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© 2015 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute. This paper describes an interesting attempt to quantitatively evaluate the corrosion behaviour of base oils using a novel approach based on electrochemical techniques. The present study evaluates the corrosion behaviour of biodegradable base oils with and without additives in an aqueous chloride solution using electrochemical measurements. Potentiodynamic polarisation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques were used to quantitatively determine the corrosion behaviour of these oils, and the results were compared to the conventional immersion tests. Both these electrochemical measurements were carried out in a three-electrode system where AS1020 mild steel alloy was used as a working electrode in a purpose made pipette cell. The results obtained from the electrochemical measurements help to evaluate the best biodegradable base oil for formulating eco-friendly industrial lubricants.


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The emissions to water from a 1.9 kW two-stroke outboard engine were investigated in the laboratory and in the field, with the primary objective being to characterise and quantify the pollutants that remain within the water column. The emission rates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were determined for the engine when using a mineral and an equivalent environmentally adapted lubricant (EAL). A comparison of the emission rates was conducted between the results from the fresh and sea water tests. The results showed that there was little difference in the emission rates of these pollutants when either of the lubricants was used in both the fresh and sea water. A further set of tests were done to find out the effect on pH of water due to the underwater emissions and these tests were done using both mineral and environmentally adapted lubricant. The results showed that the type of lubricant does not have any effect on the change in pH of the water.


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Syftet med denna studie var att genom semistrukturerade djupintervjuer, med särskild fokus på visuella gerillakampanjer, kartlägga de av byråerna benämnda karaktärsdragen för gerillakampanjer samt byråernas arbetssätt för dessa kampanjer.Fem semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes på respektive respondents arbetsplats utvalda genom ett kombinerat strategiskt och bekvämlighetsurval.Resultaten visade tydliga karaktärsdrag för en gerillakampanj. Utifrån dessa har följande definition tagits fram: en gerillakampanj kännetecknas av att den saknar köpt medieexponering och ofta karaktäriseras av en kreativ, ofta situations- och miljöanpassad, utformning som på egen hand väcker stort intresse eller uppmärksamhet relativt mot den nyttjade budgeten i syfte att skapa djupare relationer med mottagaren.Arbetssätten för en visuell gerillakampanj och vanliga gerillakampanjer skiljer sig inte nämnvärt mot arbetssätten för en traditionell reklamkampanj. Vid framtagandet av en gerillakampanj görs juridiska överväganden om huruvida lagöverträdelser kan komma att krävas. Det framkom även att spridningen i efterhand av en gerillakampanj var viktig för att få så stort genomslag som möjligt genom nyttjandet av traditionell media.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The monitoring of organisms' health conditions by the assessment of their immunocompetence may serve as an important criterion for the achievement of the Good Environmental Status (GES) as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (EU). In this context, the complex role of natural environmental stressors, e.g. salinity, and interfering or superimposing effects of anthropogenic chemicals, should be carefully considered, especially in scenarios of low to moderate contamination. Organisms from the Baltic Sea have adapted to the ambient salinity regime, however energetically costly osmoregulating processes may have an impact on the capability to respond to additional stress such as contamination. The assessment of multiple stressors, encompassing natural and anthropogenic factors, influencing an organisms' health was the main aim of the present study. Immune responses of Mytilus edulis, collected and kept at natural salinities of 12 per mil (LS) and 20 per mil (MS), respectively, were compared after short-term exposure (1, 7 and 13 days) to low copper concentrations (5, 9 and 16 µg/L Cu). A significant interaction of salinity and copper exposure was observed in copper accumulation. LS mussels accumulated markedly more copper than MS mussels. No combined effects were detected in cellular responses. Bacterial clearance was mostly achieved by phagocytosis, as revealed by a strong positive correlation between bacterial counts and phagocytic activity, which was particularly pronounced in LS mussels. MS mussels, on the other hand, seemingly accomplished bacterial clearance by employing additional humoral factors (16 µg/L Cu). The greatest separating factor in the PCA biplot between LS and MS mussels was the proportion of granulocytes and hyalinocytes while functional parameters (phagocytic activity and bacterial clearance) were hardly affected by salinity, but rather by copper exposure. In conclusion, immune responses of the blue mussel may be suitable and sensitive biomarkers for the assessment of ecosystem health in brackish waters (10-20 per mil S).


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Over many centuries of settlement, Vietnamese inhabitants have developed a vernacular architecture that is well adapted to the region’s climatic and topographical conditions. Vernacular Vietnamese housing uses natural systems to create a built environment that integrates well with nature. The vernacular combines site-sensitive, passive solar design, natural materials and appropriate structure to achieve harmony among nature, humans and the built environment. Unfortunately, these unique features have not been applied in contemporary Vietnamese architecture, which displays energy-intensive materials and built forms. This research is analysing how environmentally-responsive elements of vernacular architecture could be applied to modern sustainable housing in Vietnam. Elements of many types of vernacular architecture throughout the country are reviewed as precedents for future building planning and design. The paper also looks at culturally and ecologically appropriate legislative and voluntary options for encouraging more sustainable housing.


