985 resultados para ESI-MSN
The components of crude and processed Fructus Corni were investigated by means of electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry(ESI-MSn) technique in the negative ion mode. Compared with those of crude Fructus Corni, the chemical components of the processed Fructus Corni were changed both in quality and in quantity. From the ESI-MS spectra of the crude and processed Fructus Corni, six peaks were selected to establish the characteristic ESI-MS peaks. Several factors in the processing procedure were examined.
The stability of diester-diterpenoid alkaloids (DDA) from plants of the genus Aconitum L. has been studied in different solvents and pH buffers. The HPLC/ESIMS method for analysing the concentration of DDA was established and DDA's decomposition products were elucidated by HPLC/ESI-MS/MSn. In different solvents, e.g. dichloromethane, ether, methanol and distilled water, the decomposition pathways of DDA are quite different and their difference in stabilities depends on the difference of their structures, in which substituents at the N atom and substituents at C-3 are different. The pyrolytic products of DDA, such as deacetoxy aconitine-type alkaloids, have been observed in the above solvents, whereas 8-methoxy-14-benzoyl aconitine-type alkaloids have been obtained only in methanol.
Seven compounds, four flavones and three triterpenoids from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. extract are identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization multi-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MSn). The fragmentation pathways of these compounds are investigated by ESI-MSn and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MSn). Comparing the retention times (t(R)) and mass spectra with those of reference compounds, seven components are identified in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. and their MSn data proposed plausible schemes for their fragmentation. All the experimental results show that ESI-MSn and FT-ICR-MSn are powerful tools for the structural characterization of triterpenoids and flavones
High performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(HPLC/ESI-MSn) was applied to analyze the chemical constituents from n-BuOH extract of Folium Isatidis.The data of retention time,UV spectra,molar masses and structural information on the compounds were obtained.Seventeen compounds are found in extract from n-BuOH.There are four nucleosides,two purines and eleven flavones.
采用LC/ESI-MSn的方法对家兔肠道内的乌头碱代谢产物进行研究,经与空白组比较发现,给药后家兔小肠内容物中新增加6个化合物峰(M1~M6),盲肠内容物中新增加5个化合物峰(M2~M6),粪便中新增加2个化合物峰(M3、M4). 分别测定各化合物的准分子离子及各级串联碎片离子,并与标准品的质谱断裂规律进行比较,同时参考文献,推断肠道内化合物M1为16-O-去甲基-8-O-去乙酰基乌头碱,M2为8-O-去乙酰基乌头碱,M3为16-O-去甲基乌头碱,M4为乌头碱(AC),M5为去氧乌头碱,为印乌头碱。
Development of Nanoinjector Devices for Electrospray Ionization - Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MSn)
In mass spectrometric (MS) systems with electrospray ionization (ESI), the sample can be analyzed coupled to separation systems (such as liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis) or simply by direct infusion. The greatest benefit of the type of injection is the possibility of continuous use of small amounts of samples over a long period of time. This extended analysis time allows a complete study of fragmentation by mass spectrometry, which is critical for structure elucidation of new compounds, or when using an ion trap mass analyzer. The injector filled with the sample is placed at the ESI source inlet creating an electric field suitable for the continuous formation of a spray (solvent and sample) and consequently, the gradual and even release of the sample. For the formation of the spray, is necessary that the injector end is metalized. The formation of a bilayer of titanium and gold provided an excellent attachment of the film, resulting in a nanoinjector for ionization/spray formation in the system for MS. The nanoinjectors showed high repeatability and stability over 100 min by continuous sampling with 10 mu L of sample.
Development of nanoinjector devices for electrospray ionization - tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn)
In mass spectrometric (MS) systems with electrospray ionization (ESI), the sample can be analyzed coupled to separation systems (such as liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis) or simply by direct infusion. The greatest benefit of the type of injection is the possibility of continuous use of small amounts of samples over a long period of time. This extended analysis time allows a complete study of fragmentation by mass spectrometry, which is critical for structure elucidation of new compounds, or when using an ion trap mass analyzer. The injector filled with the sample is placed at the ESI source inlet creating an electric field suitable for the continuous formation of a spray (solvent and sample) and consequently, the gradual and even release of the sample. For the formation of the spray, is necessary that the injector end is metalized. The formation of a bilayer of titanium and gold provided an excellent attachment of the film, resulting in a nanoinjector for ionization/spray formation in the system for MS. The nanoinjectors showed high repeatability and stability over 100 min by continuous sampling with 10 µL of sample.
