983 resultados para EXTRA UTERINE LIFE


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Objectives: To evaluate the clinical value of pre-operative serum CA125 in predicting the presence of extra-uterine disease in patients with apparent early stage endometrial cancer. Methods: Between October 6, 2005 and June 17, 2010, 760 patients were enrolled in an international, multicentre, prospective randomized trial (LACE) comparing laparotomy with laparoscopy in the management of endometrial cancer apparently confined to the uterus. This study is based on data from 657 patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma who had a pre-operative serum CA125 value, and was undertaken to correlate pre-operative serum CA125 with final stage. Results: Using a pre-operative CA-125 cutpoint of 30U/ml was associated with the smallest misclassification error (14.5%) using a multiple cross-validation method. Median pre-operative serum CA-125 was 14U/ml, and using a cutpoint of 30U/ml, 14.9% of patients had elevated CA-125 levels. Of 98 patients with elevated CA-125 level, 36 (36.7%) had evidence of extra-uterine disease. Of the 116 patients (17.7%) with evidence of extra-uterine disease, 31.0% had elevated CA-125 level. In univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis, only pre-operative CA-125 level was found to be associated with extra-uterine spread of disease. Utilising a cutpoint of 30U/ml achieved a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 31.0%, 88.5%, 36.7% and 85.7% respectively. Overall, 326/657 (49.6%) of patients had full surgical staging involving lymph node dissection. When analysis was limited to patients that had undergone full surgical staging, the outcomes remained essentially unchanged. Conclusions: Elevated CA-125 above 30U/ml in patients with apparent early stage disease is associated with a sensitivity of 31.0% and specificity of 88.5% in detecting extra-uterine disease. Pre-operative identification of this risk factor may assist to triage patients to tertiary centres and comprehensive surgical staging.


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Benesi F.J., Wachholz L., Bertagnon H.G., Leal M.L.R., Mori E. & Fernandes W.R. 2012. [Cytology of tracheobronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage in healthy Holteins calves during the first month of life.] Citologia dos lavados traqueobronquico (LTB) e broncoalveolar (LBA) de bezerros holandeses sadios durante o primeiro mes de vida. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(3):267-270. Departamento de Clinica Medica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: febencli@usp.br The neonatal calf is a critical moment for adaptation of the newborn to extra uterine life. The respiratory tract is functionally very demanded and often affected by disease, resulting in direct loss of their function and causing serious economic losses in livestock. The basic point to reduce these losses is appropriate clinical evaluation of neonates; but the diagnosis based solely in physical examination is very difficult to establish. The use of complementary analysis such cytology of the respiratory tract becomes an important diagnostic tool; however their findings must be standardized in the face of different techniques employed. This research studied the dynamics of the cellularity of the bronchoalveolar and tracheobronchial region obtained through lung lavage harvested by nasotracheal catheterization technique and tracheocenthesis respectively, during the first month of life of healthy calves. The tracheobronchial cytology was influenced by the time, showing decreased number of alveolar macrophages and greater number of neutrophils, possibly increased by local irritation caused by the technique, which was repeated sequentially, and/or through greater stimulation of inhaled microorganisms deposited in this region. In the bronchoalveolar region no variation in the cellular constituents in function of time was found. The results allowed the conclusion the cell population of the tracheobronchial region has changed over the week-old calves, possibly due to the technique used and/or to the normal region physiology, represented by higher magnitudes of neutrophils. Otherwise, the cells of the broncholaveolar region showed a stable behavior during the first month of life of newborn calves, presenting numerical predominance of alveolar macrophages. O período neonatal dos bezerros é um momento crítico para adaptação do recém-nascido à vida extra uterina e o sistema respiratório, um dos mais exigidos funcionalmente, é frequentemente afetado por enfermidades, redundando no prejuízo direto da sua função e acarretando perdas econômicas importantes na pecuária. O ponto básico para reduzir estas perdas, é representado pela adequada avaliação clínica dos neonatos, todavia o diagnóstico baseado exclusivamente no exame ísico é muito di ícil de ser estabelecido. O uso de exames complementares como a citologia do trato respiratório torna-se uma ferramenta diagnóstica importante nestes casos, porém faz-se necessário, padronizar seus achados frente às diferentes técnicas empregadas para a sua obtenção. Assim, o presente estudo propôs-se acompanhar as variações dos constituintes celulares da região traqueobrônquica e broncoalveolar obtidos por lavados respiratórios pelos métodos de traqueocentese e por colheita nasotraqueal respectivamente, durante o primeiro mês de vida de bezerros sadios. Observou-se alteração no quadro citológico ao longo do tempo, quando a região traqueobrônquica foi lavada, expresso por diminuição da porcentagem de macrófagos alveolares, com aumento de neutró ilos, possivelmente, por maior irritação local provocada pela técnica, que se repetiu sequencialmente e/ou por maior estimulo de microorganismos inalados depositados nesta região. Na região broncoalveolar, não encontraram- -se variações nos constituintes celulares em função do tempo. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão que a população celular da região traqueobrônquica modi icou-se ao longo das semanas de vida dos bezerros, possivelmente pela técnica empregada e/ou isiologia normal da região, sendo representadas por maiores magnitudes de neutró ilos. De modo diverso, na região broncolaveolar, as células evidenciaram um comportamento estável durante o primeiro mês de vida dos bezerros neonatos, apresentando predomínio numérico dos macrófagos alveolares.


