753 resultados para Dystonic Disorders
Primary craniocervical dystonia (CCD) is generally attributed to functional abnormalities in the cortico-striato-pallido-thalamocortical loops, but cerebellar pathways have also been implicated in neuroimaging studies. Hence, our purpose was to perform a volumetric evaluation of the infratentorial structures in CCD. We compared 35 DYT1/DYT6 negative patients with CCD and 35 healthy controls. Cerebellar volume was evaluated using manual volumetry (DISPLAY software) and infratentorial volume by voxel based morphometry of gray matter (GM) segments derived from T1 weighted 3 T MRI using the SUIT tool (SPM8/Dartel). We used t-tests to compare infratentorial volumes between groups. Cerebellar volume was (1.14 ± 0.17) × 10(2) cm(3) for controls and (1.13 ± 0.14) × 10(2) cm(3) for patients; p = 0.74. VBM demonstrated GM increase in the left I-IV cerebellar lobules and GM decrease in the left lobules VI and Crus I and in the right lobules VI, Crus I and VIIIb. In a secondary analysis, VBM demonstrated GM increase also in the brainstem, mostly in the pons. While gray matter increase is observed in the anterior lobe of the cerebellum and in the brainstem, the atrophy is concentrated in the posterior lobe of the cerebellum, demonstrating a differential pattern of infratentorial involvement in CCD. This study shows subtle structural abnormalities of the cerebellum and brainstem in primary CCD.
RESUMO: pela contracção involuntária de grupos musculares de extensão variável, originando movimentos involuntários e posturas anómalas, por vezes dolorosas. O tratamento convencional consiste em injecções localizadas de toxina botulínica, podendo, em casos refractários, estar indicado o tratamento por estimulação cerebral profunda. A neurobiologia da distonia focal primária permanece incompletamente compreendida. Os estudos de neuro-imagem estrutural e funcional revelam alterações subtis da anatomia e funcionamento do estriado e das vias cortico-basais, com destaque para o aumento do volume, da actividade metabólica e da neuroplasticidade do putamen e de áreas corticais motoras, pré-motoras e sensitivas. O conjunto destas alterações aponta para uma disrupção da regulação inibitória de programas motores automáticos sustentados pelo estriado e pelas vias ortico-subcorticais. Nos últimos anos tem crescido o interesse pelas manifestações psiquiátricas e cognitivas da distonia (estas últimas muito pouco estudadas). Tem despertado particular interesse a possível associação entre distonia focal primária e perturbação obsessivo-compulsiva (POC), cuja neurobiologia parece notavelmente sobreponível à da distonia primária. Com efeito, os estudos de neuro-imagem estrutural e funcional na POC revelam consistentemente aumento do volume e actividade do estriado e do córtex órbito-frontal, apontando mais uma vez para uma disfunção do controlo inibitório, no estriado, de programas comportamentais e cognitivos automáticos. Objectivos: 1. Explorar a prevalência e intensidade de psicopatologia em geral, e de psicopatologia obsessivo-compulsiva em particular, numa amostra de indivíduos com distonia focal primária; 2. Explorar a ocorrência, natureza e intensidade de alterações do funcionamento cognitivo numa amostra de indivíduos com distonia focal primária; 3. Investigar a associação entre a gravidade da distonia focal, a intensidade da psicopatologia, e a intensidade das alterações cognitivas. Metodologia: Estudo de tipo transversal, caso-controlo, observacional e descritivo, com objectivos puramente exploratórios. Casos: 45 indivíduos com distonia focal primária (15 casos de blefaroespasmo, 15 de cãibra do escrivão, 15 de distonia cervical espasmódica), recrutados através da Associação Portuguesa de Distonia. Critérios de inclusão: idade = 18; distonia focal primária pura (excluindo casos de distonia psicogénica possível ou provável de acordo com os critérios de Fahn e Williams); Metabolismo do cobre e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear sem alterações. Controlos doentes: 46 casos consecutivos recrutados a partir da consulta externa do Hospital Egas Moniz: 15 doentes com espasmo hemifacial, 14 com espondilartropatia cervical, 17 com síndrome do canal cárpico. Controlos saudáveis: 30 voluntários. Critérios de exclusão para todos os grupos: Mini-Mental State Examination patológico, tratamento actual com anti-colinérgicos, antipsicóticos, inibidores selectivos da recaptação da serotonina, antidepressivos tri- ou tetracíclicos. Avaliação: Avaliação neurológica: história e exame médico e neurológico completos. Cotação da gravidade da distonia com a Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Avaliação