75 resultados para ETHMIDIUM MACULATUM


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Se determinaron las características de la Biología y Pesquería de Ethmidium maculatum “machete” procedente de la pesca artesanal en la Región La Libertad durante el 2010. Se trabajó con una base de datos de 1 508 individuos, obtenidos al azar de los desembarques artesanales de Caleta Puerto Morín, Puerto Salaverry, Caleta Huanchaco, Puerto Malabrigo y Puerto Pacasmayo. Para el análisis biológico se consideraron 10 ejemplares máximo por rango de talla. Para determinar el alimento y hábitos alimentarios se realizaron análisis de estimación porcentual y frecuencia de ocurrencia; para determinar las características reproductivas, se analizaron los estadios de madurez gonadal e índice gonadosomático; se determinó el grado de bienestar mediante el factor de condición de Fulton; las constantes de crecimiento fueron calculadas mediante el uso del software FISAT II. La talla media de captura fue inferior a la talla mínima legal establecida. Se tipificó a la especie en estudio como zooplanctonófaga. La proporción sexual fue favorable a las hembras; predominó el estadio desovante y la especie evidenció actividad reproductiva con mayor intensidad a fines de invierno. El crecimiento para hembras y machos fue alométrico. Se reportó un volumen de desembarque de 26 779 kg, y las principales zonas de pesca fueron: Chao, El Carmelo, Buenos Aires, Las Delicias, Salaverry, Los Brujos y Huanchaco.


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Se determinó la edad y crecimiento de Ethmidium maculatum “machete” capturados de las caletas en la Región La Libertad (Pacasmayo, Huanchaco, Salaverry, Pto. Morín) durante el 2012 y 2013. La edad fue determinada mediante la lectura e interpretación de los anillos de crecimiento de los otolitos sagita. La muestra estuvo constituida por 406 pares de otolitos (152 machos y 254 hembras), se estimaron los parámetros de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy mediante el programa Table Curve 2D V5.01, asimismo se elaboró la clave Talla-edad, lo que permitió estableces 5 grupos de edades, siendo la edad menos representativa la de 5 años de edad y los que presentaron mayor ocurrencia fueron las edades de 2 y 3 años.


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Da a conocer los resultados de la exploración desarrollada entre Pisco y Puerto Pizarro a bordo de SNP - 1, del 6 de abril al 9 de mayo de 1971, sobre recursos costeros y recursos demersales con la finalidad de obtener conocimientos más precisos sobre los peces para consumo humano, como información para estimados de la biomasa de los stocks. Los resultados se presentan por separado, para cada tipo de red y grupo de recursos.


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We determined the genetic diversity of geographic populations from three spawning grounds (Nyang River, Lhasa River, Shetongmon Reach of Yarlung Zangbo River) of Glyptosternum maculatum with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Five primer combinations detected 332 products, 51 of them (15.4%) were polymorphic in at least one population. The Shetongmon population was found to be the richest in genetic diversity as was indicated by the percentage of polymorphic loci and heterozygosity, followed by the Nyang population and the Lhasa population. The pair-wise genetic distance between populations were all very close, ranging from 0.0015 to 0.0042 with an average of 0.0024. The genetic distance was not proportional to the geographic distance. The analysis of molecular variance demonstrated that all variation occurred within populations. The average estimated fixation index (F (st)) of three populations across all polymorphic loci was -0.0184, indicating the absence of genetic differences among the three sampled populations. The differentiation among populations was not significant, and population structure was weak. Our observations will help identify the genetic relationship among populations as the first approach to understand the genetic diversity of Glyptosternum maculatum.


