28 resultados para ERCC1-XPF
Adjuvant cisplatin-based chemoradiation improves survival in HNSCC patients presenting with risk features. ERCC1 (excision repair cross-complementation group 1) is associated with resistance to chemo- and radiation therapy and may have a prognostic value in HNSCC patients. Here we studied ERCC1 expression and the polymorphism T19007C as prognostic markers in these patients. This is a retrospective and translational analysis, where ERCC1 protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry, using an H-score, and mRNA expression was determined by RT-PCR. T 19007C genotypes were detected by PCR-RFLP carried out using DNA template extracted from normal lymph nodes. A high H-score was seen in 32 patients (54%), who presented better 5-year overall survival (5-y OS: 50% vs. 18%, HR 0.43, p=0.026). Fifteen out of 45 patients (33%), with high mRNA expression, presented better 5-year overall survival (OS) (86% vs. 30%, HR 0.26, p=0.052). No OS difference was detected among T 19007C genotypes. High H-score and mRNA expression remained significant as favorable prognostic factors in a multivariate analysis. Collectively, our results suggest that high ERCC1 expression seems to be associated with better OS rates in HNSCC patients submitted to adjuvant cisplatin-based chemoradiation.
The ERCC1 (Excision Repair Cross-Complementing-1) gene is the presumptive mammalian homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD10 gene. In mammalian NER, the Ercc1/XpF complex functions as an endonuclease that specifically recognizes 5$\sp\prime$ double-strand-3$\sp\prime$ single-strand structures. In yeast, the analogous function is performed by the Rad1/Rad10 complex. These observations and the conservation of amino acid homology between the Rad1 and XpF and the Rad10 and Ercc1 proteins has led to a general assumption of functional homology between these genes.^ In addition to NER, the Rad1/Rad10 endonuclease complex is also required in certain specialized mitotic recombination pathways in yeast. However, a similiar requirement for the endonuclease function of the Ercc1/XpF complex during genetic recombination in mammalian cells has not been directly demonstrated. The experiments performed in these studies were designed to determine if ERCC1 deficiency would produce recombination-deficient phenotypes in CHO cells similar to those observed in RAD10 deletion mutants, including: (1) decreased single-reciprocal exchange recombination, and (2) inability to process 5$\sp\prime$ sequence heterology in recombination intermediates.^ Specifically, these studies describe: (1) The isolation and characterization of the ERCC1 locus of Chinese hamster ovary cells; (2) The production of an ERCC1 null mutant cell line by targeted knock-out of the endogenous ERCC1 gene in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line, CHO-ATS49tg, which contains an endogenous locus, APRT, suitable as a chromosomal target for homologous recombination; (3) The characterization of mutant ERCC1 alleles from a panel of Chinese hamster ovary cell ERCC1 mutants derived by conventional mutagenesis; (4) An investigation of the effects of ERCC1 mutation on mitotic recombination through targeting of the APRT locus in an ERCC1 null background.^ The results of these studies strongly suggest that the role of ERCC1 in homologous recombination in mammalian cells is analogous to that of the yeast RAD10 gene. ^
Metastasierender Krebs ist bei Erwachsenen in der Regel nicht heilbar. Eine Ausnahme stellen testikuläre Keimzelltumoren (TKZT) dar, da über 75 % der Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen metastasierenden TKZT mit einer auf Cisplatin basierenden Kombinations-Chemotherapie geheilt werden können. Zelllinien, die aus TKZT isoliert wurden, behalten diese Cisplatin-Sensitivität in vitro bei. Somit spiegeln Testistumorzelllinien die klinische Situation wider und sind deswegen ein gutes Modellsystem um zu untersuchen, welche Faktoren der Cisplatin-Sensitivität zugrunde liegen. Die Ursachen der Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumoren sind nicht bekannt. