999 resultados para Eco-Escolas


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This study was conducted in partnership with the Extension Project in Education Environmentally Semente Viva and it is an assessment of the environmental education methodology applied by the Group in 2014, at the Municipal School Sylvio de Araújo, in Rio Claro- SP. The implemented methodology was named Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva and it was based on the use of certain bases of the Eco-Schools program, created by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), with some adjustments in accordance with the goals of the Group. The study followed the participatory research method, and the data collection gave up through participant observation, literature and documentary. The chapters present the description and analysis of the events that represent the implementation process of the Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva. The meetings with the community and environmental education activities with children from 1st to 4th year are described in detail, and is given regarding the analysis of situations, from the point of view of one of the members of the Semente Viva Group


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A presente dissertação do mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Inovação Pedagógica, tem como objetivo central perceber como o funcionamento do clube escolar Eco-Projeto da Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco pode promover inovação pedagógica, constituindo um indício de quebra do paradigma educativo vigente. Pretende-se assim, compreender em que medida as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas neste projeto educativo específico, são práticas construtivistas, centradas no aluno, no desenvolvimento da autonomia, da criatividade, da negociação de conhecimentos entre pares e do desenvolvimento cognitivo e sociocultural dos alunos. O desenvolvimento desta investigação tem como metodologia a investigação qualitativa, baseada na etnografia e na observação participante. O Eco-Projeto, sendo um clube escolar integrado nas atividades extracurriculares, promove uma efetiva aprendizagem cooperativa e significativa, baseada nos pressupostos inculcados pela Educação Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Sustentável defendida pelo programa Eco-Escolas. O programa Eco-Escolas possui uma abrangência internacional, sendo que em Portugal este surge sob a tutela da Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa/Foundation for Environmental Education. Em suma, ao longo desta dissertação é descrita etnograficamente a cultura, o modus vivendi do Eco-Projeto, a forma como os seus membros interagem, solucionam os problemas com que se deparam no dia-a-dia, e como são proporcionadas as aprendizagens, de modo a se verificar um efetivo extrapolar das fronteiras do ensino instrucionista, abrindo um caminho para uma visão inovadora da forma como pode ser encarado o processo de aprendizagem, e a escola na sua globalidade.


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A pressão exercida sobre o ambiente pelo homem a que se assiste desde 1950 potenciou uma crescente preocupação e tomada de consciência por parte da sociedade sobre as consequências das nossas ações sobre o ambiente. Esta tomada de consciência despoletou o surgimento dos primeiros movimentos verdes e proporcionou o inicio de cimeiras internacionais para avaliar a situação. Estes acontecimentos potenciaram também o surgimento da Educação ambiental como forma de sensibilizar a população e de reuni-la de novo com a natureza que a rodeia, incrementando valores pro-ambientais que com o tempo e com a interação de inúmeros outros fatores podem levar a comportamentos pro-ambientais. Este estudo vem da necessidade de perceber se os projetos de educação ambiental implementados nas escolas, neste caso o Eco Escolas, são preponderantes para o desenvolvimento de valores e como consequência de comportamentos pró-ambientais. Para tal aplicou-se em duas escolas, uma Eco Escola e outra não, um questionário em alunos do 3º ciclo e secundário para se tentar entender se esses valores existem e, em que medida, em termos comparativos, se são diferentes entre as escolas selecionadas e saber se influenciam positivamente comportamentos pró-ambientais. O nosso estudo prova que o desenvolvimento destes projetos são preponderantes para a consciencialização da população na temática do ambiente.


