915 resultados para Early adult-onset myopia


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Purpose: To describe the stabilization of early adult-onset myopia in three university students after initiating orthokeratology treatment with corneal refractive therapy contact lenses. Methods: Three Caucasian early adult-onset progressing myopic subjects (1 male, 2 females) were fitted with corneal refractive therapy lenses to correct myopia between ?1.50 and ?2.50 D of sphere using Paragon CRT (Paragon Vision Sciences, Mesa, AZ)lenses for overnight orthokeratology. The pre-treatment refractive history from 2005 as well as refraction and axial length after treatment onset are reported over a period of 3 years between December 2009 and January 2013 with an additional year of follow-up after treatment discontinuation (January–December 2013). The peripheral refractive patterns and topographic changes are also reported individually. Results: Treatment was successful in all three subjects achieving uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better monocularly. During a period of 3 years of follow-up the subjects did not experience progression in their refractive error, nor in their axial length (measured during the last 2 years of treatment and 1 year after discontinuation). Furthermore, the subjects recovered to their baseline refraction and did not progressed further over the following year after lens wear discontinuation. Conclusions: We cannot attribute a causative effect to the orthokeratology treatment alone as underlying mechanism for myopia stabilization in this 3 patients. However, the present report points to the possibility of stabilization of early adult-onset myopia progression in young adults using corneal refractive therapy treatment.


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FULL TEXT: Like many people one of my favourite pastimes over the holiday season is to watch the great movies that are offered on the television channels and new releases in the movie theatres or catching up on those DVDs that you have been wanting to watch all year. Recently we had the new ‘Star Wars’ movie, ‘The Force Awakens’, which is reckoned to become the highest grossing movie of all time, and the latest offering from James Bond, ‘Spectre’ (which included, for the car aficionados amongst you, the gorgeous new Aston Martin DB10). It is always amusing to see how vision correction or eye injury is dealt with by movie makers. Spy movies and science fiction movies have a freehand to design aliens with multiples eyes on stalks or retina scanning door locks or goggles that can see through walls. Eye surgery is usually shown in some kind of day case simplified laser treatment that gives instant results, apart from the great scene in the original ‘Terminator’ movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger's android character encounters an injury to one eye and then proceeds to remove the humanoid covering to this mechanical eye over a bathroom sink. I suppose it is much more difficult to try and include contact lenses in such movies. Although you may recall the film ‘Charlie's Angels’, which did have a scene where one of the Angels wore a contact lens that had a retinal image imprinted on it so she could by-pass a retinal scan door lock and an Eddy Murphy spy movie ‘I-Spy’, where he wore contact lenses that had electronic gadgetry that allowed whatever he was looking at to be beamed back to someone else, a kind of remote video camera device. Maybe we aren’t quite there in terms of devices available but these things are probably not the behest of science fiction anymore as the technology does exist to put these things together. The technology to incorporate electronics into contact lenses is being developed and I am sure we will be reporting on it in the near future. In the meantime we can continue to enjoy the unrealistic scenes of eye swapping as in the film ‘Minority Report’ (with Tom Cruise). Much more closely to home, than in a galaxy far far away, in this issue you can find articles on topics much nearer to the closer future. More and more optometrists in the UK are becoming registered for therapeutic work as independent prescribers and the number is likely to rise in the near future. These practitioners will be interested in the review paper by Michael Doughty, who is a member of the CLAE editorial panel (soon to be renamed the Jedi Council!), on prescribing drugs as part of the management of chronic meibomian gland dysfunction. Contact lenses play an active role in myopia control and orthokeratology has been used not only to help provide refractive correction but also in the retardation of myopia. In this issue there are three articles related to this topic. Firstly, an excellent paper looking at the link between higher spherical equivalent refractive errors and the association with slower axial elongation. Secondly, a paper that discusses the effectiveness and safety of overnight orthokeratology with high-permeability lens material. Finally, a paper that looks at the stabilisation of early adult-onset myopia. Whilst we are always eager for new and exciting developments in contact lenses and related instrumentation in this issue of CLAE there is a demonstration of a novel and practical use of a smartphone to assisted anterior segment imaging and suggestions of this may be used in telemedicine. It is not hard to imagine someone taking an image remotely and transmitting that back to a central diagnostic centre with the relevant expertise housed in one place where the information can be interpreted and instruction given back to the remote site. Back to ‘Star Wars’ and you will recall in the film ‘The Phantom Menace’ when Qui-Gon Jinn first meets Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine he takes a sample of his blood and sends a scan of it back to Obi-Wan Kenobi to send for analysis and they find that the boy has the highest midichlorian count ever seen. On behalf of the CLAE Editorial board (or Jedi Council) and the BCLA Council (the Senate of the Republic) we wish for you a great 2016 and ‘may the contact lens force be with you’. Or let me put that another way ‘the CLAE Editorial Board and BCLA Council, on behalf of, a great 2016, we wish for you!’


