24 resultados para EPISIOTOMY


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy for perineal pain and healing after episiotomy. Design: a double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical trial comparing perineal pain scores and episiotomy healing in women treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and with the simulation of the treatment. Setting: the study was conducted in the Birth Centre and rooming-in units of Amparo Maternal, a maternity service located in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: fifty-two postpartum women who had had mediolateral episiotomies during their first normal delivery were randomly divided into two groups of 26: an experimental group and a control group. Intervention: in the experimental group, the women were treated with LLLT. Irradiation was applied at three points directly on the episiotomy after the suture and in three postpartum sessions: up to 2 hrs postpartum, between 20 and 24 hrs postpartum and between 40 and 48 hrs postpartum. The LLLT was performed with diode laser, with a wavelength of 660 nm (red light), spot size of 0.04 cm(2), energy density of 3.8 J/cm(2), radiant power of 15 mW and 10 s per point, which resulted in an energy of 0.15 J per point and a total energy of 0.45 J per session. The control group participants also underwent three treatment sessions, but without the emission of radiation (simulation group), to assess the possible effects of placebo treatment. Main outcomes: perineal pain scores, rated on a scale from 0 to 10, were evaluated before and immediately after the irradiation in the three sessions. The healing process was assessed using the REEDA scale (Redness, Edema, Echymosis, Discharge Aproximation) before each laser therapy session and 15 and 20 days after the women's discharge. Findings: comparing the pain scores before and after the LLLT sessions, the experimental group presented a significant within-group reduction in mean pain scores after the second and third sessions (p=0.003 and p<0.001, respectively), and the control group showed a significant reduction after the first treatment simulation (p=0.043). However, the comparison of the perineal pain scores between the experimental and control groups indicated no statistical difference at any of the evaluated time points. There was no significant difference in perineal healing scores between the groups. All postpartum women approved of the low-level laser therapy. Conclusions: this pilot study showed that LLLT did not accelerate episiotomy healing. Although there was a reduction in perineal pain mean scores in the experimental group, we cannot conclude that the laser relieved perineal pain. This study led to the suggestion of a new research proposal involving another irradiation protocol to evaluate LLLT's effect on perineal pain relief. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: We evaluated the effectiveness of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a pain relief resource for primiparous puerpere who had experienced natural childbirth with an episiotomy. Methods: A controlled, randomized clinical study was conducted in a Brazilian maternity ward. Forty puerpere were randomly divided into two groups: TENS high frequency and a no treatment control group. Post-episiotomy pain was assessed in the resting and sitting positions and during ambulation. An 11-point numeric rating scale was performed in three separate evaluations (at the beginning of the study, after 60 min and after 120 min). The McGill pain questionnaire was employed at the beginning and 60 min later. TENS with 100 Hz frequency and 75 mu s pulse for 60 min was employed without causing any pain. Four electrodes ware placed in parallel near the episiotomy site, in the area of the pudendal and genitofemoral nerves. Results: An 11-point numeric rating scale and McGill pain questionnaire showed a significant statistical difference in pain reduction in the TENS group, while the control group showed no alteration in the level of discomfort. Hence, high-frequency TENS treatment significantly reduced pain intensity immediately after its use and 60 min later. Conclusion: TENS is a safe and viable non-pharmacological analgesic resource to be employed for pain relief post-episiotomy. The routine use of TENS post-episiotomy is recommended.


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Aims and objectives. To evaluate the effectiveness of a low-level laser therapy for pain relief in the perineum following episiotomy during childbirth. Background. Laser irradiation is a painless and non-invasive therapy for perineal pain treatment and its effects have been investigated in several studies, with no clear conclusion on its effectiveness. Design. A double-blind randomised controlled clinical trial. Method. One hundred and fourteen women who underwent right mediolateral episiotomies during vaginal birth in an in-hospital birthing centre in Sao Paulo, Brazil and reported pain =3 on a numeric scale (010) were randomised into three groups of 38 women each: two experimental groups (treated with red and infrared laser) and a control group. The experimental groups were treated with laser applied at three points directly on the episiotomy after suturing in a single session between 656 hours postpartum. We used a diode laser with wavelengths of 660 nm (red laser) and 780 nm (infrared laser). The control group participants underwent all laser procedures, excluding the emission of irradiation. The participants and the pain scores evaluator were blinded to the type of intervention. The perineal pain scores were assessed at three time points: before, immediately after and 30 minutes after low-level laser therapy. Results. The comparison of perineal pain between the three groups showed no significant differences in the three evaluations (p = 0.445), indicating that the results obtained in the groups treated with low-level laser therapy were equivalent to the control group. Conclusions. Low-level laser therapy did not decrease the intensity of perineal pain reported by women who underwent right mediolateral episiotomy. Relevance to clinical practice. The effect of laser in perineal pain relief was not demonstrated in this study. The dosage may not have been sufficient to provide relief from perineal pain after episiotomy during a vaginal birth.