psicopatológica: Symptom Check-List-90-Revised; entrevista psiquiátrica de 60 minutos incluindo a Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), versão 4.4 (validada em Português), complementada com os módulos da MINI Plus versão 5.0.0 para depressão ao longo da vida e dependência/ abuso do álcool e outras substâncias ao longo da vida; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Checklist e a Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Avaliação neuropsicológica: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; flexibilidade cognitiva); Teste de Stroop (inibição de resposta); Block Assembly Test (capacidade visuo-construtiva); Teste de Retenção Visual de Benton (memória de trabalho visuo-espacial). Análise estatística:os dados foram analisados com a aplicação informática SPSS for Windows, versão 13. Para a comparação de proporções utilizaram-se o teste do Chi-quadrado e o teste de Fisher. Para a comparação de variáveis quantitativas entre dois grupos utilizou-se o teste t de Student ou o teste U de Mann-Whitney (teste de Wilcoxon no caso de amostras emparelhadas). Para comparações de médias entre três grupos recorreu-se à Análise de Variância a um factor (variáveis de intervalo e de rácio), ou ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis (variáveis ordinais). Para o estudo da associação entre variáveis foram utilizados os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson ou de Spearman, a análise de correlações canónicas, a análise de trajectórias e a regressão logística. Adoptou-se um Alpha de 0.05. Resultados: Os doentes com distonia focal primária apresentaram uma pontuação média na Y- -BOCS significativamente superior à dos dois grupos de controlo. Em 24.4% dos doentes com distonia a pontuação na Y-BOCS foi superior a 16. Estes doentes eram predominantemente mulheres, tinham uma maior duração média da doença e referiam predominantemente sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos (SOC) de contaminação e lavagem. Os dois grupos com doença crónica apresentaram pontuações médias superiores às dos indivíduos saudáveis nas escalas de ansiedade, somatização e psicopatologia geral. Os doentes com distonia tratados com toxina botulínica apresentaram pontuações inferiores às dos doentes não tratados nas escalas de ansiedade generalizada, fobia, somatização e depressão, mas não na Y-BOCS. Sessenta por cento dos doentes com distonia apresentavam pelo menos um diagnóstico psiquiátrico actual ou pregresso. O risco de apresentar um diagnóstico psiquiátrico actual era menor nos doentes tratados com toxina botulínica, aumentando com a gravidade da doença. A prevalência de POC foi 8,3% e a de depressão major 37,7%. No WCST e na Prova de Benton, os doentes com distonia focal primária demonstraram um desempenho inferior ao de ambos os grupos de controlo, cometendo sobretudo erros perseverativos. Os doentes com distonia e pontuação na Y-BOCS > 16 cometeram mais erros e respostas perseverativas no WCST do que os restantes doentes com distonia. As análises de correlações e de trajectórias revelaram que nos doentes com distonia a gravidade da distonia foi, juntamente com a idade e a escolaridade, o factor que mais interagiu com o desempenho cognitivo. Discussão: o nosso estudo é o primeiro a descrever, nos mesmos doentes com distonia focal primária, SOC significativos e alterações cognitivas. Os nossos resultados confirmam a hipótese de uma associação clínica específica entre distonia focal primária e psicopatologia obsessivo-compulsiva. Confirmam igualmente que a distonia focal primária está associada a um maior risco de desenvolver morbilidade psiquiátrica ansiosa e depressiva. O tratamento com toxina botulínica reduz este risco, mas não influencia os SOC. Entre os doentes com distonia, os que têm SOC significativos poderão diconstituir um grupo particular com maior duração da doença (mas não uma maior gravidade), predomínio do sexo feminino e predomínio de SOC de contaminação e limpeza. Em termos cognitivos, os indivíduos com distonia focal primária apresentam défices significativos de flexibilidade cognitiva (particularmente acentuados nos doentes com SOC significativos) e de memória de trabalho visuo-espacial. Estes últimos devem-se essencialmente a um défice executivo e não a uma incapacidade visuo-construtiva ou visuo-perceptiva. A disfunção cognitiva não é explicável pela psicopatologia depressiva nem pela incapacidade motora, já que os controlos com doença periférica crónica tiveram um desempenho superior ao dos doentes com distonia. No seu conjunto os nossos resultados sugerem que os SOC que ocorrem na distonia