974 resultados para ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY


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Studies of valence bands and core levels of solids by photoelectron spectroscopy are described at length. Satellite phenomena in the core level spectra have been discussed in some detail and it has been pointed out that the intensity of satellites appearing next to metal and ligand core levels critically depends on the metal-ligand overlap. Use of photoelectron spectroscopy in investigating metal-insulator transitions and spin-state transitions in solids is examined. It is shown that relative intensities of metal Auger lines in transition metal oxides and other systems provide valuable information on the valence bands. Occurrence of interatomic Auger transitions in competition with intraatomic transitions is discussed. Applications of electron energy loss spectroscopy and other techniques of electron spectroscopy in the study of gas-solid interactions are briefly presented.


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Ce(3d) and (4d) core level XPS spectra of CeX = Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) suggest that the mean valence of Ce was as well as 4f hybridization strength decrease systematically from Fe to Cu. This observation is in agreement with the results of Bremstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy (BIS), but in disagreement with LIII-edge data reported earlier.


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Although the applications of Auger electron spectroscopy in surface analysis have by far outweighed its use as a tool to investigate electron states of solids and surfaces, there are a variety of situations where Auger spectroscopy provides unique information. Apart from the chemical shifts, Auger intensities are useful in determining the number of d-electron states in transition metal systems. Auger spectroscopy is a good probe to investigate the surface oxidation of metals. In addition to the intra-atomic Auger transitions, inter-atomic transitions observed in oxides and other systems reveal the nature of electron states of surfaces. Charge-transfer and hybridization effects in alloys are also usefully studied by Auger spectroscopy. Auger electron spectroscopy has not been a popular technique to investigate adsorption of molecules on surfaces, but the technique is useful to obtain fingerprints of surface species.


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L$_{23}$ M$_{45}$ M$_{45}$/L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{45}$, L$_{23}$ M$_{45}$ M$_{45}$/L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ and L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{45}$/L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ Auger intensity ratios in transition metal oxides and sulphides are shown to be directly related to the number of valence electrons in the metal as well as to its oxidation state. The metal Auger intensity ratios provide a unique probe, independent of O (KLL) intensity, to study surface oxidation states of metals. These intensity ratios have been effectively employed to investigate surface oxidation of nickel, iron and copper. The oxidation studies have unravelled some interesting aspects of surface oxidation.


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The nature of the chemisorbed states of nitrogen on various transition metal surfaces is discussed comprehensively on the basis of the results of electron spectroscopic investigations augmented by those from other techniques such as LEED and thermal desorption. A brief discussion of the photoemission spectra of free N2, a comparison of adsorbed N2 and CO as well as of physisorption of N2 on metal surfaces is also presented. We discuss the chemisorption of N2 on the surfaces of certain metals (e.g. Ni, Fe, Ru and W) in some detail, paying considerable attention to the effect of electropositive and electronegative surface modifiers. Features of the various chemisorbed states (one or more weakly chemisorbed gamma-states, strongly chemisorbed alpha-states with bond orders between 1 and 2. and dissociative chemisorbed beta-states) on different surfaces are described and relations between them indicated. While the gamma-state could be a precursor of the alpha-state, the alpha-state could be the precursor of the beta-state and this kind of information is of direct relevance to ammonia synthesis. The nature of adsorption of N2 on the surfaces of some metals (e.g. Cr, Co) deserves further study and such investigations might as well suggest alternative catalysts for ammonia synthesis.


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Quantitative Auger electron spectroscopy analysis for the ternary system InGa1-xAs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy has been studied. The relative sensitivity factors are determined by with an internal reference element. The matrix correction factor for In relative to Ga was shown to be 1.08. No preferential sputtering of As for the ternary compounds was found, and the sputter correction factor, K(s)InGa is 0.75. The results are compared with that measured by the x-ray double-crystal diffraction analysis, electron probe microanalysis, and Auger analysis without matrix and sputter corrections.


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Langstaff, David; Chase, T., (2007) 'A multichannel detector array with 768 pixels developed for electron spectroscopy', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 573(1-2) pp.169-171 RAE2008


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Langstaff, David; Bushell, A.; Chase, T.; Evans, D.A., (2005) 'A fully integrated multi-channel detector for electron spectroscopy', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 238 pp.219-223 RAE2008 Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science ? Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science 4th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science


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We measured ejected electron spectra caused by autoionization of doubly excited states in He atoms; the excited He was made by double electron capture of low-energy He2+ ions colliding with Ba atoms. Measurements were performed by means of zero degree electron spectroscopy at projectile energies from 40 to 20 keV. Electron spectra due to autoionization from the states He(2lnl') to He+(1s) for n greater than or equal to2, and those from He(3lnl') to He+ (2s or 2p) for n greater than or equal to3, were observed. Line peaks in the spectra were identified by comparing observed electron spectra with those of several theoretical calculations. It was found that doubly excited states of relatively high angular momenta such as the D and F terms were conspicuously created in a quite different manner from the cases of the production of doubly excited states by the use of photon, electron, or ion impacts on neutral He atoms. Rydberg states with large n values were observed with high population in both the He(2lnl') and He(3lnl') series. Other remarkable features in the electron spectra are described and the mechanisms for the production of these electron spectra are discussed qualitatively.


