989 resultados para EDTMP-153 Samário


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A dor óssea decorrente das metástases é um sintoma comum nos tumores avançados de mama e próstata. Nenhuma opção terapêutica isolada é completamente eficaz, e uma série de modalidades costuma ser empregada, entre eles a terapia com radiofármacos, como o samário153-etilenodiaminatetrametileno fosfonato (EDTMP-153Sm). O docetaxel, um taxano com ação sobre tumores avançados de mama e próstata, tem-se apresentado como uma nova opção de tratamento quimioterápico. Muitos pacientes fazem uso simultâneo de EDTMP-153Sm e docetaxel. Este estudo procurou avaliar a influência do docetaxel na biodisponibilidade de EDTMP-153Sm em ratos Wistar, aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos de 6 animais cada. O grupo DS (docetaxel/samário) recebeu docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneal em dois ciclos com 11 dias de intervalo. Os ratos do grupo S (samário/controle) não foram tratados com docetaxel. Nove dias após a quimioterapia, todos os animais receberam 0.1ml de EDTMP-153Sm via plexo orbital (25μCi). Após 2 horas, os animais foram mortos, e realizaram-se análises de amostras de cérebro, tireóide, pulmão, coração, estômago, cólon, fígado, rim e fêmures. O percentual de radioatividade por grama (%ATI/g) de tecido de cada biópsia foi determinado em contador gama automático (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). No 9º dia após 2º ciclo de docetaxel, os ratos tiveram perda de peso significante, passando de 353.66± 22.8g (controle/pré-tratamento) para 314,50±22,09g (p<0.5). Os %ATI/g nos órgãos dos ratos tratados com EDTMP- 153Sm e docetaxel tiveram redução significante nos fêmures direito e esquerdo, rim, fígado e pulmão, quando comparados aos animais não tratados com docetaxel. Em conclusão, a combinação de docetaxel com EDTMP-153Sm foi associada à menor concentração do radiofármaco em órgãos alvo. Futuras investigações sobre o impacto do docetaxel na biodisponibilidade do EDTMP- 153Sm poderão complementar estes achados. Deve-se ressaltar o caráter multidisciplinar deste estudo, que contou com a participação ativa e com a troca constante de conhecimentos entre profissionais das áreas de Medicina Nuclear, Cirurgia, Oncologia, Biologia e Estatística


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Purpose: Many patients with metastatic bone disease have to use radiopharmaceuticals associated with chemotherapy to relieve bone pain. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of docetaxel on the biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP in bones and other organs of rats. Methods: Wistar male rats were randomly allocated into 2 groups of 6 rats each. The DS (docetaxel/samarium) group received docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneally in two cycles 11 days apart. The S (samarium/control) group rats were not treated with docetaxel. Nine days after chemotherapy, all the rats were injected with 0.1ml of samarium-153-EDTMP via orbital plexus (25μCi). After 2 hours, the animals were killed and samples of the brain, thyroid, lung, heart, stomach, colon, liver, kidney and both femurs were removed. The percentage radioactivity of each sample (% ATI/g) was determined in an automatic gamma-counter (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). Results: On the 9th day after the administration of the 2nd chemotherapy cycle, the rats had a significant weight loss (314.50±22.09g) compared (p<0.5) to pre-treatment weight (353.66± 22.8). The % ATI/g in the samples of rats treated with samarium-153-EDTMP had a significant reduction in the right femur, left femur, kidney, liver and lungs of animals treated with docetaxel, compared to the control rats. Conclusion: The combination of docetaxel and samarium-153-EDTMP was associated with a lower response rate in the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical to targeted tissues. Further investigation into the impact of docetaxel on biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP would complement the findings of this study


