770 resultados para ECAP compaction


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The effect of hydrogen content on the compaction of Ti–6Al–4V powder at low temperatures, namely 500 °C, using equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) with back pressure has been investigated. The properties of the compacts before and after a heat treatment and de-hydrogenation cycle have been determined. Compaction of powder by ECAP (500 °C and 260 MPa) has shown maximum levels of relative density of 99.3% and 99.4% when charged with 0.05–0.1 wt.% and 0.61–0.85 wt.% of hydrogen, respectively. After the de-hydrogenation heat treatment the diffusion bonding between individual powder particles was completed and the microstructure was altered, depending on the level of hydrogen content. Two local maxima of 99.2% and 98.1% were observed in the measured density of consolidated compacts for hydrogen contents between 0.05 wt.% and 0.1 wt.% and between 0.61 wt.% and 0.85 wt.%, respectively. However, the mechanical properties of the compacts within these two ranges of hydrogen content were significantly different due to a difference in the observed microstructure. An exceptionally high ductility of 29%, in combination with a relatively high strength of ~560 MPa, was measured in a shear punch test on specimens which had a prior hydrogen level of 0.05 wt.% before the heat treatment. It was shown that material consolidated from powder hydrogenated to low levels of hydrogen before compaction has the potential to offer substantial improvements in mechanical properties after a suitable heat treatment.


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The present work investigates the optimal level of residual hydrogen in partially de-hydrogenated powder to produce CP-Ti plate compacts using ECAP with back pressure which are subsequently rolled at low temperature. A comparative study of the compaction of two TiH2 powders and a CP-Ti powder, with particle sizes 150 um, 50um and 45 um respectively, has been carried out. The hydride powders have also been compacted in a partially de-hydrogenated state. The optimal level of residual hydrogen with respect to the density of the resulting compact and the associated mechanical properties has been defined. ECAP at 300°C produced compacts from these partially de-hydrogenated powders of 99.5% theoretical density, while CP-Ti was compacted to almost full theoretical density under the same ECAP conditions. Therefore, the compaction of powder by ECAP does not benefit from temporary hydrogen alloying.

These compacts then were rolled at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 500°C with an 80% reduction in a single pass. Heat treatment after the rolling can modify the microstructure to improve the resulting mechanical properties and in this regard the temporary alloying with hydrogen has been observed to offer some significant benefits. It is shown the ECAP followed by low temperature rolling is a promising route to the batch production of fully dense CP-Ti wrought product from powder feedstock that avoids the need to subject the material to temperatures greater than 500°C. This low temperature route is expected to be efficient from an energy point of view and it also avoids the danger of interstitial contamination that accompanies most high temperature powder processing.


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In this work, compaction by warm equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) with back pressure was used to produce Ti-6Al-4V billets from both commercially pure (CP) titanium and titanium hydride (TiH 2) powders, which were mixed with pulverised binary Al-V master alloys of two distinct Al/V ratios and with elemental aluminium powder to arrive at the nominal alloy composition. It was demonstrated that the right combination of temperature, high hydrostatic pressure and plastic shear deformation permits consolidation of the powder mixture to maximum green densities of 99.26%. Moreover, after direct compaction of blended elemental powders by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) with back pressure, the sintering temperature required for chemical and microstructural homogenisation of the compacts could be reduced by 150-250°C. This was possible due to high green density, increased contact area between powder particles and the formation of fast diffusion paths associated with grain refinement by severe plastic deformation. The sintered Ti-6Al-4V billets exhibited a maximum density of 99.88%, Vickers hardness of 409-445 HV1 and ultimate tensile strength in the range of 1000-1080MPa. In contrast to findings of other authors, the use of TiH 2 powders in conjunction with ECAP processing did not bring any benefits with regard to the production of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy.


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Densification of metallic powders by means of extrusion is regarded as a very attractive processing technique that allows obtaining a high level of relative density of the compact. However, the uniformity of the relative density depends on that of strain distribution and on the processing parameters. Several variants of extrusion can be used for compaction of metal particulates, including the conventional extrusion (CE) and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), often referred to as equal-channel angular extrusion. Each of these processes has certain advantages and drawbacks with respect to compaction. A comparative study of these two extrusion processes influencing the relative density of compacts has been conducted by numerical simulation using commercial finite element software DEFORM2D. The results have been validated by experiments with titanium and magnesium powders and chips.