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Organische Ladungstransfersysteme weisen eine Vielfalt von konkurrierenden Wechselwirkungen zwischen Ladungs-, Spin- und Gitterfreiheitsgraden auf. Dies führt zu interessanten physikalischen Eigenschaften, wie metallische Leitfähigkeit, Supraleitung und Magnetismus. Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der elektronischen Struktur von organischen Ladungstransfersalzen aus drei Material-Familien. Dabei kamen unterschiedliche Photoemissions- und Röntgenspektroskopietechniken zum Einsatz. Die untersuchten Moleküle wurden z.T. im MPI für Polymerforschung synthetisiert. Sie stammen aus der Familie der Coronene (Donor Hexamethoxycoronen HMC und Akzeptor Coronen-hexaon COHON) und Pyrene (Donor Tetra- und Hexamethoxypyren TMP und HMP) im Komplex mit dem klassischen starken Akzeptor Tetracyanoquinodimethan (TCNQ). Als dritte Familie wurden Ladungstransfersalze der k-(BEDT-TTF)2X Familie (X ist ein monovalentes Anion) untersucht. Diese Materialien liegen nahe bei einem Bandbreite-kontrollierten Mottübergang im Phasendiagramm.rnFür Untersuchungen mittels Ultraviolett-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (UPS) wurden UHV-deponierte dünne Filme erzeugt. Dabei kam ein neuer Doppelverdampfer zum Einsatz, welcher speziell für Milligramm-Materialmengen entwickelt wurde. Diese Methode wies im Ladungstransferkomplex im Vergleich mit der reinen Donor- und Akzeptorspezies energetische Verschiebungen von Valenzzuständen im Bereich weniger 100meV nach. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der UPS-Messungen lag im direkten Vergleich mit ab-initio Rechnungen.rnDas Problem der unvermeidbaren Oberflächenverunreinigungen von lösungsgezüchteten 3D-Kristallen wurde durch die Methode Hard-X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) bei Photonenenergien um 6 keV (am Elektronenspeicherring PETRA III in Hamburg) überwunden. Die große mittlere freie Weglänge der Photoelektronen im Bereich von 15 nm resultiert in echter Volumensensitivität. Die ersten HAXPES Experimente an Ladungstransferkomplexen weltweit zeigten große chemische Verschiebungen (mehrere eV). In der Verbindung HMPx-TCNQy ist die N1s-Linie ein Fingerabdruck der Cyanogruppe im TCNQ und zeigt eine Aufspaltung und einen Shift zu höheren Bindungsenergien von bis zu 6 eV mit zunehmendem HMP-Gehalt. Umgekehrt ist die O1s-Linie ein Fingerabdruck der Methoxygruppe in HMP und zeigt eine markante Aufspaltung und eine Verschiebung zu geringeren Bindungsenergien (bis zu etwa 2,5eV chemischer Verschiebung), d.h. eine Größenordnung größer als die im Valenzbereich.rnAls weitere synchrotronstrahlungsbasierte Technik wurde Near-Edge-X-ray-Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) Spektroskopie am Speicherring ANKA Karlsruhe intensiv genutzt. Die mittlere freie Weglänge der niederenergetischen Sekundärelektronen (um 5 nm). Starke Intensitätsvariationen von bestimmten Vorkanten-Resonanzen (als Signatur der unbesetzte Zustandsdichte) zeigen unmittelbar die Änderung der Besetzungszahlen der beteiligten Orbitale in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des angeregten Atoms. Damit war es möglich, präzise die Beteiligung spezifischer Orbitale im Ladungstransfermechanismus nachzuweisen. Im genannten Komplex wird Ladung von den Methoxy-Orbitalen 2e(Pi*) und 6a1(σ*) zu den Cyano-Orbitalen b3g und au(Pi*) und – in geringerem Maße – zum b1g und b2u(σ*) der Cyanogruppe transferiert. Zusätzlich treten kleine energetische Shifts mit unterschiedlichem Vorzeichen für die Donor- und Akzeptor-Resonanzen auf, vergleichbar mit den in UPS beobachteten Shifts.rn