992 resultados para Ectopic Expression


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The PEA3 group members PEA3, ER81 and ERM, which are highly conserved transcription factors from the Ets family, are over-expressed in metastatic mammary tumors. In the current study, we present the characterization of a transgenic mouse strain which over-expresses ER81 in the mammary gland via the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus (LTR-MMTV). Although six genotypically positive transgenic lines were identified, only one expressed the ectopic transcript with an exclusive expression in the lactating and late-pregnancy (18th day) mammary glands. No mammary tumor or mammary deregulation appeared after 2 years of ectopic ER81 expression following lactation. We then sought to identify ER81 target genes, and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and the stromelysin-1, two enzymes involved in extracellular matrix degradation, were found to be transcriptionally upregulated in lactating mammary glands over-expressing ER81. Since these enzymes are involved in metastasis, this murine model could be further used to enhance mammary cancer metastatic process by crossing these animals with mice carrying non-metastatic mammary tumors. We thus created a transgenic mouse model permitting the over-expression of a functionally active Ets transcription factor in the mammary gland without perturbing its development.


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Introduction: Metastatic breast cancer cells frequently and ectopically express the transcription factor RUNX2, which normally attenuates proliferation and promotes maturation of osteoblasts. RUNX2 expression is inversely regulated with respect to cell growth in osteoblasts and deregulated in osteosarcoma cells.


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Several lines of evidence indicate that the adapter molecule p130CAS (crk-associated substrate (CAS)) is required for src-mediated cellular transformation. CAS has been shown to be heavily tyrosine-phosphorylated in src-transformed cells, and genetic variants of src that are deficient in CAS binding are also unable to mediate cellular transformation. In this report, we investigated whether CAS phosphorylation and/or its association with src are required elements of the transformation process. Expression of the carboxy-terminal src binding domain of CAS in Rat 1 fibroblasts expressing a temperature-sensitive allele of v-src inhibited the formation of src-CAS complexes and also inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of CAS. However, expression of this protein had no effect on morphological transformation, src-mediated actin rearrangements, or anchorage-independent growth of these cells when grown at the src-permissive temperature. Thus, the ability of activated src to mediate cellular transformation is either largely independent of endogenous CAS phosphorylation and/or its association with CAS or, alternatively, the carboxy-terminus of CAS may substitute for endogenous CAS in the process of src-mediated transformation.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important regulator of plant responses to environmental stresses and an absolute requirement for stress tolerance. Recently, a third phytoene synthase (PSY3) gene paralog was identified in monocots and demonstrated to play a specialized role in stress-induced ABA formation, thus suggesting that the first committed step in carotenogenesis is a key limiting step in ABA biosynthesis. To examine whether the ectopic expression of PSY, other than PSY3, would similarly affect ABA level and stress tolerance, we have produced transgenic tobacco containing a fruit-specific PSY (CpPSY) of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.). The transgenic plants contained a single- or double-locus insertion and expressed CpPSY at varying transcript levels. In comparison with the wild-type plants, the CpPSY expressing transgenic plants showed a significant increase on root length and shoot biomass under PEG-, NaCl- and mannitol-induced osmotic stress. The enhanced stress tolerance of transgenic plants was correlated with the increased endogenous ABA level and expression of stress-responsive genes, which in turn was correlated with the CpPSY copy number and expression level in different transgenic lines. Collectively, these results provide further evidence that PSY is a key enzyme regulating ABA biosynthesis and that the altered expression of other PSYs in transgenic plants may provide a similar function to that of the monocot's PSY3 in ABA biosynthesis and stress tolerance. The results also pave the way for further use of CpPSY, as well as other PSYs, as potential candidate genes for engineering tolerance to drought and salt stress in crop plants.


