996 resultados para EHF (30-300 GHz)


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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The study of atmospheric propagation impairments at submillimeter and THz frequencies is becoming increasingly relevant due to the strong effects caused by the composition of the troposphere and the phenomena occurring in it. The present paper is devoted to the estimation of total attenuation at 100 GHz and 300 GHz under non-rainy scenarios. With this purpose, 4 years of meteorological data from Madrid have been collected, including radiosoundings from Madrid-Barajas Airport and co-site SYNOP observations. This volume of data has been analyzed with the aim of also introducing a detection method of rain conditions, which cannot be easily identified in radiosounding profiles. Finally, the method has been used to discard several probable events which would be responsible of scattering conditions and, hence, yearly CDFs of total attenuation have been obtained. It is expected that the statistics would be closest to the ones obtained by experimental techniques under similar atmospheric conditions.


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A focusing system for a 300 GHz radar with two target distances (5m and 10m) is proposed, having 1cm resolution in both cases. The focusing system is based on a gaussian telescope scheme and it has been designed using gaussian beam quasi-optical propagation theory with a homemade Matlab analysis tool. It has been translated into a real focusing system based on two elliptical mirrors and a plane mirror in order to have scanning capabilities and validated using the commercial antenna software GRASP


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La presente Tesis Doctoral fue desarrollada en el marco del proyecto Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2008-00068 (TeraSense), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. Dentro este contexto, el grupo GTIC-Radiocomunicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), ha llevado a cabo una serie de estudios, los cuales se centran específicamente en propagación atmosférica bajo condiciones de ausencia de lluvia en 100 y 300 GHz. Durante la primera etapa de esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización y estimación de la atenuación total atmosférica y temperatura de brillo en ambas frecuencias, usando para ello perfiles atmosféricos. Con este propósito, se han obtenido datos de sondeos realizados en la estación de Madrid/Barajas, correspondientes a un periodo de 5 años. A partir de esta base de datos, así como de modelos de estimación, y asumiendo la validez de la aproximación de Rayleigh hasta 300 GHz, se han calculado las distribuciones acumuladas anuales de gases, nubes, y atenuación total, además de los correspondientes niveles de temperatura de brillo. Los principales resultados muestran que, a medida que aumenta la frecuencia, el vapor de agua tiene una fuerte influencia negativa, la cual es claramente dominante en 300 GHz. Así mismo, los estadísticos anuales de temperatura de brillo en 100 GHz han mostrado que la estimación de la atenuación total, a partir de medidas radiométricas, podría realizarse durante la mayor parte del tiempo, salvo en condiciones de lluvia. En 300 GHz, esta estimación sería difícil de realizar a partir de esta técnica, siendo posible únicamente durante periodos caracterizados por bajas concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atmósfera y ausencia de precipitaciones. Se ha introducido en esta investigación un método para identificar la presencia de condiciones de lluvia durante la realización de un sondeo, con el objetivo de descartar estos eventos de los estadísticos anuales de atenuación en ambas frecuencias. Este tipo de escenarios son generalmente evitados durante la realización de medidas radiométricas o cálculos basados en datos de sondeos. El procedimiento de detección se basa en el análisis de un conjunto de parámetros, algunos de ellos extraídos de observaciones sinópticas de superficie, además de la definición de un umbral de contenido integrado de agua líquida, ILWC. El funcionamiento del método ha sido evaluado bajo diferentes condiciones climatológicas, correspondientes a tres estaciones diferentes en España, donde se verificó también la existencia de datos pluviométricos. El uso del método ha demostrado que, en ausencia de registros de intensidad de lluvia, puede ser una herramienta útil de detección, cuyo comportamiento es conservador, debido a que el número de eventos que descarta es siempre mayor que el observado por un pluviómetro. Los resultados que se obtienen son buenos cuando se comparan las distribuciones acumuladas anuales de atenuación total obtenidas excluyendo los eventos detectados por el método y por los registros pluviométricos. En colaboración con el Grupo de Microondas y Radar de la UPM, se ha realizado una campaña de medidas radiométricas en 99 GHz, entre el 11 y el 24 de abril de 2012, con el fin de estimar la atenuación total a lo largo de un trayecto inclinado. Las series temporales obtenidas son consistentes con lo que se esperaba de este tipo de medidas: un nivel de referencia de baja atenuación en ausencia de nubes o lluvia, y aparentemente una buena compensación de las variaciones en la ganancia del receptor gracias a un procedimiento manual de calibraciones con carga caliente. Así mismo, se han observado claramente los efectos de la presencia de nubes sobre los resultados, hecho que confirma la mayor sensibilidad de las medidas en esta frecuencia a la presencia de agua líquida, en comparación con medidas simultáneas realizadas por un radiómetro en 19.7 GHz. Finalmente, se han observado un buen nivel de correspondencia entre los valores de atenuación estimados por el radiómetro en 99 GHz y aquellos estimados mediante sondeos meteorológicos, lo cual constituye una conclusión valiosa de cara a futuras campañas de medidas de mayor duración.