focal primária constituem uma das manifestações clínicas da neurobiologia desta doença do movimento. O predomínio de sintomas relacionados com higiene e o perfil disexecutivo de alterações cognitivas–perseveração e dificuldades executivas de memória de trabalho visuo-espacial – apontam para a via cortico-basal dorso-lateral e para as áreas corticais que lhe estão associadas como estando implicadas na tripla associação entre sintomas motores, obsessivo-compulsivos e cognitivos. Conclusões: A distonia focal primária é um síndrome neuropsiquiátrico complexo com importantes manifestações não motoras, nomeadamente compromisso cognitivo do tipo disexecutivo e sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos. Clinicamente estas manifestações representam necessidades de tratamento que vão muito para além da simples incapacidade motora, devendo ser activamente exploradas e tratadas.-------------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: primary focal dystonia is an idiopathic movement disorder that manifests as involuntary, sustained contraction of muscular groups, leading to abnormal and often painful postures of the affected body part. Treatment is symptomatic, usually with local intramuscular injections of botulinum toxin. The neurobiology of primary focal dystonia remains unclear. Structural and functional neuroimaging studies have revealed subtle changes in striatal and cortical-basal pathway anatomy and function. The most consistent findings involve increased volume and metabolic activity of the putamen and of motor, pre-motor and somato-sensitive cortical areas. As a whole, these changes have been interpreted as reflecting a failure of striatal inhibitory control over automatic motor programs sustained by cortical-basal pathways. The last years have witnessed an increasing interest for the possible non-motor – mainly psychiatric and cognitive – manifestations of primary focal dystonia. The possible association of primary focal dystonia with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has raised particular interest. The neurobiology of the two disorders has indeed remarkable similarities: structural and functional neuroimaging studies in OCD have revealed increased volume and metabolic activity of the striatum and orbital-frontal cortex, again pointing to a disruption of inhibitory control of automatic cognitive and behavioural programs by the striatum. Objectives: 1. To explore the prevalence and severity of psychopathology – with a special emphasis on obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) – in a sample of patients with primary focal dystonia;2. To explore the nature and severity of possible cognitive dysfunction in a sample of patients with primary focal dystonia; 3. To explore the possible association between dystonia severity, psychiatric symptom severity, and cognitive performance, in a sample of patients with primary focal dystonia. Methods: cross-sectional, case-control, descriptive study. Cases: forty-five consecutive, primary pure focal dystonia patients recruited from the Portuguese Dystonia Association case register (fifteen patients with blepharospasm, 15 with cervical dystonia and 15 with writer’s cramp). Inclusion criteria were: age = 18; primary pure focal, late-onset dystonia (excluding possible or probable psychogenic dystonia according to the Fahn & Williams criteria); normal copper metabolism and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Diseased controls: forty-six consecutive subjects from our hospital case register (15 patients with hemi-facial spasm; 14 with cervical spondilarthropathy and cervical spinal root compression; 17 with carpal tunnel syndrome). Healthy controls were 30 volunteers.Exclusion criteria for all groups: Mini-Mental State Examination score below the validated cut-off for the Portuguese population (<23 for education between 1 and 11 years; <28 for education >11 years); use of anti-cholinergics, neuroleptics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, triciclic or tetraciclic antidepressants. Assessment: neurological assessment: complete medical and neurological history and physical examination; dystonia severity scoring with the Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Psychiatric assessment:Symptom Check-List-90-Revised; 60 minute-long psychiatric interview, including Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), version 4.4 (validated Portuguese version), extended with the sections for life-time major depressive disorder and life-time alcohol and substance abuse disorder from MINI-Plus version 5.0.0; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Checklist and Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Cognitive assessment: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; cognitive set-shifting ability); Stroop Test (response inhibition); Block Assembly Test(visual-constructive ability); Benton’s Visual Retention Test (visual-spatial working memory). Statistic analysis: Data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows version 13. Proportions were compared using Chi-Square test, or Fisher’s exact test when appropriate. Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney’s U test (or Wilcoxon’s teste in the case of matched samples) were used for two-group comparisons. P-values were corrected for multiple comparisons. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc analysis (interval data), or the Kruskal-Wallis Test (ordinal data), were used for three-group comparisons. Associations were analysed with Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation coefficients, canonical correlations, path analysis and logistic regression analysis. Alpha was set at 0.05. Results: Dystonia patients had higher Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom scores than both control groups. 24.4% of primary dystonia patients had a Y-BOCS score > 16. These patients were predominantly women; they had longer disease duration, and showed a predominance of hygiene-related OCS. The two groups with chronic disease had higher anxiety, somatization and global psychopathology scores than healthy subjects. Primary dystonia patients undergoing treatment with botulinum toxin had lower anxiety, phobia, somatization and depression scores than their untreated counterparts, but similar Y-BOCS scores. Sixty percent of primary dystonia patients had at least one lifetime psychiatric diagnosis. The odds of having a currently active psychiatric diagnosis were lower in botulinum toxin treated patients, and increased with dystonia severity. The prevalence of OCD was 6.7%, and the lifetime prevalence of major depression was 37.7%. Primary dystonia patients had a lower performance than the two control groups in both the WCST and Benton’s Visual Retention Test, mainly due to an excess of perseveration errors. Primary dystonia patients with Y-BOCS score > 16 had much higher perseveration error and perseveration response scores than dystonia patients with Y-BOCS = 16. Correlation and path analysis showed that, in the primary dystonia group, dystonia severity, along with age and education, was the main factor influencing cognitive performance. Discussion: our study is the first description ever of concomitant significant OCS and cognitive impairment in primary dystonia patients. Our results confirm that primary dystonia is specifically associated with obsessive-compulsive psychopathology. They also confirm that primary focal dystonia patients are at a higher risk of developing anxious and depressive psychiatric morbidity. Treatment with botulinum toxin decreases this risk, but does not influence OCS. Primary focal dystonia patients with significant OCS may constitute a particular subgroup. They are predominantly women, with higher disease duration (but not severity) and a predominance of hygiene related OCS.In terms of cognitive performance, primary focal dystonia patients have significant deficits involving set-shifting ability and visual-spatial working memory. The latter result from an essentially executive deficit, rather than from a primary visual-constructive apraxia or perceptual deficit. Furthermore, cognitive flexibility difficulties were more prominent in the subset of primary dystonia patients with significant OCS. The cognitive dysfunction found in dystonia patients is not attributable to depressive psychopathology or motor disability, as their performance was significantly lower than that of similarly impaired diseased controls. Our results suggest that OCS in primary focal dystonia are a direct, primary manifestation of the motor disorder’s neurobiology. The predominance of hygiene-related symptoms and the disexecutive pattern of cognitive impairment – set-shifting and visual-spatial working memory deficits – suggest that the dorsal-lateral cortical-basal pathway may play a decisive role in the triple association of motor dysfunction, OCS and cognitive impairment. Conclusions: primary focal dystonia is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome with significant non- -motor manifestations, namely cognitive executive deficits and obsessive-compulsive symptoms.Clinically, our results show that PFD patients may have needs for care that extend far beyond a merely motor disability and must be actively searched for and treated.
