949 resultados para Elastic Half-Planes
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This dissertation aims at developing advanced analytical tools able to model surface waves propagating in elastic metasurfaces. In particular, four different objectives are defined and pursued throughout this work to enrich the description of the metasurface dynamics. First, a theoretical framework is developed to describe the dispersion properties of a seismic metasurface composed of discrete resonators placed on a porous medium considering part of it fully saturated. Such a model combines classical elasticity theory, Biot’s poroelasticity and an effective medium approach to describe the metasurface dynamics and its coupling with the poroelastic substrate. Second, an exact formulation based on the multiple scattering theory is developed to extend the two-dimensional classical Lamb’s problem to the case of an elastic half-space coupled to an arbitrary number of discrete surface resonators. To this purpose, the incident wavefield generated by a harmonic source and the scattered field generated by each resonator are calculated. The substrate wavefield is then obtained as solutions of the coupled problem due to the interference of the incident field and the multiple scattered fields of the oscillators. Third, the above discussed formulation is extended to three-dimensional contexts. The purpose here is to investigate the dynamic behavior and the topological properties of quasiperiodic elastic metasurfaces. Finally, the multiple scattering formulation is extended to model flexural metasurfaces, i.e., an array of thin plates. To this end, the resonant plates are modeled by means of their equivalent impedance, derived by exploiting the Kirchhoff plate theory. The proposed formulation permits the treatment of a general flexural metasurface, with no limitation on the number of plates and the configuration taken into account. Overall, the proposed analytical tools could pave the way for a better understanding of metasurface dynamics and their implementation in engineered devices.
Supersonic flow of a superfluid past a slender impenetrable macroscopic obstacle is studied in the framework of the two-dimensional (2D) defocusing nonlinear Schroumldinger (NLS) equation. This problem is of fundamental importance as a dispersive analog of the corresponding classical gas-dynamics problem. Assuming the oncoming flow speed is sufficiently high, we asymptotically reduce the original boundary-value problem for a steady flow past a slender body to the one-dimensional dispersive piston problem described by the nonstationary NLS equation, in which the role of time is played by the stretched x coordinate and the piston motion curve is defined by the spatial body profile. Two steady oblique spatial dispersive shock waves (DSWs) spreading from the pointed ends of the body are generated in both half planes. These are described analytically by constructing appropriate exact solutions of the Whitham modulation equations for the front DSW and by using a generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule for the oblique dark soliton fan in the rear DSW. We propose an extension of the traditional modulation description of DSWs to include the linear ""ship-wave"" pattern forming outside the nonlinear modulation region of the front DSW. Our analytic results are supported by direct 2D unsteady numerical simulations and are relevant to recent experiments on Bose-Einstein condensates freely expanding past obstacles.
To date, state-of-the-art seismic material parameter estimates from multi-component sea-bed seismic data are based on the assumption that the sea-bed consists of a fully elastic half-space. In reality, however, the shallow sea-bed generally consists of soft, unconsolidated sediments that are characterized by strong to very strong seismic attenuation. To explore the potential implications, we apply a state-of-the-art elastic decomposition algorithm to synthetic data for a range of canonical sea-bed models consisting of a viscoelastic half-space of varying attenuation. We find that in the presence of strong seismic attenuation, as quantified by Q-values of 10 or less, significant errors arise in the conventional elastic estimation of seismic properties. Tests on synthetic data indicate that these errors can be largely avoided by accounting for the inherent attenuation of the seafloor when estimating the seismic parameters. This can be achieved by replacing the real-valued expressions for the elastic moduli in the governing equations in the parameter estimation by their complex-valued viscoelastic equivalents. The practical application of our parameter procedure yields realistic estimates of the elastic seismic material properties of the shallow sea-bed, while the corresponding Q-estimates seem to be biased towards too low values, particularly for S-waves. Given that the estimation of inelastic material parameters is notoriously difficult, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the sea-bed, this is expected to be of interest and importance for civil and ocean engineering purposes.
Knowledge of the reflectivity of the sediment-covered seabed is of significant importance to marine seismic data acquisition and interpretation as it governs the generation of reverberations in the water layer. In this context pertinent, but largely unresolved, questions concern the importance of the typically very prominent vertical seismic velocity gradients as well as the potential presence and magnitude of anisotropy in soft surficial seabed sediments. To address these issues, we explore the seismic properties of granulometric end-member-type clastic sedimentary seabed models consisting of sand, silt, and clay as well as scale-invariant stochastic layer sequences of these components characterized by realistic vertical gradients of the P- and S-wave velocities. Using effective media theory, we then assess the nature and magnitude of seismic anisotropy associated with these models. Our results indicate that anisotropy is rather benign for P-waves, and that the S-wave velocities in the axial directions differ only slightly. Because of the very high P- to S-wave velocity ratios in the vicinity of the seabed our models nevertheless suggest that S-wave triplications may occur at very small incidence angles. To numerically evaluate the P-wave reflection coefficient of our seabed models, we apply a frequency-slowness technique to the corresponding synthetic seismic wavefields. Comparison with analytical plane-wave reflection coefficients calculated for corresponding isotropic elastic half-space models shows that the differences tend to be most pronounced in the vicinity of the elastic equivalent of the critical angle as well as in the post-critical range. We also find that the presence of intrinsic anisotropy in the clay component of our layered models tends to dramatically reduce the overall magnitude of the P-wave reflection coefficient as well as its variation with incidence angle.