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Limitation to an aqueous habitat is the most fundamental physiological constraint imposed upon fish, phrases such as 'like a fish of water', convey our acceptance of the general unsuitability of fish for terrestrial existence. The constraints that restrict fish to an aquatic habitat relate to respiration, acid-base regulation, nitrogenous excretion, water balance and ionic regulation. A fish not adapted for an amphibious lifestyle when removed from water, becomes hypoxic and hypercapnic and soon succumbs to respiratory acidosis because the problem of excretion of H super(+) and C0 sub(2) are more immediate than lack of oxygen. This happen because fish gills collapse in air, while the ventilator arrangements that moves an incompressible medium (water) oven them become ineffective


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Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) inhabiting the Atlantic Wood Industries region of the Elizabeth River, Virginia, have passed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) resistance to their offspring as evidenced by early life stage testing of developmental toxicity after exposure to specific PAHs. Our study focused on environmentally relevant PAH mixtures in the form of Elizabeth River sediment extract (ERSE). Juvenile (5 month) F1 progeny of pollution-adapted Atlantic Wood (AW) parents and of reference site (King's Creek [KC]) parents were exposed as embryos to ERSE. Liver alterations, including nonneoplastic lesions and microvesicular vacuolation, were observed in both populations. ERSE-exposed KC fish developed significantly more alterations than unexposed KC fish. Interestingly, unexposed AW killifish developed significantly more alterations than unexposed KC individuals, suggesting that AW juveniles are not fully protected from liver disease; rapid growth of juvenile fish may also be an accelerating factor for tumorigenesis. Because recent reports show hepatic tumor formation in adult AW fish, the differing responses from the 2 populations provided a way to determine whether embryo toxicity protection extends to juveniles. Future investigations will analyze older life stages of killifish to determine differences in responses related to chronic disease.


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Acute exposures to some individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and complex PAH mixtures are known to cause cardiac malformations and edema in the developing fish embryo. However, the heart is not the only organ impacted by developmental PAH exposure. The developing brain is also affected, resulting in lasting behavioral dysfunction. While acute exposures to some PAHs are teratogenically lethal in fish, little is known about the later life consequences of early life, lower dose subteratogenic PAH exposures. We sought to determine and characterize the long-term behavioral consequences of subteratogenic developmental PAH mixture exposure in both naive killifish and PAH-adapted killifish using sediment pore water derived from the Atlantic Wood Industries Superfund Site. Killifish offspring were embryonically treated with two low-level PAH mixture dilutions of Elizabeth River sediment extract (ERSE) (TPAH 5.04 μg/L and 50.4 μg/L) at 24h post fertilization. Following exposure, killifish were raised to larval, juvenile, and adult life stages and subjected to a series of behavioral tests including: a locomotor activity test (4 days post-hatch), a sensorimotor response tap/habituation test (3 months post hatch), and a novel tank diving and exploration test (3months post hatch). Killifish were also monitored for survival at 1, 2, and 5 months over 5-month rearing period. Developmental PAH exposure caused short-term as well as persistent behavioral impairments in naive killifish. In contrast, the PAH-adapted killifish did not show behavioral alterations following PAH exposure. PAH mixture exposure caused increased mortality in reference killifish over time; yet, the PAH-adapted killifish, while demonstrating long-term rearing mortality, had no significant changes in mortality associated with ERSE exposure. This study demonstrated that early embryonic exposure to PAH-contaminated sediment pore water caused long-term locomotor and behavioral alterations in killifish, and that locomotor alterations could be observed in early larval stages. Additionally, our study highlights the resistance to behavioral alterations caused by low-level PAH mixture exposure in the adapted killifish population. Furthermore, this is the first longitudinal behavioral study to use killifish, an environmentally important estuarine teleost fish, and this testing framework can be used for future contaminant assessment.


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Solar Cities Congress 2008 “Energising Sustainable Communities – Options for Our Future” THEME 3: Climate Change. Impact on Society and Culture. Sub Theme: planning and implementing holistic strategies for sustainable transport Abstract Promoting the use of cycling as an environmentally and socially sustainable form of transport. We need to reduce carbon emissions. We need to reduce fuel consumption. We need to reduce pollution. We need to reduce traffic congestion. As obesity levels and associated health problems in the developed nations continue to increase we need to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Few if any would argue with these statements. In fact many would consider these problems to be amongst the most urgent that our society faces. What if we had a vehicle that uses no fossil fuel to power it, creates no pollution, takes up far less space on the roads and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle. What if this machine would have energy efficiency levels 50 times greater than the car? This is a solution that is here, now and ready to go and many of us already own one. It is the humble bicycle. Although bicycle sales in Australia now outnumber car sales, bicycle use as a form of transport (as opposed to recreation) only constitutes around 3% to 4% of all trips. So, why are bicycles the forgotten form of transport if they promise to deliver the benefits that I have just outlined? This paper examines the underlying reasons for the relatively low use of bicycles as a means of transport. It identifies the areas of greatest potential for encouraging the use of the world’s most efficient form of transport. Tim Williams - May 2007