262 resultados para E-Regierung
Till Krenz. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Institut für Soziologie
Bd.1 (1811)
Bd.2 (1811)
This paper examines public attitudes to the death penalty in Japan, and explores the validity of claims about »majority public support« that have been used by the Japanese government to justify retention. This is done by analyzing three public perception surveys on the legitimacy of the Japanese death penalty system. This paper criticizes the Japanese government for accepting its own survey results, which, at face value, appear to show support for the death penalty; moreover, it concludes that the Japanese public would likely endorse the abolition of the death penalty without damaging the legitimacy of state institutions.
bey Christoph Peter Francken
von [August Ferdinand] Lueder
aus d. Engl. übers. nach dem im Brit. Museum befindl. Original . Mit e. Vor- und Nachw. von Theodor Fritsch