1000 resultados para EGPRS-136
Tässä työssä käsitellään muutoksia, joita EGPRS-standardi aiheuttaa matkapuhelimen fyysiselle signalointiprotokollatasolle. EGPRS on laajennus normaaliin GPRS-verkkoon ja se mahdollistaa yhteistoiminnan Yhdysvalloissa käytetyn TDMA-matkapuhelinstandardin kanssa. EGPRS-puhelimessa puhelut hoidetaan TDMA-verkon kautta ja datan siirto GPRS-verkon kautta. EGPRS operoi GSM850 ja GSM1900 taajuusalueilla. EGPRS:n merkittävimpiä uusia ominaisuuksia ovat modulointimenetelmä EDGE ja kompaktit kontrollikanavat. Uudella modulointimenetelmällä saavutetaan kolminkertainen tiedonsiirtonopeus vanhaan modulointimenetelmään verrattuna. Kompaktien kontrollikanavien avulla voidaan tukiaseman taajuuskaistan tarvetta pienentää huomattavasti. Tukiasema voi käyttää vanhaa ja uutta modulointimenetelmää yhtä aikaa. EGPRS-verkko voi sisältää sekä kompakteja että normaaleja tukiasemia.
Aims Claudins are integral transmembrane proteins of the tight junctions, critical for maintaining cell adhesion and polarity. Alterations in the expression of individual claudins have been detected in carcinomas and appear to correlate with tumour progression. Methods In this study, a panel of anti-claudin antibodies (anti-claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) was employed to map claudin expression in 136 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) organised in a tissue microarray. Results Claudins were expressed in a reticular pattern up to the prickle layer in normal mucosal epithelium. In OSCC, claudins were strongly present in well-differentiated tumours, they presented mild and low expression in moderately differentiated OSCC, and were negative in poorly differentiated OSCC; the absences of claudin 1 (p = 0.002) and claudin 4 (p<0.001) were associated with moderately/poorly differentiated tumours. Strong expression of claudin 4 was associated with decreased perineural infiltration (p = 0.024). Claudins 5 and 7 were mostly negative or weakly expressed in all cases studied. Expression of claudin 7 was associated with the early clinical stages of the disease, whereas loss of claudin 7 tended to be more frequent in advanced stages of OSCC (p = 0.054). Absence of claudin 7 was also associated with absent vascular infiltration (p = 0.045) and with presence of recurrence (p = 0.052). Conclusions Claudin expression patterns showed a strong correlation with histological type of OSCC; claudin expression was decreased in areas of invasion, and negative in poorly differentiated tumours. This pattern may be related to evolution and prognosis of these tumours, especially in the case of claudin 7, which seems to be associated with a poor prognosis in OSCC.
This policy guidance is intended for staff working within the Health and Personal Social Services sector in Northern Ireland, and aims to provide advice and information on the provision of health and social care services to asylum seekers and refugees. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that asylum seekers and refugees are given equitable access to health and social care services under the terms of the current legislation, with the overall aim of providing a culturally competent health and social care services. åÊ
Priorities For Action 2003/04
BACKGROUND: Morphea is an autoimmune inflammatory sclerosing disorder that may cause permanent functional disability and disfigurement. OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine the clinical features of morphea in a large pediatric cohort. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 136 pediatric patients with morphea from one center, 1989 to 2006. RESULTS: Most children showed linear morphea, with a disproportionately high number of Caucasian and female patients. Two patients with rapidly progressing generalized or extensive linear morphea and arthralgias developed restrictive pulmonary disease. Initial oral corticosteroid treatment and long-term methotrexate administration stabilized and/or led to disease improvement in most patients with aggressive disease. LIMITATIONS: Retrospective analysis, relatively small sample size, and risk of a selected referral population to the single site are limitations. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest an increased prevalence of morphea in Caucasian girls, and support methotrexate as treatment for problematic forms. Visceral manifestations rarely occur; the presence of progressive problematic cutaneous disease and arthralgias should trigger closer patient monitoring.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
A section of US 52 between Dubuque and Luxemburg, Iowa, was listed in the top 5% of Iowa highways for severe crashes involving impaired drivers and single vehicle run-off-road crashes during 2001–2005, and several crashes have occurred on this roadway near the towns of Luxemburg, Holy Cross, and Rickardsville, Iowa, many on curves. Staff and officials from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education Dubuque County, and a retired fire chief met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to U.S. Highway 52. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 52 corridor and explains several mitigation strategies that the Iowa DOT District 6 Office has selected.
This report is concerned with the prediction of the long-time creep and shrinkage behavior of concrete. It is divided into three main areas. l. The development of general prediction methods that can be used by a design engineer when specific experimental data are not available. 2. The development of prediction methods based on experimental data. These methods take advantage of equations developed in item l, and can be used to accurately predict creep and shrinkage after only 28 days of data collection. 3. Experimental verification of items l and 2, and the development of specific prediction equations for four sand-lightweight aggregate concretes tested in the experimental program. The general prediction equations and methods are developed in Chapter II. Standard Equations to estimate the creep of normal weight concrete (Eq. 9), sand-lightweight concrete (Eq. 12), and lightweight concrete (Eq. 15) are recommended. These equations are developed for standard conditions (see Sec. 2. 1) and correction factors required to convert creep coefficients obtained from equations 9, 12, and 15 to valid predictions for other conditions are given in Equations 17 through 23. The correction factors are shown graphically in Figs. 6 through 13. Similar equations and methods are developed for the prediction of the shrinkage of moist cured normal weight concrete (Eq. 30}, moist cured sand-lightweight concrete (Eq. 33}, and moist cured lightweight concrete (Eq. 36). For steam cured concrete the equations are Eq. 42 for normal weight concrete, and Eq. 45 for lightweight concrete. Correction factors are given in Equations 47 through 52 and Figs., 18 through 24. Chapter III summarizes and illustrates, by examples, the prediction methods developed in Chapter II. Chapters IV and V describe an experimental program in which specific prediction equations are developed for concretes made with Haydite manufactured by Hydraulic Press Brick Co. (Eqs. 53 and 54}, Haydite manufactured by Buildex Inc. (Eqs. 55 and 56), Haydite manufactured by The Cater-Waters Corp. (Eqs. 57 and 58}, and Idealite manufactured by Idealite Co. (Eqs. 59 and 60). General prediction equations are also developed from the data obtained in the experimental program (Eqs. 61 and 62) and are compared to similar equations developed in Chapter II. Creep and Shrinkage prediction methods based on 28 day experimental data are developed in Chapter VI. The methods are verified by comparing predicted and measured values of the long-time creep and shrinkage of specimens tested at the University of Iowa (see Chapters IV and V) and elsewhere. The accuracy obtained is shown to be superior to other similar methods available to the design engineer.
Aquest TPT (Treball Pràctic Tutorat) esdevé la última etapa a realitzar per a la culminació dels estudis d’Enginyer Tècnic Forestal (especialitat en explotacions forestals). El TPT en qüestió és un Pla Tècnic de Gestió i Millora Forestal (PTGMF): Instrument d’Ordenació Forestal dels boscos públics i privats de Catalunya, gestionat pel Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya mitjançant el Centre de la Propietat Forestal (CPF), on s’organitzen en el temps i l’espai totes les actuacions que es pretenen dur a terme en una zona d’estudi en concret (que ha de ser sempre major a 25 hectàrees). Un PTGMF consta de 3 parts diferenciades: - El PTGMF, pròpiament dit, com a document principal. - La cartografia (mapes de situació, de gestió i cadastral). - Els annexes (les fitxes descriptives de les unitats d’actuació i els resultats de l’inventari forestal).