In vitro a-glucosidase inhibition assays and ultrafiltration liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ultrafiltration LC-DAD-ESI-MSn) were combined to screen a-glucosidase inhibitors from hawthorn leaf flavonoids extract (HLFE). As a result, four compounds were identified as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors in the HLFE, and their structures were confirmed to be quercetin-3-O-rha-(1-4)-glc-rha and C-glycosylflavones (vitexin-2 ''-O-glucoside, vitexin-2 ''-O-rhamnoside and vitexin) by high-resolution sustained off resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID) data obtained by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS).
The general solution behaviour and" the major fragmentation pathways of the anticanceractive PtIV coordination complexes, trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtCIOH{N(pFC6F4) CH2h(pY)2] (1), trans, cis, cis-[Pt(OH)2{N(p-FC6F4)CH2h(Py)2] (2), trans, cis, cis-[Pt(OH)2{N(p-HC6F4)CH2h(Py)2] (3), trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtCIOH{N(pHC6F4) CH2h(Py)2] (4), and trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtOH(OCH3){N(p-HC6F4)CH2h(PY)2] (5) (Py = pyridine) have been deduced by positive-ion tandem-in-time ESI-MS. Overall, the acquired full-scan, positive-ion ESI-MS spectra of 2, 3, and 5 were characterized by the presence of relatively low-intensity [M+Nar and [M+Kt mass spectral peaks, whereas those of 1 and 4 were dominated by extremely intense [M+Hr peaks. Complexes 2 and 3 were also noted to form [2M+Ht and [2M+Nat dilneric cations. The source of Na + and K+ ions is believed to be the sample, the solvent systems used or the transport line carrying the sample solutions into the ES ion source. Further, the fragmentation pathway of all complexes studied was found to be almost identical with concurrent loss of py and H20 molecules, loss of a {N(p-YC6F4)CH2} (Y = F, H) group and/or concomitant release of the latter group and a py ligand being the most conunon. The photochemical degradation behaviour of 1 and 2 was also investigated using either fluorescent or ultraviolet light and some products of that degradation were positively identified. Altogether, light irradiation of solutions of both complexes resulted in cation cationisation, reductive-elimination, ligand-release, ligand-exchange and ligand-addition reactions. Finally, positive- and negative-ion ESI-MSn spectra of 5' -GMP, guanosine, inosine and products of their reactions with 1, 2,3, and 4 were also recorded. On the whole, full-scan ESI-MS spectra of the pure nucleobases revealed the presence of cationic and anionic species that are highly reflective of both their solution ionic composition and their propensity t9 form polymeric clusters. Analyses of mass spectra acquired from their reaction solutions with the aforementioned platinum complexes indicated very slow kinetics. However, all complexes investigated formed, to various degrees, Pt-nucleobase adducts with guanosine and inosine, but not with 5'-GMP. The products included species having coordination numbers of III, IV, V, and VI, among which the first-time· observed, coordinatively saturated, jive-coordinate PtlI-nucleobase complexes were of most interest. The latter complexes are presumably stabilized by 7tback- donation involving the filled d orbitals of the PtII centre and the empty pz· orbital of MeCN. All products, whose peaks appeared inlull-scan ESI-MS spectra, are believed to represent solution species rather than artifacts of gas-phase processes. Finally, negativeion ESI-MSn spectra recorded in reaction solutions of 1 and 4 with guanosine and of the latter complex with inosine revealed the negative-ion-ESI-MS first-time observed, noncovalent, nucleoside-chloride adducts, with the source of chloride anion being complexes 1 and 4 theillselves. In contrast, no such adducts were observed to form with Na25'-GMP or its protonated fonn. Few suggestions are offered for the possible cause(s) behind the absence of such adduct ions.