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass Testistumorzellen eine geringe Kapazität für die Entfernung von Cisplatin-induzierten DNA-Platinierungen aufweisen. Dieser Defekt in der DNA-Reparatur könnte ein Faktor für die beobachtete Cisplatin-Sensitivität sein. Cisplatin induziert sowohl Intrastrang-Vernetzungen als auch Interstrang-Vernetzungen (ICLs). Die Bildung und Reparatur der Cisplatin-induzierten Intrastrang-Vernetzungen wurde mittels DNA-Slot-Blot, die Bildung und Entfernung von Interstrang-Vernetzungen wurde mithilfe des Comet-Assays untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Reparatur von Intrastrang-Vernetzungen in Testis- und Blasentumorzelllinien vergleichbar ist. Somit sind Testistumorzellen in diesem Reparaturweg nicht beeinträchtigt. Im Unterschied dazu zeigte sich, dass Testistumorzellen die ICLs nicht oder nur mit einer reduzierten Kapazität entfernen können.Da die ICL-Reparatur über die Bildung von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) mit anschließender DSB-Reparatur verläuft, wurde die Kinetik der DSB-Reparatur anhand der Immundetektion der Histon-Variante γH2AX, die zur Visualisierung von DSB verwendet wird, verfolgt. γH2AX Foci wurden nach Behandlung mit Cisplatin in Testistumorzellen und Blasentumorzellen gebildet. Anders als in Blasentumorzellen blieb der Prozentsatz an γH2AX-positiven Zellen in Testistumorzellen bestehen. Offensichtlich konnten die Testistumorzellen die Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs nicht korrekt prozessieren, was dazu führte, dass γH2AX Foci persistierten. Da unreparierte DNA-Läsionen eine DNA-schadensabhängige Antwort einleiten können, wurde die Aktivierung der Hauptfaktoren dieser Signalwege untersucht. In den Testistumorzellen zeigte sich eine Erhöhung der p53 Proteinmenge nach Cisplatin-Behandlung. Des Weiteren wurde die durch Cisplatin induzierte Aktivierung von ATM/ATR, Chk1/Chk2, Bax und Noxa in Testis- und Blasentumorzellen vergleichend untersucht. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass der Reparaturfaktor ERCC1-XPF in Testistumorzelllinien reduziert vorliegt. Um eine mögliche Rolle von ERCC1-XPF für die Reparatur-Defizienz der ICLs und Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumorzellen zu analysieren, wurde ERCC1-XPF in der Testistumorenzelllinie 833K mithilfe eines Expressionsvektors überexprimiert, und der Einfluss von ERCC1-XPF auf ICL-Reparatur sowie Cisplatin-Sensitivität wurde ermittelt. Überexpression von ERCC1-XPF führte zur Reparatur der ICLs in 833K-Zellen und verminderte die Cisplatinsensitivität. Somit scheint die Cisplatinsensitivität der Testistumorzellen, zumindest zum Teil, auf einer verminderten ICL-Reparatur zu beruhen. Des Weiteren wurde in „proof of principle“ Experimenten ERCC1-XPF in der Cisplatin-resistenten Blasentumorzelllinie MGH-U1 mittels siRNA herunterreguliert, und die Auswirkung der Herunterregulation auf die ICL-Reparatur und die Cisplatinsensitivität wurde geprüft. RNA-Interferenz-vermittelte Herunterregulierung von ERCC1-XPF reduzierte die Prozessierung der Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs und verstärkte die Cisplatinsensitivität in MGH-U1 Zellen. Somit wurde in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass die Testistumorzellen in Vergleich zu Blasentumorzellen in der Reparatur von ICLs defizient sind, wobei die verminderte ICL-Reparatur auf die geringe Expression von ERCC1-XPF zurückgeführt werden konnte. Diese ICL-Reparatur-Defizienz könnte, zumindest zu einem Teil, für die Sensitivität der Testistumoren gegenüber Cisplatin verantwortlich sein.
ERCC1–XPF is a structure-specific nuclease with two subunits, ERCC1 and XPF. The enzyme cuts DNA at junctions where a single strand moves 5′ to 3′ away from a branch point with duplex DNA. This activity has a central role in nucleotide excision repair (NER), DNA cross-link repair and recombination. To dissect the activities of the nuclease it is necessary to investigate the subunits individually, as studies of the enzyme so far have only used the heterodimeric complex. We produced recombinant ERCC1 and XPF separately in Escherichia coli as soluble proteins. Activity was monitored by a sensitive dual incision assay for NER by complementation of cell extracts. XPF and ERCC1 are unstable in mammalian cells in the absence of their partners but we found, surprisingly, that ERCC1 alone could confer some repair to extracts from ERCC1-defective cells. A version of ERCC1 lacking the first 88 non-conserved amino acids was also functional. This indicated that a small amount of active XPF was present in ERCC1 extracts, and immunoassays showed this to be the case. Some repair in XPF-defective extracts could be achieved by adding ERCC1 and XPF proteins together, but not by adding only XPF. The results show for the first time that functional ERCC1–XPF can be formed from separately produced subunits. Protein sequence comparison revealed similarity between the ERCC1 family and the C-terminal region of the XPF family, including the regions of both proteins that are necessary for the ERCC1–XPF heterodimeric interaction. This suggests that the ERCC1 and XPF families are related via an ancient duplication.
