75 resultados para EMF
Considering the measurement procedures recommended by the ICNIRP, this communication is a proposal for a measurement procedure based in the maximum peak values of equivalent plane wave power density. This procedure has been included in a project being developed in Leganés, Spain. The project plans to deploy a real time monitoring system for RF to provide the city with a useful tool to adapt the environmental EM conditions to the new regulations approved. A first stage consisting of 105 measurement points has been finished and all the values are under the threshold of the regulation.
"Issued September 6, 1965."
Endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) is a restrictive cardiomyopathy manifested mainly by diastolic heart failure. It is recognized that diastole is an important determinant of exercise capacity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether resting echocardiographic parameters might predict oxygen consumption (VO(2p)) by ergoespirometry and the prognostic role of functional capacity in EMF patients. A total of 32 patients with biventricular EMF (29 women, 55.3 +/- 11.4 years) were studied by echocardiography and ergoespirometry. The relationship between the echocardiographic indexes and the percentage of predicted VO(2p) (%VO(2p)) was investigated by the `stepwise` linear regression analysis. The median VO(2p) was 11 +/- 3 mL/kg/min and the %VO(2p) was 53 +/- 9%. There was a correlation of %VO(2p) with an average of A` at four sites of the mitral annulus (A` peak, r = 0.471, P = 0.023), E`/A` of the inferior mitral annulus (r = -0.433, P = 0.044), and myocardial performance index (r = -0.352, P = 0.048). On multiple regression analysis, only A` peak was an independent predictor of %VO(2p) (%VO(2p)= 26.34 + 332.44 x A` peak). EMF patients with %VO(2p)< 53% had an increased mortality rate with a relative risk of 8.47. In EMF patients, diastolic function plays an important role in determining the limitations to exercise and %VO(2p) has a prognostic value.
Background-Endocardial fibrous tissue (FT) deposition is a hallmark of endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF). Echocardiography is a first-line and the standard technique for the diagnosis of this disease. Although late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) allows FT characterization, its role in the diagnosis and prognosis of EMF has not been investigated. Methods and Results-Thirty-six patients (29 women; age, 54 +/- 12 years) with EMF diagnosis after clinical evaluation and comprehensive 2-dimensional Doppler echocardiography underwent cine-CMR for assessing ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and mass, and LGE-CMR for FT characterization and quantification. Indexed FT volume (FT/body surface area) was calculated after planimetry of the 8 to 12 slices obtained in the short-axis view at end-diastole (mL/m(2)). Surgical resection of FT was performed in 16 patients. In all patients, areas of LGE were confined to the endocardium, frequently as a continuous streak from the inflow tract extending to the apex, where it was usually most prominent. There was a relation between increased FT/body surface area and worse New York Heart Association functional class and with increased probability of surgery (P<0.05). The histopathologic examination of resected FT showed typical features of EMF with extensive endocardial fibrous thickening, proliferation of small vessels, and scarce inflammatory infiltrate. In multivariate analysis, the patients with FT/body surface area >19 mL/m(2) had an increased mortality rate, with a relative risk of 10.8. Conclusions-Our study provides evidence that LGE-CMR is useful in the diagnosis and prognosis of EMF through quantification of the typical pattern of FT deposition. (Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011;4:304-311.)
Endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) is a restrictive cardiomyopathy of unknown etiology prevalent in tropical regions affecting the inflow tract and apex of one or both ventricles, which show fibrous thickening of the endocardium and adjacent myocardium. Surgical treatment is recommended for patients in functional classes III or IV (New York Heart Association). The gross and histological features of the heart have been comprehensively studied in autopsies, but studies in surgical samples are still lacking. Histological and immunohistochemical features of EMF in surgical samples collected from 32 patients were described and correlated with clinical data. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR, performed on formalin fixed endomyocardial samples, were used retrospectively to detect genomes of certain cardiotropic viruses and Toxoplasma gondii. Ventricular endocardium was thickened by superficial acellular hyaline collagen fibers type I and III, with predominance of the former type. Besides fibrosis, a chronic inflammatory process and an anomalous lymphatic rich vascular pattern were observed in the deep endocardium, connected to the terminal coronary circulation of the myocardium, which might be an important pathological finding concerning EMF pathogenesis. Molecular analysis of the endomyocardium revealed high incidence of cardiotropic infective agents (6/12, 50%); however, their role in the disease pathogenesis is still controversial.
