938 resultados para Ecological economy system


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The characteristics of the traditional linear economic model are high consumption, high emission and low efficiency. Economic development is still largely at the expense of the environment and requires a natural resource investment. This can realize rapid economic development but resource depletion and environmental pollution become increasingly serious. In the 1990's a new economic model, circular economics, began to enter our vision. The circular economy maximizes production and minimizes the impact of economic activities on the ecological environment through organizing the activities through the closed-loop feedback cycle of "resources - production - renewable resource". Circular economy is a better way to solve the contradictions between the economic development and resource shortages. Developing circular economy has become the major strategic initiatives to achieving sustainable development in countries all over the world. The evaluation of the development of circular economics is a necessary step for regional circular economy development. Having a quantitative evaluation of circular economy can better monitor and reveal the contradictions and problems in the process of the development of recycling economy. This thesis will: 1) Create an evaluation model framework and new types of industries and 2) Make an evaluation of the Shanghai circular economy currently to analyze the situation of Shanghai in the development of circular economy. I will then propose suggestions about the structure and development of Shanghai circular economy.


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Increasingly, families referred for Intensive Family Preservation Services have not experienced a crisis of maltreatment, focused on the parent; rather these families have children with chronic behavioral difficulties for which their parents lack the skills to cope. These are the same families whose children were formerly placed in residential programs. This paper presents The Family Partners Credit Card System, incorporating behavioral techniques developed to treat children in out-of-home placements into a family preservation model. Two case examples illustrate how the system has been modified to train biological or adoptive parents in parenting skills, enable them to teach their children pro-family behaviors, and reinforce new behaviors through a credit card that monitors an ongoing balance of credits and fines.


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在分析毛乌素沙地自然、社会经济、人文等条件与现状的基础上,诊断生态经济复合系统运行的限制因素及有利条件。运用线性规划的理论与方法进行系统的优化设计。为保证生态经济复合系统的持续发展,降水量以80%保证率的280mm计算为宜,则径流园林区的种植覆盖度可达到65%;高效农牧区的种植覆盖度可达到75%,最大不超过80%。同时表明在毛乌素沙地高效生态经济复合系统持续发展的限制因子主要是水分。 根据植物的生理生态学特点及诸气候要素建立了农业净第一性生产力模型,经我国27个省区农业生产力资料的验证表明,该模型较自然植被的净第一性生产力模型Chikugo模型和综合模型能更好地反应农业净第一性生产力。 根据自然植被净第一性生产力综合模型、农业净第一性生产力模型计算了我国自然植被及农作物的净第一性生产力,对我国自然植被与农作物对全球变化敏感性的研究表明:在所有可能的气候条件下,我国陆地生态系统的生产力表现出由东南向西北递减的趋势及明显的条带状分布,在西北地区形成明显的低值区。 根据叶面积指数、标准化差植被指数建立了中国森林植被净第一性生产力模型,经我国13组森林植被生产力数据的验证表明,该模型的预测结果与实测相符较好。通过与Chikugo模型和综合模型预测结果的比较,该模型在总体上优于Chikugo模型和综合模型。表明基于NDVI的净第一性生产力模型对我国森林植被有良好的适应性,可用于快速监测与预测我国森林生产力的动态变化。


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林草植被恢复建造是水土保持型生态农业建设中的重要一环,也是安塞试区极具特色的一个重要方面.进入“九五”以来,试区在整体推进水土保持型生态农业建设中,进一步加强植被建造,调整土地利用结构,生态经济良性循环态势已经呈现出来.1999年农林草地面积比例为 1:2.0:2.2。“九五”前4年平均耕地面积约为“七五”之初的1/2,然而粮食平均单产却是“七五”的 2.85倍,达到 2280kg/hm~2,总产依然得到增加.盖度0.6以上的植被的覆盖率达到57%,天然灌木林成片出现.年输沙模数较治理之初减少80%以上.


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在对纸房沟流域生态经济系统建设回顾的基础上 ,分析了生态经济系统建设中的治理投入和生产投入问题 ,得出 :①国家和农民在生态经济系统建设的不同阶段 ,在治理投入和生产投入中的地位 ;②随着综合治理措施的实施 ,农民收入不断增加 ,土地利用趋于合理 ,生态经济系统由现实中的“相制关系”转变为“相依关系”。


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Trade history between Brazil and the United States is long and complicated but it is only in recent years that the trade balance has become more equal in terms of both imports and exports. As Brazil continues to establish its position in the world economy and expand its export market it is only natural that it seeks to increase exports to its single largest trading partner, the United States, and maintain the market share already established. In order to achieve success in these regards Brazil must have a deep understanding of the American political economy system. Part of this entails understanding barriers that must be overcome by Brazilian businesses to access United States markets, particularly the access of certain products at the industry level.


