855 resultados para Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria
Phenological aspects of flowering and fruiting at the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria-SP-Brazil
The present work was carried out at 'Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria', north of the state of Sao Paulo, southeast of Brazil (19°55'-19°58'S and 49°31'-49°32'W). The flowering and fruiting phenology of trees, shrubs, and lianas species were observed from April 1993 to December 1995. The results were compaired with those surveyed at other forests from Sao Paulo state: Santa Genebra (Campinas). Serra do Japi (Jundiai) and lianas of Mata Atlantica. The majority of species of lianas flowered from January to April and trees and shrubs between September to December. The most intense frutification period occurred during May to August. Similarly to Santa Genebra, the flowering season at 'Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria' started at the beginning of the wet season while frutification during the dryest period of the year. At Serra do Japi, the flowering and frutification occurred from the end of dry and beginning of the rainy season. Considering the liana at Mata Atlantica presented two peaks of flowering, while at 'Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria' occurs only one. Regarding the fruiting phenology is similar for both area, most species producing fruits during the first semestre.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The use and inadequate exploitation of natural resources is restricting the occurrence of aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemao), which now is on the FAO list of endangered species. This exploitation causes a decrease in the genetic base of M. urundeuva populations, which makes it difficult to find genotypes with stability and adaptability to different growing conditions. This study aimed at estimating the genetic variation and productivity, stability and adaptability of progenies of a M. urundeuva natural population, from the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria - SP, under different planting systems. DBH (diameter at breast height) was evaluated in four progeny tests of M. urundeuva: i) planted with Anandenanthera falcata and Guazuma ulmifolia (TP-AMA); ii) single (TP-ASO); iii) planted with annual crops (TP-SAF) and iv) planted with Corymbia citriodora (TP-EUCA), installed in Selviria-MS. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with three replications and a variable number of plants per plot in each of the four planting systems. From the joint analysis of the planting systems studied, it was found that: i) there were variations among planting systems particularly in TP-SAF; ii) only in TP-EUCA it was possible to detect variations among the progenies; iii) the effects of the genotype x environment interaction were not significant. Thereby, the harmonic mean of genotypic values (MHVG), the relative performance of genotypic values from the mean of each site (PRVG) and the harmonic mean of the relative performance of genotypic values (MHPRVG) for DBH showed, respectively: progenies with greater stability, adaptability, and stability and simultaneous adaptability within different planting systems. The use of these selection criteria provided a more refined selection of the best progenies of M. urundeuva under the different planting systems studied.
The use and inadequate exploitation of natural resources is restricting the occurrence of aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemão), which now is on the FAO list of endangered species. This exploitation causes a decrease in the genetic base of M. urundeuva populations, which makes it difficult to find genotypes with stability and adaptability to different growing conditions. This study aimed at estimating the genetic variation and productivity, stability and adaptability of progenies of a M. urundeuva natural population, from the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria-SP, under different planting systems. DBH (diameter at breast height) was evaluated in four progeny tests of M. urundeuva: i) planted with Anandenanthera falcata and Guazuma ulmifolia (TP-AMA); ii) single (TP-ASO); iii) planted with annual crops (TP-SAF) and iv) planted with Corymbia citriodora (TP-EUCA), installed in Selvíria-MS. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with three replications and a variable number of plants per plot in each of the four planting systems. From the joint analysis of the planting systems studied, it was found that: i) there were variations among planting systems particularly in TP-SAF; ii) only in TP-EUCA it was possible to detect variations among the progenies; iii) the effects of the genotype x environment interaction were not significant. Thereby, the harmonic mean of genotypic values (MHVG), the relative performance of genotypic values from the mean of each site (PRVG) and the harmonic mean of the relative performance of genotypic values (MHPRVG) for DBH showed, respectively: progenies with greater stability, adaptability, and stability and simultaneous adaptability within different planting systems. The use of these selection criteria provided a more refined selection of the best progenies of M. urundeuva under the different planting systems studied.