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The influence of atmospheric gases and tropospheric phenomena becomes more relevant at frequencies within the THz band (100 GHz to 10 THz), severely affecting the propagation conditions. The use of radiosoundings in propagation studies is a well established measurement technique in order to collect information about the vertical structure of the atmosphere, from which gaseous and cloud attenuation can be estimated with the use of propagation models. However, some of these prediction models are not suitable to be used under rainy conditions. In the present study, a method to identify the presence of rainy conditions during radiosoundings is introduced, with the aim of filtering out these events from yearly statistics of predicted atmospheric attenuation. The detection procedure is based on the analysis of a set of parameters, some of them extracted from synoptical observations of weather (SYNOP reports) and other derived from radiosonde observations (RAOBs). The performance of the method has been evaluated under different climatic conditions, corresponding to three locations in Spain, where colocated rain gauge data were available. Rain events detected by the method have been compared with those precipitations identified by the rain gauge. The pertinence Received 26 June 2012, Accepted 31 July 2012, Scheduled 15 August 2012 * Corresponding author: Gustavo Adolfo Siles Soria (gsiles@grc.ssr.upm.es). 258 Siles et al. of the method is discussed on the basis of an analysis of cumulative distributions of total attenuation at 100 and 300 GHz. This study demonstrates that the proposed method can be useful to identify events probably associated to rainy conditions. Hence, it can be considered as a suitable algorithm in order to filter out this kind of events from annual attenuation statistics.


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A 300 GHz radar imaging system is presented, including descriptions of the radar sensor and antenna subsystems. The antenna consists of a Bifocal Ellipsoidal Gregorian Reflector whose beam is scanned by a combination of the rotation and vertical tilting of a flat small secondary mirror. A prototype is being mounted and its characterization will be presented.


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Using CMOS transistors for terahertz detection is currently a disruptive technology that offers the direct integration of a terahertz detector with video preamplifiers. The detectors are based on the resistive mixer concept and its performance mainly depends on the following parameters: type of antenna, electrical parameters (gate to drain capacitor and channel length of the CMOS device) and foundry. Two different 300 GHz detectors are discussed: a single transistor detector with a broadband antenna and a differential pair driven by a resonant patch antenna.


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Using CMOS transistors for terahertz detection is currently a disruptive technology that offers the direct integration of a terahertz detector with video preamplifiers. The detectors are based on the resistive mixer concept and performance mainly depends on the following parameters: type of antenna, electrical parameters (gate to drain capacitor and channel length of the CMOS device) and foundry. Two different 300 GHz detectors are discussed: a single transistor detector with a broadband antenna and a differential pair driven by a resonant patch antenna.


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Passive equipments operating in the 30-300 GHZ (millimeter wave) band are compared to those in the 300 GHz-3 THz (submillimeter band). Equipments operating in the submillimeter band can measure distance and also spectral information and have been used to address new opportunities in security. Solid state spectral information is available in the submillimeter region making it possible to identify materials, whereas in millimeter region bulk optical properties determine the image contrast. The optical properties in the region from 30 GHz to 3 THz are discussed for some typical inorganic and organic solids. in the millimeter-wave region of the spectrum, obscurants such as poor weather, dust, and smoke can be penetrated and useful imagery generated for surveillance. in the 30 GHZ-3 THZ region dielectrics such as plastic and cloth are also transparent and the detection of contraband hidden under clothing is possible. A passive millimeter-wave imaging concept based on a folded Schmidt camera has been developed and applied to poor weather navigation and security. The optical design uses a rotating mirror and is folded using polarization techniques. The design is very well corrected over a wide field of view making it ideal for surveillance, and security. This produces a relatively compact imager which minimizes the receiver count.


