996 resultados para Educator formation


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This study investigates teacher training and cognitive practice of teachers in a Basic Education school that adopted the Project One Computer per Student (OCS) in their school routine. Its relevance consists in provide directions for the continuation of training activities on the Project and guide the teachers with their pedagogical practices using the laptop model one to one. The thesis defended is that the educator formation for social using of digital media (specially the laptops from the Project UCA) gives space to establish new sociotechnical relationships, of new social and professionals practices, new identitary components and a process of reflexivity and knowledge reconstruction to teach. We reaffirm the importance of reflexivity and appropriation of digital culture for the better development of teaching practice using the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), giving focus to the aspects of social and professional use of the technology. The study is part of the qualitative aspect and is a procedural tracking based on principles of ethnographic research. As procedures and methodological tools, were used: intensive observation of school environments, documental analysis, focal group, semi-structured questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews. The research was held in a public school in the city of Parnamirim - RN. The subject sample relates to 17 teachers, coming from the elementary school I and II, Youth and Adult Education and High School, who went through the process of training UCA and having entered the laptops in their teaching. The research corpus is structured based on the messages built into the process of data collection and is analyzed based on principles of Content Analysis, specified by Laurence Bardin (2011). Was taken as theoretical reference studies by Tardif (2000; 2011), Pimenta (2009), Gorz (2004, 2005), Giddens (1991), Dewey, J. (1916), Boudieu (1994; 1999), Freire (1996; 2005), among others. The analysis indicates a process of reconstruction / revision of knowledge to teach and work in digital culture, being these knowledges guided by the experience of the subjects investigated. The reconstructed knowledges will be revealed from a categorization process. The following groups of knowledges: "technical knowledges", "didactic-methodological knowledges and knowledges of professionalization" were built on the assumption of ownership of digital culture in the educational context. The analysis confirms the appearance of new ways of sociability when acquiring other forms of acting and thinking ICTs, despite the environment adverse to the reflexivity shared among the teachers. Also reveals, based on the ownership concept present on the data analysis, the construction of meanings of belonging and transformation of individuals into social routes from the interweaving of the teaching practice with the digital culture. Emphasizes, finally, the importance of a training for use of ICTs that exceeds the instrumentation, in other words, what we call "technical knowledges", but taking on its structural basis the shared reflection, the opening for the ressignificance (new meaning) and reconstruction of new knowledges and practices and that really allows, to the teacher, the living of an experience capable of providing socio-technical transformations of their relationships


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This work dealt with formative actions that were developed by Educational Practice in Movement (GEPEM) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This group aims to transform the way education is carried out. This is done either through intervention or in research considering that school has an explicit objective, to change action, and this presupposes an educator formation process. The methodology used is a reflection on educational practice, aiming to built knowledge that can be generalized to other realities. The analysis of the group s prior work was done considering what has been used as a parameter for decision making, the regularity in the process itself, all of which allowed the identification of their principles, once these were always mentioned in the documents that were analyzed. Some principles for formative actions of the GEPEM were identified: the subject as a social historical being is part of a given community; knowledge is built through social relations and local reality is a content generator; dialogically, collective construction and awareness process. The research also pointed out four characterized organizers, parameters and action criteria that make articulation with practice possible. Thus, these are used in order to analyze two initial formation proposals (secondary and higher education) of rural settlement educators


