224 resultados para EAE


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Etxebizitzaren prezioak berebiziko hazkundea jasan du milurteko berriaren lehen urteetan eta erlatiboki moteltzen ari bada ere sektore honetako prezioaren hazkundea, honen guztiaren gaineko eztabaida zahar eta berriak gaurkotu egin dira, besteak beste, burbuilaren teoriaren gainekoa. Hori dela eta, artikulu honetan etxebizitzaren prezioa, burbuilaren teoria eta EAEko kasua izango dira aztergai, teoria ekonomikoa eta analisi enpirikoa batera txertatuz.


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Aniztasun funtzionala duten pertsonen hezkuntzaren inguruko GALa da hau. Hezkuntzak arlo honetan izan duen ibilbidea ezagutu ostean, EAE eta Irlandako hezkuntza sistemak aztertzen dituena. Ikerketa lana da hau eta gaiaren inguruko azterketa bibliografiko sakona izateaz gain bi herrialdeetan datu bilketa egin izan da, bi herrialdeetako irakasleak betetako galdetegien bitartez. Tresna hauen helburua batzuen zein besteen jarrerak ezagutzea eta konparatzea zen, hauen garrantziaz jabetuz. Ikerketa lanaren ostean bi herrialdeek heziketa berezia ulertzeko bi modu desberdin dituztela azaleratzen da: EAEn integraziotik inklusiora bidean gauden bitartean, Irlandan kontraesan ugari daude; izan ere, inklusioa bultzatu nahi da, baina eskola bereziak mantenduz. Irlandan badute zer aldatu, baina bertan ere badugu. Inklusioa da jarraitu beharreko bidea; ez da erraza izango, baina aniztasun funtzionala duten haurrekin elkar bizitzea aukera bat da eta guztiok izan gaitezke irabazle.


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Gradu amaierako lana errenta eta soldata desberdintasunak genero ikuspuntutik krisi garaian Espainian eta EAEn aztertzeari buruz da. El trabajo se trata sobre las desigualdades de renta y salario que hay entre mujeres y hombres en el mercado laboral durante la crisis y me he centrado especialmente en España y la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca


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Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that CNS myelin is phagocytized and metabolized by cultured rat macrophages to a much larger extent when myelin is pretreated with serum containing antibodies to myelin constituents than when it is left untreated or pretreated with non-specific serum. In this study the effect of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from rabbits with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in promoting myelin phagocytosis was examined. Fourteen rabbits were immunized with purified myelin in Freund's complete adjuvant, seven of which developed clinical EAE symptoms. Serum and CSF were collected from EAE and control rabbits, and the CSF was centrifuged to remove cells. Sera and CSF from these rabbits and from Freund's adjuvant-immunized controls and untreated controls were measured for IgG content by radial diffusion assay, their myelin antibody characteristics were analyzed by immunoblots, and the ability of these serum and CSF samples to promote myelin phagocytosis when used for myelin opsonization was examined. The ability of a CSF sample to enhance radioactive myelin uptake and phagocytosis by cultured macrophages as measured by the appearance of radioactive cholesterol ester was linearly proportional to its total IgG titer, and correlated approximately both with clinical symptoms of the animal and the presence of antibody against the myelin constituents myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein, and galactocerebroside. The cholesterol esterification activities of EAE sera correlated to a lesser extent with IgG levels and clinical symptoms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis is characterized by invasion of lymphocytes and macrophages into the central nervous system resulting in inflammation, edema, and demyelination. Sera from Lewis rats from 7-95 days after immunization with purified guinea pig CNS myelin were examined with respect to their ability to opsonize myelin. This was correlated with the appearance of antibody components and the relative amounts of antibody to myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein (PLP). Sera from rats 10-95 days after immunization preincubated with purified myelin induced phagocytosis of myelin by cultured macrophages with the resulting production of cholesterol ester. This opsonization activity as measured by the percentage of cholesterol esterified reached a peak at 26-27 days after immunization but remained significantly elevated up to 95 days post-immunization compared to the activity of serum from the Freund's adjuvant-injected controls. Immunoblots of the sera revealed a gradual increase in antibody activity against myelin components. ELISA assays for MBP and PLP antibody showed a similar pattern. Antibody to galactocerebroside (GC) was not detected by immunostains nor by the ELISA assay. Areas of demyelination were observed histologically by luxol-fast blue stained spinal cords up to 60 days post-immunization. These results indicate that antibodies to myelin protein when given access to myelin through or within the blood brain barrier could initiate or enhance the phagocytic response by peripheral or resident macrophages.


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The heterodimeric cytokine IL-23 plays a non-redundant function in the development of cell-mediated, organspecific autoimmune diseases such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). To further characterize the mechanisms of action of IL-23 in autoimmune inflammation, we administered IL-23 systemically at different time points during both relapsing and chronic EAE. Surprisingly, we found suppression of disease in all treatment protocols. We observed a reduction in the number of activated macrophages and microglia in the CNS, while T cell infiltration was not significantly affected. Disease suppression correlated with reduced expansion of myelin-reactive T cells, loss of T-bet expression, loss of lymphoid structures, and increased production of IL-6 and IL-4. Here we describe an unexpected function of exogenous IL-23 in limiting the scope and extent of organ-specific autoimmunity.