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The production of a healthy cloned calf is dependent on a multitude of successful steps, including reprogramming mediated by the oocyte, the development of a functional placenta, adequate maternal-fetal interaction, the establishment of a physiological metabolic setting and the formation of a complete set of well-differentiated cells that will eventually result in well-characterised and fully competent tissues and organs. Although the efficiency of nuclear transfer has improved significantly since the first report of a somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived animal, there are many descriptions of anomalies concerning cloned calves leading to high perinatal morbidity and mortality. The present article discusses some our experience regarding perinatal and neonatal procedures for cloned Zebu cattle (B. indicus) that has led to improved survival rates in Nellore cloned calves following the application of such `labour-intensive technology`.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The newborn goat kids suffer several adjustments to life outside the uterus that affect different body functions that they need to produce heat, muscle activity and start searching for food. All these events lead to changes in several blood constituents such as proteins and serum biochemical parameters. Other studies have shown these variations, but not extend beyond the neonatal period to phase in young animals. The aim was to test the hypothesis that there is variation of the protein profile, and biochemical components of blood glucose in goat kids from birth to 75 days of life in terms of adaptation to extra uterine life. To achieve these objectives have been collected blood samples from 25 goats born by normal delivery, regardless of their sex. The variables serum total protein (TP), albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, which includes the immunoglobulin G (IgG), aspartate (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), creatinine and urea, and glucose were determined at times zero (immediately after birth), two, seven, 15, 30 and 75 days old. We observed significant differences in all variables between times, but only the creatinine concentration was higher than those of other moments in time zero and two days old, probably due to immaturity of renal function in newborn animals. The blood constituents of the kids had variations in the study period, related to physiological and nutritional causes.


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Transmissibility of dental and jaw characteristics is strongly influenced by environmental factors during the years of extra uterine life when odontogenesis occurs. Through biochemical factors, such as enzymes, proteins, hormones and other mediators, genes are activated or silenced to suit the cell or organism to its environment. These changes are not transmitted to our descendants, because of that, these factors are called epigenetic. Among the most cited epigenetic factors are food, pollution, drugs and exercise. The objective of this study was to assess the transmissibility of dental characteristics in two pairs of twins. In one case, 13-year-old boys had the same basic dental and jaw characteristics with prolonged retention of the second upper deciduous molars and the presence of permanent successors. In the other case, 14-year-old boys had prolonged retention of lower deciduous second molars and absence of permanent successors, but only one of them had the germs of third lower molars. The phenotypic difference in the dentition of twins from clinical case 2 could be due to epigenetic factors, showing the absence of genetic determinism in the transmissibility of dental characteristics.


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The aim of this study was to investigate cortisol and progesterone (P4) trends in hair from birth up to postweaning in Italian trotter foals. Hair sampling is non-invasive and hair concentrations provide retrospective information of integrated hormone secretion over periods of several months. Samples were collected at birth and at a distance of 30 days, collecting only regrowth hair, up to post weaning. From birth to 3 months, foals cortisol falls from 47.64±5.6 to 4.9±0.68 pg/mg (mean±standard error), due to the interruption of foetal-placental connection and progressive adaptation to extrauterine life. From the third month of life to post weaning concentrations don’t vary significantly, underlining a non-chronic activation of the HPA axis. Hair P4 significantly decreases in the first two samples (from 469.68±72,54 to 184.65±35.42 pg/mg). At 2 (111.78±37.13 pg/mg) and 3 months (35.96±6.33 pg/mg) hair concentrations don’t show significant differences. These concentrations are not due to interactions of the utero-placental tissues with foals, animals are still prepuberal and P4 isn’t produced by adrenals as a result of high stress. We could therefore hypothesize that the source of foal hair P4 could be milk, suckled from mares. The high individual variability in hair at 2 and 3 months is due to a gradual and subjective change in foal diet, from milk to solid food, and to the fact that mares do not allow to suckle. From fourth month to post weaning P4 concentration in hair remains around 37.56±6.45 pg/mg. In conclusion, hair collected at birth, giving information about last period of gestation, could be used along with traditional matrices, to evaluate foals maturity. Hair cortisol could give indications about foals capacity to adapt to extra-uterine life. Finally milk, configuring as a bringer of nutrients and energy and assuming the characteristic of a nutraceutical, could give fundamental information about parental care.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Pediatria), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2013