The DNA repair gene, XPF, is implicated in numerous processes relating to maintenance of genomic stability. The experiments presented herein were designed to investigate the role of XPF in homologous recombination processes. Specifically, the role of XPF in plasmid-chromosome and intrachromosomal recombination was evaluated. To interrogate the mechanistic role of XPF in plasmid-chromosome recombination, a homologous gene targeting system at the APRT locus in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells was used. The targeting vector is linearized within 900 base pairs of heterology, which generates a substrate with long, nonhomologous 3′-OH ends that must be efficiently processed, presumably by the Xpf/Ercc1 heterodimer, prior to a productive recombination event. These experiments demonstrated a significant decrease in the targeted gene recombination frequency and a significant change to the recombinant product distributions in XPF- and ERCC1-deficient CHO cell lines, which suggest that the Xpf/Ercc1 heterodimer is essential for strand invasion recombination involving the processing of long, nonhomologous tails. In order to evaluate the role of XPF in intrachromosomal recombination, direct APRT repeat constructs at the chromosomal APRT locus in XPF-proficient and XPF-deficient CHO cells were used in spontaneous and DSB-induced recombination experiments. A defect in intrachromosomal recombination was only shown for UV41-derived XPF -deficient CHO cells, which have a severe interstrand crosslinking phenotype. The results of these studies demonstrate a requirement for XPF function in both plasmid-chromosome and intrachromosomal recombination, specifically in removal of long, single-stranded 3′-OH DNA ends. In addition, these studies identified a correlation between the interstrand cross-linking phenotype and the intrachromosomal recombination phenotype of each CHO cell line, but did not demonstrate a correlation between the interstrand cross-linking phenotype and the plasmid-chromosome recombination phenotype of these CHO cell lines. ^
Aims: This study has compared the tissue expression of the p53 tumour suppressor protein and DNA repair proteins APE1, hMSH2 and ERCC1 in normal, dysplastic and malignant lip epithelium. Methods and results: Morphological analysis and immunohistochemistry were performed on archived specimens of normal lip mucosa (n = 15), actinic cheilitis (AC) (n = 30), and lip squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) (n = 27). AC samples were classified morphologically according to the severity of epithelial dysplasia and risk of malignant transformation. LSCC samples were morphologically staged according to WHO and invasive front grading (IFG) criteria. Differences between groups and morphological stages were determined by bivariate statistical analysis. Progressive increases in the percentage of epithelial cells expressing p53 and APE1 were associated with increases in morphological malignancy from normal lip mucosa to LSCC. There was also a significant reduction in epithelial cells expressing hMSH2 and ERCC1 proteins in the AC and LSCC groups. A higher percentage of malignant cells expressing APE1 was found in samples with an aggressive morphological IFG grade. Conclusions: Our data showed that epithelial cells from premalignant to malignant lip disease exhibited changes in the expression of p53, APE1, hMSH2 and ERCC1 proteins; these molecular change might contribute to lip carcinogenesis.
Introduction: Les mutations du gène RAS sont présentes dans plusieurs types de cancers et ont une influence sur la réponse à la chimiothérapie. Excision repair cross- complementation group 1 (ERCC1) est un gène impliqué dans la réparation de l’acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN), et son polymorphisme au codon 118 est également associé à la réponse au traitement. Le peu d’études pronostiques portant sur ces deux gènes dans les cancers oto-rhino-laryngologiques (ORL) ne permet de tirer des conclusions claires. Objectifs: Déterminer l’influence des mutations de K-RAS codons 12 et 13 et du polymorphisme de ERCC1 codon 118 dans le traitement des cancers épidermoïdes avancés tête et cou traités par chimioradiothérapie concomitante à base de sels de platine. Méthode: Extraction de l’ADN provenant de spécimens de biopsie de patients traités par chimioradiothérapie concomitante pour des cancers avancés tête et cou, et ayant un suivi prospectif d’au moins deux ans. Identification des mutations de K-RAS codons 12 et 13 et du polymorphisme de ERCC1 au codon 118 dans les spécimens et corrélation de ces marqueurs avec la réponse au traitement. Résultats: Les mutations de K-RAS codon 12 sont associées à un moins bon contrôle loco-régional par rapport aux tumeurs ne démontrant pas la mutation (32% vs 83% p=0.03), sans affecter pour autant la survie globale. Aucune mutation de K-RAS codon 13 n’a été identifiée. Les différents polymorphismes de ERCC1 n’ont pas eu d’impact sur la réponse au traitement. Conclusion: Les mutations de K-RAS codons 12 et 13 et le polymorphisme de ERCC1 au codon 118 ne semblent pas mettre en évidence les patients qui bénéficieraient d’une autre modalité thérapeutique.
