913 resultados para EGG RATIO


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The solutions commonly used to dilute or cryopreserve sperm are commonly composed of salts, buffers and cryoprotectants, which may affect gametes and subsequent fertilization success. Here, we have evaluated the effects of several cryoprotectants (methanol; MeOH, dimethyl sulfoxide; DMSO and dimethyl acetamide; DMA at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1%) and different ions (potassium, calcium and magnesium at concentrations of 1.25, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 mM) as sperm diluents upon sperm motility and fertilization success in the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus sperm. Our results demonstrated that DMSO (at 1%) decreased sperm motility while calcium and magnesium ions (from 2.5 mM) induced sperm aggregation and reduced sperm motility. Reduced fertilization rates were observed with potassium (from 1.25 mM), calcium (at 10 mM), magnesium (at 10 mM), DMA (at 1%), and DMSO (at 1%). We conclude that specific ions and cryoprotectants, and their relative concentrations caused effect upon loach gametes. These data are important to consider for the preparation of sperm diluents and activating solutions in order to manage gamete quality for artificial propagation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Benthic marine invertebrates may form metapopulations connected via propagule dispersal. Conservation efforts often target potential source coastlines to indirectly benefit areas depending on allochthonous offspring production. Besides population density, adult size structure, sex ratio, brooding frequency and the proportion of breeding individuals may significantly influence the reproductive output of benthic populations, but these effects have seldom been tested. We used rocky shore crabs to assess the spatial variability of such parameters at relevant scales for conservation purposes and to test their consistency over 2 consecutive years; we then used the data to address whether bottom-up processes or biological interactions might explain the patterns observed. We decomposed egg production rates into their components for the 2 most abundant brachyuran species inhabiting the intertidal rocky habitat. Adult density and brooding frequency varied consistently among shores for both species and largely explained the overall spatial trends of egg production. Temporally consistent patterns also included among-shore differences in the size of ovigerous females of the grapsid Pachygrapsus transversus and between-bay differences in the fecundity of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis. Sex ratio was remarkably constant in both. We found no positive or negative correlations between adult density and brooding frequency to support either the existence of a component Allee effect (lack of mate encounters) or an effect of intra-specific competition. Likewise, shore-specific potential growth in P. transversus does not negatively correlate with frequency of ovigerous individuals, as would be expected under a critical balance between these 2 processes. The patterns observed suggest that bottom-up drivers may best explain spatial trends in the reproductive output of these species.


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The effects of dietary level of protein (151, 181 g/kg), lysine (nil, 10g L-lysine hydrochloride/kg) and methionine (nil, 5g DL-methionine/kg) on the production performance and egg yolk cholesterol of two strains of birds were studied for 12 weeks. Birds fed on the high protein diet had higher body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), rate of lay, egg weight and mass and yolk weight and mass. A high lysine diet decreased feed intake and improved FCR. High dietary level of methionine increased egg yolk cholesterol. There were differences between strains of laying bird in feed intake, rate of lay, egg and yolk weights and egg cholesterol content. It is concluded that strain of bird and dietary level of protein and lysine influenced the production performance of birds. Whilst, egg yolk cholesterol was not reduced by any of the factors studied.


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No impact of Bt soybean that express Cry1Ac protein on biological traits of Euschistus heros (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) and its egg parasitoid Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae). Biological traits of the stink bug Euschistus heros and its main biological control agent Telenomus podisi were evaluated under controlled environmental conditions (25 ± 2ºC; 60 ± 10% RH; and 14/10 h photoperiod) by placing first instar nymphs into Petri dishes with pods originating from two soybean isolines (Bt-soybean MON 87701 × MON 89788, which expresses the Cry1Ac protein, and its near non-Bt isoline A5547) where they remained until the adult stage. Due to gregarious behavior exhibited by first instar nymphs, they were individualized only when at the second instar. Adults were separated by sex and weighed, and pronotum width of each individual was subsequently measured. They were placed into plastic boxes containing soybean grains of the same soybean isoline as food source. Egg viability and female fecundity were assessed in adult individuals. Adult females of T. podisi (up to 24h old) were placed with eggs of E. heros from mothers reared on both soybean isolines. Nymphal development time, insect weight, pronotum width, sex ratio, female fecundity, and egg viability (% emergence) of Euschistus heros did not differ between treatments. Eggto-adult development time, female longevity, sex ratio, and percentage of parasitized eggs were not impacted by the Bt-soybean (expressing Cry1Ac protein). Results indicate that the Bt-soybean, MON 87701 × MON 89788, has no direct significant impact on the two studied species.


