300 resultados para EIA
Many governments world-wide are increasingly encouraging the involvement of interested individuals, groups and organisations in their publicinfrastructure and construction (PIC) projects as a means of improving the openness, transparency and accountability of the decision-making process and help improve the projects’ long-term viability and benefits to the community. In China, however, the current participatory mechanism at the project level exists only as part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. With an increasing demand for PIC projects and social equality in China, this suggests a need to bring the participatory process into line with international practice. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to identify the weaknesses of EIA-basedpublicparticipation in China and the means by which it may be improved for the whole lifecycle of PIC schemes. To do this, the results of a series of interviews with a diverse group of experts is reported which analyse the nature and extent of existing problems of publicparticipation in EIA and suggestions for improvement. These indicate that the current level of participation in PIC projects is quite limited, particularly in the crucial earlier stages, primarily due to traditional culture and values, uneven progress in the adoption of participatory mechanisms, the risk of not meeting targets and lack of confidence in public competence. Finally, aprocess flowchart is proposed to guide construction practitioners and the community in general.
625 p. : graf.
将采集的环境样品分作 3份 ,1份用于高分辨色质联用多离子检测测定二的毒性当量浓度 TEQ,另 2份分别用 7-乙氧基 -异吩唑酮 -脱乙基酶 ( EROD)活力诱导法和酶免疫法 ( Enzyme Immuno Assay,EIA)进行生物测试 .结果表明 EIA和EROD这 2种生物试验方法均具有较好的准确性和很宽的线性范围 .比较 Micro- EROD分析结果与化学分析结果以及 EIA分析结果与化学分析结果 ,发现 Micro- EROD生物试验所测得的 TEQ值均高于化学分析法的 TEQ值
Contravention and Conformity in EIA: an investigation into regulatory compliance in Northern Ireland
Regulatory compliance has emerged as a central feature in the legitimisation of the planning system, yet it remains relatively marginalised from academic scrutiny. This paper investigates the relationship between regulatory compliance and projects subjected to Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). It reviews, through empirical field study, the levels of conformity with EIA driven planning approvals and considers, with the assistance of inputs from experienced professionals and theoretical perspectives of regulatory compliance how these might be improved.
Equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts, spread F and anomaly responses, in the south American longitude sector during the superstorm of 30 October 2003, are analyzed using data from an array of instruments consisting of Digisondes, a VHF radar, GPS TEC and scintillation receivers in Brazil, and a Digisonde and a magnetometer in Jicamarca, Peru. Prompt penetrating eastward electric field of abnormally large intensity drove the F layer plasma up at a velocity ∼1200 ms -1 during post dusk hours in the eastern sector over Brazil. The equatorial anomaly was intensified and expanded poleward while the development of spread F/plasma bubble irregularities and GPS signal scintillations were weaker than their quiet time intensity. Significantly weaker F region response over Jicamarca presented a striking difference in the intensity of prompt penetration electric field between Peru and eastern longitudes of Brazil. The enhanced post dusk sector vertical drift over Brazil is attributed to electro-dynamics effects arising energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA). These extraordinary results and their longitudinal differences are presented and discussed in this paper. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
Pipelines are linear construction that intersect several environments, requiring integration of environmental and technical aspects in its various elaboration steps. Environmental impact assessment if made to integrate the environmental information to enable environmental characterization, possibility identify previously fragilities of environment what contributes to the safety forecast of the significant impacts. These studies shall consider superimpose of the elements and the worsening of critical situations that already exists. In this way, meet and analyse informations about the environmental impact assessment, constructive aspects related to pipelines transport and get environmental impact studies of the case studies, providing the student a critical vision for the discussion of the apropiate balance between description and analysis, methodological rigour and the interface between construction and the environmente with inserts. Performing the critical analysis of methodologies and applied criteria for the environmental diagnosis and impact identification, search improve the methodologies for elaboration of environmental impact studies for linear construction, particulary pipelines, minin conflicts and giving security for the license process. Await provide subsidy to direction data collection, for choosing environmental indicator and for the prognosis and indentification of impacts.