The use and inadequate exploitation of natural resources is restricting the occurrence of aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemão), which now is on the FAO list of endangered species. This exploitation causes a decrease in the genetic base of M. urundeuva populations, which makes it difficult to find genotypes with stability and adaptability to different growing conditions. This study aimed at estimating the genetic variation and productivity, stability and adaptability of progenies of a M. urundeuva natural population, from the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria-SP, under different planting systems. DBH (diameter at breast height) was evaluated in four progeny tests of M. urundeuva: i) planted with Anandenanthera falcata and Guazuma ulmifolia (TP-AMA); ii) single (TP-ASO); iii) planted with annual crops (TP-SAF) and iv) planted with Corymbia citriodora (TP-EUCA), installed in Selvíria-MS. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with three replications and a variable number of plants per plot in each of the four planting systems. From the joint analysis of the planting systems studied, it was found that: i) there were variations among planting systems particularly in TP-SAF; ii) only in TP-EUCA it was possible to detect variations among the progenies; iii) the effects of the genotype x environment interaction were not significant. Thereby, the harmonic mean of genotypic values (MHVG), the relative performance of genotypic values from the mean of each site (PRVG) and the harmonic mean of the relative performance of genotypic values (MHPRVG) for DBH showed, respectively: progenies with greater stability, adaptability, and stability and simultaneous adaptability within different planting systems. The use of these selection criteria provided a more refined selection of the best progenies of M. urundeuva under the different planting systems studied.
A toxoplasmose é uma das zoonoses mais difundidas no mundo, causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii, um protozoário parasita intracelular obrigatório. Uma alta porcentagem de animais apresenta anticorpos específicos causados por exposição prévia, levando a uma infecção crônica. Os felídeos são os hospedeiros definitivos e outros animais homeotérmicos, incluindo os primatas, são os hospedeiros intermediários. Este estudo objetivou determinar a prevalência da infecção por T. gondii em macacos-prego (Cebus apella nigritus) de vida livre da Estação Ecológica localizada na Mata de Santa Teresa, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Anticorpos anti-T. gondii foram pesquisados pelo método de aglutinação direta modificada (MAT) em amostras de soro de 36 macacos-prego, utilizando-se o título oito como de corte. Dos animais estudados, 3/36 (8,33%; IC95% 3,0-21,9%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii, todos com título 32. Nenhuma diferença significativa (P>0,05) foi observada com relação ao sexo (1/3 machos e 2/3 fêmeas), e à idade (1/3 jovens e 2/3 adultos). Assim, estes resultados demonstram alta prevalência de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em primatas no estado de São Paulo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
(Triagem de plantas nativas do Brasil para atividades antimicrobiana e de Danos no DNA I. Mata Atlântica . Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins). Oitenta e oito espécies nativas do estado de São Paulo foram coletadas numa região de Mata Atlântica e ensaiadas quanto a sua atividade antimicrobiana e capacidade de causar danos no DNA. Dos 114 extratos submetidos aos ensaios para atividade antibacteriana, apenas os extratos de folhas e galhos de Aspidosperma ramiflorum (Apocynaceae) apresentaram uma atividade fraca contra Escherichia coli. No ensaio antifúngico com Candida albicans, não foram observados extratos ativos. Por outro lado, no ensaio de bioautografia com Cladosporium sphaerospermum e C. cladosporioides 12% dos extratos apresentaram atividade. Contudo, nesse ensaio, somente o extrato dos ramos de Psychotria mapoureoides (Rubiaceae) inibiu fortemente o crescimento de ambas espécies do fungo. O ensaio para danos no DNA com cepas mutantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae apresentou 17.5 % de extratos ativos. A maioria dos extratos ativos (55 %) apresentou resultados seletivos para danos dependentes da topoisomerase II como mecanismo de reparo do DNA e somente 20 % foram seletivos para o mecanismo da topoisomerase I.