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Purpose: Many patients with metastatic bone disease have to use radiopharmaceuticals associated with chemotherapy to relieve bone pain. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of docetaxel on the biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP in bones and other organs of rats. Methods: Wistar male rats were randomly allocated into 2 groups of 6 rats each. The DS (docetaxel/samarium) group received docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneally in two cycles 11 days apart. The S (samarium/control) group rats were not treated with docetaxel. Nine days after chemotherapy, all the rats were injected with 0.1ml of samarium-153-EDTMP via orbital plexus (25μCi). After 2 hours, the animals were killed and samples of the brain, thyroid, lung, heart, stomach, colon, liver, kidney and both femurs were removed. The percentage radioactivity of each sample (% ATI/g) was determined in an automatic gamma-counter (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). Results: On the 9th day after the administration of the 2nd chemotherapy cycle, the rats had a significant weight loss (314.50±22.09g) compared (p<0.5) to pre-treatment weight (353.66± 22.8). The % ATI/g in the samples of rats treated with samarium-153-EDTMP had a significant reduction in the right femur, left femur, kidney, liver and lungs of animals treated with docetaxel, compared to the control rats. Conclusion: The combination of docetaxel and samarium-153-EDTMP was associated with a lower response rate in the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical to targeted tissues. Further investigation into the impact of docetaxel on biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP would complement the findings of this study


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Purpose: Many patients with metastatic bone disease have to use radiopharmaceuticals associated with chemotherapy to relieve bone pain. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of docetaxel on the biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP in bones and other organs of rats. Methods: Wistar male rats were randomly allocated into 2 groups of 6 rats each. The DS (docetaxel/samarium) group received docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneally in two cycles 11 days apart. The S (samarium/control) group rats were not treated with docetaxel. Nine days after chemotherapy, all the rats were injected with 0.1ml of samarium-153-EDTMP via orbital plexus (25μCi). After 2 hours, the animals were killed and samples of the brain, thyroid, lung, heart, stomach, colon, liver, kidney and both femurs were removed. The percentage radioactivity of each sample (% ATI/g) was determined in an automatic gamma-counter (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). Results: On the 9th day after the administration of the 2nd chemotherapy cycle, the rats had a significant weight loss (314.50±22.09g) compared (p<0.5) to pre-treatment weight (353.66± 22.8). The % ATI/g in the samples of rats treated with samarium-153-EDTMP had a significant reduction in the right femur, left femur, kidney, liver and lungs of animals treated with docetaxel, compared to the control rats. Conclusion: The combination of docetaxel and samarium-153-EDTMP was associated with a lower response rate in the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical to targeted tissues. Further investigation into the impact of docetaxel on biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP would complement the findings of this study


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Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Catenulostroma corymbiae from Corymbia, Devriesia stirlingiae from Stirlingia, Penidiella carpentariae from Carpentaria, Phaeococcomyces eucalypti from Eucalyptus, Phialophora livistonae from Livistona, Phyllosticta aristolochiicola from Aristolochia, Clitopilus austroprunulus on sclerophyll forest litter of Eucalyptus regnans and Toxicocladosporium posoqueriae from Posoqueria. Several species are also described from South Africa, namely: Ceramothyrium podocarpi from Podocarpus, Cercospora chrysanthemoides from Chrysanthemoides, Devriesia shakazului from Aloe, Penidiella drakensbergensis from Protea, Strelitziana cliviae from Clivia and Zasmidium syzygii from Syzygium. Other species include Bipolaris microstegii from Microstegium and Synchaetomella acerina from Acer (USA), Brunneiapiospora austropalmicola from Rhopalostylis (New Zealand), Calonectria pentaseptata from Eucalyptus and Macadamia (Vietnam), Ceramothyrium melastoma from Melastoma (Indonesia), Collembolispora aristata from stream foam (Czech Republic), Devriesia imbrexigena from glazed decorative tiles (Portugal), Microcyclospora rhoicola from Rhus (Canada), Seiridium phylicae from Phylica (Tristan de Cunha, Inaccessible Island), Passalora lobeliaefistulosis from Lobelia (Brazil) and Zymoseptoria verkleyi from Poa (The Netherlands). Valsalnicola represents a new ascomycete genus from Alnus (Austria) and Parapenidiella a new hyphomycete genus from Eucalyptus (Australia). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are also provided. © 2012 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures.