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Background: Health policy, guidelines, and standards advocate giving patients comprehensive information and facilitating their involvement in health-related decision-making. Routine assessment of patient reports of these processes is needed. Our objective was to examine decision-making processes, specifically information provision and consumer involvement in decision-making, for nine pregnancy, labour, and birth procedures, as reported by maternity care consumers in Queensland, Australia. Methods: Participants were women who had a live birth in Queensland in a specified time period and were not found to have had a baby that died since birth, who completed the extended Having a Baby in Queensland Survey, 2010 about their maternity care experiences, and who reported at least one of the nine procedures of interest. For each procedure, women answered two questions that measured perceived (i) receipt of information about the benefits and risks of the procedure and (ii) role in decision-making about the procedure. Results: In all, 3,542 eligible women (34.2%) completed the survey. Between 4% (for pre-labour caesarean section) and 60% (for vaginal examination) of women reported not being informed of the benefits and risks of the procedure they experienced. Between 2% (epidural) and 34% (episiotomy) of women reported being unconsulted in decision-making. Over one quarter (26%) of the women who experienced episiotomy reported being neither informed nor consulted. Conclusions: There is an urgent need for interventions that facilitate information provision and consumer involvement in decision-making about several perinatal procedures, especially those performed within the time-limited intrapartum care episode.


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Background Women born outside Australia make up more than a fifth of the Queensland birthing population and like migrants in other parts of the world face the challenges of cultural dislocation and possible language barriers. Recognising that labour and birth are major life events the aim was to investigate the experiences of these women in comparison to native-born English speaking women. Methods Secondary analysis of data from a population based survey of women who had recently birthed in Queensland. Self-reported clinical outcomes and quality of interpersonal care of 481 women born outside Australia who spoke a language other than English at home were compared with those of 5569 Australian born women speaking only English. Results After adjustment for demographic factors and type of birthing facility, women born in another country were less likely to be induced, but more likely to have constant electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), to give birth lying on their back or side, and to have an episiotomy. Most women felt that they were treated as an individual and with kindness and respect. However, women born outside Australia were less likely to report being looked after ‘very well’ during labour and birth and to be more critical of some aspects of care. Conclusion In comparing the labour and birth experiences of women born outside the country who spoke another language with native-born English speaking women, the present study presents a largely positive picture. However, there were some marked differences in both clinical and interpersonal aspects of care.


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Background Currently, care providers and policy-makers internationally are working to promote normal birth. In Australia, such initiatives are being implemented without any evidence of the prevalence or determinants of normal birth as a multidimensional construct. This study aimed to better understand the determinants of normal birth (defined as without induction of labour, epidural/spinal/general anaesthesia, forceps/vacuum, caesarean birth, or episiotomy) using secondary analyses of data from a population survey of women in Queensland, Australia. Methods Women who birthed in Queensland during a two-week period in 2009 were mailed a survey approximately three months after birth. Women (n=772) provided retrospective data on their pregnancy, labour and birth preferences and experiences, socio-demographic characteristics, and reproductive history. A series of logistic regressions were conducted to determine factors associated with having labour, having a vaginal birth, and having a normal birth. Findings Overall, 81.9% of women had labour, 66.4% had a vaginal birth, and 29.6% had a normal birth. After adjusting for other significant factors, women had significantly higher odds of having labour if they birthed in a public hospital and had a pre-existing preference for a vaginal birth. Of women who had labour, 80.8% had a vaginal birth. Women who had labour had significantly higher odds of having a vaginal birth if they attended antenatal classes, did not have continuous fetal monitoring, felt able to ‘take their time’ in labour, and had a pre-existing preference for a vaginal birth. Of women who had a vaginal birth, 44.7% had a normal birth. Women who had a vaginal birth had significantly higher odds of having a normal birth if they birthed in a public hospital, birthed outside regular business hours, had mobility in labour, did not have continuous fetal monitoring, and were non-supine during birth. Conclusions These findings provide a strong foundation on which to base resources aimed at increasing informed decision-making for maternity care consumers, providers, and policy-makers alike. Research to evaluate the impact of modifying key clinical practices (e.g., supporting women׳s mobility during labour, facilitating non-supine positioning during birth) on the likelihood of a normal birth is an important next step.


