972 resultados para Early Middle Woodland period


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Ce mémoire porte sur la chronologie culturelle des Amérindiens du Nord-Est américain. Il vise à documenter un des épisodes culturels de la préhistoire de l’Estrie, soit le Sylvicole moyen ancien, compris entre l’an 400 avant notre ère et 500 de notre ère. De la poterie typique de cette période a été récoltée sur le site Vieux-Pont (BiEx-1) à Lennoxville par des archéologues amateurs et professionnels depuis sa découverte. L’analyse des tessons de poterie réalisée dans ce projet a surtout révélé une forte homogénéité de l’effet basculant, une technique d’application décorative, sur la paroi interne et la panse des vases. Elle a aussi permis de proposer une occupation récente au Sylvicole moyen ancien, entre les ans 1 et 500-600 de notre ère. L’analyse comparative suggère la participation des groupes de Vieux-Pont aux mêmes réseaux d’interactions et d’échanges que ceux des régions de Montréal, de Québec, du Haut-Richelieu et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.


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The archaeology of Britain during the early Middle Pleistocene (MIS 19–12) is represented by a number of key sites across eastern and southern England. These sites include Pakefield, Happisburgh 1, High Lodge, Warren Hill, Waverley Wood, Boxgrove, Kent's Cavern, and Westbury-sub-Mendip, alongside a ‘background scatter’ lithic record associated with the principal river systems (Bytham, pre-diversion Thames, and Solent) and raised beaches (Westbourne–Arundel). Hominin behaviour can be characterised in terms of: preferences for temperate or cool temperate climates and open/woodland mosaic habitats (indicated by mammalian fauna, mollusca, insects, and sediments); a biface-dominated material culture characterised by technological diversity, although with accompanying evidence for distinctive core and flake (Pakefield) and flake tool (High Lodge) assemblages; probable direct hunting-based subsistence strategies (with a focus upon large mammal fauna); and generally locally-focused spatial and landscape behaviours (principally indicated by raw material sources data), although with some evidence of dynamic, mobile and structured technological systems. The British data continues to support a ‘modified short chronology’ to the north of the Alps and the Pyrenees, with highly sporadic evidence for a hominin presence prior to 500–600 ka, although the ages of key assemblages are subject to ongoing debates regarding the chronology of the Bytham river terraces and the early Middle Pleistocene glaciations of East Anglia.


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Postglacial expansion of deciduous oak woodlands of the Zagros—Anti-Taurus Mountains, a major biome of the Near East, was delayed until the middle Holocene at ~6300 cal. yr BP. The current hypotheses explain this delay as a consequence of a regional aridity during the early Holocene, slow migration rates of forest trees, and/or a long history of land use and agro-pastoralism in this region. In the present paper, support is given to a hypothesis that suggests different precipitation seasonalities during the early Holocene compared with the late Holocene. The oak species of the Zagros—Anti-Taurus Mts, particularly Quercus brantii Lindl., are strongly dependent on spring precipitation for regeneration and are sensitive to a long dry season. Detailed analysis of modern atmospheric circulation patterns in SW Asia during the late spring suggests that the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) intensification can modify the amount of late spring and/or early summer rainfall in western/northwestern Iran and eastern Anatolia, which could in turn have controlled the development of the Zagros—Anti-Taurus deciduous oak woodlands. During the early Holocene, the northwestward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) could have displaced the subtropical anticyclonic belt or associated high pressure ridges to the northwest. The latter could, in turn, have prevented the southeastward penetration of low pressure systems originating from the North Atlantic and Black Sea regions. Such atmospheric configuration could have reduced or eliminated the spring precipitation creating a typical Mediterranean continental climate characterized by winter-dominated precipitation. This scenario highlights the complexity of biome response to climate system interactions in transitional climatic and biogeographical regions.