Sekundäres organisches Aerosol (SOA) ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil von atmosphärischen Aerosolpartikeln. Atmosphärische Aerosole sind bedeutsam, da sie das Klima über direkte (Streuung und Absorption von Strahlung) und indirekte (Wolken-Kondensationskeime) Effekte beeinflussen. Nach bisherigen Schätzungen ist die SOA-Bildung aus biogenen Kohlenwasserstoffen global weit wichtiger als die SOA-Bildung aus anthropogenen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Reaktive Kohlenwasserstoffe, die in großen Mengen von der Vegetation emittiert werden und als die wichtigsten Vorläufersubstanzen für biogenes SOA gelten, sind die Terpene. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Methode entwickelt, welche die Quantifizierung von aciden Produkten der Terpen-Oxidation ermöglicht. Die Abscheidung des größenselektierten Aerosols (PM 2.5) erfolgte auf Quarzfilter, die unter Zuhilfenahme von Ultraschall mittels Methanol extrahiert wurden. Nach Aufkonzentrierung und Lösungsmittelwechsel auf Wasser sowie Standardaddition wurden die Proben mit einer Kapillar-HPLC-ESI-MSn-Methode analysiert. Das verwendete Ionenfallen-Massenspektrometer (LCQ-DECA) bietet die Möglichkeit, Strukturaufklärung durch selektive Fragmentierung der Qasimolekülionen zu betreiben. Die Quantifizierung erfolgte teilweise im MS/MS-Modus, wodurch Selektivität und Nachweisgrenze verbessert werden konnten. Um Produkte der Terpen-Oxidation zu identifizieren, die nicht als Standards erhältlich waren, wurden Ozonolysexperimente durchgeführt. Dadurch gelang die Identifizierung einer Reihe von Oxidationsprodukten in Realproben. Neben schon bekannten Produkten der Terpen-Oxidation konnten einige Produkte erstmals in Realproben eindeutig als Produkte des α Pinens nachgewiesen werden. In den Proben der Ozonolyseexperimente konnten auch Produkte mit hohem Molekulargewicht (>300 u) nachgewiesen werden, die Ähnlichkeit zeigen zu den als Dimeren oder Polymeren in der Literatur bezeichneten Substanzen. Sie konnten jedoch nicht in Feldproben gefunden werden. Im Rahmen von 5 Messkampagnen in Deutschland und Finnland wurden Proben der atmosphärischen Partikelphase genommen. Die Quantifizierung von Produkten der Oxidation von α-Pinen, β-Pinen, 3-Caren, Sabinen und Limonen in diesen Proben ergab eine große zeitliche und örtliche Variationsbreite der Konzentrationen. Die Konzentration von Pinsäure bewegte sich beispielsweise zwischen etwa 0,4 und 21 ng/m³ während aller Messkampagnen. Es konnten stets Produkte verschiedener Terpene nachgewiesen werden. Produkte einiger Terpene eignen sich sogar als Markersubstanzen für verschiedene Pflanzenarten. Sabinen-Produkte wie Sabinsäure können als Marker für die Emissionen von Laubbäumen wie Buchen oder Birken verwendet werden, während Caren-Produkte wie Caronsäure als Marker für Nadelbäume, speziell Kiefern, verwendet werden können. Mit den quantifizierten Substanzen als Marker wurde unter zu Hilfenahme von Messungen des Gehaltes an organischem und elementarem Kohlenstoff im Aerosol der Anteil des sekundären organischen Aerosols (SOA) errechnet, der von der Ozonolyse der Terpene stammt. Erstaunlicherweise konnten nur 1% bis 8% des SOA auf die Ozonolyse der Terpene zurückgeführt werden. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu der bisherigen Meinung, dass die Ozonolyse der Terpene die wichtigste Quelle für biogenes SOA darstellt. Gründe für diese Diskrepanz werden in der Arbeit diskutiert. Um die atmosphärischen Prozesse der Bildung von SOA vollständig zu verstehen, müssen jedoch noch weitere Anstrengungen unternommen werden.
We report the photoinduced conjugation of polymers synthesized via reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization with a number of low molecular weight (functional) olefins. Upon irradiation of a solution of an aliphatic alkene and the benzyl dithioacetic acid ester (CPDA) or dodecyl trithiocarbonate (DoPAT) functional poly(alkyl acrylate) at the absorption wavelength of the thiocarbonyl group (315 nm), incorporation of the alkene at the polymer chain-end occurred. The most efficient systems identified with regard to the rate of reaction and yield were poly(butyl acrylate)/CPDA/ethyl vinyl ether (78% monoinsertion product after 1 h) and poly(butyl acrylate)/CPDA/1-pentene (73% insertion product after 7 h) at ambient temperature. An in-depth analysis of the reaction mechanism by 1H NMR and online size-exclusion chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (SEC/ESI−MSn) revealed that a possible [2 + 2] photoaddition mechanism of conjugation does not take place. Instead, fast β-cleavage of the photoexcited RAFT-end group with subsequent radical addition of an alkene was observed for all employed systems. The presented reaction thus provides a means of spatial and temporal control for the conjugation of alkenes to thiocarbonyl thio-capped macromolecules via the use of UV radiation.
