34 resultados para EUTHYMIC


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BACKGROUND:Deficits in prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response have been suggested as a potentially useful endophenotype for schizophrenia spectrum disorders and may explain certain symptoms and cognitive deficits observed in the psychoses. PPI deficits have also been found in mania, but it remains to be confirmed whether this dysfunction is present in the euthymic phase of bipolar disorder.METHOD: Twenty-three adult patients with DSM-IV bipolar disorder were compared to 20 controls on tests of acoustic startle reactivity and PPI of the startle response. Sociodemographic and treatment variables were recorded and symptom scores assessed using the Hamilton Depression Inventory and the Young Mania Rating Scale.RESULTS:Overall, the patient and control groups demonstrated similar levels of startle reactivity and PPI, although there was a trend for the inter-stimulus interval to differentially affect levels of PPI in the two groups.CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to bipolar patients experiencing a manic episode, general levels of PPI were normal in this euthymic sample. Further studies are required to confirm this finding and to determine the mechanisms by which this potential disruption/normalization occurs. It is suggested that an examination of PPI in a high-risk group is required to fully discount dysfunctional PPI as a potentially useful endophenotype for bipolar disorder.


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Social cognitive difficulties are common in the acute phase of bipolar disorder and, to a lesser extent, during the euthymic stage, and imaging studies of social cognition in euthymic bipolar disorder have implicated mirror system brain regions. This study aimed to use a novel multimodal approach (i.e., including both transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalogram (EEG)) to investigate mirror systems in bipolar disorder. Fifteen individuals with euthymic bipolar disorder and 16 healthy controls participated in this study. Single-pulse TMS was applied to the optimal site in the primary motor cortex (M1), which stimulates the muscle of interest during the observation of hand movements (goal-directed or interacting) designed to elicit mirror system activity. Single EEG electrodes (C3, CZ, C4) recorded mu rhythm modulation concurrently. Results revealed that the patient group showed significantly less mu suppression compared to healthy controls. Surprisingly, motor resonance was not significantly different overall between groups; however, bipolar disorder participants showed a pattern of reduced reactivity on some conditions. Although preliminary, this study indicates a potential mirror system deficit in euthymic bipolar disorder, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of the disorder.


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Background. - Persistent impairment in cognitive function has been described in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder. Collective work indicates that obesity is associated with reduced cognitive function in otherwise healthy individuals. This sub-group post-hoc analysis preliminarily explores and examines the association between overweight/obesity and cognitive function in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder. Methods. - Euthymic adults with DSM-IV-TR-defined bipolar I or II disorder were enrolled. Subjects included in this post-hoc analysis (n = 67) were divided into two groups (normal weight, body mass index [BMI] of 18.5-24.9 kg/m(2); overweight/obese, BMI >= 25.0 kg/m(2)). Demographic and clinical information were obtained at screening. At baseline, study participants completed a comprehensive cognitive battery to assess premorbid IQ, verbal learning and memory, attention and psychomotor processing speed, executive function, general intellectual abilities, recollection and habit memory, as well as self-perceptions of cognitive failures. Results. - BMI was negatively correlated with attention and psychomotor processing speed as measured by the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (P < 0.01). Overweight and obese bipolar individuals had a significantly lower score on the Verbal Fluency Test when compared to normal weight subjects (P < 0.05). For all other measures of cognitive function, non-significant trends suggesting a negative association with BMI were observed, with the exception of measures of executive function (i.e. Trail Making Test B) and recollection memory (i.e. process-dissociation task). Conclusion. - Notwithstanding the post-hoc methodology and relatively small sample size, the results of this study suggest a possible negative effect of overweight/obesity on cognitive function in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder. Taken together, these data provide the impetus for more rigorous evaluation of the mediational role of overweight/obesity (and other medical co-morbidity) on cognitive function in psychiatric populations. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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To examine abnormal patterns of frontal cortical-subcortical activity in response to emotional stimuli in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder type I in order to identify trait-like, pathophysiologic mechanisms of the disorder. We examined potential confounding effects of total psychotropic medication load and illness variables upon neural abnormalities.