The penaeidean Litopenaeus schmitti, popularly known as white shrimp, is a species of great economic importance, being a target of fishing fleets in the southeast region of Brazil. It is distributed through the western Atlantic, from Cuba to Brazil, until Rio Grande do Sul. Adults are found from shallow depths up to 30 m and have been found to depths of 47 m in the state of Rio de Janeiro, while juveniles are located in bays and estuaries. The studied species is seasonally distributed in the region of Ubatuba. The objectives of this study are to analyze the abundance and ecological distribution of L. schmitti and to assess if and when juveniles use the Indaia estuary during their life cycle. Furthermore, the hypothesis was tested that the main period of recruitment in the bay coincides with the period of closure of fisheries defined by the Instruction of IBAMA. To that end, samples were taken monthly from July 2005 through June 2007, both in Ubatuba Bay and in the estuary formed by the Rio Indaia. At each sampling station, salinity, temperature (bottom), depth, organic matter content (%), and grain size of sediments were measured. We found that the largest catches in the estuary were in late spring and early summer. In Ubatuba Bay, peak catches occurred during winter and early spring, whereas in the second year, already in May, there was a high peak capture. The variation in the number of individuals was correlated with some environmental factors both in the estuary and in the inlet (p < 0.05). In the estuary, abundance was positively correlated with temperature (p = 0.008) and organic matter (p = 0.025) and negatively with depth (p = 0.009). Regarding the Ubatuba Bay, only temperature (p = 0.034) and depth (p = 0.013) were significantly associated with the distribution of the shrimp, both being negative relations. The shrimp L. schmitti uses both the estuarine as well the shore environment, particularly the Ubatuba estuary and its adjacent bay, to complete its life cycle. The proposed period of fisheries closure (between March to May in the state of Sao Paulo) for this and other shrimps coincides with individuals capable of reproduction entering the inlet and thus are being protected.
Predation of Caiman yacare (Spix, 1825) (Crocodilia, Alligatoridae) by Busarellus nigricollis (Latham, 1790) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae) in the Taiama Ecological Station, Alto Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso. The Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis is an Accipitridae commonly seen on river banks, lagoon shores, and marshy areas. It feeds mainly on fishes and aquatic insects. It hunts from dead tree branches at forest edges or emergent trunks in flooded areas. Detailed information about the Black-collared Hawk food habits is scarce. In this study, we describe the predation of Caiman yacare (Pantanal alligator) by an individual of B. nigricollis. The event was observed on 20 August 2010 at 10: 14 am, in the Taiama Ecological Station, municipality of Caceres, Alto Pantanal, state of Mato Grosso. The B. nigricollis individual was seen leaving the Paraguay River carrying a juvenile C. yacare around 40 cm long. The prey was torn apart and given to a Black-collared Hawk nestling sitting atop a nest in flooded forest, ca. 15 m way from the river bank. This is the first published record of Pantanal alligator predation by the Black-collared Hawk.
Alpine meadow and shrub are the main pasture types on the Tibetan Plateau, and they cover about 35% of the total land area. In order to understand the structural and functional aspects of the alpine ecosystem and to promote a sustainable animal production system, the Haibei Alpine Meadow Research Station was established in 1976. A series of intensive studies on ecosystem structure and function, including the energy flow and nutrient cycling of the ecosystem, were the main tasks during the first 10 years. Meanwhile, studies with 5 different grazing intensities on both summer and winter pasture have been conducted. In the early years of the 1990s, the research station started to focus its research work on global warming, biodiversity and sustainable animal production systems in pastoral areas. Various methods for improving degraded pasturelands have been developed in the region.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The occurrence of species of hermit crabs and their ecological distribution in soft bottoms off Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil were analyzed. To better understand the distribution of the species in relation to environmental factors, the similarity and species-diversity indexes were calculated. Paguroideans were sampled monthly from January through December 2000. The trawls were made with two otter-trawl nets at 13 different sites, at depths of 2-40 m. Water temperature, salinity, sediment texture, and organic matter content were measured. Gastropod shells occupied by hermit crabs were also assessed. A total of 1,238 specimens was collected, belonging to the families Diogenidae and Paguridae, comprising seven genera and thirteen species. The most abundant hermit crab species were Dardanus insignis (761 specimens) and Loxopagurus loxochelis (351 specimens). Phimochirus holthuisi is newly reported from the São Paulo coast. The highest diversity index was found for the shallower sites near rocky shores. The results of the grouping analysis for sites and species indicated three distinct groups for sites, and four groups for species. This suggests that the occurrence of these anomurans is associated with the environmental and biotic factors analyzed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)