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O propósito deste trabalho é relatar e analisar criticamente todas as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio pedagógico realizado na Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia, no ano letivo 2011/2012. A prática letiva implicou a gestão permanente do processo de ensino-aprendizagem durante as fases de pré-impacto, impacto e pós-impacto. A conveniente interação entre estas três fases permitiu uma otimização da intervenção pedagógica. A avaliação foi uma temática a atribuir especial enfoque, dado o seu papel regulador das práticas pedagógicas e a função que assume ao nível da certificação das aprendizagens realizadas e das competências desenvolvidas. As assistências às aulas permitiram-nos, ganhar competências no papel de observadores e de observados. A atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar consubstanciou-se na “Eco-aula”. Articulámos a nossa intervenção com o projeto “Eco-escolas” e lecionámos uma aula para toda a comunidade envolvida no 3º ciclo, cujo tema nuclear foi a ecologia e a sua importância no mundo atual não desvirtuado as consequências que as ações de cada um de nós acarretam para o bom funcionamento do planeta. No que concerne ao capítulo das atividades de integração no meio, interviemos no âmbito da direção de turma que implicou a caracterização da turma e o estudo de caso a um aluno com necessidade educativas especiais. Dentro deste capítulo inclui-se também a ação de extensão curricular que designámos “O Acampamento - Planear, executar e controlar uma atividade”. As ações científico-pedagógicas (individual e coletiva) trataram do valor educativo dos Desportos de Adaptação ao Meio no seio escolar. Neste capítulo explorou-se a pertinência do modelo taxonómico das atividades desportivas proposto por Almada et al. (2008) no processo de seleção das matérias de ensino a serem abordadas.


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O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) visa descrever e explicitar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito das Unidades Curriculares Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Creche e em Jardim-de-Infância do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar da Universidade de Évora, com o objetivo de promover a sustentabilidade ambiental, económica, cultural e social, nestes dois contextos. Tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pessoal pela temática que considero fundamental ser promovida e trabalhada precocemente (em creche e jardim de infância), com vista ao desenvolvimento de uma literacia ambiental, acresceu a constatação de práticas de sustentabilidade ambiental, económica cultural e social pouco consolidadas na instituição onde decorreu a PES. O recurso à escala ERS-SDEC, num processo de investigação ação, onde a análise, reflexão e avaliação conduziu a um planeamento intencional e a uma ação educativa que envolveu crianças, famílias, equipa educativa e comunidade, promovendo aprendizagens e produzindo mudanças ao nível da adoção de hábitos e práticas mais sustentáveis. Foram essenciais para a concretização dos objetivos da PES, a inscrição da instituição no Programa Eco Escolas, os princípios pedagógicos do Movimento da Escola Moderna e as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-escolar; ABSTRACT: This report of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) aims to describe and explain the work carried out within the framework of the courses Supervised Teaching Practice in Creche and Preschool of the Masters degree in Preschool Education of the University of Évora, in order to promote environmental, economic, cultural and social sustainability in these two contexts. The starting point was my personal interest on the theme, which I consider fundamental promoting early on (in creche and Preschool), to develop an environmental literacy, as well as the realization that environmental sustainability practices were poorly consolidated in the institution where I developed the STP. The use of the ERS-SDEC scale, in a process of research-action, where the analysis, reflection and evaluation led to an intentional planning and an educational activity involving children, families, educational staff and community, promoting learning, changing habits and developing more sustainable practices. It was essential the enrollment in the Eco-Schools Program, the adoption of the pedagogic principles of the Modern School Movement and of the Portuguese Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education.


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o presente estudo analisa os custos da escola rização de uma amostra de escolas do município do Rio de Janeiro e de outra do Distrito Federal, com o objetivo de determinar sua escala ótima de operação e analisar sua eficiência na utilização dos seus recursos físicos e humanos. A escala ótima, como o trabalho demonstra, e determinadÇl. pe;Lo pontQ de minimo . .das curvas de -custo, estimando o tamanho ideal para o funcionamento das escolas, de sorte a obter o máximo de eficiência e produtividade. A eficiência é analisada em termos da intensidade de uso da capacidade física instalada e da alocação adequada.dos recursos humanos, em função da natureza dos serviços escolares e do número de alunos nela matriculados. Espera-se demonstrar que o planejamento edu cacional pode aumentar a eficiência do sistema tirando proveito do que propoe a teoria microeconômica ao abordar as questões relati vas à função de produção e aos seus custos. E que, ao final, a cor reta utilização desses conceitos pode ser muito útil para ajudar a superar a desnecessária, mas muitas vezes real - dicotomia entre quantidade e qualidade. Planejamento economicamente correto pode permitir oferecer e~sino de qualidade a uma grande quantidade de crianças, adolescentes e jovens. A quantidade, antes de ser obstá culo, pode até favorecer a oferta de um ensino de boa qualidade. Evidentemente, é necessár~o competência técnica e científica para fazê-lo, secundando uma firme vontade política de fazê-lo.


