363 resultados para Dysdercus peruvianus


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Experimental infections of the phytophagous Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus with different trypanosomatids were studied for up to 55 days by light microscopy while the course of infection with Leptomonas seymouri and the Leptomonas isolate 49/553G.O. was analyzed by electron microscopy. Rates of infection of D. peruvianus varied according to the infecting flagellate. The lower part of the midgut was found to be the preferential site of colonization where most flagellates were found isolated or arranged in clumps or rosettes. Specialized junctional structures with host cells were never observed. Flagellates could also be seen inside midgut cells within a parasitophorous vacuole. Infection of haemocoele and salivary glands was also observed.


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Little is known about insect intestinal sugar absorption, in spite of the recent findings, and even less has been published regarding water absorption. The aim of this study was to shed light on putative transporters of water and glucose in the insect midgut Glucose and water absorptions by the anterior ventriculus of Dysdercus peruvianus midgut were determined by feeding the insects with a glucose and a non-absorbable dye solution, followed by periodical dissection of insects and analysis of ventricular contents. Glucose absorption decreases glucose/dye ratios and water absorption increases dye concentrations. Water and glucose transports are activated (water 50%, glucose 33%) by 50 mM K(2)SO(4) and are inhibited (water 46%, glucose 82%) by 0.2 mM phloretin, the inhibitor of the facilitative hexose transporter (GLUT) or are inhibited (water 45%, glucose 35%) by 0.1 mM phlorizin, the inhibitor of the Na(+)-glucose cotransporter (SGLT). The results also showed that the putative SGLT transports about two times more water relative to glucose than the putative GLUT. These results mean that D. peruvianus uses a GLUT-like transporter and an SGLT-like transporter (with K(+) instead of Na(+)) to absorb dietary glucose and water. A cDNA library from D. peruvianus midgut was screened and we found one sequence homologous to GLUT1, named DpGLUT, and another to a sodium/solute symporter, named DpSGLT. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR studies revealed that DpGLUT and DpSGLTs mRNA were expressed in the anterior midgut, where glucose and water are absorbed, but not in fat body, salivary gland and Malpighian tubules. This is the first report showing the involvement of putative GLUT and SGLT in both water and glucose midgut absorption in insects. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The surface of midgut cells in Hemiptera is ensheathed by a lipoprotein membrane (the perimicrovillar membrane), which delimits a closed compartment with the microvillar membrane, the so-called perimicrovillar space. In Dysdercus peruvianus midgut perimicrovillar space a soluble aminopeptidase maybe involved in the digestion of oligopeptides and proteins ingested in the diet. This D. peruvianus aminopeptidase was purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography on an Econo-Q column, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-agarose column and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results suggested that there is a single molecular species of aminopeptidase in D. peruvianus midgut. Molecular mass values for the aminopeptidase were estimated to be 106 kDa (gel filtration) and 55 kDa (SDS-PAGE), suggesting that the enzyme occurs as a dimer under native conditions. Kinetic data showed that D. peruvianus aminopeptidase hydrolyzes the synthetic substrates LpNA, RpNA, A beta NA and AsnMCA (K(m)s 0.65, 0.14, 0.68 and 0.74 mM, respectively). The aminopeptidase activity upon LpNA was inhibited by EDTA and 1,10-phenanthroline, indicating the importance of metal ions in enzyme catalysis. One partial sequence of BLAST-identified aminopeptidase was found by random sequencing of the D. peruvianus midgut cDNA library. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the aminopeptidase genes were expressed throughout the midgut epithelium, in the epithelia of V1, V2 and V3. Malphigian tubules and fat body, but it was not expressed in the salivary glands. These results are important in furthering our understanding of the digestive process in this pest species. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Echium hypertropicum Webb e Echium stenosiphon Webb subsp. stenosiphon são arbustos endêmicos de Cabo Verde, usados na medicina popular para o tratamento de distúrbios gastrintestinais e tosse. As duas espécies tiveram suas frações alcalóidicas obtidas por extração ácido-base. A análise por CG-EM e ESI-EM/EM indicou a presença de alcaloides pirrolizidínicos (APs) e as substâncias purificadas foram analizadas por experimentos de RMN de 1D e 2D. Um total de 10 alcaloides foram isoladas e identificadas, sendo que 8 identificadas através da comparação de suas massas moleculares e padrões de fragmentação de massas, com a base de dados NIST e os dados da litratura para o género. Os diésteres hepatotóxicos equimidana e 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foram identificadas em ambas as espécies. Os alcaloides 7-senecioilretronecina, 9-angeloilretronecina, licopsamina, 7-acetil-licopsamina e equihumilina foram identificados nas folhas de E. hypertropicum, enquanto que o N-óxido da 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foi identificado nas folhas de E. stenosipnhon. A equimidina foi o componente majoritário na fração em éter dietílico das folhas de E. hypertropicum, enquanto a 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foi o componente majoritário na fração em diclorometano das folhas de E. stenosiphon. O alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina N-óxido foi identificado pela primeira vez no gênero Echium. Em adição, 22 componentes de óleo essencial foram identificadas nas flores de Echium hypertropicum, sendo trans-fitol (30,64 %), n-pentacosano (8,28 %) e n-tricosano (6,73) como componentes majoritários. O triterpeno friedelina foi também isolado das folhas de E. hypertropicum. Na avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, os extratos etanólicos das duas espécies vegetais e o alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foram capazes de inibir o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 com CMI de 250,0 μg/mL e 25,0 μg/mL, respectivamente. A atividade anticolinesterásica foi avaliada e a equimidina foi capaz de inibir a enzima acetilcolinesterase nas concentrações testadas com o valor de P = 0,0011. O alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina retardou o crescimento do fitófago Dysdercus peruvianus na concentração de 1mg/mL. Os extratos etanólicos de E. hypertropicum e E. stenosiphon (3,9 μg/mL) foram avaliados frente ao vírus HSV. O extrato etanólico de E. hypertropicum apresentou uma porcentagem de inibição (PI) de 27,5% contra HSV-1S e 43,8% contra HSV-2S. Apresentaram ainda elevada citotoxidade para as celulas Vero, utilizadas como sistema hospedeiro (CC50 de 140,10 μg/mL e 96,86 μg/mL). A composição química e as atividades biológicas de E. hypertropicum e E. stenosiphon subsp. stenosiphon foram relatadas pela primeira vez. As substâncias identificadas podem ser utilizadas no futuro como marcadores quimiotaxonômicos para o gênero Echium.