This paper describes a practical application of MDA and reverse engineering based on a domain-specific modelling language. A well defined metamodel of a domain-specific language is useful for verification and validation of associated tools. We apply this approach to SIFA, a security analysis tool. SIFA has evolved as requirements have changed, and it has no metamodel. Hence, testing SIFA’s correctness is difficult. We introduce a formal metamodelling approach to develop a well-defined metamodel of the domain. Initially, we develop a domain model in EMF by reverse engineering the SIFA implementation. Then we transform EMF to Object-Z using model transformation. Finally, we complete the Object-Z model by specifying system behavior. The outcome is a well-defined metamodel that precisely describes the domain and the security properties that it analyses. It also provides a reliable basis for testing the current SIFA implementation and forward engineering its successor.
Pretendeu-se contribuir para um melhor entendimento sobre a discussão patente ao redor da Diretiva EMF 2004/40/CE que limita a exposição dos profissionais aos campos eletromagnéticos (CEM) utilizados em Ressonância Magnética (RM). A aplicabilidade da RM será posta em causa se forem impostos, na prática clínica, os limites expressos na diretiva. Foi explorada a evidência científica, sobre a controvérsia gerada em torno do tema. Analisaram-se guidelines, leis e documentos oficiais e foi aplicado um inquérito a 11 grupos profissionais envolvidos na problemática, distribuídos por vários países. Foi construído o diagrama do campo de forças utilizando a aplicação Policymaker K4 health® afim de se especular sobre influências, forças, poder e estratégias desenvolvidas que possam restringir ou facilitar a aplicação da Diretiva. Verificou-se que 62% dos inquiridos desconhece a Diretiva e o seu conteúdo bem como a posição da Sociedade Europeia de Radiologia (ESR) e 69% dos inquiridos não tem acompanhado os desenvolvimentos do tema. Referem não ter conhecimento da ocorrência de incidentes, para além do efeito míssil e do aquecimento devido a Radiofrequência – Specific Absortion Ratio (SAR). Consideram que o impacto político da Diretiva será neutro, mas o impacto clínico e económico serão negativos. Existe uma subestimação geral desta controvérsia e um não reconhecimento das consequências que a aplicação da Diretiva poderá ter na prática clínica. Admite-se o desenvolvimento de estratégias de pressão e influência para com o poder legislativo da Comissão Europeia e do Conselho, quanto a esta matéria.
As ligas de Níquel‑Titânio (Ni‑Ti) são as mais atractivas entre as ligas com memória de forma devido às suas boas propriedades funcionais juntamente com a elevada resistência e melhor ductilidade. As transformações de fases associadas ao efeito de memória de forma (EMF) podem ser em uma etapa, B19’ (martensite) ↔ B2 (austenite), em duas ou em múltiplas etapas, incluindo a fase‑R intermédia dependendo da história térmica e termomecânica da liga. As temperaturas de transformação são geralmente observadas acima da temperatura ambiente para as ligas ricas em Ti, enquanto nas ricas em Ni se situam abaixo da temperatura ambiente. O objectivo da presente dissertação foi o de investigar as modificações nas propriedades funcionais e estruturais em uma liga de Ni‑Ti rica em Ti (49,0%at.Ni‑51,0%at.Ti) sujeita a diferentes tratamentos térmicos e termomecânicos de marforming e ausforming. Para melhor entender os fenómenos presentes nesta liga foi feito um paralelismo com outras duas ligas de Ni‑Ti: (i) equiatómica com EMF acima da temperatura ambiente e (ii) rica em Ni superelástica (SE) à temperatura ambiente. Com o intuito de uma análise completa das transformações de fases foram utilizadas durante ciclos térmicos diversas técnicas de caracterização: Calorimetria Diferencial de Varrimento (DSC), Resistividade Eléctrica (RE), Dilatometria (DT) e Difracção de Raios‑X (DRX) convencional e por radiação sincrotrão – rotina e textura. Foram também utilizadas outras técnicas à temperatura ambiente com o intuito de observar características microestruturais (Microscopia Óptica (MO) e Electrónica de Varrimento (SEM)) e mecânicas (Microdureza e Ultra‑Microdureza Vickers, e Tracção). A liga de Ni‑Ti rica em Ti tem as suas transformações directa e inversa fortemente afectadas pelos tratamentos termomecânicos, devido à formação de fase‑R durante a transformação directa em duas (B2®R®B19’) ou em múltiplas etapas (B2®R, B2®B19’ e R®B19’). Os tratamentos termomecânicos conducentes à sequência de transformação B2®R®B19’ decrescem a temperatura de fim da formação de B19’ para próximo da temperatura ambiente e apresentam maior estabilidade nas temperaturas e histereses de transformação.
