994 resultados para Ear Homology Domain


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IQGAPs are cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins which collect information from a variety of signalling pathways and pass it on to the microfilaments and microtubules. There is a well-characterised interaction between IQGAP and calmodulin through a series of IQ-motifs towards the middle of the primary sequence. However, it has been shown previously that the calponin homology domain (CHD), located at the N-terminus of the protein, can also interact weakly with calmodulin. Using a recombinant fragment of human IQGAP1 which encompasses the CHD, we have demonstrated that the CHD undergoes a calcium ion-dependent interaction with calmodulin. The CHD can also displace the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulphonate from calcium-calmodulin, suggesting that the interaction involves non-polar residues on the surface of calmodulin. Molecular modelling identified a possible site on the CHD for calmodulin interaction. The physiological significance of this interaction remains to be discovered.


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The Tec family of tyrosine kinases are involved in signals emanating from cytokine receptors, antigen receptors, and other lymphoid cell surface receptors. One family member, ITK (inducible T cell kinase), is involved in T cell activation and can be activated by the T cell receptor and the CD28 cell surface receptor. This stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK can be mimicked by the Src family kinase Lck. We have explored the mechanism of this requirement for Src family kinases in the activation of ITK. We found that coexpression of ITK and Src results in increased membrane association, tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK, which could be blocked by inhibitors of the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) as well as overexpression of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. Removal of the Pleckstrin homology domain (PH) of ITK resulted in a kinase that could no longer be induced to localize to the membrane or be activated by Src. The PH of ITK was also able to bind inositol phosphates phosphorylated at the D3 position. Membrane targeting of ITK without the PH recovered its ability to be activated by Src. These results suggest that ITK can be activated by a combination of Src and PI 3-kinase.


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Drosophila Enabled (Ena) was initially identified as a dominant genetic suppressor of mutations in the Abelson tyrosine kinase and, more recently, as a member of the Ena/human vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) family of proteins. We have used genetic, biochemical, and cell biological approaches to demonstrate the functional relationship between Ena and human VASP. In addition, we have defined the roles of Ena domains identified as essential for its activity in vivo. We have demonstrated that VASP rescues the embryonic lethality associated with loss of Ena function in Drosophila and have shown that Ena, like VASP, is associated with actin filaments and focal adhesions when expressed in cultured cells. To define sequences that are central to Ena function, we have characterized the molecular lesions present in two lethal ena mutant alleles that affected the Ena/VASP homology domain 1 (EVH1) and EVH2. A missense mutation that resulted in an amino acid substitution in the EVH1 domain eliminated in vitro binding of Ena to the cytoskeletal protein zyxin, a previously reported binding partner of VASP. A nonsense mutation that resulted in a C-terminally truncated Ena protein lacking the EVH2 domain failed to form multimeric complexes and exhibited reduced binding to zyxin and the Abelson Src homology 3 domain. Our analysis demonstrates that Ena and VASP are functionally homologous and defines the conserved EVH1 and EVH2 domains as central to the physiological activity of Ena.


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Proteins such as the product of the breakpoint cluster region, chimaerin, and the Src homology 3-binding protein 3BP1, are GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) for members of the Rho subfamily of small GTP-binding proteins (G proteins or GTPases). A 200-residue region, named the breakpoint cluster region-homology (BH) domain, is responsible for the GAP activity. We describe here the crystal structure of the BH domain from the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase at 2.0 Å resolution. The domain is composed of seven helices, having a previously unobserved arrangement. A core of four helices contains most residues that are conserved in the BH family. Their packing suggests the location of a G-protein binding site. This structure of a GAP-like domain for small GTP-binding proteins provides a framework for analyzing the function of this class of molecules.


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Treatment of quiescent Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts with serum, or with the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and vanadate, induced a 2- to 11-fold activation of the serine/ threonine RAC protein kinase (RAC-PK). Kinase activation was accompanied by decreased mobility of RAC-PK on SDS/PAGE such that three electrophoretic species (a to c) of the kinase were detected by immunoblot analysis, indicative of differentially phosphorylated forms. Addition of vanadate to arrested cells increased the RAC-PK phosphorylation level 3-to 4-fold. Unstimulated RAC-PK was phosphorylated predominantly on serine, whereas the activated kinase was phosphorylated on both serine and threonine residues. Treatment of RAC-PK in vitro with protein phosphatase 2A led to kinase inactivation and an increase in electrophoretic mobility. Deletion of the N-terminal region containing the pleckstrin homology domain did not affect RAC-PK activation by okadaic acid, but it reduced vanadate-stimulated activity and also blocked the serum-induced activation. Deletion of the serine/threonine rich C-terminal region impaired both RAC-PKalpha basal and vanadate-stimulated activity. Studies using a kinase-deficient mutant indicated that autophosphorylation is not involved in RAC-PKalpha activation. Stimulation of RAC-PK activity and electrophoretic mobility changes induced by serum were sensitive to wortmannin. Taken together the results suggest that RAC-PK is a component of a signaling pathway regulated by phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase, whose action is required for RAC-PK activation by phosphorylation.