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Settled within the realm of a problematization towards teaching and learning the Portuguese language, this study aims to investigate the way how the Portuguese Language discipline is dealt with in Secondary School. We propose specifically to analyze the orientations of the official documents concerning the educator practice, examining the way the PCNEM proposal is approached in the didactic book, identifying the treatment given to language questions, analyzing the way the teacher uses the didactic book and verifying the relations between the official approach and the pedagogical practice. The analysis takes into account the several discourses concerning school literacy, considering the various political-educational instances which institutionalize the teaching of the mother tongue - where we locate the teaching that is wanted . In what teachers and students say in their activities and concerning them - the realm of the teaching that is performed - we presuppose that there are signs of the principles - or conceptions - that orientate what they understand by language, teaching and learning. Such evidences are considered within the interrelation of the enunciative places where this literacy is promoted: the public policies concerning education - focusing the language questions - the academic researches about those questions, the educator formation and capacitation and the very school practices in the complexity of their discoursive inter-subjectivity. The principles - or conceptions - are pursued in what is said (or not) about what is done (or not) in the classroom when dealing with the Portuguese Language. The corpus is made up of oral and written texts produced in Portuguese classes in the Secondary School at a public school in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Situated in the realm of Applied Linguistics, the research is conducted in a qualitative and interpretative perspective, following the ethnography of communication procedures and the contributions of the Functional Linguistics. In the observations, language conceptions were discerned, among others, besides beliefs and representations where the theoretical and practical aspects, professional roles, expectations and uncertainties were diluted.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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O presente trabalho trata da Filosofia da Educação, do ponto de vista de suas limitações e possibilidades, como atividade prático-teórica que se debruça sobre os problemas educacionais. A filosofia da educação na formação do educador pode consistir tanto uma solução para problemas educacionais, devido sua perspectiva crítica, como um problema especialmente se não reconhecer seus próprios limites. Assim, o problema que move este estudo diz respeito aos limites da disciplina Filosofia da Educação na formação do pedagogo e as questões que orientam as investigações aqui constituídas são as seguintes: Que possibilidades e que limites tem a Filosofia da Educação na formação do pedagogo? Onde podemos situá-los? O que os teóricos brasileiros dizem a respeito da Filosofia da Educação? E esta, sendo disciplina, como é concebida por seus professores e alunos no Curso de Pedagogia? Com o principal objetivo de analisar a participação da Filosofia da Educação, seus limites e possibilidades na formação do educador, indagando em que ambientes podemos situá-los, tendo em vista que esta disciplina constitui um conjunto de saberes ligado a duas grandes áreas do conhecimento: a Filosofia e a Educação, em suas complexidades, nexos e contradições elegeu-se como principais fonte de pesquisa obras de autores que concebem a educação como processo histórico-social, a filosofia e a filosofia da educação na sua especificidade crítica e reflexiva, assim como os depoimentos de professores e alunos do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Pará, Universidade do Estado do Pará e Universidade da Amazônia, na década de 1990, que concederam entrevistas sobre o interesse epistemológico deste estudo. A análise dos dados permitiu observar que os limites, mas também as possibilidades da disciplina Filosofia da Educação são forjadas nas relações entre ela a Educação, a Filosofia, e prática educativa de professores e alunos e as contradições tecidas no contexto teórico e prático destas áreas de saber, em função das necessidades e das contingências a que elas são submetidas no contexto social e histórico.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo evidenciar a importância do conhecimento tácito na formação do educador. Para tanto, pretendemos primeiramente conceituar os principais fundamentos do conhecimento tácito desenvolvidos por Michael Polanyi durante o século XX. Num segundo momento, realizaremos uma aproximação entre o conhecimento tácito e o campo educacional, tendo como objetivos a procura pela descoberta e pela percepção humana, pontos considerados por Polanyi como essenciais para a constituição de nosso conhecimento tácito. Aprofundando-se na dimensão educacional, analisaremos, em especial, os docentes no campo da literatura. De cunho bibliográfico, esta dissertação toma como base de referência os estudos de Polanyi, bem como outros teóricos da educação e da teoria literária, como Cláudio Saiani e Antonio Candido.(AU)


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo evidenciar a importância do conhecimento tácito na formação do educador. Para tanto, pretendemos primeiramente conceituar os principais fundamentos do conhecimento tácito desenvolvidos por Michael Polanyi durante o século XX. Num segundo momento, realizaremos uma aproximação entre o conhecimento tácito e o campo educacional, tendo como objetivos a procura pela descoberta e pela percepção humana, pontos considerados por Polanyi como essenciais para a constituição de nosso conhecimento tácito. Aprofundando-se na dimensão educacional, analisaremos, em especial, os docentes no campo da literatura. De cunho bibliográfico, esta dissertação toma como base de referência os estudos de Polanyi, bem como outros teóricos da educação e da teoria literária, como Cláudio Saiani e Antonio Candido.(AU)