Dystonia is associated with impaired somatosensory ability. The electrophysiological method of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can be used for noninvasive stimulation of the human cortex and can alter cortical excitability and associated behavior. Among others, rTMS can alter/improve somatosensory discrimation abilities, as shown in healthy controls. We applied 5Hz-rTMS over the left primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in 5 patients with right-sided writer's dystonia and 5 controls. We studied rTMS effects on tactile discrimination accuracy and concomitant rTMS-induced changes in hemodynamic activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Before rTMS, patients performed worse on the discrimination task than controls even though fMRI showed greater task-related activation bilaterally in the basal ganglia (BG). In controls, rTMS led to improved discrimination; fMRI revealed this was associated with increased activity of the stimulated S1, bilateral premotor cortex and BG. In dystonia patients, rTMS had no effect on discrimination; fMRI showed similar cortical effects to controls except for no effects in BG. Improved discrimination after rTMS in controls is linked to enhanced activation of S1 and BG. Failure of rTMS to increase BG activation in dystonia may be associated with the lack of effect on sensory discrimination in this group and may reflect impaired processing in BG-S1 connections. Alternatively, the increased BG activation seen in the baseline state without rTMS may reflect a compensatory strategy that saturates a BG contribution to this task.
The musicians are seen in daily neurological practice facing various problems sometimes simple such as skeletal or tendon pain or even compression of a nerve trunk and sometimes more complicated such as focal dystonia. Dystonia often has a dramatic impact on the career of a musician given the complexity of the clinical and therapeutic approach and the results are often disappointing. The history of the German Romantic composer Robert Schumann illustrates this reality; through his story a discussion of both the different pathophysiological hypotheses responsible for focal dystonia, a disorder of brain plasticity, and of the multimodal therapeutic approaches, revisited in the light of neurophysiological findings will be described.
Primary monogenic forms of dystonia manifest solely or mainly with dystonia; they have been linked to a number of genes and loci and assigned "DYT" numbers. The pure dystonia syndrome early-onset primary dystonia (DYT1) manifests with dominantly-inherited generalized dystonia, often with focal onset in a limb. DYT1 is caused by a GAG deletion in the TOR1A gene. Mutations in the THAP1 gene cause DYT6, a form of pure dystonia that primarily involves cranio-cervical and upper limb muscles. Patients with the dystonia plus syndrome DYT5 display levodopa-responsive dystonia sometimes associated with tremor or parkinsonism (DYT5a, mutations in GCH1); a more severe phenotype with psychomotor involvement can be seen in recessive forms (DYT5b with TH mutations, SPR-deficiency syndrome). Other forms of dystonia plus syndromes include myoclonic dystonia (DYT11) and rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism (DYT12). Finally, paroxysmal exertion-induced dystonia (DYT18, GLUT1 deficiency) is caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene (DYT9 and DYT18). It is part of the paroxysmal dystonia group and manifests with paroxystic movements sometimes associated with seizures and psychomotor developmental delay.
Il s'agit d'une hypothèse largement répandue que l’égo-dystonie et l’égo-syntonie caractérisent les obsessions dans les troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA) et que ces facteurs sont cliniquement pertinents pour la conceptualisation et le traitement des TCA. Cependant, les résultats empiriques sur ce sujet sont rares. Compte tenu du chevauchement reconnu entre les TCA, notamment l'anorexie et la boulimie (BN), et le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC) dans la phénoménologie et les caractéristiques psychologiques, un programme de thérapie cognitive basée sur les inférences (TBI) de 24 semaines, démontré efficace dans le traitement des TOC, a été adapté pour traiter les TCA. La recherche sur le TOC suggère que la transformation des pensées intrusives en obsessions est liée à la mesure dans laquelle les pensées intrusives menacent des perceptions fondamentales du soi et de l’identité. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'examiner le lien entre l’égo-dystonie et les TCA. Pour se faire, nous avons exploré le lien entre la nature égo-dystone des obsessions chez les patients souffrant d'un TCA et la peur de l'image de soi. Nous avons également étudié la relation entre la sévérité des symptômes TCA et l’égo-dystonie dans les obsessions. En outre, nous avons investigué les différences dans la présence de pensées égo-dystones et de peur face à son identité entre des sujets non-cliniques et des personnes atteintes d’un TCA. Enfin, nous avons comparé le degré d’égo-dystonie dans les pensées de personnes atteintes d’un TCA à celui dans les pensées d’individus souffrant d’un TOC. L’égo-dystonie dans les pensées a été mesurée par l'Ego Dystonicity Questionnaire (EDQ) et le degré de peur face à l’identité a été mesuré par le Fear of Self Questionnaire (FSQ) d’une part dans un échantillon de femmes souffrant d’un TCA (n = 57) et d’autre part dans un échantillon de participantes non-cliniques (n = 45). Les résultats révèlent que l’égo-dystonie et la peur face à l’identité étaient fortement corrélées à la fois dans l’échantillon clinique et non-clinique. Les scores de l’EDQ n’étaient pas significativement corrélés à la sévérité des symptômes TCA à l'exception de la sous-échelle d’irrationalité de l’EDQ qui était fortement associée à la sévérité des comportements compulsifs compensatoires. Les participantes souffrant d'un TCA avaient des scores significativement plus élevés à l’EDQ et au FSQ que les sujets non-cliniques. Ensuite, une étude de cas décrit l’application du programme de thérapie cognitive TBI pour une femme de 35 ans avec un diagnostic de BN. La pathologie TCA s’est significativement améliorée au cours de la TBI et six mois suivant la thérapie. Cette étude de cas met en évidence l'importance de cibler les idées surévaluées, les doutes et le raisonnement face au soi et à l’identité dans le traitement psychologique pour les TCA. Enfin, l’objectif final de cette thèse était d’examiner les changements au niveau (1) des symptômes TCA, (2) du degré d’égo-syntonie dans les obsessions, et (3) des mesures de peur face à l’identité, de motivation, d’humeur et d’anxiété au cours de la TBI et au suivi post six mois. L’égo-dystonie, la peur face à l’identité, les symptômes TCA et le stade motivationnel ont été mesurés chez 15 femmes souffrant de BN au cours du traitement et six mois après la TBI. Quatre vingt pourcent de l’échantillon, soit 12 des 15 participantes, ont démontré une diminution cliniquement significative des symptômes TCA et 53% ont cessé leurs comportements compensatoires au suivi post six mois. Les retombées cliniques relatives au traitement des TCA sont discutées.
The occurrence of degenerative spinal disease subsequent to dystonic movement disorders has been neglected and has received more attention only recently. Spinal surgery is challenging with regard to continuous mechanical stress when treatment of the underlying movement disorder is insufficient. To characterize better the particular features of degenerative spinal disease in patients with dystonia and to analyze operative strategies, we reviewed the available published data. Epidemiologic studies reveal that degenerative spinal disorders in patients with dystonia and choreoathetosis occur much earlier than in the physiological aging process. Dystonic movement disorders more often affect the spine at higher cervical levels (C(2-5)), in contrast to spinal degeneration with age which manifests more frequently at the middle and lower cervical spine (C(5-7)). Degenerative changes of the cervical spine are more likely to occur on the side where the chin is rotated or tilted to. Various operative approaches for treatment of spinal pathologies have been advocated in patients with dystonic movement disorders. The available data do not allow making firm statements regarding the superiority of one approach over the other. Posterior approaches were first used for decompression, but additional anterior fusion became necessary in many instances. Anterior approaches with or without instrumented fusion yielded more favorable results, but drawbacks are pseudarthrosis and adjacent-level disease. Parallel to the development of posterior fusion techniques, circumferential surgery was suggested to provide a maximum degree of cord decompression and a higher fusion rate. Perioperative local injections of botulinum toxin were used initially to enhance patient comfort with halo immobilization, but they are also applied in patients without external fixation nowadays. Treatment algorithms directed at the underlying movement disorder itself, taking advantage of new techniques of functional neurosurgery, combined with spinal surgery have recently been introduced and show promising results.