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Purpose. Hyperopic retinal defocus (blur) is thought to be a cause of myopia. If the retinal image of an object is not clearly focused, the resulting blur is thought to cause the continuing lengthening of the eyeball during development causing a permanent refractive error. Both lag of accommodation, especially for near targets, and greater variability in the accommodative response, have been suggested as causes of increased hyperopic retinal blur. Previous studies of lag of accommodation show variable findings. In comparison, greater variability in the accommodative response has been demonstrated in adults with late onset myopia but has not been tested in children. This study looked at the lag and variability of accommodation in children with early onset myopia. Methods. Twenty-one myopic and 18 emmetropic children were tested. Dynamic measures of accommodation and pupil size were made using eccentric photorefraction (Power Refractor) while children viewed targets set at three different accommodative demands (0.25, 2, and 4 D). Results. We found no difference in accommodative lag between groups. However, the accommodative response was more variable in the myopes than emmetropes when viewing both the near (4 D) and far (0.25 D) targets. Since pupil size and variability also varied, we analyzed the data to determine whether this could account for the inter-group differences in accommodation variability. Variation in these factors was not found to be sufficient to explain these differences. Changes in the accommodative response variability with target distance were similar to patterns reported previously in adult emmetropes and late onset myopes. Conclusions. Children with early onset myopia demonstrate greater accommodative variability than emmetropic children, and have similar patterns of response to adult late onset myopes. This increased variability could result in an increase in retinal blur for both near and far targets. The role of accommodative variability in the etiology of myopia is discussed.


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Background: In a previous study, we demonstrated that children with early onset myopia had greater instability of accommodation than a group of emmetropic children. Since that study was correlational, we were unable to determine the causal relationship between this and myopic progression. To address this, we examined the children two years later. We predicted that if accommodative instability was causing the myopic progression, instability at Visit 1 should predict the refractive error at Visit 2. Additionally, instability at Visit 1 should predict myopic progression. Methods: Thirteen myopic and 16 emmetropic children were included in the analysis. Dynamic measures of accommodation were made using eccentric photorefraction (PowerRefractor) while children viewed targets set at three distances (accommodative demands), namely, 0.25 metres (4.00 D demand), 0.5 metres (2.00 D demand) and 4.00 metres (0.25 D demand). Results: Both refractive error and accommodative instability at Visit 1 were highly correlated with the same measures at Visit 2. Children with myopia showed greater instability of accommodation (0.38 D) than children with emmetropia (0.26 D) at the 4.00 D target on Visit 1 and this instability of accommodation weakly predicted myopic progression. Conclusions: The results presented in the present study suggest that instability of accommodation accompanies myopic progression, although a casual relationship cannot be established.