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Las bandas de las denominadas ondas milimétricas y submilimétricas están situadas en la región del espectro entre las microondas y el infrarrojo. La banda de milimétricas se sitúa entre 30 y 300 GHz, considerada normalmente como la banda EHF (Extremely High Frequency). El margen de frecuencias entre 300 y 3000 GHz es conocido como la banda de ondas submilimétricas o de terahercios (THz). Sin embargo, no toda la comunidad científica está de acuerdo acerca de las frecuencias que limitan la banda de THz. De hecho, 100 GHz y 10 THz son considerados comúnmente como los límites inferior y superior de dicha banda, respectivamente. Hasta hace relativamente pocos años, la banda de THz sólo había sido explotada para aplicaciones en los campos de la espectroscopía y la radioastronomía. Los avances tecnológicos en la electrónica de microondas y la óptica lastraron el desarrollo de la banda de THz. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes han demostrado las ventajas asociadas a operar en estas longitudes de onda, lo que ha aumentado el interés y los esfuerzos dedicados a la tecnología de THz. A pesar de que han surgido un gran número de aplicaciones, una de las más prometedoras está en el campo de la vigilancia y la seguridad. Esta tesis está dedicada al desarrollo de radares de onda continua y frecuencia modulada (CW-LFM) de alta resolución en la banda de milimétricas, más concretamente, en las ventanas de atenuación situadas en 100 y 300 GHz. Trabajar en estas bandas de frecuencia presenta beneficios tales como la capacidad de las ondas de atravesar ciertos materiales como la ropa o el papel, opacos en el rango visible, y la posibilidad de usar grandes anchos de banda, obteniéndose así elevadas resoluciones en distancia. Los anchos de banda de 9 y 27 GHz seleccionados para los sistemas de 100 y 300 GHz, respectivamente, proporcionan resoluciones en distancia alrededor y por debajo del cm. Por otro lado, las aplicaciones objetivo se centran en la adquisición de imágenes a corto alcance. En el caso del prototipo a 300 GHz, su diseño se ha orientado a aplicaciones de detección a distancia en escenarios de vigilancia y seguridad. La naturaleza no ionizante de esta radiación supone una ventaja frente a las alternativas tradicionalmente usadas tales como los sistemas de rayos X. La presente tesis se centra en el proceso de diseño, implementación y caracterización de ambos sistemas así como de la validación de su funcionamiento. Se ha elegido una solución basada en componentes electrónicos, y no ópticos, debido a su alta fiabilidad, volumen reducido y amplia disponibilidad de componentes comerciales. Durante el proceso de diseño e implementación, se han tenido en cuenta varias directrices tales como la minimización del coste y la versatilidad de los sistemas desarrollados para hacer posible su aplicación para múltiples propósitos. Ambos sistemas se han utilizado en diferentes pruebas experimentales, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Aunque son sólo ejemplos dentro del amplio rango de posibles aplicaciones, la adquisición de imágenes ISAR de modelos de blancos a escala para detección automática así como la obtención de datos micro-Range/micro- Doppler para el análisis de patrones humanos han validado el funcionamiento del sistema a 100 GHz. Por otro lado, varios ejemplos de imágenes 3D obtenidas a 300 GHz han demostrado las capacidades del sistema para su uso en tareas de seguridad y detección a distancia. ABSTRACT The millimeter- and submillimeter-wave bands are the regions of the spectrum between the microwaves and the infrared (IR). The millimeter-wave band covers the range of the spectrum from 30 to 300 GHz, which is usually considered as the extremely high frequency (EHF) band. The range of frequencies between 300 and 3000 GHz is known as the submillimeter-wave or terahertz (THz) band. Nevertheless, the boundaries of the THz band are not accepted by the whole research community. In fact, 100 GHz and 10 THz are often considered by some authors as the lower and upper limit of this band, respectively. Until recently, the THz band had not been exploited for practical applications, with the exception of minor uses in the fields of spectroscopy and radio astronomy. The advancements on microwave electronics and optical technology left the well-known THz gap undeveloped. However, recent research has unveiled the advantages of working at these frequencies, which has motivated the increase in research effort devoted to THz technology. Even though the range of upcoming applications is wide, the most promising ones are in the field of security and surveillance. Particularly, this Ph.D. thesis deals with the development of high resolution continuouswave linear-frequency modulated (CW-LFM) radars in the millimeter-wave band, namely, in the attenuation windows located at 100 and 300 GHz. Working at these wavelengths presents several benefits such as the ability of radiation to penetrate certain materials, visibly opaque, and the great availability of bandwidth at these frequencies, which leads to high range resolution. The selected bandwidths of 9 and 27 GHz for these systems at 100 and 300 GHz, respectively, result in cm and sub-cm range resolution. On the other hand, the intended applications are in the field of short-range imaging. In particular, the design of the 300-GHz prototype is oriented to standoff detection for security and surveillance scenarios. The non-ionizing nature of this radiation allows safety concerns to be alleviated, in clear contrast to other traditional alternatives such as X-rays systems. This thesis is focused on the design, implementation and characterization process of both systems as well as the experimental assessment of their performances. An electronic approach has been selected instead of an optical solution so as to take advantage of its high reliability, reduced volume and the availability of commercial components. Through the whole design and implementation process, several guidelines such as low cost and hardware versatility have been also kept in mind. Taking advantage of that versatility, different applications can be carried out with the same hardware concept. Both radar systems have been used in several experimental trials with satisfactory results. Despite being mere examples within the wide range of fields of application, ISAR imaging of scaled model targets for automatic target recognition and micro-Range/micro-Doppler analysis of human patterns have validated the system performance at 100 GHz. In addition, 3D imaging examples at 300 GHz demonstrate the radar system’s capabilities for standoff detection and security tasks.