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In the title complex, [Al(C8H13O3)(3)], a potential metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) precursor, three bidentate ligand molecules are bound to the metal atom, forming an octahedral geometry. Two non-planar six-membered chelate rings adopt screw-boat conformations, while the third ring has a conformation that lies about halfway between an envelope and a screw-boat.


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Contenido: Aspectos fundamentales del conocimiento humano. III. Valor trascendente del conocimiento / Octavio N. Derisi -- Del ente participado al Ser imparticipado / Octavio N. Derisi -- Las tesis de C. Fabro / Julio Raúl Méndez -- Exigencias filosóficas para determinar "lo psicológico" en el proceso de aprendizaje / William R. Darós -- Lo inteligible / Alejandro De Paoli -- Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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O Plenário debate a criação de novos municípios. No anteprojeto do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) a decisão de emancipação caberia aos próprios moradores, através de plebiscito. A arrecadação municipal deverá atingir cinco milésimos do último exercício. O Deputado Ivo Mainardi (PMDB-RS) propõe que os Estados voltem a ter o direito de legislar sobre emancipações. O Deputado Virgildásio Sena (PMDB-BA) considera que os dispositivos são muito rígidos e deverão ser modificados, pois tornam inviável a emancipação. A Deputada Sandra Cavalcanti (PFL-RJ) acredita que, havendo plebiscito, não haverá necessidade de posterior aprovação municipal. No Brasil acontece um milhão de acidentes de trabalho por ano, uma média que vem se mantendo desde 1980. José Luiz Riani, Secretário de Segurança do Trabalho do Ministério do Trabalho, relata sobre os números de acidentes de trabalho. O Centro de Reabilitação Profissional do INSS, em Brasília, recebe cerca de duzentos acidentados por mês. O Deputado Antônio Carlos Mendes Thame (PFL-SP) diz que a situação é grave, pois não apenas a maquinaria continua perigosa, mas também a contaminação do ar e o nível de vibrações e ruídos são muito altos em grande parte das indústrias brasileiras. O Deputado Carlos Mosconi (PMDB-MG) almeja que a saúde ocupacional faça parte do SUS. O Deputado Antônio Carlos Mendes Thame (PFL-SP) propõe medidas de reparação do dano, como a garantia de emprego, seguro desemprego e aposentadoria especial.


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A moradia foi o principal assunto do seminário realizado pela Confederação Nacional das Associações de Moradores (CONAM). Carlos Alberto Franck, Vice-Presidente da CONAM, diz que o direito de morar deve estar acima do direito de propriedade. A CONAM apresentou outras duas propostas de emendas populares: a suspensão do pagamento dos juros da dívida externa e a estatização do transporte coletivo, com passe subsidiado aos trabalhadores e desempregados. João Bosco, Presidente da CONAM, entende o transporte coletivo como responsabilidade do poder público municipal. A Deputada Lídice da Mata (PC do B-BA) considera que a questão do transporte coletivo se tornou um ponto de entrave ao desenvolvimento das grandes cidades e à vida do povo. A Deputada Myrian Portella (PDS-PI) declara que o seminário foi produtivo e representa a efetiva participação do povo no processo constituinte. O Plenário da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) fez a primeira reunião de final de semana e um dos temas debatidos foi o problema dos colonos. O Deputado Dionísio Dal-Prá (PFL-PR) acredita que os trabalhadores rurais precisam ser melhor assistidos, para que tenham na sua velhice o amparo de que precisam. O Deputado Valmir Campelo (PFL-DF) afirma ser necessário proporcionar condições para a fixação do colono em sua região. O Deputado Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PTB-SP) apresenta projeto para a votação imediata da duração do mandato do Presidente Sarney. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) declara que o problema do mandato do presidente tem dois aspectos: o político e o jurídico. Admite que a matéria que pode ser apreciada em Plenário.


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There is no doubt that determination of the biomass of zooplankton (primarily of crustaceans) will be taken into consideration in practice and limnological works, especially after the recent publication of fairly comprehensive tables of weights of a whole range of species of freshwater copepods and cladocerans. The usefulness of applying formulae of determining the biomass of marine crustaceans for freshwater copepods is discussed.


