUA Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo do tipo descritivo, explorando as representações sociais acerca da violência contra idosos mas, também, de carácter comparativo já que oferece a perspectivas de três grupos distintos. Buscou-se saber dos pensamentos acerca da violência sobre o idoso nas perspectivas do próprio idoso, de famílias de idosos e profissionais da área de saúde que prestam assistência à pessoas idosas. O estudo propiciou uma discussão do fenômeno como comportamento social refletindo sobre questões epidemiológicas e psico-sociais que o caracterizam como um dos mais graves na esfera da saúde pública. As questões sócio-demográficas foram processadas através do programa estatístico SPSS e, a produção discursiva das 240 entrevistas, analisada através dos programas estatísticos ALCESTE e, IRAMUTEQ.Apesar das diferenças socio-culturais, os participantes construíram representações sociais da violência contra idosos similares, associadas à identidade social do idoso que os coloca como vítima iminente de violência. As divergências encontram-se nas expectativas de intervenção e prevenção do fenômeno; Violence against the elderly and its social representation Abstract: The research documented in this dissertation is part of a study about elderly violence, considered to be one of the most serious issues in the sphere of public health and examined here through the lens of the Theory of Social Representations. The main objective is to know the perspectives of the elderly, families and health professionals from two countries: Portugal and United States of America, on the subject of elderly violence. Using a qualitative design, this study applied both, descriptive and comparative methods interviewing 240 individuals. The demographic data were analyzed through SPSS and the lexical analysis which were performed by two software programs, ALCESTE and IRAMUTEQ. The social representations of elderly violence had similarities associating violence to the social identity of the elderly as an eventual victim despite cultural differences. Variations are identified in the expectations regarding strategies of intervention and prevention of the phenomena.
This symposium aims to address some studies on violence in adults, as well as address the job done in an intervention network in domestic violence and a project on the study of violence in the elderly, in Alentejo. Communications: - PREVALÊNCE OF VIOLENCE IN ADULTS- Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima - SOCIAL REPRESENTATION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima - DOMESTIV VIOLENCE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF WOMEN WHO LIVE IT - Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima; Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares - INTEGRATED INTERVENTION NETWORK OF DISTRICT OF ÉVORA (RIIDE): A multidisciplinary response to violence - Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Lopes, Manuel - ESACA - Ageing Safely in Alentejo – Understanding for Action - Mendes, Felismina; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Zangão, Maria Otilia; Chora, Maria Antónia; Pereira, Catarina Symposium goal(s): - To present studies on violence in Alentejo. - To discuss the importance of networks in the problem of violence. - To present Project underway on how to age with security in Alentejo. Symposium moderator(s): Maria Otília Brites Zangão Project affiliation:All three studies have resulted in an intervention project against domestic violence "Love me, love me not- Why does the violence exist and why does it not choose ages?" funded by POPH. ESACA Project - Aging Safely in Alentejo - Understanding to act, co-funded by: Alentejo 2020 Portugal 2020 and the European Union.
Purpose: To test the association between income inequality and elderly self-rated health and to propose a pathway to explain the relationship. Methods: We analyzed a sample of 2143 older individuals (60 years of age and over) from 49 distritos of the Municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bayesian multilevel logistic models were performed with poor self-rated health as the outcome variable. Results: Income inequality (measured by the Gini coefficient) was found to be associated with poor self-rated health after controlling for age, sex, income and education (odds ratio, 1.19; 95% credible interval, 1.01-1.38). When the practice of physical exercise and homicide rate were added to the model, the Gini coefficient lost its statistical significance (P>.05). We fitted a structural equation model in which income inequality affects elderly health by a pathway mediated by violence and practice of physical exercise. Conclusions: The health of older individuals may be highly susceptible to the socioeconomic environment of residence, specifically to the local distribution of income. We propose that this association may be mediated by fear of violence and lack of physical activity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"July 2006."--Colophon.