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An enhanced radiocarbon-dated pollen-stratigraphical record from Rovegno (Liguria, 812m asl), northern Apennines (Italy), has provided a history of vegetation succession from before 17,056-16,621 cal yrs BP to the present day. The record indicates the transition from open Pinus woodland to Artemisia dominated grassland, and finally Juniperus shrubland during the late Würm. This is succeeded by Betula and Pinus woodland, and the expansion of thermophilous taxa, namely Abies, Corylus and Quercus during the Late Würm Lateglacial Interstadial. The ‘Younger Dryas’ is possibly represented by an increase in Betula and Artemisia. During the early Holocene, mixed coniferous-deciduous woodland is dominant with Quercus, as well as Abies, Fagus and Corylus. Fagus woodland becomes established sometime before 6488-6318 cal yrs BP, but never becomes a major component of the woodland cover. Throughout the middle Holocene, Abies woodland fl uctuates, with marked declines between 6488-6318 cal yrs BP and 5287-4835 cal yrs BP, although the cause remains uncertain. Finally, the paper evaluates the application of non-pollen palynomorphs, especially coprophilous fungal spores, at Prato Spilla ‘A’ (Emilia Romagna) and concludes that greater caution must be used when interpreting middle Holocene human activity based upon pollen data alone


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Quantitative distributions of calcareous nannofossils are analysed in the early-middle Pleistocene at the small Gephyrocapsa and Pseudoemiliania lacunosa zone transition in deep-sea cores from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Sites 977, 964 and 967, Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Site 607). The temporal and spatial mode of occurrence of medium-sized gephyrocapsids and reticulofenestrids has been examined to refine biostratigraphic constraints and evaluate possible relationships of stratigraphic patterns to environmental changes during a period of global climatic deterioration. The timing of bioevents has been calibrated using high-resolution sampling and correlation to the delta18O record in chronologically well-constrained sections. Newly identified events and ecostratigraphical signals enhance the stratigraphic resolution at the early-middle Pleistocene. The first occurrence (FO) of intermediate morphotypes between Pseudoemiliania and Reticulofenestra (Reticulofenestra sp.) is proposed as a reliable event within marine isotope stage (MIS) 35 or at the MIS 35/34 transition. The distribution of Reticulofenestra asanoi is characterized by rare and scattered occurrences in its lowest range, but the first common occurrence (FCO) is consistently identified at MIS 32 or 32/31; the last common occurrence (LCO) of the species is a distinctive event at MIS 23. In the studied interval, Gephyrocapsa omega dominates among medium-sized Gephyrocapsa. The FO of G. omega and contemporaneous re-entry of medium-sized gephyrocapsids at the lower-middle Pleistocene transition are diachronous between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and from the western to eastern Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the LO of G. omega falls at MIS 15, insolation cycle 54 and is isochronous among the sites. Abundance fluctuations of G. omega show notable relations to early-middle Pleistocene climate changes; they considerably increase in abundance at the interglacial stages, suggesting warm water preferences. Gephyrocapsa omega temporarily disappears during the glacial MIS 22 and MIS 20. Above MIS 20, an impoverishment in G. omega and in the total abundance of medium-sized gephyrocapsids occurs. A decrease in abundance of G. omega is observed between the western Site 977 and the easternmost Site 967 in the Mediterranean Sea, as a possible response to high salinity and/or low nutrient content. Possible environmental influences on the distribution of R. asanoi and of Reticulofenestra sp. are discussed.


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New data on brachiopod assemblages recorded in the Eastern Subbetic area (Alicante, SE Spain) and attributed to the Early Bajocian (Humphriesianum Zone and/or immediately older) are provided. Eleven species have been distinguished and reported for the first time in the Subbetic domain of the Betic Cordillera. The description of the morphological evidences on each analysed taxa, especially in relation to their internal morphology, brings new implications in the systematics of the Middle Jurassic brachiopods. The analysis of faunistic affinity between the recorded assemblages and those from other palaeogeographic domains, shows that the Subbetic brachiopod fauna has a clear Mediterranean affinity, as proved by the different species belonging to the genera Striirhynchia, Septocrurella, Mondegia?, Karadagithyris, Linguithyris, Papodina?, Viallithyris?, and Zugmayeria?. It is also evidenced that the Early-Middle Jurassic transition in the Eastern Subbetic accounted, in qualitative terms, a remarkable interval of faunistic renewal in the brachiopod assemblages, strongly influenced by a complex tectonic and stratigraphic framework controlled by a period of intense extensional tectonics, globally framed in the evolution of the Atlantic Ocean.