Two families, originally diagnosed as having nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation (NSXLMR), were reviewed when it was shown that they had a 24-bp duplication (428-45 1dup(24bp)) in the ARX gene [Stromme et al., 2002: Nat Genet 30:441-445]. This same duplication had also been found in three other families: one with X-linked infantile spasms and hypsarrhythmia (X-linked West syndrome, MIM 308350) and two with XLMR and dystonic movements of the hands (Partington syndrome, MIM 309510). On review, manifestations of both West and Partington syndromes were found in some individuals from both families. In addition, it was found that one individual had autism and two had autistic behavior, one of whom had epilepsy. The degree of mental retardation ranged from mild to severe. A GCG trinucleotide expansion (GCG)10+7 and a deletion of 1,517 by in the ARX gene have also been found in association with the West syndrome, and a missense mutation (1058C >T) in a family with a newly recognized form of myoclonic epilepsy, severe mental retardation, and spastic paraplegia [Scheffer et al., 2002: Neurology, in press]. Evidently all these disorders are expressions of mutations in the same gene. It remains to be seen what proportions of patients with infantile spasms, focal dystonia, autism, epilepsy, and nonsyndromic mental retardation are accounted for by mutations in the ARX gene. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
To determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) we analyzed the responses of 173 parents who had completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children. The study population included 100 males (57.8%) and 73 females (42.2%; mean age 8y 10mo [SD 1y 11mo]; range 6y-11y 11mo). Eighty-three children (48.0%) had spastic diplegia, 59 (34.1%) congenital hemiplegia, 18 (10.4%) spastic quadriplegia, and 13 (7.5%) dystonic/dyskinetic CP. Seventy-three children (42.2%) were in Gross Motor Function Classification System Level I, 33 (19.1%) in Level II, 30 (17.3%) in Level III, 23 (13.3%) in Level IV, and 14 (8.1%) in Level V. Thirty children (17.3%) had epilepsy. A total sleep problem score and six factors indicative of the most common areas of sleep disorder in childhood were obtained. Of the children in our study, 23% had a pathological total sleep score, in comparison with 5% of children in the general population. Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, sleep-wake transition, and sleep breathing disorders were the most frequently identified problems. Active epilepsy was associated with the presence of a sleep disorder (odds ratio [OR]=17.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-115.3), as was being the child of a single-parent family (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6). Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep were more frequent in children with spastic quadriplegia (OR=12.9, 95% CI 1.9-88.0), those with dyskinetic CP (OR=20.6, 95% CI 3.1-135.0), and those with severe visual impairment (OR=12.5, 95% CI 2.5-63.1). Both medical and environmental factors seem to contribute to the increased frequency of chronic sleep disorders in children with CP.
To verify whether fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of cells from the buccal epithelium could be employed to detect cryptomosaicism with a 45,X lineage in 46,XY patients. Samples of nineteen 46,XY healthy young men and five patients with disorders of sex development (DSD), four 45,X/46,XY and one 46,XY were used. FISH analysis with X and Y specific probes on interphase nuclei from blood lymphocytes and buccal epithelium were analyzed to investigate the proportion of nuclei containing only the signal of the X chromosome. The frequency of nuclei containing only the X signal in the two tissues of healthy men did not differ (p = 0.69). In all patients with DSD this frequency was significantly higher, and there was no difference between the two tissues (p = 0.38), either. Investigation of mosaicism with a 45,X cell line in patients with 46,XY DSD or sterility can be done by FISH directly using cells from the buccal epithelium.
This study sought to evaluate the association between the impact of oral disorders in terms of physical/psychosocial dimensions and quality of life among the elderly. It involved a cross-sectional study conducted among the elderly (65-74 years) in 2008/2009. The social impact was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP 14) and the quality of life using the SF 12 Short-Form Health Survey. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis was conducted with correction for the design effect, using SPSS(r)18.0 software. Of the 800 individuals approached, 736 elderly individuals participated (TR = 92%), with a mean age of 67.77 years, the majority of whom showed no impact based on the measurement of the prevalence of OHIP. The functional limitation dimension of the OHIP was associated with the physical domain of the SF12, irrespective of the other variables investigated. However, the seriousness of OHIP and its psychological discomfort and disability dimensions was associated with the mental domain of the SF12. The conclusion reached is that some impacts of oral disorders were associated with unsatisfactory quality of life in the physical and mental domains.
