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Resumen En la Cumbre de las Américas, celebrada en Miami en diciembre de 1994 se acordó establecer un Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), a fin de crear un espacio continental de libre comercio antes del 2005. Desde una perspectiva institucional, el ALCA reconoce sus antecedentes en la Iniciativa de las Américas (IA), que privilegiaba las negociaciones entre grupos de países, en detrimento de las bilaterales. En un principio se había planteado como una propuesta de profundizar las reformas económicas implantadas por los países latinoamericanos con objeto de abrir sus economías a la competencia externa y permitir que el mercado se transformara en el principal asignador de recursos. El ALCA representa el más importante acuerdo de integración regional firmado entre países desarrollados y no desarrollados con miras a establecer el libre flujo comercial entre sus economías. Coherente con las disposiciones multilaterales de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), el acuerdo pretende incorporar a la negociación la inversión en bienes y servicios siguiendo reglas comerciales definidas y transparentes; compras del sector público y políticas de competencia; y sentar las bases para la inclusión de temas tales como la agricultura y acceso a mercados, servicios e inversión, políticas de competencia y subsidios, procedimientos antidumping y derechos compensatorios. La actual estructura de negociación se compone de la presidencia, el comité de negociaciones comerciales, los grupos de negociación y el grupo consultivo sobre economías pequeñas. Los beneficios comerciales del ALCA se han concebido utilizando el análisis tradicional de las uniones aduaneras de creación y desviación de comercio, aunque se reconoce que este acuerdo, único en la historia, puede tener consecuencias impredecibles. Entre los obstáculos a su pleno cumplimiento sobresalen la ausencia de una política definida de 'vía rápida' y de un liderazgo significativo. Entre los posibles escenarios de conformación del ALCA, se distingue entre uno real, en el que los países pequeños y grandes cumplen con los compromisos adoptados, y otro llamado formal, en el que el ALCA se integra de manera incompleta por la ausencia de países o de algún país clave, por lo que carecería de significado político y económico. En el plano económico el ALCA se concibe como una unidad geográfica con 757 millones de personas, un producto interno bruto (PIB) de 8 billones de dólares y un comercio total de 2.4 billones de dólares. Uno de los fines de la creación de un área de libre comercio apunta al aprovechamiento del potencial del comercio intramericano. En principio, dicho potencial así como su materialización se reflejarían en la intensidad esperada de un intercambio comercial bilateral desde un país exportador hacia un país importador. A su vez la intensidad puede medirse mediante el grado de correspondencia o similitud entre la composición de las exportaciones e importaciones de los países del hemisferio americano. Este análisis de similitud puede llevarse a cabo entre países grandes y pequeños. En este documento se analiza en dos grandes apartados la institucionalidad del ALCA y el potencial del comercio vinculado con dicho tratado. Los aspectos institucionales incluyen los antecedentes del acuerdo 1, la estructura significativa actual, los beneficios derivados del comercio y los posibles escenarios de conformación del ALCA. Los aspectos económicos se centran en el cálculo de indicadores de similitud en los flujos comerciales de los países, utilizando una muestra de 15 miembros que integrarían el ALCA. Entre éstos no se incluyó a los Estados Unidos porque su estrecha relación comercial con los latinoamericanos podría sesgar los resultados obtenidos. Así, los indicadores de similitud en los flujos comerciales internacionales se limitarían a reflejar la intensidad comercial de países latinoamericanos seleccionados en ausencia de vínculos comerciales con los Estados Unidos. La metodololgía seguida es la propuesta por Van Beers y Linnemann (1993). Una vez obtenidos los indicadores de similitud por país y luego estos mismos a nivel de capítulo, se procedió a estimar su poder explicativo de los flujos comerciales actuales utilizando ecuaciones de gravedad.


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A range of influences, technical and organizational, has encouraged the wide spread adaption of Enterprise Systems (ES). Nevertheless, there is a growing consensus that Enterprise Systems have in the many cases failed to provide the expected benefits to organizations. This paper presents ongoing research, which analyzes the benefits realization approach of the Queensland Government. This approach applies a modified Balance Scorecard. First, history and background of Queensland Government’s Enterprise Systems initiative is introduced. Second, the most common reasons for ES under performance are related. Third, relevant performance measurement models and the Balanced Scorecard in particular are discussed. Finally, the Queensland Government initiative is evaluated in light of this overview of current work in the area. In the current and future work, the authors aim to use their active involvement in Queensland Government’s benefits realization initiative for an Action Research based project investigating the appropriateness of the Balanced Scorecard for the purposes of Enterprise Systems benefits realization.