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Bipolar I disorder is a severe psychiatric disorder characterized by episodic mood alterations that can be manic, depressive or mixed. Bipolar disorder seems to be highly genetic, but the etiology of this complex disorder has remained elusive. In recent years, studies have found that euthymic patients with bipolar disorder may have impairments particularly in executive functioning, verbal learning and memory. These impairments may be present also among some of the relatives of these patients, who may be vulnerable to the disorder. Using neuropsychological variables as endophenotypes, i.e. intermediate phenotypes between genes and the phenotypes, has been suggested to aid search for the etiological background of the disorder, but evidence is sparse on whether these variables fulfill the criteria for endophenotypes. The present thesis is part of the Genetic Epidemiology and Molecular Genetics of Severe Mental Disorders in Finland project. The specific aim was to investigate whether neuropsychological test variables would indicate genetic liability to the disorder and could therefore be regarded as endophenotypes. Thus, cognitive functions and their heritability were studied in bipolar I disorder patients and in their unaffected first-degree relatives from a population-based sample of families, comparing them to a population-based control group. In order to add homogeneity to the subgroups of bipolar disorder patients and their relatives, cognitive functions and their heritability were further studied in a group of families affected by bipolar I disorder only (bipolar families) and another group of families affected by both bipolar I disorder and schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders (mixed families). Finally, the effect of processing speed on other cognitive functions was investigated. The study showed that especially executive functioning and processing speed fulfilled the endophenotype criteria. Impairments in these functions were found in bipolar patients and in their relatives irrespective of other severe psychopathology in the family. These functions were highly heritable in these families. Study also showed that generalized impairment in verbal memory may associate more with bipolar disorder than to vulnerability to other psychotic disorders, and be more related to fully developed disease; impairments in verbal learning and memory were found only in patients, and they were not found to be highly heritable. Finally, the most potential endophenotype, i.e. processing speed, seemed to contribute to a range of other cognitive dysfunctions seen in bipolar disorder patients. Processing speed, in particular, has also been shown to be a valid endophenotype in subsequent association analyses in psychiatric genetics in Finland and internationally. Information concerning cognitive impairments and their association with the psychosocial consequences of bipolar disorder is important in planning treatment. It is also important to understand and acknowledge that patients may have cognitive impairments that affect their everyday life. Psychosocial interventions and neuropsychological rehabilitation may supplement other conventional treatments for bipolar patients.


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Os transtornos psiquiátricos são um problema de saúde pública, ocupando cinco das dez principais causas de incapacitação no mundo. O transtorno bipolar (TB) é um transtorno de humor, segundo o DSM-IV (manual diagnóstico e estatístico de doenças mentais), o qual afeta cerca de 1% da população mundial. O TB do tipo I (TBI) é o mais frequente entre os TBs e é caracterizado pela presença de episódios maníacos ou mistos acompanhados por episódios depressivos. Assim como outros transtornos psiquiátricos, como a depressão, ansiedade e esquizofrenia, o TB representa um importante fator de risco cardiovascular, e pacientes com este transtorno apresentam mortalidade cardiovascular duas vezes maior que a população em geral. No entanto, os exatos mecanismos envolvidos nesta relação permanecem desconhecidos. Estudos sugerem o envolvimento da via L-arginina-óxido nitrico (NO) na patofisiologia do TB. O NO é responsável por diversas funções fisiológicas, incluindo a inibição da função plaquetária. A L-arginina, sua precursora, é transportada em plaquetas pelo carreador y+L, ativando a enzima NO sintase (NOS), a qual produz NO e e L-citrulina. Uma vez produzido, o NO ativa a enzima guanilato ciclase (GC), levando ao aumento dos níveis de guanosina monofosfato cíclica (GMPc). Adicionalmente, a L-arginina não é exclusivamente utilizada pela NOS, ela também pode ser metabolizada pela arginase e produzir L-ornitina e uréia. A biodisponibilidade do NO depende tanto de sua síntese como de sua degradação pelo estresse oxidativo ou pela inflamação. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar detalhadamente a via L-arginina-NO-GMPc em plaquetas de pacientes com TBI, a expressão da arginase e outros marcadores de estresse oxidativo e inflamação. Vinte e oito pacientes com TB e dez indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos no estudo. Nossos estudos mostraram uma redução da atividade da NOS em todos os grupos de pacientes bipolares (fases de eutimia, depressão e mania), quando comparados aos controles. Isto ocorreu na presença de concentrações normais do substrato e de seu transporte, e da expressão inalterada das isoformas eNOS e iNOS. A expressão da arginase II não diferiu entre os grupos estudados, indicando que a disponibilidade da L-arginina não está sendo desviada para o ciclo de uréia em plaquetas. A produção reduzida de GMPc foi observada mesmo com a expressão inalterada da GC. A atividade e marcadores de estresse oxidativo, avaliada através da quantificação da oxidação de proteínas e atividade da catalase, não foram modificadas em plaquetas de pacientes com TB, enquanto que a atividade da SOD estava aumentada em todas as fases. Os níveis séricos da proteína C-reativa (PCR), um marcador inflamatório, estão aumentados em pacientes maníacos, comparados aos controles. A reduzida produção de NO observada em plaquetas de pacientes bipolares pode ser um elo entre esta complexa associação entre TB e a doença cardiovascular.