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The sedimentary-volcanic tuff (locally called "green-bean rock") formed during the early Middle Triassic volcanic event in Guizhou Province is characterized as being thin, stable, widespread, short in forming time and predominantly green in color. The green-bean rock is a perfect indicator for stratigraphic division. Its petrographic and geochemical features are unique, and it is composed mainly of glassy fragments and subordinately of crystal fragments and volcanic ash balls. Analysis of the major and trace elements and rare-earth elements ( REE), as well as the related diagrams, permits us to believe that the green-bean rock is acidic volcanic material of the calc-alkaline series formed in the Indosinian orogenic belt on the Sino-Vietnam border, which was atmospherically transported to the tectonically stable areas and then deposited as sedimentary-volcanic rocks there. According to the age of green-bean rock, it is deduced that the boundary age of the Middle-Lower Triassic overlain by the sedimentary-volcanic tuff is about 247 Ma.


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The site Pilgrimstad in central Sweden has often been cited as a key locality for discussions of ice-free/ice-covered intervals during the Early and Middle Weichselian. Multi-proxy investigations of a recently excavated section at Pilgrimstad now provide a revised picture of the climatic and environmental development between similar to 80 and 36 ka ago. The combination of sedimentology, geochemistry, OSL and 14C dating, and macrofossil, siliceous microfossil and chironomid analyses shows: (i) a lower succession of glaciofluvial/fluvial, lacustrine and glaciolacustrine sediments; (ii) an upper lacustrine sediment sequence; and (iii) Last Glacial Maximum till cover. Microfossils in the upper lacustrine sediments are initially characteristic for oligo- to mesotrophic lakes, and macrofossils indicate arctic/sub-arctic environments and mean July temperatures > 8 degrees C. These conditions were, however, followed by a return to a low-nutrient lake and a cold and dry climate. The sequence contains several hiatuses, as shown by the often sharp contacts between individual units, which suggests that ice-free intervals alternated with possible ice advances during certain parts of the Early and Middle Weichselian.


