949 resultados para Edifícios sustentáveis


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil - Reabilitação de Edifícios


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CCurrently there are various systems for the evaluation of environmental impacts of buildings, known as tools of environmental certification. Among these, the tool LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations has been the most widely used and accepted worldwide, in assessing the sustainability of buildings. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the tool for LEED certification for construction work in Brazil, which ranks fourth in the world ranking records certification of sustainable buildings. It was found in this analysis that the assumptions of this tool are encouraging the use of more sustainable and less impactful on the environment as it promotes the deployment of innovative projects from a technological standpoint, , as well as the valuation of enterprises certified. Also, very significant results obtained in terms of energy efficiency and environmental quality in occupied buildings


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The environmental problems generated by construction activity have been widely discussed in Brazil, which has begun to incorporate sustainable building techniques in your ventures. Based on these facts, this work focused on addressing the main characteristics of a sustainable building project. Among them are water conservation, energy efficiency in buildings, managing a construction site with little environmental impact and reuse of materials and construction elements. This work, after the presentation of the main characteristics of a sustainable building project, shows a case study about the implementation of environmental certification LEED Gold level in a large building, located in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. With that, we want to produce a research document about the topic of sustainable buildings


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No panorama energético atual, medidas de desenvolvimento sustentável têm uma preponderância cada vez mais significativa e, sendo os edifícios responsáveis por 40% da energia consumida na EU, enquadra-se o desafio de integrar medidas de eficiência energética nos novos edifícios desde a fase de conceção. Sendo que este setor se encontra em contínua expansão, a redução dos consumos passará largamente pela otimização do comportamento térmico dos edifícios e dos sistemas energéticos que os equipam. No presente trabalho estudou-se o papel da inércia térmica na redução das necessidades de energia para climatização de edifícios com o objetivo de identificar estratégias destinadas ao melhoramento do comportamento térmico e desempenho energético de edifícios construídos com recurso à técnica construtiva LSF, caracterizados por uma fraca inércia térmica quando comparados com edifícios em tudo semelhantes mas construídos recorrendo a tecnologias convencionais sem esquecer as questões relacionadas com a respetiva viabilidade económica. Com resultado geral destaca-se desde logo a importância do local onde é mais benéfico adicionar massa térmica (paredes exteriores, cobertura, paredes interiores), assim como a necessidade de utilização de um material com elevada densidade energética e baixo custo. A análise comparativa dos diferentes modelos de edifício simulados com recurso ao software DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus, foi realizada recorrendo a uma metodologia em que cada modelo construtivo é avaliado considerando quatro níveis de isolamento térmico e duas condições de cargas térmicas internas. A análise energética e económica foi realizada tendo como referência um período de 20 anos. O custo das soluções construtivas foi maioritariamente obtido através da ferramenta computacional Gerador de Preços, da Cype, SA©, tendo-se considerado um consumo energético anual constante e igual às necessidades de climatização anuais, assim como taxas de atualização de capital e de inflação do custo da energia constantes. De uma forma geral conclui-se que edifícios do tipo LSF melhorados através da adição criteriosa de massa térmica em determinados elementos construtivos, apresentam necessidades de climatização anuais na maioria dos casos estudados, inferiores àquelas verificadas em edifícios convencionais com inércia térmica média/forte. Conclui-se, também, que o método construtivo LSF se apresenta mais eficaz em termos energéticos e económicos quando comparado com soluções semelhantes construídas com recurso a um método convencional. Na secção seguinte são identificadas as principais conclusões deste trabalho.


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O sector da construção é responsável por uma grande percentagem da degradação do meio ambiente. É absolutamente necessário actuarmos a todos os níveis - desde os pequenos edifícios até aos grandes empreendimentos - no sentido de não comprometermos o futuro das gerações vindouras. Neste artigo evidenciam-se práticas de projecto e construtivas de simples aplicação, que podem e devem desde já ser implementadas no sentido da construção de edifícios sustentáveis. Estas práticas enquadram-se em quatro grandes áreas: gestão energética; gestão da água; gestão de materiais e gestão de resíduos de construção e demolição.


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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A preocupação com o esgotamento dos recursos naturais e a conscientização sobre as questões ligadas à sustentabilidade provocaram o estudo em um setor que tem sido apontado como de grande importância para a transformação do meio ambiente: a construção civil. Com isso percebemos o surgimento de um conjunto de práticas e procedimentos visando as chamadas "construções sustentáveis", que introduziram uma nova realidade comercial no segmento da construção civil. Para avaliar se uma construção é ou não sustentável surgiram os eco-labellings, que através de sistema de pontuação ou conceitos permitem avaliar qualitativamente em que grau de sustentabilidade uma edificação encontra-se. Em especial, o mercado brasileiro vem, desde 2004, buscando a certificação ambiental LEED; sendo assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo identificar, após quase uma década desde a primeira submissão de projeto brasileiro ao USGBC, quais ainda são as dificuldades enfrentadas no processo de certificação LEED. O referencial teórico reforçou que o segmento da construção civil contribui de duas formas para a degradação do meio ambiente: no consumo de recursos naturais e energéticos, e na geração de grande quantidade de resíduos. Por esse motivo, estudos nessa área são extremamente importantes para a transformação do meio ambiente, que, através da adoção de práticas construtivas sustentáveis poderá minimizar os impactos gerados. Neste trabalho, optou-se pela utilização de pesquisa exploratória quanto aos fins, uma vez que existe pouco conhecimento acumulado sobre a avaliação do processo de certificação LEED, e bibliográfica, complementada com pesquisa de campo, quanto ao meio, pois fundamenta-se em estudo desenvolvido com base em material publicado, complementado por entrevistas no campo. Este trabalho caracteriza-se por se um estudo introdutório à compreensão do tema e convida a estudos complementares mais abrangentes, dada a relevância do assunto nas três esferas de sustentabilidade: social, ambiental e econômica.