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Strike-slip faults commonly display structurally complex areas of positive or negative topography. Understanding the development of such areas has important implications for earthquake studies and hydrocarbon exploration. Previous workers identified the key factors controlling the occurrence of both topographic modes and the related structural styles. Kinematic and stress boundary conditions are of first-order relevance. Surface mass transport and material properties affect fault network structure. Experiments demonstrate that dilatancy can generate positive topography even under simple-shear boundary conditions. Here, we use physical models with sand to show that the degree of compaction of the deformed rocks alone can determine the type of topography and related surface fault network structure in simple-shear settings. In our experiments, volume changes of ∼5% are sufficient to generate localized uplift or subsidence. We discuss scalability of model volume changes and fault network structure and show that our model fault zones satisfy geometrical similarity with natural flower structures. Our results imply that compaction may be an important factor in the development of topography and fault network structure along strike-slip faults in sedimentary basins.


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Coastal subsidence causes sea-level rise, shoreline erosion and wetland loss, which poses a threat to coastal populations. This is especially evident in the Mississippi Delta in the southern United States, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The loss of protective wetlands is considered a critical factor in the extensive flood damage. The causes of subsidence in coastal Louisiana, attributed to factors as diverse as shallow compaction and deep crustal processes, remain controversial. Current estimates of subsidence rates vary by several orders of magnitude. Here, we use a series of radiocarbon-dated sediment cores from the Mississippi Delta to analyse late Holocene deposits and assess compaction rates. We find that millennial-scale compaction rates primarily associated with peat can reach 5mm per year, values that exceed recent model predictions. Locally and on timescales of decades to centuries, rates are likely to be 10 mm or more per year. We conclude that compaction of Holocene strata contributes significantly to the exceptionally high rates of relative sea-level rise and coastal wetland loss in the Mississippi Delta, and is likely to cause subsidence in other organic-rich and often densely populated coastal plains.


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Heavy wheel traffic causes soil compaction, which adversely affects crop production and may persist for several years. We applied known compaction forces to entire plots annually for 5 years, and then determined the duration of the adverse effects on the properties of a Vertisol and the performance of crops under no-till dryland cropping with residue retention. For up to 5 years after a final treatment with a 10 Mg axle load on wet soil, soil shear strength at 70-100 mm and cone index at 180-360 mm were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in a control treatment, and soil water storage and grain yield were lower. We conclude that compaction effects persisted because (1) there were insufficient wet-dry cycles to swell and shrink the entire compacted layer, (2) soil loosening by tillage was absent and (3) there were fewer earthworms in the compacted soil. Compaction of dry soil with 6 Mg had little effect at any time, indicating that by using wheel traffic only when the soil is dry, problems can be avoided. Unfortunately such a restriction is not always possible because sowing, tillage and harvest operations often need to be done when the soil is wet. A more generally applicable solution, which also ensures timely operations, is the permanent separation of wheel zones and crop zones in the field--the practice known as controlled traffic farming. Where a compacted layer already exists, even on a clay soil, management options to hasten repair should be considered, e.g. tillage, deep ripping, sowing a ley pasture or sowing crop species more effective at repairing compacted soil.


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In this paper, a new incremental algorithm for layout compaction is proposed. In addition to its linear time performance in terms of the number of rectangles in the layout, we also describe how incremental compaction can form a good feature in the design of a layout editor. The design of such an editor is also described. In the design of the editor, we describe how arrays can be used to implement quadtrees that represent VLSI layouts. Such a representation provides speed of data access and low storage requirements.


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Nanoindentation technique was employed to measure the changes in mechanical properties of a glass preform subjected to different levels of UV exposure. The results reveal that short-term exposure leads to an appreciable increase in the Young's modulus (E), suggesting the densification of the glass, confirming the compaction-densification model. However, on prolonged exposure, E decreases, which provides what we believe to be the first direct evidence of dilation in the glass leading into the Type IIA regime. The present results rule out the hypothesis that continued exposure leads to an irreversible compaction and prove that index modulation regimes are intrinsic to the glass matrix.