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Objective: Despite evidence that gender may influence neurocognitive functioning, few studies have examined its effects in bipolar disorder (BD) a priori. The aim of this study was to examine how gender influences executive-type functions, which are potentially useful as endophenotypes for BD. Methods: The performance of 26 euthymic patients(12 males, 14 females) with DSM-IV BD (20 BD type I and six BD type II) was compared to that of 26 controls (12 males, 14 females) on tests of executive function. Controls were matched to patients on an individual basis for sex, age and premorbid IQ. Tests assessed spatial working memory (SWM), planning, attentional set-shifting and verbal fluency. Results: Overall, patients showed deficits in SWM strategy (p < 0.001) and made more SWM errors relative to controls (p < 0.001). These deficits were more apparent in male-only comparisons (both p < 0.001) than in female-only comparisons (both p < 0.05). When examined in isolation, male controls were significantly better at performing the SWM task than female controls (both p < 0.05). This pattern was not observed in the patient cohort: male patients had poorer strategy scores than female patients (p < 0.05), but made a similar number of SWM errors. Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that gender can influence the detection of SWM deficits in the euthymic phase of BD, as the sex-related disequilibrium in SWM identified in healthy controls was disrupted in BD. © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard.


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BACKGROUND: The presence of cognitive and structural deficits in euthymic elderly depressed patients remains a matter of debate. Integrative aetiological models assessing concomitantly these parameters as well as markers of psychological vulnerability such as persistent personality traits, are still lacking for this age group. METHODS: Cross-sectional comparisons of 38 elderly remitted patients with early-onset depression (EOD) and 62 healthy controls included detailed neuropsychological assessment, estimates of brain volumes in limbic areas and white matter hyperintensities, as well as evaluation of the Five-Factor personality dimensions. RESULTS: Both cognitive performances and brain volumes were preserved in euthymic EOD patients. No significant group differences were observed in white matter hyperintensity scores between the two groups. In contrast, EOD was associated with significant increase of Neuroticism and decrease of Extraversion facet scores. LIMITATIONS: Results concern the restricted portion of EOD patients without psychiatric and physical comorbidities. Future longitudinal studies are necessary to determine the temporal relationship between the occurrence of depression and personality dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: After remission from acute depressive symptoms, cognitive performances remain intact in elderly patients with EOD. In contrast to previous observations, these patients display neither significant brain volume loss in limbic areas nor increased vascular burden compared to healthy controls. Further clinical investigations on EOD patterns of vulnerability in old age will gain from focusing on psychological features such as personality traits rather than neurocognitive clues.