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Myopia is a refractive condition and develops because either the optical power of the eye is abnormally great or the eye is abnormally long, the optical consequences being that the focal length of the eye is too short for the physical length of the eye. The increase in axial length has been shown to match closely the dioptric error of the eye, in that a lmm increase in axial length usually generates 2 to 3D of myopia. The most common form of myopia is early-onset myopia (EO M) which occurs between 6 to 14 years of age. The second most common form of myopia is late-onset myopia (LOM) which emerges in late teens or early twenties, at a time when the eye should have ceased growing. The prevalence of LOM is increasing and research has indicated a link with excessive and sustained nearwork. The aim of this thesis was to examine the ocular biometric correlates associated with LOM and EOM development and progression. Biometric data was recorded on SO subjects, aged 16 to 26 years. The group was divided into 26 emmetropic subjects and 24 myopic subjects. Keratometry, corneal topography, ultrasonography, lens shape, central and peripheral refractive error, ocular blood flow and assessment of accommodation were measured on three occasions during an ISmonth to 2-year longitudinal study. Retinal contours were derived using a specially derived computer program. The thesis shows that myopia progression is related to an increase in vitreous chamber depth, a finding which supports previous work. The myopes exhibited hyperopic relative peripheral refractive error (PRE) and the emmetropes exhibited myopic relative PRE. Myopes demonstrated a prolate retinal shape and the retina became more prolate with myopia progression. The results show that a longitudinal, rather than equatorial, increase in the posterior segment is the principal structural correlate of myopia. Retinal shape, relative PRE and the ratio of axial length to corneal curvature have been indicated, in this thesis, as predictive factors for myopia onset and development. Data from this thesis demonstrates that myopia progression in the LOM group is the result of an increase in anterior segment power, owing to an increase in lens thickness, in conjunction with posterior segment elongation. Myopia progression in the EOM group is the product of a long posterior segment, which over-compensates for a weak anterior segment power. The weak anterior segment power in the EOM group is related to a combination of crystalline lens thinning and surface flattening. The results presented in this thesis confirm that posterior segment elongation is the main structural correlate in both EOM and LOM progression. The techniques and computer programs employed in the thesis are reproducible and robust providing a valuable framework for further myopia research and assessment of predictive factors.


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Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy can alter postnatal phenotype and increase susceptibility to adult cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. However, underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we show that maternal low protein diet (LPD), fed exclusively during mouse preimplantation development, leads to offspring with increased weight from birth, sustained hypertension, and abnormal anxiety-related behavior, especially in females. These adverse outcomes were interrelated with increased perinatal weight being predictive of later adult overweight and hypertension. Embryo transfer experiments revealed that the increase in perinatal weight was induced within blastocysts responding to preimplantation LPD, independent of subsequent maternal environment during later pregnancy. We further identified the embryo-derived visceral yolk sac endoderm (VYSE) as one mediator of this response. VYSE contributes to fetal growth through endocytosis of maternal proteins, mainly via the multiligand megalin (LRP2) receptor and supply of liberated amino acids. Thus, LPD maintained throughout gestation stimulated VYSE nutrient transport capacity and megalin expression in late pregnancy, with enhanced megalin expression evident even when LPD was limited to the preimplantation period. Our results demonstrate that in a nutrient-restricted environment, the preimplantation embryo activates physiological mechanisms of developmental plasticity to stablize conceptus growth and enhance postnatal fitness. However, activation of such responses may also lead to adult excess growth and cardiovascular and behavioral diseases. © 2008 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc.


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We compared outcomes of alveolar hemorrhage (AH) in juvenile (JSLE) and adult onset SLE (ASLE). From 263 JSLE and 1522 ASLE, the AH occurred in 13 (4.9%) and 15 (1.0%) patients, respectively (p < .001). Both groups had comparable disease duration (2.6 +/- 3.0 vs. 5.6 +/- 7.0 years, p = .151) and median SLEDAI scores [17.5 (2 to 32) vs. 17.5 (3 to 28), p = 1.000]. At AH onset, a higher frequency of JSLE were already on a high prednisone dose ( > 0.5 mg/kg/day) compared to ASLE (54% vs. 15%, p = .042). The mean drop of hemoglobin was significantly lower in JSLE (2.9 +/- 0.9 vs. 5.5 +/- 2.9 g/dL, p = .006). Although treatments with methylprednisolone, plasmapheresis, intravenous immunoglobulin and cyclophosphamide were similar in both groups (p > .050), regarding outcomes, there was a trend in high frequency of mechanical ventilation use (85% vs. 47%, p = .055) and also significant mortality (69% vs. 13%, p = .006) in JSLE compared to ASLE. The sepsis frequency was comparable in both groups (50% vs. 27%, p = .433). We have identified that AH in JSLE has a worse outcome most likely related to respiratory failure. The AH onset in JSLE already treated with high-dose steroids raises the concern of inadequate response to this treatment and reinforces the recommendation of early aggressive alternative therapies in this group of patients. Lupus (2012) 21, 872-877.