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Among the branches of astronomy, radio astronomy is unique in that it spans the largest portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, e.g., from about 10 MHz to 300 GHz. On the other hand, due to scientific priorities as well as technological limitations, radio astronomy receivers have traditionally covered only about an octave bandwidth. This approach of "one specialized receiver for one primary science goal" is, however, not only becoming too expensive for next-generation radio telescopes comprising thousands of small antennas, but also is inadequate to answer some of the scientific questions of today which require simultaneous coverage of very large bandwidths.

This thesis presents significant improvements on the state of the art of two key receiver components in pursuit of decade-bandwidth radio astronomy: 1) reflector feed antennas; 2) low-noise amplifiers on compound-semiconductor technologies. The first part of this thesis introduces the quadruple-ridged flared horn, a flexible, dual linear-polarization reflector feed antenna that achieves 5:1-7:1 frequency bandwidths while maintaining near-constant beamwidth. The horn is unique in that it is the only wideband feed antenna suitable for radio astronomy that: 1) can be designed to have nominal 10 dB beamwidth between 30 and 150 degrees; 2) requires one single-ended 50 Ohm low-noise amplifier per polarization. Design, analysis, and measurements of several quad-ridged horns are presented to demonstrate its feasibility and flexibility.

The second part of the thesis focuses on modeling and measurements of discrete high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and their applications in wideband, extremely low-noise amplifiers. The transistors and microwave monolithic integrated circuit low-noise amplifiers described herein have been fabricated on two state-of-the-art HEMT processes: 1) 35 nm indium phosphide; 2) 70 nm gallium arsenide. DC and microwave performance of transistors from both processes at room and cryogenic temperatures are included, as well as first-reported measurements of detailed noise characterization of the sub-micron HEMTs at both temperatures. Design and measurements of two low-noise amplifiers covering 1--20 and 8—50 GHz fabricated on both processes are also provided, which show that the 1--20 GHz amplifier improves the state of the art in cryogenic noise and bandwidth, while the 8--50 GHz amplifier achieves noise performance only slightly worse than the best published results but does so with nearly a decade bandwidth.


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The performance of a very low loss frequency selective surface (FSS) comprising two air spaced planar arrays of linear slot elements is reported. The beamsplitter generates a low loss passband response with a very sharp transmission roll-off with frequency. Simulated and measured results in the 30 GHz and 300 GHz wavebands are used to quantify the performance improvement compared to a conventional multilayer dielectrically backed conducting ring FSS. The paper also discusses the effect of the array dimensions on the passband width and filter roll-off rate.


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Satellite operators are starting to use the Ka-band (30/20 GHz) for communications systems requiring higher traffic capacity. The use of this band is expected to experience a significant growth in the next few years, as several operators have reported plans to launch new satellites with Ka-band capacity. It is worth mentioning the Ka-Sat satellite in Europe, launched in 2010, and ViaSat-1, of 2011, with coverage of USA1. Some other examples can be found in other parts of the World. Recent satellite communications standards, such as DVB-S22 or DVB-RCS3, which provide means to mitigate propagation impairments, have been developed with the objective of improving the use of the Ka-band, in comparison with previous technical standards. In the next years, the ALPHASAT satellite will bring about new opportunities4 for carrying out propagation and telecommunication experiments in the Ka- and Q/V-bands. Commercial uses are focused on the provision of high speed data communications, for Internet access and other applications. In the near future, it is expected that higher and higher data rates will also be needed to broadcast richer multimedia contents, including HD-TV, interactive content or 3D-TV. All of these services may be provided in the future by satellites of the current generation, whose life span can extend up to 2025 in some cases. Depending on local regulations, the available bandwidth for the satellite fixed and broadcasting services in the Ka-band is in excess of several hundred MHz, bidirectional, comprising more than 1 GHz for each sub-band in some cases. In this paper, the results of a propagation experiment that is being carried out at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, are presented5. The objective of the experiment is twofold: gathering experimental time series of attenuation and analyzing them in order to characterize the propagation channel at these frequencies6. The experiment and statistical results correspond to five complete years of measurements. The experiment is described in more detail in Section II. Yearly characteristics of rain attenuation are presented in Section III, whereas Section IV is dedicated to the monthly, seasonal, and hourly characteristics. Section V covers the dynamic characteristics of this propagation effect, just before the conclusions are described in Section VI.