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Local heating is an important parameter in compaction of thermally sensitive solids since local hot spots could conceivably raise the temperature of the system by several hundred degrees. To understand the importance of local hot spots, 20 g of ammonium perchlorate (AP) and potassium perchlorate (KP) were pressed together at 1500 kg cm−2 for 5 min. The surface structural examination of the compact revealed a secondary phase at the interfaces between the grains in the compositions ranging from 50% AP-50% KP to 10% AP-90% KP. The observation of the secondary phase only at the interfaces has been attributed to the short life times of temperature pulses present during the compaction. An interesting aspect of the investigation is the formation of a series of solid solutions of AP-KP.


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Lactose is probably the most used tablet excipient in the field of pharmacy. Although lactose is thoroughly characterized and available in many different forms there is a need to find a replacer for lactose as a filler/binder in tablet formulations because it has some downsides. Melibiose is a relatively unknown disaccharide that has not been thoroughly characterized and not previously used as an excipient in tablets. Structurally melibiose is close to lactose as it is also formed from the same two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose. Aim of this research is to characterize and to study physicochemical properties of melibiose. Also the potential of melibiose to be used as pharmaceutical tablet excipient, even as a substitute for lactose is evaluated. Current knowledge about fundamentals of tableting and methods for determinating of deformation behavior and tabletability are reviewed. In this research Raman spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to study differences between two melibiose batches purchased from two suppliers. In NIR and FT-IR measurements no difference between materials could be observed. XPRD and Raman however found differences between the two melibiose batches. Also the effects of moisture content and heating to material properties were studied and moisture content of materials seems to cause some differences. Thermal analytical methods, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG) were used to study thermal behaviour of melibiose and difference between materials was found. Other melibiose batch contains residual water which evaporates at higher temperatures causing the differences in thermal behaviour. Scanning electron microscopy images were used to evaluate particle size, particle shape and morphology. Bulk, tapped and true densities and flow properties of melibiose was measured. Particle size of the melibiose batches are quite different resulting causing differences in the flowability. Instrumented tableting machine and compression simulator were used to evaluate tableting properties of melbiose compared to α-lactose monohydrate. Heckel analysis and strain-rate sensitivity index were used to determine deformation mechanism of melibiose monohydrate in relation to α–lactose monohydrate during compaction. Melibiose seems to have similar deformation behaviour than α-lactose monohydrate. Melibiose is most likely fragmenting material. Melibiose has better compactibility than α – lactose monohydrate as it produces tablets with higher tensile strength with similar compression pressures. More compression studies are however needed to confirm these results because limitations of this study.


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At physiological pH, a PAMAM dendrimer is positively charged and can effectively bind negatively charged DNA. Currently, there has been great interest in understanding this complexation reaction both for fundamental (as a model for complex biological reactions) as well as for practical (as a gene delivery material and probe for sensing DNA sequence) reasons. Here, we have studied the complexation between double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and various generations of PAMAM dendrimers (G3-05) through atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in the presence of water and ions. We report the compaction of DNA on a nanosecond time scale. This is remarkable, given the fact that such a short DNA duplex with a length close to 13 nm is otherwise thought to be a rigid rod. Using several nanoseconds long MD simulations, we have observed various binding modes of dsDNA and dendrimers for various generations of PAMAM dendrimers at varying charge ratios, and it confirms some of the binding modes proposed earlier. The binding is driven by the electrostatic interaction, and the larger the dendrimer charge, the stronger the binding affinity. As DNA wraps/binds to the dendrimer, counterions originally condensed onto DNA (Na+) and the dendrimer (Cl-) get released. We calculate the entropy of counterions and show that there is gain in entropy due to counterion release during the complexation. MD simulations demonstrate that, when the charge ratio is greater than 1 (as in the case of the G5 dendrimer), the optimal wrapping of DNA is observed. Calculated binding energies of the complexation follow the trend G5 > 04 > 03, in accordance with the experimental data. For a lower-generation dendrimer, such as G3, and, to some extent, for G4 also, we see considerable deformation in the dendrimer structure due to their flexible nature. We have also calculated the various helicoidal parameters of DNA to study the effect of dendrimer binding on the structure of DNA. The B form of the DNA is well preserved in the complex, as is evident from various helical parameters, justifying the use of the PAMAM dendrimer as a suitable delivery vehicle.


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