Since 1991, no cases of Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) have been reported in Switzerland. Risk factors for introduction of the virus into Switzerland are still present or have even increased as frequent inapparent infections, large numbers of imported horses, (since 2003) absence of compulsory testing prior to importation, EIA cases in surrounding Europe, possible illegal importation of horses, frequent short-term stays, poor knowledge of the disease among horse owners and even veterinarians. The aim of this study was to provide evidence of freedom from EIA in imported and domestic horses in Switzerland. The serum samples from 434 horses imported since 2003 as well as from 232 domestic horses fifteen years of age or older (since older horses have naturally had a longer time of being exposed to the risk of infection) were analysed using a commercially available ELISA test. All samples were seronegative, indicating that the maximum possible prevalence that could have been missed with this sample was 0.5% (95% confidence).
The presented work proposes a new approach for anomaly detection. This approach is based on changes in a population of evolving agents under stress. If conditions are appropriate, changes in the population (modeled by the bioindicators) are representative of the alterations to the environment. This approach, based on an ecological view, improves functionally traditional approaches to the detection of anomalies. To verify this assertion, experiments based on Network Intrussion Detection Systems are presented. The results are compared with the behaviour of other bioinspired approaches and machine learning techniques.
O presente trabalho comprova que o atual instrumento EIA-RIMA - Estudo de Impacto Ambiental e seu respectivo Relatório de Impacto Ambiental, é insuficiente enquanto busca de sustentabilidade urbana no Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, especificamente no município de São Sebastião. O método de analise dos EIA-RIMA sempre enfatizam os ganhos econômicos e atenuam os impactos negativos, apesar das fragilidades naturais, estruturais e restrições legais incidentes. A tese comprova que os instrumentos utilizados no âmbito do processo de licenciamento ambiental dos empreendimentos, como a ampliação do porto comercial de São Sebastião, estão pouco comprometidos com o real desenvolvimento sustentável da cidade e região. As especificidades geográficas, sobretudo as facilidades de interface do território terrestre com o marítimo, proporcionadas pelas características naturais do Canal de São Sebastião, sempre ofereceram condições privilegiadas para o abrigo de embarcações, característica decisiva na escolha do lugar como cidade portuária, vinculada aos mais importantes ciclos econômicos do país. Agora, em 2015, está prestes a entrar em um novo ciclo, principalmente com a ampliação do porto comercial, duplicação da rodovia dos Tamoios e da SP-055 e a exploração da camada pré-sal na Bacia de Santos. A região já apresenta todos os problemas de uma ocupação acelerada em um território ambientalmente frágil, localizado em estreita faixa litorânea, composta de um lado pela Serra do Mar e do outro pelo Oceano Atlântico. Se não houver um planejamento urbano e regional que considere as características e capacidade de suporte deste território, a zona costeira entrará em colapso. Saber dosar o uso de suas potencialidades sem esgotá-las será o desafio de nossa geração. Os Estudos de Impactos Ambientais precisam ser aperfeiçoados para que ações mitigadoras alcancem muito mais do que o mínimo, alinhadas a investimentos, tecnologias inovadoras, infraestruturas necessárias e obrigatórias que sejam pensadas de maneira conjunta e cumulativa nas diversas esferas do poder, com efetiva participação pública, caso contrário, o crescente interesse econômico e político tenderá à destruição irreversível do patrimônio histórico e natural deste território. O EIA está se transformando em um poderoso instrumento político de ordenamento territorial que acaba por definir critérios e parâmetros de uso e ocupação, desempenhando uma função que não lhe compete, além de aprofundar o desencontro entre uma vida urbana de qualidade e um ambiente equilibrado em nome do desenvolvimento econômico e a serviço dos interesses privados.
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