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Cette thèse examine le rythme veille-sommeil et son association avec l’instabilité émotionnelle, l’agressivité et l’impulsivité dans le trouble de personnalité limite (TPL) à l’adolescence. Dans un premier temps, la revue de la littérature sur les perturbations objectives du sommeil dans le TPL a mis en lumière plusieurs difficultés similaires, évaluées par polysomnographie, à celles observées dans la dépression adulte. De 1980 à 2010, aucune recherche n’a examiné le rythme veille-sommeil, aucune n’a étudié les adolescents TPL et plusieurs n’ont pas contrôlé l’état dépressif comme facteur de confusion. De ce constat, il s’avérait pertinent de mener une étude sur le rythme veille-sommeil dans le TPL à l’adolescence en l’absence de dépression co-occurrente. L’adolescence comportant plusieurs caractéristiques physiologiques, psychologiques et sociales, tenir compte des aspects développementaux était essentiel. Dans un second temps, un protocole de recherche fût mis en place à la Clinique des troubles de l’humeur et le recrutement a été réalisé auprès d’adolescents souffrant d’un TPL et sans état dépressif actuel. Ils devaient porter pendant plus de neuf jours (période comprenant deux fins de semaine) un actigraphe, appareil non invasif évaluant l’alternance veille-sommeil dans l’environnement naturel. L’abandon précoce au traitement étant prévalent chez les patients TPL, la fiabilité de l’étude a été examinée afin de déterminer les raisons favorisant et celles nuisant au recrutement et à la collecte des données. La réflexion sur les aspects méthodologiques de l’étude actigraphique a permis d’expliquer les limites de ce type de protocole. Dans un troisième temps, le rythme veille-sommeil des adolescents TPL (n=18) a été caractérisé et comparé à celui des jeunes ayant un trouble bipolaire (n=6), trouble psychiatrique partageant plusieurs manifestations communes avec le TPL, et à celui des adolescents sans trouble de santé mentale (n=20). Les résultats suggèrent que l’adolescent TPL passe plus de temps en éveil durant la période de repos que les jeunes appartenant aux deux autres groupes. De plus, les adolescents TPL présentent une plus grande variabilité inter journalière des heures de lever et du temps total de sommeil que les autres adolescents. Ils se réveillent une heure de plus, et dorment donc une heure supplémentaire, que les adolescents sans trouble mental lors des journées sans routine. Dans un quatrième temps, les analyses corrélationnelles entre les données actigraphiques et les scores aux questionnaires auto-rapportés évaluant l’instabilité émotionnelle, l’agressivité et l’impulsivité suggèrent que plus l’adolescent TPL passe du temps éveillé alors qu’il est au lit, plus il déclare présenter des comportements agressifs, surtout physiques, durant le jour. En résumé, cette thèse contribue à la littérature scientifique en explorant pour la première fois le rythme veille-sommeil et son lien avec les manifestations symptomatiques dans le TPL à l’adolescence. Les résultats suggèrent fortement l’importance d’évaluer et de traiter les problèmes du rythme veille-sommeil que présentent ces jeunes lors de la prise en charge.


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The role of nitric oxide (NO) in granulomas of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis-infected inducible NO synthase-deficient C57BL/6 mice (iNOS KO) and their wild-type counterparts and its association with osteopontin (OPN) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) was studied. At 15 days after infection (DAI), iNOS KO mice showed compact and necrotic granulomas with OPN+ macrophages and multinucleated giant cells, whereas wild-type mice developed loose granulomas with many fungi and OPN+ cells distributed throughout the tissue. In addition, high OPN levels and fungal load were observed in iNOS KO mice. Both experimental groups had MMP-9 activity. At 120 DAI, iNOS KO had smaller granulomas with OPN+ cells, lower OPN levels, lower fungal load and decreased MMP-9 activity compared with wild-type mice. These findings suggest that NO has an important role in granuloma modulation, by controlling OPN and MMP production, as well as by inducing loose granulomas formation and fungal dissemination, resulting, at later phases, in progression of paracoccidioidomycosis.