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A temática deste estudo está centrada na participação da enfermeira obstétrica no modelo humanizado de atenção ao parto e teve como objetivos: identificar as práticas de enfermeiras obstétricas atuantes no trabalho de parto e parto em uma maternidade municipal do Rio de Janeiro; avaliar a consonância das práticas desenvolvidas por enfermeiras obstétricas durante o trabalho de parto e parto com as recomendações do MS/OMS; analisar a implementação das práticas das enfermeiras obstétricas na assistência ao trabalho de parto e parto entre 2004 e 2008. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, transversal. O período pesquisado foi de setembro de 2004 a setembro de 2008. A coleta dos dados foi através do livro de registro de partos onde foram registrados 4.510 partos assistidos por enfermeiras. Para a análise foram calculadas a média, mediana e proporção de cada variável estudada, conforme a indicação. As análises foram realizadas utilizando os programas Epi info versão 3.5.1 e Microsoft Word Excel 2007. Verificou-se que a maioria das parturientes assistidas foram jovens, sendo a mediana de idade de 23 anos, que já tinham engravidado duas vezes ou mais e que já tinham parido anteriormente pelo menos uma vez. Com relação à assistência pré-natal 92,8% realizaram o mesmo, contudo apenas 68,2% destas mulheres realizaram seis consultas ou mais. Identificou-se que o acompanhante esteve presente em 60,6% dos partos, porém esta presença foi maior nos partos das adolescentes (77,4%). A posição do parto predominante durante todo o período do estudo foi a vertical (77,6%). As lacerações perineais ocorreram em 52,3% dos partos e a mais incidente foi a laceração de primeiro grau (34,2%). As parturientes que não sofreram qualquer injúria perineal, seja esta espontânea ou cirúrgica, representaram 30,2% dos casos. As práticas obstétricas que não interferem na fisiologia do parto foram realizadas por 85,3% das parturientes, sendo que as mais utilizadas foram os exercícios respiratórios (73,6%), os movimentos pélvicos (42,1%) e a deambulação (29,8%). 67,9% das mulheres assistidas pelas enfermeiras receberam as práticas intervencionistas à fisiologia do parto, destas as mais registradas foram: a realização da amniotomia (25,1%), a administração endovenosa de ocitocina (54%), a realização da episiotomia (22,9%). A episiotomia foi mais utilizada entre as adolescentes (34,8%), nulíparas (44%) e naquelas que pariram na posição horizontal (28,8%). 40,2% das mulheres que não realizaram episiotomia não tiveram laceração perineal e a posição de parto com a menor incidência de laceração perineal foi a quatro apoios (25%), sendo esta classificada como primeiro grau. As adolescentes (55,1%) e as multíparas (71,8%) foram as que menos apresentaram lacerações de períneo. Conclui-se que tanto a prática apoiada no modelo tecnocrático, quanto àquela baseada no modelo humanizado de atenção ao parto, foram registradas na unidade pesquisada. Considera-se que tal fato pode ser investigado em outros estudos, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores que levam à realização de práticas que interferem na fisiologia do parto durante a assistência das enfermeiras obstétricas.


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Background: When clinically indicated, common obstetric interventions can greatly improve maternal and neonatal outcomes. However, variation in intervention rates suggests that obstetric practice may not be solely driven by case criteria. Methods: Differences in obstetric intervention rates by private and public status in Ireland were examined using nationally representative hospital discharge data. A retrospective cohort study was performed on childbirth hospitalisations occurring between 2005 and 2010. Multivariate logistic regression analysis with correction for the relative risk was conducted to determine the risk of obstetric intervention (caesarean delivery, operative vaginal delivery, induction of labour or episiotomy) by private or public status while adjusting for obstetric risk factors. Results: 403,642 childbirth hospitalisations were reviewed; approximately one-third of maternities (30.2%) were booked privately. After controlling for relevant obstetric risk factors, women with private coverage were more likely to have an elective caesarean delivery (RR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.45-1.51), an emergency caesarean delivery (RR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.12-1.16) and an operative vaginal delivery (RR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.22-1.27). Compared to women with public coverage who had a vaginal delivery, women with private coverage were 40% more likely to have an episiotomy (RR: 1.40; 95% CI: 1.38-1.43). Conclusions: Irrespective of obstetric risk factors, women who opted for private maternity care were significantly more likely to have an obstetric intervention. To better understand both clinical and non-clinical dynamics, future studies of examining health care coverage status and obstetric intervention would ideally apply mixed-method techniques.