The excision repair cross-complementation 1 (ERCC1) enzyme plays an essential role in the nucleotide excision repair pathway and is associated with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in different types of cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinicopathological significance of ERCC1 expression in breast cancer patients. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 in a tissue microarray from 135 primary breast carcinomas and correlated the immunohistochemical findings with clinicopathological factors and outcome data. ERCC1 expression analysis was available for 109 cases. In this group, 58 (53.2%) were positive for ERCC1. ERCC1-positive expression was correlated with smaller tumor size (P=0.007) and with positivity for estrogen receptor (P=0.040), but no correlation was found with other clinicopathological features. Although not statistically significant, triple negative breast cancers were more frequently negative for ERCC1 (61.5% of the cases) compared to the non-triple negative breast cancer cases (41.5%). In conclusion, ERCC1 expression correlated significantly with favorable prognostic factors, such as smaller tumor size and ER-positivity, suggesting a possible role for ERCC1 as a predictive and/or prognostic marker in breast cancer. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.
Aims: To evaluate the associations of excision repair cross complementing-group 1 (ERCC1) (DNA repair protein) (G19007A) polymorphism, methylation and immunohistochemical expression with epidemiological and clinicopathological factors and with overall survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Methods and results: The study group comprised 84 patients with HNSCC who underwent surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy without chemotherapy. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used. The allele A genotype variant was observed in 79.8% of the samples, GG in 20.2%, GA in 28.6% and AA in 51.2%. Individuals aged more than 45 years had a higher prevalence of the allelic A variant and a high (83.3%) immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 protein [odds ratio (OR) = 4.86, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2-19.7, P = 0.027], which was also high in patients with advanced stage (OR= 5.04, 95% CI: 1.07-23.7, P = 0.041). Methylated status was found in 51.2% of the samples, and was higher in patients who did not present distant metastasis (OR = 6.67, 95% CI: 1.40-33.33, P = 0.019) and in patients with advanced stage (OR = 5.04, 95% CI: 1.07-23.7, P = 0.041). At 2 and 5 years, overall survival was 55% and 36%, respectively (median = 30 months). Conclusion: Our findings may reflect a high rate of DNA repair due to frequent tissue injury during the lifetime of these individuals, and also more advanced disease presentation in this population with worse prognosis.
The assembly and composition of human excision nuclease were investigated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting. Individual repair factors or any combination of up to four repair factors failed to form DNA–protein complexes of high specificity and stability. A stable complex of high specificity can be detected only when XPA/RPA, transcription factor IIH, XPC⋅HHR23B, and XPG and ATP are present in the reaction mixture. The XPF⋅ERCC1 heterodimer changes the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA–protein complex formed with the other five repair factors, but it does not confer additional specificity. By using proteins with peptide tags or antibodies to the repair factors in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, it was found that XPA, replication protein A, transcription factor IIH, XPG, and XPF⋅excision repair cross-complementing 1 but not XPC⋅HHR23B were present in the penultimate and ultimate dual incision complexes. Thus, it appears that XPC⋅HHR23B is a molecular matchmaker that participates in the assembly of the excision nuclease but is not present in the ultimate dual incision complex. The excision nuclease makes an assymmetric DNase I footprint of ≈30 bp around the damage and increases the DNase I sensitivity of the DNA on both sides of the footprint.