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Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains are found in many signaling molecules and are thought to be involved in specific intermolecular interactions. Their binding to several proteins and to membranes containing 1-alpha-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] has been reported. A region that includes the PH domain has also been implicated in binding of phospholipase C-delta 1 (PLC-delta 1) to both PtdIns(4,5)P2 and D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] [Cifuentes, M. E., Delaney, T. & Rebecchi, M. J. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 1945-1948]. We report herein that the isolated PH domain from PLC-delta 1 binds to both PtdIns(4,5)P2 and Ins(1,4,5)P3 with high affinity and shows the same binding specificity seen by others with whole PLC-delta 1. Thus the PH domain is functionally and structurally modular. These results demonstrate stereo-specific high-affinity binding by an isolated PH domain and further support a functional role for PH domains in the regulation of PLC isoforms. Other PH domains did not bind strongly to the compounds tested, suggesting that inositol phosphates and phospholipids are not likely physiological ligands for all PH domains. Nonetheless, since all PH-domain-containing proteins are associated with membrane surfaces, several PH domains bind to specific sites on membranes, and PH domains appear to be electrostatically polarized, a possible general role for PH domains in membrane association is suggested.


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The trans-Golgi network is the major sorting compartment of the secretory pathway for protein, lipid and membrane traffic. There is a constant flow of membrane and cargo to and from this compartment. Evidence is emerging that the trans-Golgi network has multiple biochemically and functionally distinct subdomains, each of which contributes to the combined sorting and transport requirements of this dynamic compartment. The recruitment of distinct arrays of protein complexes to trans-Golgi network membranes is likely to produce the diversity of structure and biochemistry observed amongst subdomains that serve to generate different carriers or maintain resident trans-Golgi network components. This review discusses how these subdomains may be formed and examines the molecular players involved, including G proteins, clathrin adaptors and golgin tethers. Diversity within these protein families is highlighted and shown to be critical for the functionality of the trans-Golgi network, as a mediator of protein sorting and membrane transport, and for the maintenance of Golgi structure.


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MLN64 is a protein that is highly expressed in certain breast carcinomas. The C terminus of MLN64 shares significant homology with the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), which plays a key role in steroid hormone biosynthesis by enhancing the intramitochondrial translocation of cholesterol to the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme. We tested the ability of MLN64 to stimulate steroidogenesis by using COS-1 cells cotransfected with plasmids expressing the human cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme system and wild-type and mutant MLN64 proteins. Wild-type MLN64 increased pregnenolone secretion in this system 2-fold. The steroidogenic activity of MLN64 was found to reside in the C terminus of the protein, because constructs from which the C-terminal StAR homology domain was deleted had no steroidogenic activity. In contrast, removal of N-terminal sequences increased MLN64’s steroidogenesis-enhancing activity. MLN64 mRNA was found in many human tissues, including the placenta and brain, which synthesize steroid hormones but do not express StAR. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of lower molecular weight immunoreactive MLN64 species that contain the C-terminal sequences in human tissues. Homologs of both MLN64 and StAR were identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating that the two proteins are ancient. Mutations that inactivate StAR were correlated with amino acid residues that are identical or similar among StAR and MLN64, indicating that conserved motifs are important for steroidogenic activity. We conclude that MLN64 stimulates steroidogenesis by virtue of its homology to StAR.


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The dicistronic Drosophila stoned gene is involved in exocytosis and/or endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. Mutations in either stonedA or stonedB cause a severe disruption of neurotransmission in fruit flies. Previous studies have shown that the coiled-coil domain of the Stoned-A and the µ-homology domain of the Stoned-B protein can interact with the C2B domain of Synaptotagmin-1. However, very little is known about the mechanism of interaction between the Stoned proteins and the C2B domain of Synaptotagmin-1. Here we report that these interactions are increased in the presence of Ca(2+). The Ca(2+)-dependent interaction between the µ-homology domain of Stoned-B and C2B domain of Synaptotagmin-1 is affected by phospholipids. The C-terminal region of the C2B domain, including the tryptophan-containing motif, and the Ca(2+) binding loop region that modulate the Ca(2+)-dependent oligomerization, regulates the binding of the Stoned-A and Stoned-B proteins to the C2B domain. Stoned-B, but not Stoned-A, interacts with the Ca(2+)-binding loop region of C2B domain. The results indicate that Ca(2+)-induced self-association of the C2B domain regulates the binding of both Stoned-A and Stoned-B proteins to Synaptotagmin-1. The Stoned proteins may regulate sustainable neurotransmission in vivo by binding to Ca(2+)-bound Synaptotagmin-1 associated synaptic vesicles.