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Intravenous (i.v.) administration of autoantigen effectively induces Ag-specific tolerance against experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We and others have shown enhanced EAE severity in mice lacking IL-12 or its receptor, strongly suggesting an immunoregulatory effect of IL-12 signaling. To examine the role of IL-12 responsiveness in autoantigen-induced tolerance in EAE, we administered autoantigen i.v. in two distinct treatment regimes to wildtype and IL-12Rβ2(-/-) mice, immunized to develop EAE. Administration at the induction phase suppressed EAE in wildtype and IL-12Rβ2(-/-) mice however the effect was somewhat less potent in the absence of IL-12Rβ2. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-17 and IL-2, was inhibited in wild-type tolerized mice but less so in IL-12Rβ2(-/-) mice. I.v. antigen was also effective in suppressing disease in both genotypes when given during the clinical phase of disease with similar CNS inflammation, demyelination and peripheral inflammatory cytokine profiles observed in both genotypes. There was however a mild impact of a lack of IL-12 signaling on Treg induction during tolerance induction compared to WT mice in this treatment regime. These findings show that the enhanced severity of EAE that occurs in the absence of IL-12 signaling can be effectively overcome by i.v. autoantigen, indicating that this therapeutic effect is not primarily mediated by IL-12 and that i.v. tolerance could be a powerful approach in suppressing severe and aggressive MS.


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Estudiar los intereses profesionales de una muestra de población con discapacidad física y sensorial. Analizar la percepción que tienen de sí mismas esas personas. Contribuir a dotar de recursos a los profesionales de la orientación y evaluación profesional.. La componen 31 sujetos que cursan estudios en un centro de recuperación de minusválidos físicos. Cerca del 45 por ciento presentan discapacidades sensoriales. Para la realización del PASS se eligen 4 sujetos, con edades comprendidas entre los 24 y 26 años, dos con lesión medular y 2 con hipoacusia bilateral.. Se lleva a cabo una revisión teórica sobre distintos aspectos de la evaluación y de la orientación profesional, describiendo las implicaciones de una nueva concepción. A partir de los objetivos, plantea una serie de hipótesis: ¿cuál es el grado de madurez profesional de los sujetos con discapacidad física y sensorial?, ¿qué relación existe entre sus preferencias y los estudios que están cursando?, ¿qué nivel de adecuación existe entre sus expectativas y su capacidad real?, ¿cuál es la percepción que tienen de sí mismos?, ¿en qué medida el método 'exploratorio' constituye alternativa válida para la evaluación y orientación profesional de estos sujetos?, ¿la aplicación del PASS aumentará el grado de conocimiento en ciertas áreas?.. Se aplican tres pruebas: el inventario de intereses profesionales (RMI), la escala de autoestimación (EAE) y el instrumento de evaluación del potencial profesional (PASS).. Se utilizan estadísticos descriptivos (medias y desviaciones típicas) y análisis de correlaciones. Se efectúan análisis cuantitativos mediante la prueba de rangos.. Los sujetos que siguieron el curso del PASS han obtenido mejoras relacionadas por una parte con el conocimiento y definición de los propios intereses profesionales, y por otra sobre la consideración de sí mismos. Se observa un aumento del grado de conocimiento de sí mismos y de las posibilidades a su alcance. Los sujetos informan sobre una toma de decisiones y acciones concretas orientadas a la búsqueda de empleo.. El sistema PASS ofrece una metodología sistemática de recogida de información que con las debidas modificaciones puede ser utilizado tanto por los profesionales como por estos sujetos. Los datos obtenidos parecen sugerir que existe la necesidad de aumentar los conocimientos de las personas con discapacidad física y sensorial, sobre las profesiones y salidas laborales existentes. También es preciso que aumente su conocimiento sobre las profesiones más adecuadas a sus capacidades. Se advierte que en próximas investigaciones será necesario atender a aspectos puramente prácticos pero de gran importancia (horarios, intervalos entre sesiones, estructuración del curso, etc.)..


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Existe una versi??n en espa??ol, con el t??tulo "Comunidades de Aprendizaje en la CAPV. Una respuesta educativa en la sociedad de la informaci??n para todos y todas"


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Ruminants are regarded as a primary reservoir for Escherichia coli O157:H7, an important human pathogen. Intimin, encoded by the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement by E. coli O157:H7 organisms, has been cited as one bacterial mechanism of colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract. To confirm this and to test whether a non-toxigenic E. coli O157:H7 strain would colonise and persist in a sheep model, E. coli O157:H7 strain NCTC12900, that lacks Shiga toxin (stx) genes, was evaluated for use in a sheep model of persistence. Following oral inoculation of six-week-old sheep, persistent excretion of NCTC12900 was observed for up to 48 days. E. coli O157-associated attaching-effacing (AE) lesions were detected in the caecum and rectum of one six-week-old lamb, one day after inoculation. This is the first recorded observation of AE lesions in orally inoculated weaned sheep. Also, mean faecal excretion scores of NCTC12900 and an isogenic intimin (eae)-deficient mutant were determined from twenty-four six-week-old orally inoculated sheep. The eae mutant was cleared within 20 days and had lower mean excretion scores at all time points after day one post inoculation compared with the parental strain that was still being excreted at 48 days. Tissues were collected post mortem from animals selected at random from the study groups over the time course of the experiment. The eae mutant was detected in only 1/43 samples but the parental strain was recovered from 64/140 samples primarily from the large bowel although rumen, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were culture positive especially from animals that were still excreting at and beyond 27 days after inoculation.