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo evidenciar a importância do conhecimento tácito na formação do educador. Para tanto, pretendemos primeiramente conceituar os principais fundamentos do conhecimento tácito desenvolvidos por Michael Polanyi durante o século XX. Num segundo momento, realizaremos uma aproximação entre o conhecimento tácito e o campo educacional, tendo como objetivos a procura pela descoberta e pela percepção humana, pontos considerados por Polanyi como essenciais para a constituição de nosso conhecimento tácito. Aprofundando-se na dimensão educacional, analisaremos, em especial, os docentes no campo da literatura. De cunho bibliográfico, esta dissertação toma como base de referência os estudos de Polanyi, bem como outros teóricos da educação e da teoria literária, como Cláudio Saiani e Antonio Candido.(AU)


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Il semble y avoir des attentes réciproques non comblées en formation initiale à l’enseignement des mathématiques. Cherchant à comprendre la genèse de ces attentes, nous nous sommes intéressée à la vision que les étudiants nourrissent des phénomènes d’enseignement. Ayant postulé que les étudiants ont une vision déterministe de ces phénomènes, et considérant que leur anticipation oriente leur projet de formation, nous nous sommes attaquée au problème de la rencontre des projets des étudiants et des formateurs. Deux objectifs généraux ont été formulés : le premier concerne la description des projets de formation des étudiants tandis que le second concerne l’expérimentation d’une séquence de situations susceptible de faire évoluer leurs projets. Cette recherche a été menée auprès de 58 étudiants du baccalauréat en enseignement en adaptation scolaire et sociale d’une même université, lesquels entamaient leur formation initiale à l’enseignement des mathématiques. Afin d’explorer les projets qu’ils nourrissent a priori, tous les étudiants ont complété un questionnaire individuel sur leur vision des mathématiques et de leur enseignement et ont participé à une première discussion de groupe sur le sujet. Une séquence de situations probabilistes leur a ensuite été présentée afin d’induire une complexification de leur projet. Enfin, cette expérimentation a été suivie d’une seconde discussion de groupe et complétée par la réalisation de huit entretiens individuels. Il a été mis en évidence que la majorité des étudiants rencontrés souhaitent avant tout évoluer en tant qu’enseignant, en développant leur capacité à enseigner et à faire apprendre ou comprendre les mathématiques. Bien que certaines visées se situent dans une perspective transmissive, celles-ci ne semblent pas représentatives de l’ensemble des projets "visée". De plus, même si la plupart des étudiants rencontrés projettent de développer des connaissances relatives aux techniques et aux méthodes d’enseignement, la sensibilité à la complexité dont certains projets témoignent ne permet plus de réduire les attentes des étudiants à l’endroit de leur formation à la simple constitution d’un répertoire de techniques d’enseignement réputées efficaces. En ce qui a trait aux modes d’anticipation relevés a priori, nos résultats mettent en relief des anticipations se rattachant d’abord à un mode adaptatif, puis à un mode prévisionnel. Aucune anticipation se rattachant à un mode prospectif n’a été recensée a priori. La séquence a permis aux étudiants de s’engager dans une dialectique d’action, de formulation et de validation, elle les a incités à recourir à une approche stochastique ainsi qu’à porter un jugement de probabilité qui prenne en compte la complexité de la situation. A posteriori, nous avons observé que les projets "visée" de certains étudiants se sont complexifiés. Nous avons également noté un élargissement de la majorité des projets, lesquels considèrent désormais les autres sommets du triangle didactique. Enfin, des anticipations se rattachant à tous les modes d’anticipation ont été relevées. Des anticipations réalisées grâce à un mode prospectif permettent d’identifier des zones d’incertitude et de liberté sur lesquelles il est possible d’agir afin d’accroître la sensibilité à la complexité des situations professionnelles à l’intérieur desquelles les futurs enseignants devront se situer.


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