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Aborda um estudo sobre as relações sociais, econômicas, ambientais e políticas no território quilombola do Curiaú, município de Macapá, estado do Amapá. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as regras do sistema de uso comum das famílias quilombolas, considerando os conflitos socioambientais ocorridos no território em função da pressão da cidade numa perspectiva da economia ecológica. O trabalho fundamentou-se na pesquisa de campo, com aplicação de 55 formulários entre os meses de junho e agosto de 2006. A presença de novas regras de uso no território quilombola em função da criação da Área de Proteção Ambiental do Curiaú tem contribuído para a pressão sobre os recursos naturais disponíveis no ecossistema local. Foi possível observar alterações nas regras de uso comum dos recursos pelas famílias em função da pressão do mercado, assim como pela instauração de políticas públicas ambientais e programas de governo limitando o uso comum dos recursos. Verifica-se , por fim, a necessidade de fortalecer o debate sobre o uso dos recursos naturais e a importância desses para a manutenção e a sobrevivência das famílias do quilombo do Curiaú.


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中国东北样带(NorthEast China Transect, NECT)是位于中纬度温带以降水量作为主要驱动因素的陆地样带。本文的工作以此作为研究平台,利用生态信息系统(Ecological Information System, EIS)以及Microsoft Excel 7.0软件包建立了样带的地理数据库和植物多样性数据库,包括气候数据库、植被数据库、遥感数据库和内蒙内C_4植物数据库以及样带内生态系统特征数据库。在此基础上,主要研究了以下四个方面的内容: 1. 利用Holdridge的生命地带方法对NECT内的生物群区进行了划分。 主要是确定了生物群区间过渡带的位置与宽度,并预测了在全球变化三种模式下NECT内生物群区,尤其是过渡带的变化图景。湿度升高2 ℃后,过渡带的面积都呈扩大化的趋势。森林区对于降水量的变化反应很敏感。荒漠灌丛(即荒漠草原类型)由于其水热条件处于样带内较极端类型,因而对于全球气候变化反应也比较敏感。 2. 研究了NECT内的α、β多样性以及包括生活型、水分生态型、区系地理成分等在内的植物群落特征多样性的梯度变化规律。 研究了样带内的多样性梯度,提出了在样带内存在的α多样性测度问题以及β多样性沿样带的变化规律:样带内由东到西,β多样性逐渐升高,群落内物种被替代的速率变慢;两种植被类型边界上的两个样地之间的相似程度由东到西呈上升趋势;同一类型群落之间的物种周转率比不同类型群落间的物种周转率相对要低。同时将各个环境因子与α、β多样性作了回归分析,找出样带内决定α、β多样性的主要环境因子指标。 样带内沿43.5°N一线附近植物群落的生活型共有17类,水分生态型8类,区系地理成分包括17类,以此为基础分析了群落特征沿样带的变化规律。并探讨了生活型分布的历史地理原因。 3. 对样带气候-NDVI间的关系以及植被-NDVI的关系进行了探讨。 利用来自气象卫星的遥感数据一归一化植被指数(NDVI),和数值化后的样带1:100万植被图进行叠加,找到NECT内每种植被类型对应的NDVI值。样带内共有植被类型147种,反映在NDVI变化上的植被类型有106类。其中,自然植被101种。 影响年均NDVI分布的因子主要有经度、辐射日照百分率及7月温度,与经度呈正相关,与辐射日照时数及7月温度呈负相关。回归方程如下: NDVI = -220.426 + 3.273Lon - 80.338Ratio - 1.962T_7 (R~2 = 0.9714, F = 521.52, p < 0.001) 4. 研究了NECT内的光合功能型。 主要包括内蒙古地区的C_4植物及其生态地理特性。揭标C_4植物的分类群特性、生活型、水分生态型与区系地理成分等生态学特性。C_4植物分布的科属极其集中。C_4光合型为维管植物某些分类群(科、属、种)的特性,为它们固有的遗传特性。推断C_4起源于草本的某些科属。C_4植物为喜热、耐旱的类群。世界种、泛热带种、泛地中海种C_4植物较集中。 样带内的C_3、C_4功能型及其与环境因子的相关性。样带内C_4和C_3光合型植物组成比例由东到西表现出两高两低的趋势。分布主要与年均温和降水量呈显著相关。 提出了一种新的C_3、C_4鉴别方法。即根据野外测定的光合数据建立了C_3、C_4的判别模型: f_1(x) = -1.5493 + 0.1427Pn + 0.1035Tr + 0.3768ΔT + 0.1000Gs f_2(x) = -15.6142 + 1.0542Pn - 0.2503Tr - 0.2957ΔT + 0.6491Gs 最后,综合7个GCMs模型(GFDL,GISS,LLNL,MPI,OSU,UKMOH,UKMOL)的输出结果,利用此结果和本文建立的回归模型,模拟了样带内生物多样性的窨分布格局,并预测了末来全球变化下归一化植被指数NDVI的空间分布格局的变化。