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Objective:  Alterations in gene expression in bipolar disorder have been found in numerous studies. It is unclear whether such alterations are related to specific mood states. As a biphasic disorder, mood state-related alterations in gene expression have the potential to point to markers of disease activity, and trait-related alterations might indicate vulnerability pathways. This review therefore evaluated the evidence for whether gene expression in bipolar disorder is state or trait related.

Methods:  A systematic review, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guideline for reporting systematic reviews, based on comprehensive database searches for studies on gene expression in patients with bipolar disorder in specific mood states, was conducted. We searched Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and The Cochrane Library, supplemented by manually searching reference lists from retrieved publications.

Results:  A total of 17 studies were included, comprising 565 patients and 418 control individuals. Six studies evaluated intraindividual alterations in gene expression across mood states. Two of five studies found evidence of intraindividual alterations in gene expression between a depressed state and a euthymic state. No studies evaluated intraindividual differences in gene expression between a manic state and a euthymic state, while only one case study evaluated differences between a manic state and a depressed state, finding altered expression in seven genes. No study investigated intraindividual variations in gene expression between a euthymic state and multiple states of various polarities (depressive, manic, hypomanic). Intraindividual alterations in expression of the same genes were not investigated across studies. Only one gene (the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene; BDNF) was investigated across multiple studies, showing no alteration between bipolar disorder patients and control individuals.

Conclusions:  There is evidence of some genes exhibiting state-related alterations in expression in bipolar disorder; however, this finding is limited by the lack of replication across studies. Further prospective studies are warranted, measuring gene expression in various affective phases, allowing for assessment of intraindividual differences.


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Bipolar disorder is characterized by progressive changes in cognition with declines in executive functioning, memory and sustained attention. Current pharmacotherapies for bipolar disorder target mood symptoms but have not addressed these cognitive changes resulting in euthymic individuals who still experience cognitive deficits. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) has been shown to have effects on antioxidant status, glutamate transmission, inflammation and neurogenesis. Adjunctive treatment with NAC improves the symptoms experienced by those with bipolar disorder, particularly depression, and it was hypothesized that cognition may also be improved following NAC treatment.

As part of a larger randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, participants in the current report were tested at baseline and 6 months to assess changes in cognitive function following either 2000 mg of NAC daily or placebo.

This study failed to find changes in cognitive function following treatment with NAC compared to placebo.

While an important pilot study, this study had a small sample size and included a limited battery of cognitive tests. Further investigations on the effects of NAC on cognitive performance in bipolar disorder are required.


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Clinical staging is widespread in medicine - it informs prognosis, clinical course, and treatment, and assists individualized care. Staging places an individual on a probabilistic continuum of increasing potential disease severity, ranging from clinically at-risk or latency stage through first threshold episode of illness or recurrence, and, finally, to late or end-stage disease. The aim of the present paper was to examine and update the evidence regarding staging in bipolar disorder, and how this might inform targeted and individualized intervention approaches.


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There is evidence that major psychiatric discords such as schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are associated with dysregulation of synaptic plasticity with downstream alterations of neurotrophins. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is the most widely distributed neurotrophin in the central nervous system (CNS), and performs many biological functions such as promoting the survival, differentiation, and plasticity of neurons. Variants in the BDNF gene increase the risk of SZ and bipolar disorder. Chronic administration of drugs used to treat SZ and BD, such as lithium, valproate, quetiapine, clozapine, and olanzapine, increases BDNF expression in rat brain. To examine serum BDNF, three groups of chronically medicated DSM-IV SZ patients, on treatment with clozapine (n=27), typical (n=14), and other atypical antipsychotics (n=19), 30 euthymic BD patients, and 26 healthy control had 5 ml blood samples collected by venipuncture. Serum BDNF levels were significantly higher in SZ patients (p<0.001) when compared to either controls or euthymic BD patients. Increased BDNF in SZ patients might be related to the course of illness or to treatment variables. Prospective studies are warranted.