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Adoptive T cell therapy using antigen-specific T lymphocytes is a powerful immunotherapeutic approach against cancer. Nevertheless, many T cells against tumor-antigens exhibit only weak anti-tumoral response. To overcome this barrier it is necessary to improve the potency and anti-tumoral efficacy of these T cells. Activation and activity of T cells are tightly controlled to inhibit unwanted T cell responses and to reduce the risk of autoimmunity. Both are regulated by extrinsic signals and intrinsic mechanisms which suppress T cell activation. The intrinsic mechanisms include the expression of phosphatases that counteract the activation-inducing kinases. Modifying the expression of these phosphatases allows the targeted modulation of T cell reactivity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory small noncoding RNA molecules that control gene expression by targeting messenger RNAs in a sequence specific manner. Gene-specific silencing plays a key role in diverse biological processes, such as development, differentiation, and functionality. miR181a has been shown to be highly expressed in immature T cells that recognize low-affinity antigens.rnThe present study successfully shows that ectopic expression of miR181a is able to enhance the sensitivity of both murine and human T cells. In CD4+ T helper cells as well as in CD8+ cytotoxic T cells the overexpression of miR181a leads to downregulation of multiple phosphatases involved in the T cell receptor signaling pathway. Overexpression of miR181a in human T cells achieves a co-stimulatory independent activation and has an anti-apoptotic effect on CD4+ T helper cells. Additionally, increasing the amount of miR181a enhances the cytolytic activity of murine CD8+ TCRtg T cells in an antigen-specific manner.rnTo test miR181a overexpressing T cells in vivo, a mouse tumor model using a B cell lymphoma cell line (A20-HA) expressing the Influenza hemagglutinin (Infl.-HA) antigen was established. The expression of model antigens in tumor cell lines enables targeted elimination of tumors using TCRtg T cells. The transfer of miR181a overexpressing Infl.-HA TCRtg CD8+ T cells alone has no positive effect neither on tumor control nor on survival of A20-HA tumor-bearing mice. In contrast, the co-transfer of miR181a overexpressing Infl.-HA TCRtg CD8+ and CD4+ T cells leads to improved tumor control and prolongs survival of A20-HA tumor-bearing mice. This effect is characterized by higher amounts of effector T cells and the expansion of Infl.-HA TCRtg CD8+ T cells.rnAll effects were achieved by changes in expression of several genes including molecules involved in T cell differentiation, activation, and regulation, cytotoxic effector molecules, and receptors important for the homing process of T cells in miR181a overexpressing T cells. The present study demonstrates that miR181a is able to enhance the anti-tumoral response of antigen-specific T cells and is a promising candidate for improving adoptive cell therapy.


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The single recombinant expressing the Streptomyces coelicolor minimal whiE (spore pigment) polyketide synthase (PKS) is uniquely capable of generating a large array of well more than 30 polyketides, many of which, so far, are novel to this recombinant. The characterized polyketides represent a diverse set of molecules that differ in size (chain length) and shape (cyclization pattern). This combinatorial biosynthetic library is, by far, the largest and most complex of its kind described to date and indicates that the minimal whiE PKS does not independently control polyketide chain length nor dictate the first cyclization event. Rather, the minimal PKS enzyme complex must rely on the stabilizing effects of additional subunits (i.e., the cyclase whiE-ORFVI) to ensure that the chain reaches the full 24 carbons and cyclizes correctly. This dramatic loss of control implies that the growing polyketide chain does not remain enzyme bound, resulting in the spontaneous cyclization of the methyl terminus. Among the six characterized dodecaketides, four different first-ring cyclization regiochemistries are represented, including C7/C12, C8/C13, C10/C15, and C13/C15. The dodecaketide TW93h possesses a unique 2,4-dioxaadamantane ring system and represents a new structural class of polyketides with no related structures isolated from natural or engineered organisms, thus supporting the claim that engineered biosynthesis is capable of producing novel chemotypes.


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The cellular form of the Prion protein (PrPC) is necessary for prion replication in mice. To determine whether it is also sufficient, we expressed PrP under the control of various cell- or tissue-specific regulatory elements in PrP knockout mice. The interferon regulatory factor-1 promoter/Eμ enhancer led to high PrP levels in the spleen and low PrP levels in the brain. Following i.p. scrapie inoculation, high prion titers were found in the spleen but not in the brain at 2 weeks and 6 months, showing that the lymphoreticular system by itself is competent to replicate prions. PrP expression directed by the Lck promoter resulted in high PrP levels on T lymphocytes only but, surprisingly, did not allow prion replication in the thymus, spleen, or brain following i.p. inoculation. A third transgenic line, which expressed PrP in the liver under the control of the albumin promoter/enhancer—albeit at low levels—also failed to replicate prions. These results show that expression of PrP alone is not sufficient to sustain prion replication and suggest that additional components are needed.


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Xath3 encodes a Xenopus neuronal-specific basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor related to the Drosophila proneural factor atonal. We show here that Xath3 acts downstream of X-ngnr-1 during neuronal differentiation in the neural plate and retina and that its expression and activity are modulated by Notch signaling. X-ngnr-1 activates Xath3 and NeuroD by different mechanisms, and the latter two genes crossactivate each other. In the ectoderm, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 have similar activities, inducing ectopic sensory neurons. Among the sensory-specific markers tested, only those that label cranial neurons were found to be ectopically activated. By contrast, in the retina, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 overexpression promote the development of overlapping but distinct subtypes of retinal neurons. Together, these data suggest that X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 regulate successive stages of early neuronal differentiation and that, in addition to their general proneural properties, they may contribute, in a context-dependent manner, to some aspect of neuronal identity.