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Adults of Quesada gigas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) have a major alpha-glucosidase bound to the perimicrovillar membranes, which are lipoprotein membranes that surround the midgut cell microvilli in Hemiptera and Thysanoptera. Determination of the spatial distribution of alpha-glucosidases in Q. gigas midgut showed that this activity is not equally distributed between soluble and membrane-bound isoforms. The major membrane-bound enzyme was solubilized in the detergent Triton X-100 and purified to homogeneity by means of gel filtration on Sephacryl S-100, and ion-exchange on High Q and Mono Q columns. The purified alpha-glucosidase is a protein with a pH optimum of 6.0 against the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-glucoside and M(r) of 61,000 (SDS-PAGE). Taking into account V(Max)/K(M) ratios, the enzyme is more active on maltose than sucrose and prefers oligomaltodextrins up to maltopentaose, with lower efficiency for longer chain maltodextrins. The Q gigas alpha-glucosidase was immunolocalized in perimicrovillar membranes by using a monospecific polyclonal antibody raised against the purified enzyme from Dysdercus peruvianus. The role of this enzyme in xylem fluid digestion and its possible involvement in osmoregulation is discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pre-oral digestion is described as the liquefaction of the solid tissues of the prey by secretions of the predator. It is uncertain if pre-oral digestion means pre-oral dispersion of food or true digestion in the sense of the stepwise bond breaking of food polymers to release monomers to be absorbed. Collagenase is the only salivary proteinase, which activity is significant (10%) in relation to Podisus nigrispinus midgut activities. This suggests that pre-oral digestion in P. nigrispinus consists in prey tissue dispersion. This was confirmed by the finding of prey muscles fibers inside P. nigrispinus midguts. Soluble midgut hydrolases from P. nigrispinus were partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography, followed by gel filtration. Two cathepsin L-like proteinases (CAL1 and CAL2) were isolated with the properties: CAL1 (14.7 kDa, pH optimum (pHo) 5.5, km with carbobenzoxy-Phe-Arg-methylcoumarin, Z-FR-MCA, 32 mu M); CAL2 (17 kDa, pHo 5.5, km 11 mu M Z-FR-MCA). Only a single molecular species was found for the other enzymes with the following properties are: amylase (43 kDa, pHo 5.5, km 0.1% starch), aminopeptidase (125 kDa, pHo 5.5, km 0.11 mM L-Leucine-p-nitroanilide), alpha-glucosidase (90 kDa, pHo 5.0, km 5 mM with p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-glucoside). CAL molecular masses are probably underestimated due to interaction with the column. Taking into account the distribution of hydrolases along P. nigrispinus midguts, carbohydrate digestion takes place mainly at the anterior midgut, whereas protein digestion occurs mostly in middle and posterior midgut, as previously described in seed- sucker and blood-feeder hemipterans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Macrocyclis peruvianus (Lamarck, 1822) is a large terrestrial snail which is endemic in Chile. A detailed description of its shell structure, jaw, radula, palial cavity and reproductive system is presented here for the first time.