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Energy efficiency has gained significant importance in recent years, mainly due to cyclical climatic conditions and current supply of natural resources. The present work deals with the procedures and requirements necessary to evaluate a building to a level of efficiency corresponding to your project and the actual implemented. To perform this analysis, we adopted the technical regulation efficiency prepared by Procel along with other agencies of the sector. The Regulation aims to create a model for the technical evaluation of the efficiency of buildings, popularize and expand the theme specification of conditions drawn up today. The building analyzed in this study was the library of UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Still, after the completion of the final efficiency analysis, are presented proposals for intervention that can improve and enhance the present situation of the building. The interventions are based on many technical factors and local conditions of climate and supply of resource. The issue of sustainability was explained in order to serve as a tool to expand the options available to upgrade a building in front of their impact on the environment


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Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market


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This paper presents a proposal for the creation and revitalization of the IAPI neighborhood in the city of Guaratinguetá, in order to create a relationship of respect between the citizens and students Guaratinguetaenses, improving the quality of life of the entire population of the city. In addition, the presentation of the integration of educational institutions in the city's historical context is important to understand the situation in which the municipality has developed


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One of the majors concerns in society today is to decrease the environmental impact caused by human activities and natural resource exploration. From this need to be more careful with the environment arose, in the field of civil construction, the term sustainable building. Projects that use natural resources rationally, without ceasing to bring comfort and functionality for customers, are becoming more a reality. This paper presents the share of electric energy in a sustainable building, with the analysis of the available renewable energies used in a project, presentation of new constructive techniques and technologies that are constantly emerging to achieve greater energy efficiency, with an appropriate use of energy received, also a decrease of the energy consumed by some devices present in a residence or business


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The principles and dimensions of sustainability concept is increasingly gaining ground within the building industry. Over the past decades, its applicability within the different environments and for different buildings typologies have been study to attend better the present populations and future generations. It is within this scenario that international certifications started to appear. The most famous and developed one being LEED certification system. In Brazil, as a support to the certification and also sustainability practices and conducts, was founded the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (CBCS). The council and the certifications have the objective to disseminate and generate awareness to reduce energy and water consumption, aiming for life quality. Many constructions around de country have already the international certification, which also boost the rise of national certifications with specific criteria for the national context. However, such certificates are mainly destiny for medium and high standard buildings, often as a commercial advantage to explain the high costs. The purpose of this work is to be able to define what is being sustainable in the construction industry, taking for basis, LEED and CBCS. In addition, since there is a significant increase in the production of Housing Social Interest, the other angles will be to analyze how to apply the practices and sustainable technologies for low-cost projects with the objective to balance the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economics.


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The rising in greenhouse gases emission as consequence of industrial expansion especially in developing countries is appointed as one of those reasons responsible for global warming. High-level temperatures are set as responsible for low productivity and high levels of discomfort. With the increase of worldwide energy demand, due to the population growth, this work aims to be an introductory text revising the current ventilation (mechanical and natural) and refrigeration technologies as well as low energy cooling techniques and architectural alternatives that seeks offering good ventilation and ideal buildings temperatures, making them sustainable. In addition, the text deals with the measurement instruments used to evaluate the parameters defined by international and national standards. At last, a case of study applies few concepts and technologies described in the text, introducing the results achieved, the limitations and suggestions to future works


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The principles and dimensions of sustainability concept is increasingly gaining ground within the building industry. Over the past decades, its applicability within the different environments and for different buildings typologies have been study to attend better the present populations and future generations. It is within this scenario that international certifications started to appear. The most famous and developed one being LEED certification system. In Brazil, as a support to the certification and also sustainability practices and conducts, was founded the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (CBCS). The council and the certifications have the objective to disseminate and generate awareness to reduce energy and water consumption, aiming for life quality. Many constructions around de country have already the international certification, which also boost the rise of national certifications with specific criteria for the national context. However, such certificates are mainly destiny for medium and high standard buildings, often as a commercial advantage to explain the high costs. The purpose of this work is to be able to define what is being sustainable in the construction industry, taking for basis, LEED and CBCS. In addition, since there is a significant increase in the production of Housing Social Interest, the other angles will be to analyze how to apply the practices and sustainable technologies for low-cost projects with the objective to balance the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economics.


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The rising in greenhouse gases emission as consequence of industrial expansion especially in developing countries is appointed as one of those reasons responsible for global warming. High-level temperatures are set as responsible for low productivity and high levels of discomfort. With the increase of worldwide energy demand, due to the population growth, this work aims to be an introductory text revising the current ventilation (mechanical and natural) and refrigeration technologies as well as low energy cooling techniques and architectural alternatives that seeks offering good ventilation and ideal buildings temperatures, making them sustainable. In addition, the text deals with the measurement instruments used to evaluate the parameters defined by international and national standards. At last, a case of study applies few concepts and technologies described in the text, introducing the results achieved, the limitations and suggestions to future works