A 10 kJ electromagnetic forming (EMF) modulator with energy recovery based on two resonant power modules, each containing a 4.5 kV/30-kA silicon controlled rectifier, a 1.11-mF capacitor bank and an energy recovery circuit, working in parallel to allow a maximum actuator discharge current amplitude and rate of 50 kA and 2 kA/mu s was successfully developed and tested. It can be plugged in standard single phase 230 V/16 A mains socket and the circuit is able to recover up to 32% of its initial energy, reducing the charging time of conventional EMF systems by up to 68%.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
This work uses surface imprinting to design a novel smart plastic antibodymaterial (SPAM) for Haemoglobin (Hb). Charged binding sites are described here for the first time to tailor plastic antibody nanostructures for a large size protein such as Hb. Its application to design small, portable and low cost potentiometric devices is presented. The SPAM material was obtained by linking Hb to silica nanoparticles and allowing its ionic interaction with charged vinyl monomers. A neutral polymeric matrix was created around these and the imprinted protein removed. Additional materials were designed in parallel acting as a control: a neutral imprinted material (NSPAM), obtained by removing the charged monomers from the procedure, and the Non-Imprinted (NI) versions of SPAM and NSPAM by removing the template. SEM analysis confirmed the surface modification of the silica nanoparticles. All materials were mixed with PVC/plasticizer and applied as selective membranes in potentiometric transduction. Electromotive force (emf) variations were detected only for selective membranes having a lipophilic anionic additive in the membrane. The presence of Hb inside these membranes was evident and confirmed by FTIR, optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The best performance was found for SPAM-based selective membranes with an anionic lipophilic additive, at pH 5. The limits of detection were 43.8 mg mL 1 and linear responses were obtained down to 83.8 mg mL 1, with an average cationic slope of +40 mV per decade. Good selectivity was also observed against other coexisting biomolecules. The analytical application was conducted successfully, showing accurate and precise results.
Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is among the antibiotics employed in aquaculture for prophylactic and therapeutic reasons. Environmental and food spread may be prevented by controlling its levels in several stages of fish farming. The present work proposes for this purpose new SMX selective electrodes for the potentiometric determination of this sulphonamide in water. The selective membranes were made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with tetraphenylporphyrin manganese (III) chloride or cyclodextrin-based acting as ionophores. 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether was employed as plasticizer and tetraoctylammonium, dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide or potassium tetrakis (4-chlorophenyl) borate was used as anionic or cationic additive. The best analytical performance was reported for ISEs of tetraphenylporphyrin manganese (III) chloride with 50% mol of potassium tetrakis (4-chlorophenyl) borate compared to ionophore. Nersntian behaviour was observed from 4.0 × 10−5 to 1.0 × 10−2 mol/L (10.0 to 2500 µg/mL), and the limit of detection was 1.2 × 10−5 mol/L (3.0 µg/mL). In general, the electrodes displayed steady potentials in the pH range of 6 to 9. Emf equilibrium was reached before 15 s in all concentration levels. The electrodes revealed good discriminating ability in environmental samples. The analytical application to contaminated waters showed recoveries from 96 to 106%.