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Dysdercus ruficollis [Linnaeus, 1764), vulgarmente conhecidos como "percevejos manchadores do algodão", foram tratados no início do 5º estádio ninfal com um análogo do hormônio juvenil (N(5-cloro-2-metilfenil)-3,7-dimetil-2,6-octadienilamina), através da aplicação tópica na base das asas. Após a muda os insetos apresentaram aspecto ressecado, alterações morfológicas externas bastante acentuadas na cabeça, tórax, patas, asas e abdômen, dificultando suas atividades normais. Entretanto, a genitália externa de ambos os sextos mostrou-se inalterada. A aplicação da substância foi capaz de alterar e interromper o ciclo biológico destes insetos.


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Pauciconfibula patagonensis sp. nov. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae), parasite of gill filaments of the horsefish, Congiopodus peruvianus (Congiopodidae) collected in the Patagonian Shelf, Argentina, is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by having intestinal caeca not confluent and entering into the haptor, vitelline follicles extending from the genital pore to near the posterior portion of haptor, two parallel rows each comprised of 16-20 microcotylid clamps in the haptor, 25-43 testes and a fusiform egg with one very long tangled polar filament. P. patagonensis is the only member of the genus known to parasitize a scorpaeniform host and represents the first record of a representative of this genus in the southern Atlantic Ocean.


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Dysdercus maurus Distant, 1901 (Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae) é uma importante praga de Gossypium spp. (algodoeiro), Citrus Sinensis Osbeck (Rutaceae) (laranjeira) e Citrus reticulata (Rutaceae) (tangerineira), além de sementes de Chorisia speciosa St. Hil. (paineira). Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da temperatura e do alimento no desenvolvimento de D. maurus. Foram realizados oito tratamentos, seis em que os percevejos foram alimentados com sementes de paineira e mantidos a 15, 18, 20, 25 e 30 ± 1ºC, UR 80 ± 3% e fotofase de 12 h ou em condições ambientais de laboratório (23,5 ± 2,6ºC, UR 73,3 ± 9,9 %), e dois em que foram alimentados com sementes de algodão variedade IAC-22 e mantidos a 25 e 30ºC. Em todos os tratamentos foram observados cinco estágios imaturos. O aumento da temperatura proporcionou diminuição do tempo de desenvolvimento. A temperatura de 15ºC foi letal para ovos e ninfas de D. maurus. A menor mortalidade de ninfas ocorreu quando os percevejos foram alimentados com sementes de algodão a 25ºC (24,07%). A menor temperatura base (Tb) foi obtida para o 1º ínstar (11,54ºC) e a maior para o 2º ínstar (15,33ºC). As fêmeas de D. maurus necessitam de maior quantidade de graus-dias (329,93 graus-dias) que os machos (300,49 graus-dias) para atingir o estádio adulto.


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Several different species of the columnar cacti of the genera Stenocereus and Pachycereus, were introduced into different semi-arid ecozones in Israel and most of these efforts were of disappointing outcomes, the only exception being the Cereus peruvianus (L.) Miller,which bore plenty of fruits, some of them of good taste. The original seeds of this plant were obtained from the late Mr. Amram (Ron) Kodish, who collected seeds from various private gardens in Southern California which bore fruits of reasonable qualities. The initial success of this species led us to initiate an intensive research study, and today it is already fruit-crop, marketed mainly in Israel under the name " Koubo" . This paper will describe our work of domestication of this new cactus fruit crop in Israel.


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Agricultural wastes from cactus Cereus peruvianus and Opuntia ficus indica were investigated for protein production by solid substrate fermentation. Firstly, the polyelectrolytes were extracted and used in water cleaning as auxiliary of flocculation and coagulation. The remaining fibrous material and peels were used as substrate for fermentation with Aspergillus niger. Glucoamylase and cellulase were the main enzymes produced. Amino acids were determined by HPLC and protein by Lowry's method. After 120 hours of fermentation the protein increased by 12.8%. Aspartic acid (1.27%), threonine (0.97%), glutamic acid (0.88%), valine (0.70%), serine (0.68%), arginine (0.82%), and phenylalanine (0.51%) were the principal amino acids produced.