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The ability to respond plastically to the environment has allowed amphibians to evolve adaptive responses to spatial and temporal variation in predation threat. However, animals exposed to predators may also show costs of plasticity or tradeoffs. This study examines predator-induced plasticity in larval development, behavior, and metamorphosis in the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum. Salamanders were raised in two treatments: with predator cues (a fish predator, genus Lepomis, on the other side of a divided tank), or without predator cues. During the larval stage the predator treatment group experienced higher mortality rates than the no-predator treatment group. Behavioral trials revealed that predator treatment animals ate less than those not exposed, and that this feeding response was immediately inducible and had lasting effects. Animals in the predator treatment group had smaller tail areas during the mid-larval period. Feeding and body size effects may have contributed to increased mortality in the predator-treatment animals. The timing of metamorphic onset was not affected by the presence of predators, but predator-treatment salamanders had shorter snout/vent lengths at metamorphosis. The duration of metamorphosis showed a potentially adaptive plastic response to the presence of predator cues: metamorphosis was longest in the no-predator treatment group, reduced in the predator treatment group, and even further reduced for animals exposed to predator cues only during metamorphosis. Overall, we found a mix of potentially adaptive and costly plastic responses in spotted salamanders.


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The ability to respond plastically to the environment has allowed amphibians to evolve a response to spatial and temporal variation in predation threat (Benard 2004). Embroys exposed to egg predation are expected to hatch out earlier than their conspecifics. Larval predation can induce a suite of phenotypic changes including growing a larger tail area. When presented with cues from both egg and larval predators, embryos are expected to respond to the egg predator by hatching out earlier because the egg predator presents an immediate threat. However, hatching early may be costly in the larval environment in terms of development, morphology, and/or behavior. We created a laboratory experiment in which we exposed clutches of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) eggs to both egg (caddisfly larvae) and larval (A. opacum) predators to test this hypothesis. We recorded hatching time and stage and took developmental and morphological data of the animals a week after hatching. Larvae were entered into lethal predation trials with a larval predatory sunfish (Lepomis sp.) in order to study behavior. We found that animals exposed to the egg predator cues hatched out earlier and at earlier developmental stages than conspecifics regardless of whether there was a larval predator present. Animals exposed to larval predator cues grew relatively larger tails and survived longer in the lethal predation trials. However the group exposed to both predators showed a cost of early hatching in terms of lower tail area and shorter survival time in predation trials. The morphological and developmental effects measured of hatching plasticity were transient as there were no developmental or morphological differences between the treatment groups at metamorphosis. Hatching plasticity may be transient but it is important to the development and survival of many amphibians.


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Se ha recorrido la Bahía de Coishco a fin de conocer las actividades artesanal e industrial que se desarrollan en esta área, y se han revisado los informes sobre las actividades y proyectos que ejecuta el Laboratorio Costero de Chimbote como parte del Plan Anual de Trabajo Institucional. Se presenta una descripción de la morfología, topografía y sedimentología de la Bahía de Coishco, así como de las características físicas, químicas y biológicas de sus masas de agua. Se hace una descripción de las fuentes y niveles de contaminación, producto del vertimiento de aguas de diferentes tipo de uso: industrial, pesquero, doméstico; de escorrentía y producto de actividades de las embarcaciones que operan en esta bahía. Se mencionan las especies que sustentan la pesca artesanal e industrial, los instrumentos y áreas de pesca, los bancos naturales de invertebrados marinos, los tonelajes de extracción a nivel artesanal y de procesamiento a nivel industrial por cada una de las fábricas que operan en esta bahía. La bahía de Coishco, con un área aproximada de 11.655 km2 es una bahía abierta, rodeada por las islas Santa y Moñaque; en sus profundidades predominan las isóbatas desde 12 a 16 m y en el centro de la bahía existe alta concentración de materia orgánica. Las masas de agua son generalmente Aguas Costeras Frias, de 15 a 20 ºC; la salinidad cerca de la línea litoral es menor a 35 ups, en cambio en el sur de la balúa las salinidades son en promedio del orden de 35,1ups. El vertimiento de aguas de uso industrial pesquero y doméstico influye en el contenido de oxígeno tanto superficial como de fondo, habiéndose detectado situaciones de anoxia; igualmente se afectan los nutrientes, tal es así que los niveles de fosfatos se incrementan durante la época de intensa actividad pesquera y disminuyen durante la época de veda. Se ha identificado 60 especies de organismos planctónicos, destacando las diatomeas de afloramiento Chaetoceros decipiens, Thalassiosira rotula y Skeletonema costatum. Los peces constituyen la principal fuente de pesca artesanal (82% de las capturas), destacando: "lorna" Sciaena deliciosa, "pejerrey" Odonthestes regia regia, "machete" Etmidium maculatum, "cachema" Cynoscion analis, "cabinza" Isacia conceptionís. La anchoveta es la principal materia prima para la elaboración de harina y aceite de pescado. Entre los invertebrados, destacaron "caracol" Stramoníta chocolata, "almeja" Semele spp., "concha de abanico" Argopecten purpu­ratus, "pulpo" Octopus mimus.