Women with a disability continue to experience social oppression and domestic violence as a consequence of gender and disability dimensions. Current explanations of domestic violence and disability inadequately explain several features that lead women who have a disability to experience violent situations. This article incorporates both disability and material feminist theory as an alternative explanation to the dominant approaches (psychological and sociological traditions) of conceptualising domestic violence. This paper is informed by a study which was concerned with examining the nature and perceptions of violence against women with a physical impairment. The emerging analytical framework integrating material feminist interpretations and disability theory provided a basis for exploring gender and disability dimensions. Insight was also provided by the women who identified as having a disability in the study and who explained domestic violence in terms of a gendered and disabling experience. The article argues that material feminist interpretations and disability theory, with their emphasis on gender relations, disablism and poverty, should be used as an alternative tool for exploring the nature and consequences of violence against women with a disability.
This paper demonstrates how Indigenous Studies is controlled in some Australian universities in ways that continue the marginalisation, denigration and exploitation of Indigenous peoples. Moreover, it shows how the engagement of white notions of “inclusion” can result in the maintenance of racism, systemic marginalisation, white race privilege and radicalised subjectivity. A case study will be utilised which draws from the experience of two Indigenous scholars who were invited to be part of a panel to review one Australian university’s plan and courses in Indigenous studies. The case study offers the opportunity to destabilise the relationships between oppression and privilege and the epistemology that maintains them. The paper argues for the need to examine exactly what is being offered when universities provide opportunities for “inclusion”.
Typically adolescents' friends are considered a risk factor for adolescent engagement in risk-taking. This study took a more novel approach, by examining adolescent friendship as a protective factor. In particular it investigated friends' potential to intervene to reduce risk-taking. 540 adolescents (mean age 13.47 years) were asked about their intention to intervene to reduce friends' alcohol, drug and alcohol-related harms and about psychosocial factors potentially associated with intervening. More than half indicated that they would intervene in friends' alcohol, drug use, alcohol-related harms and interpersonal violence. Intervening was associated with being female, having friends engage in overall less risk-taking and having greater school connectedness. The findings provide an important understanding of increasing adolescent protective behavior as a potential strategy to reduce alcohol and drug related harms.
This is an important book that ought to launch a debate about how we research our understanding of the world, it is an innovative intervention in a vital public issue, and it is an elegant and scholarly hard look at what is actually happening. Jean Seaton, Prof of Media History, U of Westminster, UK & Official Historian of the BBC -- Summary: This book investigates the question of how comparative studies of international TV news (here: on violence presentation) can best be conceptualized in a way that allows for crossnational, comparative conclusions on an empirically validated basis. This book shows that such a conceptualization is necessary in order to overcome existing restrictions in the comparability of international analysis on violence presentation. Investigated examples include the most watched news bulletins in Great Britain (10o'clock news on the BBC), Germany (Tagesschau on ARD) and Russia (Vremja on Channel 1). This book highlights a substantial cross-national violence news flow as well as a cross-national visual violence flow (key visuals) as distinct transnational components. In addition, event-related textual analysis reveals how the historical rootedness of nations and its symbols of power are still manifested in televisual mediations of violence. In conclusion, this study lobbies for a conscientious use of comparative data/analysis both in journalism research and practice in order to understand what it may convey in the different arenas of today’s newsmaking.
Police call data for domestic violence incidents in the city of Brisbane were used to further explore the locational disadvantage thesis. it was hypothesised that the supposed additional burdens and stresses on disadvantaged families living in the outer suburbs may be reflected in significantly higher rates of reported domestic violence. Using an index of relative socioeconomic disadvantage and employing Analysis of variance (ANOVA) this research shows that significantly higher rates of reported domestic violence occur in the inner suburbs relative to the middle or outer suburbs of Brisbane. This finding adds further doubt to the magnitude of locational disadvantage impacts on outer suburban low income family households.
Issues in the Making of Ouster Orders Under the Domestic Violence (Family Protection) Act 1989 (Qld)