A principal aplicação dos métodos eletromagnéticos é a prospecção de sulfetos maciços que pela própria natureza geológica são corpos longos e delgados, encrustados em rocha encaixante resistiva, permitindo a interpretação através de curvas de modelos reduzidos usando semi-planos em meio resistivo (ar-livre). No entanto, com a extensão do uso dos métodos eletromagnéticos em regiões que tem um manto de intemperismo de parcialmente condutivo a condutivo, como na região Amazônica e nas regiões semi-áridas ou de climas tropicais , esta técnica de interpretação tem levado a resultados bem diferentes da situação real. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a influência do manto de intemperismo em contato ôhmico com o corpo-alvo, utilizando os arranjos de bobinas horizontal coplanar (HCP), vertical coplanar (VCP), vertical coaxial (VCA) e mínimo (PERP), através do modelagem analógico. Para simular o corpo foram utilizadas placas de grafite, cujas dimensões satisfazem a condição de semi-plano. Para simular o manto foi usada uma solução de cloreto de amônia. De forma geral, os resultados obtidos com os diversos arranjos apresentaram as mesmas características, ressalvada as diferenças peculiares de cada arranjo. De forma resumida tem-se as seguintes alterações na anomalia atribuídas à um manto condutivo em contato ôhmico com o corpo-alvo: i) Há rotação de fase, que inicialmente é em sentido anti-horário, mas mais adiante, com o aumento do número de indução do manto , torna-se horária; ii) Alteração na forma padrão do perfil de quadratura devido ao surgimento do pico extra no lado a favor do mergulho; iii) Só há uniformidade de comportamento para o pico-a-pico contra da quadratura, que cresce com o aumento número de indução do manto. Maiores anomalias são obtidas com o sistema horizontal coplanar e as menores com o vertical coplanar. Neste estudo não foi observado formação de pico extra nas anomalias do arranjo vertical coplanar. Ainda, os efeitos de cobertura são mais acentuados no sistema horizontal coplanar comparados aos sistemas de bobina vertical e em anomalias de semi-planos menos inclinados e em menor profundidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
[EN] This paper shows a BEM-FEM coupling model for the time harmonic dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups embeddes in an elastic half-space. Piles are modelled using Finite Elements (FEM) as a beam according to the Bernoulli hypothesis, while the soil modelled using Boundary Elements (BEM) as a continuum, semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous or zoned homogeneous, linear, viscoelastic medium.
Mechanical fatigue is a failure phenomenon that occurs due to repeated application of mechanical loads. Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) is considered as the domain of fatigue life greater than 10 million load cycles. Increasing numbers of structural components have service life in the VHCF regime, for instance in automotive and high speed train transportation, gas turbine disks, and components of paper production machinery. Safe and reliable operation of these components depends on the knowledge of their VHCF properties. In this thesis both experimental tools and theoretical modelling were utilized to develop better understanding of the VHCF phenomena. In the experimental part, ultrasonic fatigue testing at 20 kHz of cold rolled and hot rolled stainless steel grades was conducted and fatigue strengths in the VHCF regime were obtained. The mechanisms for fatigue crack initiation and short crack growth were investigated using electron microscopes. For the cold rolled stainless steels crack initiation and early growth occurred through the formation of the Fine Granular Area (FGA) observed on the fracture surface and in TEM observations of cross-sections. The crack growth in the FGA seems to control more than 90% of the total fatigue life. For the hot rolled duplex stainless steels fatigue crack initiation occurred due to accumulation of plastic fatigue damage at the external surface, and early crack growth proceeded through a crystallographic growth mechanism. Theoretical modelling of complex cracks involving kinks and branches in an elastic half-plane under static loading was carried out by using the Distributed Dislocation Dipole Technique (DDDT). The technique was implemented for 2D crack problems. Both fully open and partially closed crack cases were analyzed. The main aim of the development of the DDDT was to compute the stress intensity factors. Accuracy of 2% in the computations was attainable compared to the solutions obtained by the Finite Element Method.