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The first cytogenetic analysis of fireflies from Brazilian fauna was carried out in this work. The investigation of two species of the subfamily Lampyrinae, Aspisoma maculatum and Photinus sp. (aff. pyralis), showed the diploid number 2n = 19 and an X0 sex determination system in males. These observations are similar to those already described for all the Lampyrinae species previously studied. In contrast, Bicellonycha lividipennis (Photurinae) revealed the karyotype 2n = 16 + neoXY, which has not yet been registered for any firefly species. The neoXY sex determination system encountered in this species probably arose through fusion between an ancestral X sex chromosome, belonging to the X0 system, and an autosomal element. This event also reduced the diploid number from 2n = 19, which is more frequent in the family Lampyridae, to 2n = 18 in B. lividipennis. The analysis of meiotic cells showed that the neoXY sexual bivalent of B. lividipennis exhibited a prominent terminal chiasma, indicating that the sex chromosomes are not wholly differentiated and still retain a region of homology. A review of the cytogenetic data known for the family Lampyridae was also documented in this work, as well as a discussion on the main trends of chromosomal evolution that seem to have occurred in this group.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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The following trematodes are part of a collection made by the author at Suva, Fiji in 1951. 1. Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905 is believed to be distinct from P. crucibulus and most other species in the genus on the basis of its oval-shaped rhynchus. It thus remains, as originally, the type species of the genus. 2. Prosorhynchus thapari n. sp. is described from Plectropoma maculatum (Bloch) from Suva, Fiji. The "P. facilis (Ozaki, 1924)" of Nagaty (1937) is considered to be a synonym. 3. Neidhartia polydactyli n. sp. is described from Polydactylus plebius (Bonnaterre) from Suva, Fiji.


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Novas espécies descritas do Brasil: Tropidion terminatum sp. nov. e Tropidion una sp. nov. (Rondônia); Tropidion buriti sp. nov. (Piauí); Compsibidion manauara sp. nov. (Manaus), Compsibidion elianae sp. nov. (Goiás); Compsibidion novalimae sp. nov. e Compsibidion peti sp. nov. (Minas Gerais). Do Brasil (Mato Grosso) e da Bolívia (Santa Cruz), Compsibidion ybyra sp. nov.; da Venezuela (Guarico), Tropidion jolyi sp. nov.; da Bolívia (Santa Cruz), Dodecaibidion bolivianum sp. nov. e Pygmodeon maculatum sp. nov. Minibidion captiosus nom. nov. é proposto para Minibidion bicolor Martins, Galileo & Limeira-de Oliveira, 2011. São estabelecidos novo status para Compsibidion rubricolle Melzer, 1935, e notas sobre Heterachthes tysiphonis (Thomson, 1867). São apresentados novos registros para Tropidion zonapterum (Martins, 1962), Compsibidion campestre (Gounelle, 1908) e Kolonibidion femoratum (Martins, 1971).


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During November 2010, three ticks were collected from three dogs living in the rural area of Arica, northern Chile. Morphological analyses of the ticks in the laboratory revealed that they were most similar to Amblyomma maculatum Koch and Amblyomma triste Koch. However, because of unique metatarsal spurs, neither of the Chilean specimens could be assigned with certainty to A. maculatum or A. triste, based on external morphology. The mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene partial sequences obtained from two Chilean specimens were 99.5% identical to A. triste from Uruguay, and 99.0% identical to A. maculatum from the United States. Through phylogenetic analysis inferred from partial 16S rRNA sequences, the Chilean specimens were classified as A. triste. Molecular analyses also showed that one of the three Chilean ticks was infected by Candidatus 'Rickettsia andeanae'. These findings extend the geographical distribution of A. triste to Chile, where no tick-associated rickettsia had been reported previously.