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This article discusses the dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin and the grounds of the linguistic sign in Umberto Eco, with the intention to use the themes and authors, to support the teaching-learning methodologies of foreign language (English and Spanish) at the public school of São Paulo state. The conceptual approach of the two authors allows us to infer that learning a foreign language is effected by the appropriation of utterances and cultural knowledge, pedagogical concept that confronts the traditional method used in the São Paulo school, which is based mainly on grammar teaching and lexicons. The paper derives the theoretical research used to support a dissertation, posing and evaluates preliminary, the integration of traditional theaters in foreign language in public schools, with digital environments (in online courses), and also the educational effects -the use of audiovisual material at the classroom and online learning.


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The main objective was to compare the environmental impacts of a building undergoing refurbishment both before and after the refurbishment and to assist in the design of the refurbishment with what is learned.


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The ability to assess a commercial building for its impact on the environment at the earliest stage of design is a goal which is achievable by integrating several approaches into a single procedure directly from the 3D CAD representation. Such an approach enables building design professionals to make informed decisions on the environmental impact of building and its alternatives during the design development stage instead of at the post-design stage where options become limited. The indicators of interest are those which relate to consumption of resources and energy, contributions to pollution of air, water and soil, and impacts on the health and wellbeing of people in the built environment as a result of constructing and operating buildings. 3D object-oriented CAD files contain a wealth of building information which can be interrogated for details required for analysis of the performance of a design. The quantities of all components in the building can be automatically obtained from the 3D CAD objects and their constituent materials identified to calculate a complete list of the amounts of all building products such as concrete, steel, timber, plastic etc. When this information is combined with a life cycle inventory database, key internationally recognised environmental indicators can be estimated. Such a fully integrated tool known as LCADesign has been created for automated ecoefficiency assessment of commercial buildings direct from 3D CAD. This paper outlines the key features of LCADesign and its application to environmental assessment of commercial buildings.


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Buildings consume resources and energy, contribute to pollution of our air, water and soil, impact the health and well-being of populations and constitute an important part of the built environment in which we live. The ability to assess their design with a view to reducing that impact automatically from their 3D CAD representations enables building design professionals to make informed decisions on the environmental impact of building structures. Contemporary 3D object-oriented CAD files contain a wealth of building information. LCADesign has been designed as a fully integrated approach for automated eco-efficiency assessment of commercial buildings direct from 3D CAD. LCADesign accesses the 3D CAD detail through Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) - the international standard file format for defining architectural and constructional CAD graphic data as 3D real-world objects - to permit construction professionals to interrogate these intelligent drawing objects for analysis of the performance of a design. The automated take-off provides quantities of all building components whose specific production processes, logistics and raw material inputs, where necessary, are identified to calculate a complete list of quantities for all products such as concrete, steel, timber, plastic etc and combines this information with the life cycle inventory database, to estimate key internationally recognised environmental indicators such as CML, EPS and Eco-indicator 99. This paper outlines the key modules of LCADesign and their role in delivering an automated eco-efficiency assessment for commercial buildings.


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Two new landscape projects for Victoria's City of Moreland explore an intriguing fusion of indigenous and multicultural community qualities imbued with the romantic sensibilities of the collaborative design team.