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La generalización del uso de dispositivos móviles, con su consiguiente aumento del tráfico de datos, está generando una demanda cada vez mayor de bandas de frecuencia para el despliegue de sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica, así como una creciente congestión en las bandas bajas del espectro (hasta 3 GHz). Entre las posibles soluciones a este problema, se ha propuesto que la próxima generación de sistemas celulares, 5G, hagan uso de la banda milimétrica, entre 30 GHz y 300 GHz, donde hay anchos de banda contiguos disponibles con tamaños muy difíciles de encontrar en las frecuencias en uso en la generación actual. Este Proyecto de Fin de Grado tiene como finalidad estudiar la viabilidad del despliegue de sistemas celulares en dicha banda, basándose en los estudios tanto empíricos como teóricos ya publicados, así como en las recomendaciones de la UIT donde se estudian las características de propagación en estas bandas. En un siguiente apartado, se han analizado los documentos disponibles de los distintos proyectos y grupos, como pueden ser METIS-2020, impulsado por la Comisión Europea o IMT-2020 promovido por la UIT, dedicados a definir los futuros estándares de comunicación y sus características, así como la evolución de los actuales. Aparte del trabajo de documentación, se han realizado una serie de simulaciones. En primer lugar, se ha utilizado MATLAB para estudiar el comportamiento y la atenuación de la onda electromagnética a las frecuencias de interés en diferentes ubicaciones y climas, tanto en ubicaciones habituales como extremas, estudiándose los efectos de los gases atmosféricos y los hidrometeoros. También se ha utilizado software de planificación radioeléctrica profesional para hacer estudios de cobertura en entornos tanto urbanos, entre ellos Madrid o Barcelona, suburbanos, como Tres Cantos (Madrid) y O Barco de Valdeorras (Orense), y rurales como Valdefuentes (Cáceres) y Quiruelas de Vidriales (Zamora). Por último se han recogido todos los resultados, tanto los provenientes de los estudios como los obtenidos de nuestras propias simulaciones, y se ha realizado un breve comentario, comparando estos y analizando su impacto para posibles despliegues futuros de redes 5G. ABSTRACT. The generalization of mobile device use, with its associated data traffic growth, is generating a growing demand of spectrum for its use in the deployment of wireless telecommunication systems, and a growing congestion in the lower end of the spectrum (until 3 GHz). Among the possible solutions for this problem, it has been proposed that the next generation of cellular systems, 5G, makes use of the millimeter band, between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, where there are contiguous bandwidths with sizes hardly available in the bands used in the present. This Project aims to study the feasibility of cellular system deployments in said band, based on published empirical and theoretical studies and papers, and the ITU recommendations, where the propagation characteristics in those bands are studied. In the next section, available documentation coming from the different study groups and projects like METIS 2020 promoted by the European Commission, or IMT-2020, promoted by the ITU has been studied. In the documentation, future telecommunication standards and its characteristics and the evolution of the current ones are defined. Besides the documentation work, a series of simulations have been carried out. First, MATLAB has been used to study the behavior and attenuation of the electromagnetic wave at the frequencies of interest in different locations and climates, studying the effects of atmospheric gasses and hydrometeors in conventional and extreme locations. Industry standard radioelectric planning software has been used to study the coverage in different environments, such as urban locations like Madrid and Barcelona, both in Spain, suburban locations like Tres Cantos (Madrid, Spain) and O Barco de Valdeorras (Orense, Spain) and rural locations such as Valdefuentes (Cáreces, Spain) and Quiruelas de Vidriales (Zamora, Spain). Finally, all the results, both from the documentation and our own simulations, have been collected, and a brief commentary has been made, comparing those results and their possible impact in the future deployment of 5G networks.


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We demonstrate an ultra-compact, room-Temperature, continuous-wave, broadly-Tunable dual-wavelength InAs/GaAs quantum-dot external-cavity diode laser in the spectral region between 1150 nm and 1301 nm with maximum output power of 280 mW. This laser source generating two modes with tunable difference-frequency (300 GHz-30 THz) has a great potential to replace commonly used bulky lasers for THz generation in photomixer devices.