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The change from the uterine environment to the external environment that occurs afterbirth requires rapid adaptation of the newborn. The right care in the first 24 hours of life can significantly reduce calves’ mortality. In this context, are included essential care to animals that are born weak and require immediate assistance so they can adapt to the extra uterine environment, such as stimulating the onset of spontaneous breathing and thermoregulation. The essential care is also related to colostrum feeding and treatment of the navel. The objective of this work is to bring together some of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the first 24 hours of life of the newborn calf and discuss some of the special care that these animals require


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Cervical cancer develops through precursor lesions, i.e. cervical intraepithelialneoplasms (CIN). These can be detected and treated before progression to invasive cancer. The major risk factor for developing cervical cancer or CIN is persistent or recurrent infection with high-risk human papilloma virus (hrHPV). Other associated risk factors include low socioeconomic status, smoking, sexually transmitted infections, and high number of sexual partners, and these risk factors can predispose to some other cancers, excess mortality, and reproductive health complications as well. The aim was to study long-term cancer incidence, mortality, and reproductive health outcomes among women treated for CIN. Based on the results, we could evaluate the efficacy and safety of CIN treatment practices and estimate the role of the risk factors of CIN patients for cancer incidence, mortality, and reproductive health. We collected a cohort of 7 599 women treated for CIN at Helsinki University Central Hospital from 1974 to 2001. Information about their cancer incidence, cause of death, birth of children and other reproductive endpoints, and socio-economic status were gathered through registerlinkages to the Finnish Cancer Registry, Finnish Population Registry, and Statistics Finland. Depending on the endpoints in question, the women treated were compared to the general population, to themselves, or to an age- and municipality-matched reference cohort. Cervical cancer incidence was increased after treatment of CIN for at least 20 years, regardless of the grade of histology at treatment. Compared to all of the colposcopically guided methods, cold knife conization (CKC) was the least effective method of treatment in terms of later CIN 3 or cervical cancer incidence. In addition to cervical cancer, incidence of other HPV-related anogenital cancers was increased among those treated, as was the incidence of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers. Mortality from cervical cancer among the women treated was not statistically significantly elevated, and after adjustment for socio-economic status, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.0. In fact, the excess mortality among those treated was mainly due to increased mortality from other cancers, especially from lung cancer. In terms of post-treatment fertility, the CIN treatments seem to be safe: The women had more deliveries, and their incidence of pregnancy was similar before and after treatment. Incidence of extra-uterine pregnancies and induced abortions was elevated among the treated both before and after treatment. Thus this elevation did not occur because they were treated rather to a great extent was due to the other known risk factors these women had in excess, i.e. sexually transmitted infections. The purpose of any cancer preventive activity is to reduce cancer incidence and mortality. In Finland, cervical cancer is a rare disease and death from it even rarer, mostly due to the effective screening program. Despite this, the women treated are at increased risk for cancer; not just for cervical cancer. They must be followed up carefully and for a long period of time; general health education, especially cessation of smoking, is crucial in the management process, as well as interventions towards proper use of birth control such as condoms.