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Building integrated living systems (BILS), such as green roofs and living walls, could mitigate many of the challenges presented by climate change and biodiversity protection. However, few if any such systems have been constructed, and current tools for evaluating them are limited, especially under Australian subtropical conditions. BILS are difficult to assess, because living systems interact with complex, changing and site-specific social and environmental conditions. Our past research in design for eco-services has confirmed the need for better means of assessing the ecological values of BILS - let alone better models for assessing their thermal and hydrological performance. To address this problem, a research project is being developed jointly by researchers at the Central Queensland University (CQ University) and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), along with industry collaborators. A mathematical model under development at CQ University will be applied and tested to determine its potential for predicting their complex, dynamic behaviour in different contexts. However, the paper focuses on the work at QUT. The QUT school of design is generating designs for living walls and roofs that provide a range of ecosystem goods and services, or ‘eco-services’, for a variety of micro-climates and functional contexts. The research at QUT aims to develop appropriate designs, virtual prototypes and quantitative methods for assessing the potential multiple benefits of BILS in subtropical climates. It is anticipated that the CQ University model for predicting thermal behaviour of living systems will provide a platform for the integration of ecological criteria and indicators. QUT will also explore means to predict and measure the value of eco-services provided by the systems, which is still largely uncharted territory. This research is ultimately intended to facilitate the eco-retrofitting of cities to increase natural capital and urban resource security - an essential component of sustainability. The talk will present the latest range of multifunctional, eco-productive living walls, roofs and urban space frames and their eco-services.


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As all environmental problems are caused by human systems of design, sustainability can be seen as a design problem. Given the massive energy and material flows through the built environment, sustainability simply cannot be achieved without the re-design of our urban areas. ‘Eco-retrofitting’, as used here, means modifying buildings and/or urban areas to create net positive social and environmental impacts – both on site and off site. While this has probably not been achieved anywhere as yet, myriad but untapped eco-solutions are already available which could be up-scaled to the urban level. It is now well established that eco-retrofitting buildings and cities with appropriate design technology can pay for itself through lower health costs, productivity increases and resource savings. Good design would also mean happier human and ecological communities at a much lower cost over time. In fact, good design could increase life quality and the life support services of nature while creating sustainable‘economic’growth. The impediments are largely institutional and intellectual, which can be encapsulated in the term ‘managerial’. There are, however, also systems design solutions to the managerial obstacles that seem to be stalling the transition to sustainable systems designs. Given the sustainability imperative, then, why is the adoption of better management systems so slow? The oral presentation will show examples of ways in which built environment design can create environments that not only reduce the ongoing damage of past design, but could theoretically generate net positive social and ecological outcomes over their life cycle. These illustrations show that eco-retrofitting could cost society less than doing nothing - especially given the ongoing renovations of buildings - but for managerial hurdles. The paper outlines on how traditional managerial approaches stand in the way of ‘design for ecosystem services’, and list some management solutions that have long been identified, but are not yet widely adopted. Given the pervasive nature of these impediments and their alternatives, they are presented by way of examples. A sampling of eco-retrofitting solutions are also listed to show that ecoretrofitting is a win-win-win solution that stands ready to be implemented by people having management skills and/or positions of influence.


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Efficient and effective urban management systems for Ubiquitous Eco Cities require having intelligent and integrated management mechanisms. This integration includes bringing together economic, socio-cultural and urban development with a well orchestrated, transparent and open decision making mechanism and necessary infrastructure and technologies. In Ubiquitous Eco Cities telecommunication technologies play an important role in monitoring and managing activities over wired, wireless or fibre-optic networks. Particularly technology convergence creates new ways in which the information and telecommunication technologies are used and formed the back bone or urban management systems. The 21st Century is an era where information has converged, in which people are able to access a variety of services, including internet and location based services, through multi-functional devices such as mobile phones and provides opportunities in the management of Ubiquitous Eco Cities. This research paper discusses the recent developments in telecommunication networks and trends in convergence technologies and their implications on the management of Ubiquitous Eco Cities and how this technological shift is likely to be beneficial in improving the quality of life and place of residents, workers and visitors. The research paper reports and introduces recent approaches on urban management systems, such as intelligent urban management systems, that are suitable for Ubiquitous Eco Cities.


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Literature on Ubiquitous Eco Cities highlights three key issues to be carefully considered while planning, developing and managing such cities: ‘technology, infrastructure and management’. This paper discusses the recent developments in telecommunication networks, trends in technology convergence and both of their implications on the management of Ubiquitous Eco Cities. The paper also introduces recent approaches on urban management, such as intelligent urban management systems, that are potentially suitable for Ubiquitous Eco Cities.