本文以9 个芍药野生种(15 份种质)、104 个品种及2 个牡丹芍药组间杂种的花瓣为材料,利用液质联用技术鉴定了花瓣中的色素成分并探讨了芍药花色形成的化学机制和化学分类法。 结果表明,芍药花中主要含有5 种花青素,即芍药花素-3,5-二葡糖苷( peonidin-3,5-di-O-glucoside , Pn3G5G ); 矢车菊素-3 , 5- 二葡糖苷( cyanidin-3,5-di-O-glucoside , Cy3G5G ); 天竺葵素-3 , 5- 二葡糖苷( pelargonidin-3,5-di-O-glucoside , Pg3G5G ); 芍药花素-3- 葡糖苷(peonidin-3-O-glucoside,Pn3G)和矢车菊素-3-葡糖苷(cyanidin-3-O-glucoside,Cy3G)。此外,3 种微量的花青素首次在芍药中发现:它们分别为芍药花素-3-葡萄糖-5-阿拉伯糖苷(peonidin-3-O-glucoside-5-O-arabinoside,Pn3G5Ara)、矢车菊素-3- 葡萄糖-5- 半乳糖苷( cyanidin-3-O-glucoside-5-O-galactoside ,Cy3G5Gal)和天竺葵素-3-葡萄糖-5-半乳糖苷(pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside-5-Ogalactoside,Pg3G5Gal)。特征花青素Cy3G5Gal 和Pg3G5Gal 仅在新疆芍药(Paeonia anomala L.)及其亚种川赤芍(P. anomala subsp. veitchii(Lynch) D. Y.Hong & K. Y. Pan)中被检测出来,表明它们属于同一个种。Pn3G5Ara 仅存在于欧洲的野生芍药花瓣中,表明中国野生芍药和欧洲芍药的花青素代谢途径不同。 芍药花瓣中主要含有11 种花黄素,均为黄酮醇类物质。包括栎精-3,7 二葡糖苷( quercetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside )、山奈酚-3 , 7 二葡糖苷(kaempferol-3,7-di-O-glucoside)、异鼠李素-3,7 二葡糖苷(isorhamnetin-3,7-di-Oglucoside)、栎精-3-O-(6”-没食子酰基)-葡糖苷 [quercetin-3-O-(6”-O-galloyl)-glucoside] 、栎精-3- 葡糖苷( quercetin-3-O-glucoside )、山奈酚-7- 葡糖苷( kaempferol-7-O-glucoside )、山奈酚-3-O- ( 6”- 没食子酰基) - 葡糖苷[kaempferol-3-O-(6”-O-galloyl)-glucoside]、异鼠李素-3-O-(6”-没食子酰基)-葡糖苷 [isorhamnetin-3-O- ( 6”-O-galloyl ) -glucoside] 、山奈酚-3- 葡糖苷(kaempferol-3-O-glucoside)、异鼠李素-3-葡糖苷(isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside)和山奈酚-丙二酰葡糖苷(kaempferol-malonyl-glucoside)。此外,查耳酮在黄色的栽培品种‘黄金轮’和牡丹芍药组间杂交种‘伊藤杂种’中首次被检测到。其化学结构为查耳酮-2’-葡糖苷(chalcononaringenin 2’-O-glucoside),它是花瓣表现出黄色的主要色素,它与黄色牡丹野生种‘滇牡丹’(P. delavayi Franchet)花瓣中主要黄色色素成分一致。 通过对所有芍药野生种和栽培品种的色素分析,研究发现花青素是芍药花瓣中主要的色素,其中Pn3G5G 是花瓣中含量最高的花青素苷,其次为Cy3G5G。3G 型糖苷仅在少数品种中检测出来。此外,黄酮醇是芍药花瓣中重要的辅助色素。山奈酚苷是花瓣中含量最高的黄酮醇类,其次是栎精。 多元线性回归分析的结果表明,芍药花色的形成主要与花瓣中Pn3G5G、Cy3G5G 和Pg3G5G 的含量及总花青素量(TA)有关。根据8 种花青素结构与花色组成,将国内的野生种和大部分品种进行了化学分类:所有样本聚成3 大类,聚类后的树状图与其花色、花色素组成数据相一致,直观反映了野生种和栽培品种花色形成的化学背景和表型相似性程度。 芍药成色机理和化学分类的初步研究,对芍药新花色育种具有重要意义:芍药鲜红色花的育种中,育种亲本应具有高的Cy3G 含量、低的辅助色素效应指数。选育深紫色花或紫黑色花的品种,亲本应具有高的Pn3G5G 含量和低的Pg3G5G 含量。