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我国传统森林区划中,二类小班和三类小班两类小班体系同时存在,二者在空间上不一致;即使是同一小班体系,先后两次调查结果也不相同,不利于应用数字技术制定长期的森林管理计划.本文以辽宁东部山区为例,建立生态分类系统(ecological classification system,ECS),共得到5类生态土地类型(ecological land type,ELT),34类生态土地类型相(ecological land type phase,ELTP).以ELTP作为固定小班,设计了一致性森林资源调查方法,解决了我国数字林业建设中的基础技术问题.以生态分类系统和空间信息技术为依托的生态系统管理方法,加上计算机模型和辅助决策界面的支持,构成了数字林业的基本框架.


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Through years of practice, reservoir management has already become the basic mode of foreign oil companies to realize the high-efficient development of the oil field. From the view of reservoir development and technological economy, reservoir management regards the study of the reservoir engineering, designs of reservoir projects and the dynamic analysis of the reservoir's performance as a system. In the fields of reservoir description, the establishment of the geological models and development models, the dynamic simulations of reservoir exploitation and the design of the oil engineering, reservoir management emphasizes the cooperation of the geology and the engineering, the combination of the engineering technology and the economic evaluation. In order to provide the means and basis for the reservoir geology study, reservoir evaluation, reserves calculation, numerical simulation, development plan and risk analysis, it adopts the reservoir management activities(team work) to make and implement the optimized oil field development management strategies so that secientific and democratic decision making can be achieved. Under the planned economic system for a long time, the purpose of Chinese reservoir development has been to fulfill the" mandatory" production task. With the deepening of the reform, the management organization of Chinese petroleum enterprises has been gradually going through the transition and reforms to the operational entity and the establishment of the mode of oil companies under the socialist market economy system. This research aims at introducing the advanced reservoir management technique from foreign countries to further improve the reservoir development results and wholly raise the economic benefits of Chinese mature land facieses sandstone reservoirs in the later stage of the water flooding. We are going to set up a set of modern reservoir management modes according to the reservoir features, current situation and existing problems of GangXi oil field of DaGang oil company. Through the study and implementation of the reservoir description and numerical simulation technology effectively, we plan to work out integrated adjustment projects, to study the related technology of oil recovery; to set up the effective confirmable data procedure and data management system of the reservoir management, to establish the coordinated model and workbench related to geology, engineering and economy in order to realize the real time supervision and evaluation on the process of reservoir development. We hope to stipulate modernization management tools for GangXi oil fields to rationally utilize various kinds of existing technological methods and to realize the economic exploitation and achieve the maximum benefits from the reservoir. The project of the modem reservoir management will be carried out on the GangXi oil field of DaGang oil company for this oil field is typical and has integrated foundamental materials and perfect networks. Besides, it is located in the good geographical position enjoying very convenient traffic. Implementing modern reservoir management will raise the recovery ratio, reduce the production cost and improve the working efficiency. Moreover, the popularization of modern reservoir management will improve the comprehensive benefits of DaGang oil company and even the whole Petro China. Through the reserch of this project, the following technical indicators can be reached: Establishing the concept of modern reservoir management. Establishing a set of integrated data information management system adapt to the features of GangXi reservoir. 3. Forming technical research modes of modern reservoir management suitable for mature reservoirs in the later developing stage. 4. Advancing projects of GangXi reservoir which are maxium optimized in engineering technique and economic benefits of oil exploitation. Besides, this set of technology, research principle and method can guide the mature reservoir of DaGang oil field and even the whole PetroChina to develop the further research of reservoir adjustment and improve the reservoir recovery factor and developing level constantly.


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Como una propuesta alternativa en la gestión de recursos naturales, este texto enlaza los fundamentos de la bioeconomía y las ciencias de la complejidad, en especial, con la termodinámica del no equilibrio y el concepto de estructuras disipativas.