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is associated with more respiratory infections due to immunosuppression. this study aimed to verify the frequency of rhinosinusitis after HSCT, and the association between rhinosinusitis and chronic graft vs. host disease (GVHD) and type of transplantation, clinical treatment, surgical treatment, and survival. this was a retrospective study in a tertiary university hospital. A total of 95 patients with hematological diseases undergoing HSCT between 1996 and 2011 were selected. chronic myeloid leukemia was the most prevalent disease. The type of transplant most often performed was the allogenic type (85.26%). The frequency of rhinosinusitis was 36%, with no difference between the autologous and the allogenic types. Chronic GVHD occurred in 30% of patients. Patients with GVHD had a higher frequency and recurrence of rhinosinusitis, in addition to more frequent need for endoscopic sinusectomy and decreased overall survival. there was a higher frequency of rhinosinusitis in HSCT and GVHD. The type of transplant does not appear to predispose to the occurrence of rhinosinusitis. GVHD seems to be an aggravating factor and requires a more stringent treatment.
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic painful syndrome and the coexistence of a painful condition caused by Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and FMS has been frequently raised for several studies, however, more likely hypothesis is that a set of FMS characteristics may lead to the onset of TMD symptoms and they are not merely coexisting conditions. Therefore, our aim is presenting a review of literature about the relation between fibromyalgia and the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. For this purpose, a bibliographic search was performed of the period of 1990-2013, in the Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs and Scielo databases, using the keywords fibromyalgia, temporomandibular disorders and facial pain. Here we present a set of findings in the literature showing that fibromyalgia can lead to TMD symptoms. These studies demonstrated greater involvement of the stomatognathic system in FMS and myogenic disorders of masticatory system are the most commonly found in those patients. FMS appears to have a series of characteristics that constitute predisposing and triggering factors for TMD.
Tourette syndrome (TS) and tic disorders represent events of familiar magnitude characterized by involuntary movements and/or vocalization. To determine the prevalence of TS/tic disorders we studied a sample of 762 subjects (388 M, 374 F), between 1992 and 1997, age 6 to 43 years old, taken out of a population of 10,155 subjects (4,918 M, 5,237 F; age: 3-56 years old). A structured 4-item questionnaire, direct interview (multistaged), >1 yr follow-up, were used. 9,565 subjects (4,614 M, 4,951 F) sent back the questionnaires, 3,354 of these (1,671 M, 1,683 F) with positive answers to tics. 42 subjects (31 M, 11 F, age: 7-21 years old, mean: 11 years old) met the DSM-III-R criteria. The total minimal prevalence of TS is 0.43%, with a 3:1 ratio male/female. The minimal prevalence of chronic tic disorder is 2.27%. The total minimal prevalence for tic disorders at all is 2.91%. No special education students participation.
Although the safety of applying omentum to the female breast for total breast reconstruction is controversial, it has recently been used to treat certain mammary disorders as well. A systematic review was therefore conducted to analyze and establish the suitability and safety of applying omentum to the breast. Covereing the interval from January 1984 to December 2013, we performed searches in MEDLINE, Embase, SciELO, and Google-Scholar for original articles describing the applicability of greater omentum to the breast and its clinical complications. Sixty observational articles with 985 women were chosen. The main clinical indications were total breast reconstruction after mastectomy due to breast cancer (45 studies), radiation damage (23 studies), and congenital Poland syndrome (4 studies). Altogether, 273 complications were identified among the 985 women treated. The most frequent was flap necrosis (26.74 %). The most serious was injury to the digestive system (1.10 %). There was a 35.48 % incidence of local breast cancer recurrence in eight observational studies on oncological risk. Seven of the eight included only women with advanced cancer. One of these studies reported the incidence and relapse time predominantly according to the primary tumor size. Although the oncological risk remains unclear, there was a high volume of complications that affected the digestive system. These findings suggest that omentum has well established applicability, but only for total breast reconstruction of huge defects, where muscular/myocutaneous or perforator flaps may be unsuitable.