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The semidominant mutation Liguleless3-O (Lg3-O) causes a blade-to-sheath transformation at the midrib region of the maize (Zea mays L.) leaf. We isolated a full-length lg3 cDNA containing a knotted1-like family homeobox. Six Lg3-O partial revertant alleles caused by insertion of a Mutator (Mu) transposon and two deletion derivatives were isolated and used to verify that our knotted1-like cDNA corresponds to the LG3 message. In wild-type plants the LG3 mRNA is expressed in apical regions but is not expressed in leaves. In mutant plants harboring any of three dominant lg3 alleles (Lg3-O, -Mlg, and -347), LG3 mRNA is expressed in leaf sheath tissue, indicating that the Lg3 phenotype is due to ectopic expression of the gene. The Lg3-O revertant alleles represent two classes of Lg3 phenotypes that correlate well with the level of ectopic Lg3 expression. High levels of ectopic LG3 mRNA expression results in a severe Lg3 phenotype, whereas weak ectopic Lg3 expression results in a mild Lg3 phenotype. We propose that ectopic Lg3 expression early in leaf development causes the blade-to-sheath transformation, but the level of expression determines the extent of the transformation.


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Mice that carry the lethal yellow (Ay) or viable yellow (Avy) mutation, two dominant mutations of the agouti (a) gene in mouse chromosome 2, exhibit a phenotype that includes yellow fur, marked obesity, a form of type II diabetes associated with insulin resistance, and an increased susceptibility to tumor development. Molecular analyses of these and several other dominant "obese yellow" a-locus mutations suggested that ectopic expression of the normal agouti protein gives rise to this complex pleiotropic phenotype. We have now tested this hypothesis directly by generating transgenic mice that ectopically express an agouti cDNA clone encoding the normal agouti protein in all tissues examined. Transgenic mice of both sexes have yellow fur, become obese, and develop hyperinsulinemia. In addition, male transgenic mice develop hyperglycemia by 12-20 weeks of age. These results demonstrate conclusively that the ectopic agouti expression is responsible for most, if not all, of the phenotypic traits of the dominant, obese yellow mutants.


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Identifcation of the earliest forebrain-specific markers should facilitate the elucidation of molecular events underlying vertebrate forebrain determination and specification. Here we report the sequence and characterization of fez (forebrain embryonic zinc finger), a gene that is specifically expressed in the embryonic forebrain of zebrafish. Fez encodes a putative nuclear zinc finger protein that is highly conserved in Drosophila, zebrafish, Xenopus, mouse, and human. In zebrafish, the expression of fez becomes detectable at the anterior edge of the presumptive neuroectoderm by 70% epiboly. During the segmentation period, its expression is completely restricted to the rostral region of the prospective forebrain. At approximately 24 h postfertilization, fez expression is mostly confined to the telencephalon and the anterior-ventral region of the diencephalon. Although fez expression is present in one-eyed pinhead (oep) and cyclops (cyc) zebrfish mutants, the pattern is altered. Forced expression of fez induces ectopic expression of dlx2 and dlx6, two genes involved in brain development. Knockdown of fez function using a morpholino-based antisense oligo inhibited dlx2 expression in the ventral forebrain. Our studies indicate that fez is one of the earliest markers specific for the anterior neuroectoderm and it may play a role in forebrain development by regulating Dlx gene expression. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Endometriosis is an extremely prevalent disorder characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue at ectopic locations. Glycolysis is an energy-producing mechanism that occurs in almost all cells and requires an adequate uptake of glucose mediated by glucose transporter (GLUT) proteins. At present, however, very little is known about their expression in either the endometrium or the endometriotic lesions. The objective of this study was to examine the expression of SLC2A genes in the endometrium of women with and without endometriosis and in the matching ectopic tissue, and to confirm the presence of the GLUT proteins in ectopic lesions. There was a significantly higher expression of SLC2A3 and a significantly lower expression of SLC2A4 in women with endometriosis compared with those without. In women with endometriosis, the ectopic expression of SLC2A3, SLC2A4 and SLC2A5 was significantly higher than that observed in the matching eutopic tissue. GLUT1 protein expression was present in both epithelial and stromal cells and GLUT3 was confined to CD45-positive leukocytes. GLUT4 expression was strong in both ectopic epithelial and stromal cells and localized to the cellular membrane in epithelial cells. These results show that GLUT expression is altered between eutopic and ectopic tissue and between women with and without endometriosis, and that GLUT4 may represent a significant entry route for glucose into the endometriotic epithelial cells. The inducible nature of GLUT4 and its limited cellular expression may make GLUT4 an attractive target for non-hormone-based treatments of endometriosis.