P>Background There is good evidence for the use of compression for some clinical indications but little is known about dosimetry in compression. Objective The aim of this work was to evaluate whether or not the use of compression stockings during part of the day would help in the reduction of evening oedema in patients with clinical, epidemiological, anatomical and physiopathological (CEAP) classifications C0 and C1. Methods The effects of elastic compression stockings on volumetric variations during the working day were evaluated for the legs of two men and 18 women (40 legs). The inclusion criterion was classification as C0 (10 legs) or C1 (30 legs) according to the CEAP criteria. Participants used three-quarter-length elastic compression stockings (20-30 mmHg) on three consecutive days for the entire day or only for the morning or they did not use the stockings at all. Volumetry using the water displacement technique was performed in the morning and in the evening. When the patients wore the stockings only during the morning, volumetry was also performed at 13:00 h. Results Significant increases in volume were observed for both legs when stockings were not used compared with the use of stockings in the morning only. After removing the stockings, both legs had significant increases in volume in the afternoon. However, use for half the day was better than not using the stockings at all. Conclusions The use of elastic compression stockings can reduce volumetric variations during working hours, with the use of stockings for the entire day being better than for just half the day.
We characterize the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal in the presence of a sawtooth substrate. Our findings are based on numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes model and analytical calculations on the Frank-Oseen theory. The nucleation of disclination lines (characterized by non-half-integer winding numbers) in the wedges and apexes of the substrate induces a leading order proportional to q ln q to the elastic contribution to the surface free-energy density, with q being the wave number associated with the substrate periodicity.
A pesar de que en los últimos años los estudios sobre historia y sociología de la Salud y la Enfermedad han experimentado un salto cualitativo, se ha soslayado sistemáticamente el análisis del paludismo y los complejos entramados de poder que subyacen a su presencia en los Departamentos del Noroeste y -en menor medida- en los del Oeste de la provincia de Córdoba. Nos referimos específicamente a la presencia de la endemia en los departamentos de Cruz del Eje, San Javier, San Alberto, Minas y Pocho. Con el propósito de redimensionar un comportamiento endemoepidémico que en esas localidades de Córdoba se remontó -según exploraciones provisionales- a mediados del siglo XIX, se construyen problemáticas que cobran sentido al ingresar en el terreno de los proyectos político-estatales nacionales, provinciales y de las mismas localidades afectadas, y, en lo que refiere a la articulación de las respuestas sanitarias frente a una enfermedad de profundas connotaciones ligadas al desarrollo socioeconómico y político de las regiones en estudio. En ese sentido en una primera instancia se articulará un análisis demográfico de la presencia y distribucion de la enfermedad a partir del trabajo con datos de corte estadistíco, elaborando mapas, cuadros y gráficos de morbimortalidad. Convergentemente se realizará un análisis hermenéutico de fuentes históricas del período en estudio. A grandes rasgos se considera que en relación al impacto del paludismo en bastas zonas del interior de la provincia de Córdoba y en cuanto a la acción sanitaria de los aparatos de poder estatal, desde mediados del siglo XIX, hasta la importante reducción de casos nuevos de paludismo a mediados del XX, pueden determinarse dos etapas sucesivas: Una primera se podría datar desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta mediados de la década de 1930, en la que actúa un Estado Nacional liberal que se desentendía de los problemas sanitarios de la regiones dejando esa función en manos de las provincias afectadas. Un segundo momento, aunque delimitado provisionalmente entre mediados de la década del 30' y mediados de la década del 50', se halla complejizado en su definición al combinarse en él procesos políticos particulares de la esfera nacional y de la provincial. Por un lado, en el plano nacional se ha observado desde la historiografía del período que, a partir de la década del 40' comienza a manifestarse una acción estatal nacional progresivamente centralizada y dispuesta a combatir la enfermedad con instituciones que podían llegar a todos los sectores sociales y a todas las regiones geográficas, aunque en menor medida a las zonas extra-pampeanas.Paralelamente, al considerar esos años en la esfera provincial se debe analizar el impacto de las formulaciones e intervenciones del radicalismo sabattinista como matriz política contraria al gobierno conservador nacional y promotor de un nuevo modelo de Estado en el que ocuparían un lugar privilegiado las políticas orientadas a la "cuestión social" y a la Salud en particular. Por otro lado, cobra significación una cuestión poco reconocida en los estudios en materia de politica sanitaria: los planes del peronismo combinaron una política centralizada en materia de dirección con una descentralización en el área de la ejecución.Finalmente dentro de este complejo marco político sanitario, se debe atender a lo largo de las dos etapas delimitadas, al universo de las iniciativas articuladas desde las autoridades de las localidades afectadas por el paludismo, así como, a las iniciativas civiles ya sea de vecinos, Sociedades de Beneficencia y asociadas a la Iglesia Católica.De acuerdo a la perspectiva asumida se propone recuperar una significativa problemática de marginalidad socioeconómica de las regiones, procurando reconstruir el impacto sociodemográfico del paludismo en el Noroeste y Oeste de la provincia de Córdoba ingresando al analisis histórico de las construcciones del poder público y privado en ese contexto local.
We have measured the adiabatic elastic constants of two Cu-Al-Ni martensitic alloys using ultrasonic methods and we have compared the results to recent neutron-scattering experiments. It is shown that the elastic behavior of Cu-Al-Ni alloys follows the same trends exhibited by other Cu-based alloys; in particular, the TA2 long-wavelength acoustic modes are softer than all other modes.