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Representatives from the family of Lemnaceae (duckweed) make ideal experimental material for research into a succession of phytophysiological processes with regard to growth rate and vegetative reproduction. They are also easy to maintain in sterile cultures. Lemnaceae belong to the higher flowering plants (flowers are rarely produced), however they are distinguished by a much simplified morphological and anatomical structure. As water plants they possess the advantage, that they can be cultivated in synthetic media under laboratory conditions controlled by the application of both a known light intensity and temperature. This paper describes experimental research of growth of Lemnaceae in different conditions. Some of the variables were mineral media, illumination and aeration.


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用蒸发中子反应产生~(157)Tb和~(153)Er,收集活性样品,作x, #gamma# 单谱及符合谱测量,对~(157)Yb和~(153)Er的(EC+#beta#~+)衰变进行了研究,给出了~(157)Yb及~(153)Er的衰变纲图,其中~(157)Yb的衰变纲图包括25条新#gamma#射线,分析~(157)Yb的衰变纲图,~(153)Er的衰变纲图包括15条#gamma#射线,并指定出~(153)Er半衰变期值,该值与文献给出值符合得很好。指定了~(153)Er的衰变纲图中能级状况


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利用142Nd(16O,5n)153Er和147Sm(16O,6n)157Yb反应并藉助与氦喷嘴快速带传输装置和x(γ) γt-符合测量技术首次建立了153Er和157Yb的(EC/β+)衰变能级纲图。 对153Er的(EC/β+)衰变纲图的分析,得到结果有, 1) 辨认了256.7KeV和634.2KeV的二条低位能级分别为d3/2和d5/2的单质子态。因此,153H0的基态 的形状为球形。在同位素链Ho(Z=67)上,随着中子数的增加,奇质量数Ho核的基态核形状由球形过渡到变形发生在中子数86和88之间。 2) 位于1700.1KeV能级为三粒子态,具有[(πh11/2 νh9/2)1+ νf7/2] , , 的结构特征。 经对157Yb的(EC/β+)衰变纲图分析,得到结果有, 1) 发现了建立在157Tm基态上的Kπ= 转动带的带头部分。用可变转动惯量的三轴行变粒子转子模型对157Tm的转动能谱的计算结果表明,157Tm的基态Kπ= 转动带所对应的形变是三轴形变,相应的形变参数为ε2=0.23,ε4=0.01,γ=35°。给出了随着中子数的增加,奇质量数Tm(Z=69)核的基态核形状由球形过渡到非球形发生在中子数86和88之间。 2) 辨认了一条位于激发能为3502KeV的同质异能态,其寿命>40ns。


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Solubilities of red 153, (3-[[4-[[5,6(or 6,7)-dichloro-2-benzothiazolyl]azo]phenyl]ethylamino]propanenitrile), an azo compound, and disperse blue1 (1,4,5,8-tetraaminoantraquinone) in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC CO(2)) were measured at T = (333.2 to 393.2) K over the pressure range (12.0 to 40.0) MPa by a flow type apparatus. The solubility of red 153 (0.985. 10(-6) to 37.2. 10(-6)) in the overall region of measurements is found to be significantly higher than that of disperse blue 1 (1.12.10(-7) to 4.89.10(-7)). The solubility behavior of disperse red 153 follows the general solubility trend displayed by disperse dyes with a crossover pressure at about 20 MPa. On the other hand, blue 1, which is a disperse anthraquinone dye, exhibits unexpected behavior not recorded previously there is no crossover pressure at the temperature and pressure ranges studied, and the dye's solubility at T = 333.2 K practically does not increase with pressure. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous measurements of blue 1 solubility in SC CO(2) reported in the literature. The experimental data were correlated by using the Soave Redlich Kwong equation of state (EoS) with the one-fluid van der Waals mixing rule, and an acceptable correlation of the solubility data for both dyes was obtained.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica - Ramo de Bioprocessos