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Fossil mesofauna and bacteria recovered from a paleosol in a moraine situated adjacent to the inland ice, Antarctica, and dating to the earliest glacial event in the Antarctic Dry Valleys opens several questions. The most important relates to understanding of the mineralogy and chemistry of the weathered substrate habitat in which Coleoptera apparently thrived at some point in the Early/Middle Miocene and perhaps earlier. Here, Coleoptera remains are only located in one of six horizons in a paleosol formed in moraine deposited during the alpine glacial event (> 15 Ma). A tendency for quartz to decrease upward in the section may be a detrital effect or a product of dissolution in the early stage of profile morphogenesis when climate was presumably milder and the depositing glacier of temperate type. Discontinuous distributions of smectite, laumontite, and hexahydrite may have provided nutrients and water to mesofauna and bacteria during the early stage of biotic colonization of the profile. Because the mesofauna were members of burrowing Coleoptera species, future work should assess the degree to which the organisms occupied other sites in the Dry Valleys in the past. Whereas there is no reasonable expectations of finding Coleoptera/insect remains on Mars, the chemistry and mineralogy of the paleosol is within a life expectancy window for the presence of microorganisms, principally bacteria and fungi. Thus, parameters discussed here within this Antarctic paleosol could provide an analogue to identifying similar fossil or life-bearing weathered regolith on Mars.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la variabilité observée dans un assemblage, composé à la fois d’artéfacts lithiques et céramiques, représentatif de la plus grande collection archéologique dominée par une composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien connue au Québec. Les traits caractéristiques des poteries qui ont été transportées, abandonnées, et en partie manufacturées sur la station 3-arrière du complexe de Pointe-du-Buisson, sont appréhendés à travers une acception holistique de la notion de «style», qui inclut tous les aspects des attributs qu’elle couvre, à savoir les technologiques, les morphologiques, les décoratifs et les fonctionnels. Grâce à l’application d’une méthode typologique, une approche peu utilisée depuis plusieurs décennies, du moins dans le Nord-Est américain, et dont le mérite propre réside dans sa capacité à traiter l’artéfact dans son ensemble, des schémas comportementaux (cognitifs et procéduraux) visibles sur les tessons de bord décorés ont été mis en lumière. Ces derniers sont intimement liés aux techniques décoratives employées par les potières, et semblent s’être modifiés au fil du temps de la manière suivante : type «sigillé» précédant les types plus récents «repoussé» et «basculant». Une analyse comparative, basée sur un échantillon de sites localisés dans la région de Haut-Saint-Laurent et dans celles avoisinantes, a par ailleurs souligné d’importantes similarités entre l’assemblage céramique de la composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien de BhFl-1d’ et ceux des sites de Vieux-Pont (Estrie), d’Oka (rivière des Outaouais), de Pointe-du-Gouvernement (Haut-Richelieu) et de Winooski (aux abords du Lac Champlain dans le Vermont). Ces résultats appuient l’identification d’une manifestation culturelle qui est très étroitement connectée aux phases Canoe Point et Winooski de la tradition Point Peninsula. Résultant des conclusions susmentionnées, et d’autres issues d’enquêtes récentes, des considérations d’ordre taxonomique s’ensuivent. Bien qu’une refonte complète du taxon «Sylvicole moyen» soit prématurée, une critique de ce taxon s’avère nécessaire. Aussi des taxons tels que l’Early Horticultural Period de Snow ou le «Sylvicole initial» de Wright et Clermont sont discutés, dans la mesure où ils pourraient renvoyer à une définition plus générale, mais aussi peut-être plus fidèle, des caractéristiques anthropologiques propres aux populations qui ont vécu le long du Saint-Laurent et de ses tributaires depuis le Sylvicole inférieur jusqu’à la fin du Sylvicole moyen tardif.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La station 3-avant de Pointe-du-Buisson (Beauharnois, Haut-Saint-Laurent, Québec) représente la plus importante collection de récipients de terre cuite datant du Sylvicole moyen ancien (-400 à 500 de notre ère) dans le Nord-Est américain. De plus, on trouve sur ce site une série continue d’occupations couvrant l’ensemble de la période Sylvicole. En dépit de complications d’ordre stratigraphique (terreau homogène et pédoturbations), des concepts et des méthodes évolutionnaires tirés de la théorie de l’hérédité duelle sont appliqués à l’étude de cet assemblage. D’un point de vue anthropologique, que nous apprend l’étude de l’évolution et de la transmission des savoir-faire d’une technologie que nous assumons exclusivement féminine au cours de la période Sylvicole? L’auteur défend que l’archéologie évolutionnaire permet de détecter le contexte de la transmission, c’est-à-dire l’organisation socioéconomique des populations du passé. L’examen des traits stylistiques suggère que la sédentarisation estivale des bandes amérindiennes à partir du Sylvicole moyen tardif favorise une homogénéisation des productions céramiques dans un contexte virilocal qui est la conséquence d’une transmission de type conformiste opérant sur un axe horizontal (entre pairs). Cependant, le passage probable des tribus iroquoiennes à l’uxorilocalité et à la matrilinéarité à la fin du Sylvicole se traduit par une saisissante hétérogénéisation des pots, qui s’explique possiblement par une sélection de marqueurs identitaire d’ordre clanique (transmission verticale entre parents et descendants). L’étude des traits techno-fonctionnels indique une diversification de la vaisselle de terre cuite à mesure que les populations intensifient leurs expériences sur les cultigènes. Dans l’ensemble, cette évolution trahit une attention accrue conférée à la performance des pots en tant que récipients culinaires. Par ailleurs, le concours de la sériation et de datations AMS permet la reconnaisance d’un taxon « Sylvicole moyen moyen » caractérisé par une modification morphologique et décorative des vases. Une enquête comparative portant sur un échantillon de 27 sites archéologiques de l’horizon Pseudo-scallop-shell démontre que la variation populationnelle est structurée en fonction de la localisation des communautés dans un bassin hydrographique spécifique. Par conséquent, l’auteur soumet des pistes en vue de l’élaboration d’une taxonomie robuste et propre au Sylvicole moyen ancien et au Sylvicole moyen moyen. Enfin, des indices de natures diverses (archéologiques, paléoethnobotaniques, ethnolinguistiques, paléoanthropologiques, et d’autres issus de la génétique des populations) suggèrent une identité proto-algonquienne des bandes des deux sous-périodes susmentionnées.