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Today around 28 000 women originally from countries where FGM is practised, are living in Sweden. Many of them are at childbearing age which means that knowledge about FGM and its consequences is of outmost importance during delivery. The aim of this study is to describe current research on how to manage the delivery, regarding deinfibulation and the following stitching as well as the risk of complications when the labouring woman is mutilated. This review of literature is based on 12 scientific articles published between years 1989 – 2005. Five different databases have been searched with use of a large number of keywords.The review found that no scientific research has been carried out that describes how deinfibulation and following stitching should be managed when the woman is mutilated. All available articles within this area are referring to best practice only. The review also found that the conclusions of the studies are contradictory. The majority, however, show an increased frequency for prolonged labour that could be related to FGM. The three largest studies also show an increased rate of caesarean section among mutilated women. In the few studies that examine haemorrhage, the majorities show an increased tendency to bleed, that could be related to FGM. Several articles emphasize the importance of good routines for deinfibulation to reduce the risk for complications.In summary it can be established that due to methodological problems in many studies, no reliable conclusion can be made that the researched complications exists to a greater extent when the woman is mutilated


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a estrutura e o processo de assistência ao parto e ao recém-nascido desenvolvidos na maternidade e na unidade de neonatologia de uma instituição hospitalar de nível terciário do interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo, transversal, voltado para a análise da adesão às normas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde e Organização Mundial da Saúde em relação ao parto, avaliando-se os recursos existentes e as atividades desenvolvidas durante a assistência. Os dados foram colhidos nos anos de 2004 e 2005, a partir de entrevista com o gestor da maternidade, análise de 293 prontuários amostradose observação de 29 partos realizados. RESULTADOS: a avaliação da estrutura evidenciou a disponibilidade de equipamentos, instrumentais e medicamentos, de obstetra, pediatra e anestesista eausência de quartos de pré-parto, parto e puerpério.Na análise do processo observouse, entre outras,frequências regulares relacionadas à verificação de pressão arterial e ausculta dos batimentos cardíacos fetais; o preenchimento do partograma foi satisfatório; na assistência ao recém-nascido, foram insatisfatórios o aleitamento na primeira hora de vida e ocontato pele a pele. CONCLUSÕES: algumas práticas úteis no partonormal foram pouco utilizadas. Percebese uma tendência à incorporação de práticas baseadas em evidências científicas, quando se considerou a realização de procedimentos como tricotomia, enteroclisma e episiotomia, demonstrando uma mudançapositiva na assistência ao parto.


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O caráter multifatorial das complicações e da mortalidade materna torna difícil e demorada a tarefa de seu controle a longo prazo. A atenção profissional à mulher gestante e/ou parturiente representa seguramente elemento chave para a obtenção de bons resultados, tanto maternos quanto perinatais. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que atenção médica profissional ao parto de maneira adequada tem a capacidade de diminuir a ocorrência de complicações associadas à morbidade e mortalidade materna, são apresentadas resumidamente as evidências sobre algumas intervenções incluídas nesta atenção. São enfocadas as evidências derivadas de estudos realizados com extremo rigor metodológico e científico, os ensaios controlados randomizados, sobre intervenções capazes de reduzir as complicações e a mortalidade materna. Estas principais intervenções referem-se basicamente a: atenção institucional ao parto, atendimento profissional capacitado, utilização de parteiras tradicionais em determinados contextos, uso de tecnologias apropriadas incluindo o partograma, local do parto, posição para o parto, uso de episiotomia, tipo de parto, uso de ocitócicos na fase ativa do parto, realização de esforços de puxo no período expulsivo, manejo da dequitação e profilaxia da hemorragia puerperal. Ainda que o efeito de prevenir mortes seja difícil de ser avaliado pela baixa freqüência, sua utilização de forma racional e padronizada, por meio de manuais e normatizações de condutas de serviços, tem um efeito positivo sobre a qualidade da atenção ao nascimento. Isso faz parte do contexto técnico e humano do direito que toda mulher tem ao melhor atendimento possível nesse momento tão especial de sua vida.


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A cross-sectional study was performed to analyze obstetric and neonatal results of planned home births assisted by obstetric nurses in the city of Florianepolis, Southern Brazil. Data collected from the medical records of 100 parturient women cared for between 2005 and 2009 indicated 11 hospital transfers, nine of which underwent a Cesarean section. The majority of women who had a home birth showed normal fetal heart beat (94.0%) and progress on the partogram (61.0%), vertical water delivery was the position most frequently chosen (71.9%), newborns had an Apgar score >= 7 at five minutes (98.9%), episiotomy was performed in 1.0%, and 49.4% did not need perineal suturing. Outcomes indicated that planned home birth is safe.