Nucleotide excision repair proteins have been implicated in genetic recombination by experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster, but their role, if any, in mammalian cells is undefined. To investigate the role of the nucleotide excision repair gene ERCC1, the hamster homologue to the S. cerevisiae RAD10 gene, we disabled the gene by targeted knockout. Partial tandem duplications of the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene then were constructed at the endogenous APRT locus in ERCC1− and ERCC1+ cells. To detect the full spectrum of gene-altering events, we used a loss-of-function assay in which the parental APRT+ tandem duplication could give rise to APRT− cells by homologous recombination, gene rearrangement, or point mutation. Measurement of rates and analysis of individual APRT− products indicated that gene rearrangements (principally deletions) were increased at least 50-fold, whereas homologous recombination was affected little. The formation of deletions is not caused by a general effect of the ERCC1 deficiency on gene stability, because ERCC1− cell lines with a single wild-type copy of the APRT gene yielded no increase in deletions. Thus, deletion formation is dependent on the tandem duplication, and presumably the process of homologous recombination. Recombination-dependent deletion formation in ERCC1− cells is supported by a significant decrease in a particular class of crossover products that are thought to arise by repair of a heteroduplex intermediate in recombination. We suggest that the ERCC1 gene product in mammalian cells is involved in the processing of heteroduplex intermediates in recombination and that the misprocessed intermediates in ERCC1− cells are repaired by illegitimate recombination.
Base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathways play critical role in maintaining genome integrity. Polymorphisms in BER and NER genes which modulate the DNA repair capacity may affect the susceptibility and prognosis of oral cancer. This study was conducted with genomic DNA from 92 patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) and 130 controls. The cases were followed up to explore the associations between BER and NER genes polymorphisms and the risk and prognosis of OSCC. Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in XRCC1 (rs25487), APEX1 (rs1130409), XPD (rs13181) and XPF (rs1799797) genes were tested by polymerase chain reaction – quantitative real time method. The GraphPad Prism version 6.0.1 statistical software was applied for statistical analysis of association. Odds ratio (OR), hazard ratio (HR), and their 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by logistic regression. Kaplan-Meier curve and Cox proportional hazard model were used for prognostic analysis. The presence of polymorphic variants in XRCC1, APEX1, XPD and XPF genes were not associated with an increased risk of OSCC. Gene-environment interactions with smoking were not significant for any polymorphism. The presence of polymorphic variants of the XPD gene in association with alcohol consumption conferred an increased risk of 1.86 (95% CI: 0.86 – 4.01, p=0.03) for OSCC. Only APEX1 was associated with decreased specific survival (HR 3.94, 95% CI: 1.31 – 11.88, p=0.01). These results suggest an interaction between polymorphic variants of the XPF gene and alcohol consumption. Additionally APEX1 may represent a prognostic marker for OSCC.
DNA repair systems, genes and proteins are essential for genome integrity maintenance, avoiding serious diseases such as cancer. Deregulation in the expression of those proteins has been associated with both the risk of development and evolution of various human cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immunoreactivity of the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, THIIF and XPF in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and to investigate its association with clinical and histopathological parameters, outcome and 5-year survival rate. Seventy-four cases of OTSCC were analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry. We observed that DNA repair proteins were highly expressed in parenchymal cells; however, we only observed a significant association between XRCC1 high expression and better clinical staging (p=0,02). Cox regression showed that tumor size (p<0,01), lymph node involvement (p=0,04), tumor stage (p=0,02) and depth of invasion> 4mm (p=0,05) were prognostic factors. The results of this experiment suggest that XRCC1, TFIIH and XPF participate in the tumorigenic process, however, their immunoexpression may not be used as an independent prognostic indicator for OTSCC.
DNA repair systems, genes and proteins are essential for genome integrity maintenance, avoiding serious diseases such as cancer. Deregulation in the expression of those proteins has been associated with both the risk of development and evolution of various human cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immunoreactivity of the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, THIIF and XPF in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and to investigate its association with clinical and histopathological parameters, outcome and 5-year survival rate. Seventy-four cases of OTSCC were analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry. We observed that DNA repair proteins were highly expressed in parenchymal cells; however, we only observed a significant association between XRCC1 high expression and better clinical staging (p=0,02). Cox regression showed that tumor size (p<0,01), lymph node involvement (p=0,04), tumor stage (p=0,02) and depth of invasion> 4mm (p=0,05) were prognostic factors. The results of this experiment suggest that XRCC1, TFIIH and XPF participate in the tumorigenic process, however, their immunoexpression may not be used as an independent prognostic indicator for OTSCC.
Estudio de los polimorfismos del gen de la timidilato sintasa y los genes reparadores del ADN ERCC1 y XRCC1 y su relación con la rdespuesta al tratamiento neoadyvante con qumiorradioterapia basada en capecitabin, en pacientes afecto de carcinoma colorrectal de localmente avanzado.