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Guanylyl cyclases (GCs) are enzymes that generate cyclic GMP and regulate different physiologic and developmental processes in a number of organisms. GCs possess sequence similarity to class III adenylyl cyclases (ACs) and are present as either membrane-bound receptor GCs or cytosolic soluble GCs. We sought to determine the evolution of GCs using a large-scale bioinformatic analysis and found multiple lineage-specific expansions of GC genes in the genomes of many eukaryotes. Moreover, a few GC-like proteins were identified in prokaryotes, which come fused to a number of different domains, suggesting allosteric regulation of nucleotide cyclase activity Eukaryotic receptor GCs are associated with a kinase homology domain (KHD), and phylogenetic analysis of these proteins suggest coevolution of the KHD and the associated cyclase domain as well as a conservation of the sequence and the size of the linker region between the KHD and the associated cyclase domain. Finally, we also report the existence of mimiviral proteins that contain putative active kinase domains associated with a cyclase domain, which could suggest early evolution of the fusion of these two important domains involved in signa transduction.


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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates cellular processes that affect several aspects of development and disease. The FAK N-terminal FERM (4.1 protein-ezrin-radixin-moesin homology) domain, a compact clover-leaf structure, binds partner proteins and mediates intramolecular regulatory interactions. Combined chemical cross-linking coupled to MS, small-angle X-ray scattering, computational docking and mutational analyses showed that the FAK FERM domain has a molecular cleft (similar to 998 angstrom(2)) that interacts with sarcomeric myosin, resulting in FAK inhibition. Accordingly, mutations in a unique short amino acid sequence of the FERM myosin cleft, FP-1, impaired the interaction with myosin and enhanced FAK activity in cardiomyocytes. An FP-1 decoy peptide selectively inhibited myosin interaction and increased FAK activity, promoting cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through activation of the AKT-mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. Our findings uncover an inhibitory interaction between the FAK FERM domain and sarcomeric myosin that presents potential opportunities to modulate the cardiac hypertrophic response through changes in FAK activity.


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Caenorhabditis elegans dynamin is expressed at high levels in neurons and at lower levels in other cell types, consistent with the important role that dynamin plays in the recycling of synaptic vesicles. Indirect immunofluorescence showed that dynamin is concentrated along the dorsal and ventral nerve cords and in the synapse-rich nerve ring. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the N terminus of dynamin is localized to synapse-rich regions. Furthermore, this chimera was detected along the apical membrane of intestinal cells, in spermathecae, and in coelomocytes. Dynamin localization was not affected by disrupting axonal transport of synaptic vesicles in the unc-104 (kinesin) mutant. To investigate the alternative mechanisms that dynamin might use for translocation to the synapse, we systematically tested the localization of different protein domains by fusion to GFP. Localization of each chimera was measured in one specific neuron, the ALM. The GTPase, a middle domain, and the putative coiled coil each contribute to synaptic localization. Surprisingly, the pleckstrin homology domain and the proline-rich domain, which are known to bind to coated-pit constituents, did not contribute to synaptic localization. The GFP-GTPase chimera was most strongly localized, although the GTPase domain has no known interactions with proteins other than with dynamin itself. Our results suggest that different dynamin domains contribute to axonal transport and the sequestration of a pool of dynamin molecules in synaptic cytosol.


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In this report we structurally and functionally define a binding domain that is involved in protein association and that we have designated EH (for Eps15 homology domain). This domain was identified in the tyrosine kinase substrate Eps15 on the basis of regional conservation with several heterogeneous proteins of yeast and nematode. The EH domain spans about 70 amino acids and shows approximately 60% overall amino acid conservation. We demonstrated the ability of the EH domain to specifically bind cytosolic proteins in normal and malignant cells of mesenchymal, epithelial, and hematopoietic origin. These observations prompted our search for additional EH-containing proteins in mammalian cells. Using an EH domain-specific probe derived from the eps15 cDNA, we cloned and characterized a cDNA encoding an EH-containing protein with overall similarity to Eps15; we designated this protein Eps15r (for Eps15-related). Structural comparison of Eps15 and Eps15r defines a family of signal transducers possessing extensive networking abilities including EH-mediated binding and association with Src homology 3-containing proteins.


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Based on promising preclinical efficacy of bortezomib in mesothelioma, a single-arm phase II trial (Ireland Cooperative Oncology Research Group 05-10 study), with Simon's two-stage design, was undertaken to assess efficacy of bortezomib monotherapy in the first-line (poor performance status) and second-line settings. The Bcl-2 homology domain 3-only protein Noxa has been implicated as a key inducer of apoptosis by bortezomib. Thus, in a biomarker research substudy, we hypothesized that deficiency in Noxa expression might correlate with resistance. In the second-line setting, 23 patients were enrolled. Partial response was confirmed in one patient (4.8%) who received four cycles of bortezomib. One patient had stable disease; however, progression occurred in the majority of patients within the first two cycles. Median progression-free survival and overall survival were 2.1 and 5.8 months, respectively. In the first-line setting, ten patients were accrued, and there was no evidence of objective response. In the tumor analysis, expression of Noxa was seen in all biopsies. Bortezomib monotherapy exhibits insufficient activity to warrant further investigation in unselected patients with mesothelioma. © 2012 by the International Association for the Study of Lung.