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Cardiopulmonary manifestations of adult-onset Still`s disease (AOSD) include pericarditis, pleural effusion, transient pulmonary infiltrates, pulmonary interstitial disease and myocarditis. Serositis are common but pneumonitis and myocarditis are not and bring elevated risk of mortality. They may manifest on disease onset or flares. Previously reported cases were treated with high-dose glucocorticoids and immunosupressants and, when refractory, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). We report an AOSD patient whose flare presented with severe pleupneumonitis and myopericarditis and, following nonresponse to a methylprednisolone pulse, high dose of prednisone and cyclosporine A, recovered after a 2-day 1g/kg/day IVIG infusion.


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Krabbe's disease (galactocerebrosidase deficiency) rarely presents in adults, usually with predominantly upper motor neurone clinical features. We report a case in whom the clinical features were similar to motor neurone disease. Nerve conduction studies and neuroimaging were important in leading to the correct diagnosis. Differences in adult-onset presentations are described. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La maladie de Still de l'adulte reste un diagnostic souvent évoqué, mais difficile à poser en l'absence d'anomalie clinique ou de laboratoire pathognomonique. Il est encore un diagnostic d'exclusion et la difficulté réside dans l'utilisation rationnelle et adéquate de ces tests d'exclusion. Le traitement reste quant à lui pragmatique, basé sur une analyse de situation et une définition claire des objectifs. Finalement, si les traitements biologiques semblent efficaces, ils restent réservés aux cas résistant aux traitements conventionnels ou corticodépendants. If the diagnosis of Adult-onset Still disease is often entertained, the disease remains difficult to diagnose in the absence of any specific clinical or laboratory anomaly. Diagnosis is still a diagnosis of exclusion, and the difficulty rests in the rational and appropriate use of those exclusion tests. Treatment is pragmatic, based on an analysis of the situation and a clear definition of the objectives. Finally, if biological treatments appear efficient, they should be reserved for patients resistant to conventional therapy or corticodependant


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OBJECTIVES: To determine if adolescent onset systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and adult onset Still's disease (AOSD) represent the same clinical continuum of disease. METHODS: Retrospective review of available clinical data on all pediatric and adult patients diagnosed with Still's disease within the last 10 years at a university hospital. Assessment of functional outcomes at last visit by clinical evaluation and HAQ or c-HAQ. RESULTS: Nine patients were identified as adolescent onset systemic JIA and were compared with 10 patients with AOSD (onset > 18 years old). No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in terms of clinical presentation at onset and outcome at follow up. CONCLUSION: Adolescent patients presenting with systemic JIA have a disease onset and course undistinguishable from that of AOSD patients, suggesting that they represent a continuum of a single disease entity.


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Recently, a locus centred on rs9273349 in the HLA-DQ region emerged from genome-wide association studies of adult-onset asthma. We aimed to further investigate the role of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II in adult-onset asthma and a possible interaction with occupational exposures. We imputed classical HLA-II alleles from 7579 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 6025 subjects (1202 with adult-onset asthma) from European cohorts: ECRHS, SAPALDIA, EGEA and B58C, and from surveys of bakers and agricultural workers. Based on an asthma-specific job-exposure matrix, 2629 subjects had ever been exposed to high molecular weight (HMW) allergens. We explored associations between 23 common HLA-II alleles and adult-onset asthma, and tested for gene-environment interaction with occupational exposure to HMW allergens. Interaction was also tested for rs9273349. Marginal associations of classical HLA-II alleles and adult-onset asthma were not statistically significant. Interaction was detected between the DPB1*03:01 allele and exposure to HMW allergens (p = 0.009), in particular to latex (p = 0.01). In the unexposed group, the DPB1*03:01 allele was associated with adult-onset asthma (OR 0.67, 95%CI 0.53-0.86). HMW allergen exposures did not modify the association of rs9273349 with adult-onset asthma. Common classical HLA-II alleles were not marginally associated with adult-onset asthma. The association of latex exposure and adult-onset asthma may be modified by DPB1*03:01.