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The objective of this work was to determine the potential of five species of Scelionidae wasps - Telenomus podisi, Trissolcus basalis, Trissolcus urichi, Trissolcus teretis and Trissolcus brochymenae - as natural enemies of the neotropical stink bug Dichelops melacanthus, and to determine if the presence of eggs of other stink bug species influences the parasitism and development of the parasitoids. Two kinds of experiments were done in laboratory: without choice of hosts (eggs of D. melacanthus) and with choice (eggs of D. melacanthus and of Euschistus heros). Biological parameters, including proportion of parasitism, immature survivorship, progeny sex ratio, immature stage development period, and host preference were recorded. All the evaluated parasitoids can parasitize and develop on D. melacanthus eggs. The first choice of eggs did not influence the proportion of D. melacanthus eggs parasitized by Tr. basalis, Tr. teretis or Tr. brochymenae. However, D. melacanthus eggs as the first choice of Te. podisi and Tr. urichi increased, respectively, 9 and 14 times the chance for parasitism on eggs of this species. Behavioral and ecological aspects of parasitoids should be considered prior to their use in biological control programs.


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We analyzed offspring sex ratio variation in Mediterranean Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris d. diomedea) during two consecutive breeding seasons in two colonies. We test for differential breeding conditions between years and colonies looking at several breeding parameters and parental condition. We then explored the relationship between offspring sex ratio and parental condition and breeding parameters. This species is sexually dimorphic with males larger and heavier than females; consequently we expected differential parental cost in rearing sexes, or a greater sensitivity of male chicks to adverse conditions, which may lead to biased sex ratios. Chicks were sexed molecularly by the amplification of the CHD genes. Offspring sex ratio did not differ from parity, either at hatching or fledging, regardless of the colony or year. However, parental body condition and breeding parameters such as egg size and breeding success were different between years and colonies. Nevertheless, neither nestling mortality nor body condition at fledging varied between years or colonies, suggesting that male and female chicks were probably not differentially affected by variability in breeding conditions.


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The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the addition of cashew nuts meal (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25%) to laying hen diets on egg quality and yolk composition. The variables studied were: egg weight, specific gravity, Haugh Units, percentages of shell, albumen, and yolk, moisture, total solids, total lipids, fatty acids profile, and yolk cholesterol. The addition of up to 25% of cashew nuts meal to hen diets did not affect egg quality and freshness, moisture and total solids content. However, an increase in total lipid content and a decrease in yolk pigmentation was observed. Oleic acid level increased in the yolk, whereas palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid levels decreased. The addition of cashew nuts meal increased the monounsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio in the yolk and reduced the cholesterol content. Therefore, the use of cashew nuts meal in laying hen diets favorably modifies the fatty acid composition of egg yolk and contributes to a better acceptance of this food by consumers since it also reduces yolk cholesterol levels.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A total number of 720 Japanese quail females, reared under identical management conditions, and receiving feed and water ad libitum, was used. Quails were housed and reared from 1-35 days of age in litter pens in a rearing house, and then were transferred to a quail layer house. This study aimed at verifying if different beak trimming method could optimize egg production and quality by reducing stress and cannibalism among birds. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with six treatments in a 2x3 factorial arrangement, with two beak trimming ages (14 and 21 days) and three beak trimming variants (non-trimmed, 1/3 of the beak trimmed, or 1/2 of the beak trimmed), 6 replicates of 20 birds each. Performance was evaluated by feed intake, percentage of lay, egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen and per kg eggs, and mortality. Performance was influenced by trimming variant, with the best results obtained by birds with intact and those with 1/3 of the beak trimmed. Better specific gravity was in quails submitted to beak trimming at 21 days of age, whereas other egg quality parameters did not present significant results. Based the results obtained in the present study, it is recommended to submit to beak trimming either at 14 or 21 days of age.


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An experiment was carried out at the Research and Development Unit of Brotas aiming at evaluating dietary calcium level and limestone particle size on the production performance of commercial (Hy-Line Brown) layers in the second lay cycle. Experiment duration was 112 days. A total number of 288 hens, with 83 weeks of age in the beginning of the experiment, were used in a completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement of 2x3, with two calcium levels (3.5 and 4.0%) and three limestone particle size compositions: 100% fine limestone (FL), 30% coarse limestone (CL) + 70% fine limestone (FL), and 50% (CL) + 50% (FL), with six replicates of eight birds each. Egg weight (g), egg production (%), egg mass (%), feed intake (g), feed conversion ratio (kg/dz and kg/kg), mortality (%), and egg loss (%) were evaluated. The analysis of variance did not detect significant differences (p>0.05) among treatments on any of the evaluated performance parameters. It was concluded that the tested calcium levels and limestone particle composition did not influence the performance of semi-heavy layers in second production cycle.