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In recent years the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion have become part of the repertoire of third-way policy discourses that seek to respond to complex socioeconomic problems through processes of 'joined-up' and 'integrated' governance. As part of this approach, we are witnessing an increased focus on the role of the third sector in facilitating social inclusion. While the push towards governing through networks has gained moral legitimacy in some areas of social policy, the practical legitimacy - that is, whether these new approaches actually produce demonstrably better outcomes than more traditional policy approaches - remains largely unsubstantiated. This article contributes to the evidence base, by examining the social-inclusion impacts of eleven community enterprises operating in Victoria, and to the wider available evidence on the social, economic and civic effects of social enterprise.


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Purpose This paper discusses the development of a strategy game for enterprise education. It is argued that requiring students to initially struggle with the game’s rules and strategies results in a worthwhile test of their persistence and ability to manage ambiguity. Further, that in the absence of uncertainty, students will not benefit from the game’s potential contribution to their overall learning. Approach The paper is constructed around the infusion of student narratives and the author’s self-reflective thoughts. The papers explores the process of developing a game that; - 1) provides the students with access to an enterprise reality, - 2) strengthens their engagement with the theoretical foundations of their studies, and; - 3) provides a process for serious self-reflection. Findings Despite the mixed views presented in this paper, the game’s development thus far has been very successful. Students do enjoy and benefit from enduring the frustration of a pure contest. Having to work through uncertainty is a good practice for students in Higher Education, especially those engaged in enterprise education. Practical Implications Whilst the use of games in experiential education is not uncommon, consideration of how and why they are developed is not always well understood. This paper suggests that enterprise educators have significant opportunities to develop games that genuinely provide student access to the entrepreneur’s way of life. Value of Paper This paper provides evidence of how a game can be constructed to add significant value to an existing curriculum. It also provides evidence of the inner thoughts of students frustrated by a challenge they refuse to give up on. As such, it provides a valuable window through which to contemplate the minds of tomorrow’s nascent entrepreneurs.


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In order to fully understand the process of European integration it is of paramount importance to consider developments at the sub-national and local level. EU integration scholars shifted their attention to the local level only at the beginning of the 1990s with the concept of multi-level governance (MLG). While MLG is the first concept to scrutinise the position of local levels of public administration and other actors within the EU polity, I perceive it as too optimistic in the degree of influence it ascribes to local levels. Thus, learning from and combining MLG with other concepts, such as structural constructivism, helps to reveal some of the hidden aspects of EU integration and paint a more realistic picture of multi-level interaction. This thesis also answers the call for more case studies in order to conceptualise MLG further. After a critical study of theories and concepts of European integration, above all, MLG, I will analyse sub-national and local government in Finland and Germany. I show how the sub-national level and local governments are embedded in the EU s multi-level structure of governance and how, through EU integration, those levels have been empowered but also how their scope of action has partially decreased. After theoretical and institutional contextualisation, I present the results of my empirical study of the EU s Community Initiative LEADER+. LEADER stands for Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale , and aims at improving the economic conditions in Europe s rural areas. I was interested in how different actors construct and shape EU financed rural development, especially in how local actors organised in so-called local action groups (LAGs) cooperate with other administrative units within the LEADER+ administrative chain. I also examined intra-institutional relations within those groups, in order to find out who are the most influential and powerful actors within them. Empirical data on the Finnish and German LAGs was first gathered through a survey, which was then supplemented and completed by interviewing LAG members, LAG-managers, several civil servants from Finnish and German decision-making and managing authorities and a civil servant from the EU Commission. My main argument is that in both Germany and Finland, the Community Initiative LEADER+ offered a space for multi-level interaction and local-level involvement, a space that on the one hand consists of highly motivated people actively contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and economy in Europe s countryside but which is dependent and also restricted by national administrative practices, implementation approaches and cultures on the other. In Finland, the principle of tri-partition (kolmikantaperiaatte) in organising the executive committees of LAGs is very noticeable. In comparison to Germany, for instance, the representation of public administration in those committees is much more limited due to this principle. Furthermore, the mobilisation of local residents and the bringing together of actors from the local area with different social and institutional backgrounds to become an active part of LEADER+ was more successful in Finland than in Germany. Tri-partition as applied in Finland should serve as a model for similar policies in other EU member states. EU integration changed the formal and informal inter-institutional relations linking the different levels of government. The third sector including non-governmental institutions and interest groups gained access to policy-making processes and increasingly interact with government institutions at all levels of public administration. These developments do not necessarily result in the empowering of the local level.