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Na última década, surgiram evidências de que a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), relatada de forma crescente entre adolescentes, tem início na vida intrauterina e seus sinais e sintomas já estão presentes na adolescência, porém, ainda faltam critérios diagnósticos específicos para essa faixa etária. O ciclo menstrual representa o resultado do funcionamento normal não apenas do eixo Hipotálamo-Hipófise-Ovário (HHO), do útero e do aparelho genital, mas também, do equilíbrio metabólico do organismo. Alterações no ciclo menstrual podem representar sinais de desequilíbrio e anormalidade. A SM está também relacionada à Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP), disfunção ovariana caracterizada por oligoanovulação, hiperandrogenismo e/ou ovários policísticos. A resistência à insulina (RI) tem um papel central na fisiopatologia e na inter-relação dos componentes tanto da SM como também da SOP. A RI é compensada pelo aumento da produção de insulina pelas células beta pancreáticas, e essa hiperinsulinemia compensatória tem conseqüências no endotélio, nos fatores inflamatórios, no metabolismo glicídico e lipídico, além de afetar o ciclo menstrual pelo estímulo da androgênese ovariana, suprimindo a SHBG e possivelmente alterando o padrão da secreção pulsátil do GnRH. Estas alterações menstruais podem apresentar-se de forma precoce, antes das alterações metabólicas da RI, portanto, a avaliação atenta do padrão menstrual de adolescentes pode representar um valioso sinal que alerta para o risco metabólico e cardiovascular. Avaliamos o comportamento de parâmetros da Síndrome Metabólica e sua relação com o ciclo menstrual em adolescentes através de um estudo observacional transversal com 59 adolescentes do sexo feminino entre 12 e 19 anos e presença de pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco para SM: Sobrepeso - Obesidade - Acantose Nigricans. Todas as adolescentes foram submetidas a uma avaliação clínica com levantamento de dados antropométricos, e laboratoriais composta de: Glicose de Jejum, Colesterol Total, HDL-Colesterol, Triglicerídeos, Teste Oral de Tolerância a Glicose (Glicose 120), Insulina pré (insulina jejum), pós TOTG (insulina 120), Folículo-Estimulante (FSH), Hormônio Luteinizante (LH), Testosterona Total (TT), Androstenediona, Foram criados 2 grupos:G-1- adolescentes com ciclos irregulares, e G-2- adolescentes com ciclos regulares. Das 59 adolescentes avaliadas, 36 formaram o G-1, e 23 o G-2. A média da idade ginecológica foi de 4,5 anos e da menarca 11,3 anos. Na análise estatística das diferenças nas variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais entre os grupos, observou-se que o G-1 apresentou: Cintura (p=0,026), Insulina de jejum (p=0,001), Glicose 120 (p=0,002), insulina 120 (p=0,0001), HOMA-IR (p=0,0008), Triglicerídeos (p=0,013), SM (p<0,0001) e SOP (p<0,0001) significativamente maiores e QUICK (p=0,008), G/I (p=0,002), HDL (p=0,001) significativamente menores que o G-2. (88,8% das adolescentes com ciclos irregulares no ultimo ano apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca. Estes resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre a irregularidade menstrual, RI, SM e SOP na população estudada. Todas as adolescentes com diagnóstico de SM apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca e destas, 93,5% tiveram o diagnóstico de SOP. O nosso estudo chama a atenção para o comportamento do ciclo menstrual na adolescência em relação aos riscos cardiovasculares e metabólicos, sinalizando assim que outros estudos precisam ser desenvolvidos nesta população.


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The search for rocky exoplanets plays an important role in our quest for extra-terrestrial life. Here, we discuss the extreme physical properties possible for the first characterised rocky super-Earth, CoRoT-7b (R(pl) = 1.58 +/- 0.10 R(Earth), M(pl) = 6.9 +/- 1.2 M(Earth)). It is extremely close to its star (a = 0.0171 AU = 4.48 R(st)), with its spin and orbital rotation likely synchronised. The comparison of its location in the (M(pl), R(pl)) plane with the predictions of planetary models for different compositions points to an Earth-like composition, even if the error bars of the measured quantities and the partial degeneracy of the models prevent a definitive conclusion. The proximity to its star provides an additional constraint on the model. It implies a high extreme-UV flux and particle wind, and the corresponding efficient erosion of the planetary atmosphere especially for volatile species including water. Consequently, we make the working hypothesis that the planet is rocky with no volatiles in its atmosphere, and derive the physical properties that result. As a consequence, the atmosphere is made of rocky vapours with a very low pressure (P <= 1.5 Pa), no cloud can be sustained, and no thermalisation of the planet is expected. The dayside is very hot (2474 +/- 71 K at the sub-stellar point) while the nightside is very cold (50-75 K). The sub-stellar point is as hot as the tungsten filament of an incandescent bulb, resulting in the melting and distillation of silicate rocks and the formation of a lava ocean. These possible features of CoRoT-7b could be common to many small and hot planets, including the recently discovered Kepler-10b. They define a new class of objects that we propose to name ""Lava-ocean planets"". (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The outcome of an audience study supports theories stating that stories are a primary means by which we make sense of our experiences over time. Empirical examples of narrative impact are presented in which specific fiction film scenes condense spectators' lives, identities and beliefs. One conclusion is that spectators test the emotional realism of the narative for greater significance, connecting diegetic fiction experiences with their extra-diegetic world in their quest for meaning, self and identity. The 'banal' notion of the mediatization of religion theory is questioned as unsatisfactory in the theoretical context of individualized meaning-making processes. As a semantically negatively charged concept, it is problematic when analyzing empirical examples of spectators' use of fictional narratives, especially when trying to characterize the idiosyncratic and complex interplay between spectators' fiction emotions and their testing of mediated narratives in an exercise to find moral significance in extra-filmic life. Instead vernacular meaning-making is proposed.