226 resultados para Dyke


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Magma flow in dykes is still not well understood; some reported magnetic fabrics are contradictory and the potential effects of exsolution and metasomatism processes on the magnetic properties are issues open to debate. Therefore, a long dyke made of segments with different thickness, which record distinct degrees of metasomatism, the Messejana-Plasencia dyke (MPD), was studied. Oriented dolerite samples were collected along several cross-sections and characterized by means of microscopy and magnetic analyses. The results obtained show that the effects of metasomatism on rock mineralogy are important, and that the metasomatic processes can greatly influence anisotropy degree and mean susceptibility only when rocks are strongly affected by metasomatism. Petrography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and bulk magnetic analyses show a high-temperature oxidation-exsolution event, experienced by the very early Ti-spinels, during the early stages of magma cooling, which was mostly observed in central domains of the thick dyke segments. Exsolution reduced the grain size of the magnetic carrier (multidomain to single domain transformation), thus producing composite fabrics involving inverse fabrics. These are likely responsible for a significant number of the 'abnormal' fabrics, which make the interpretation of magma flow much more complex. By choosing to use only the 'normal' fabric for magma flow determination, we have reduced by 50 per cent the number of relevant sites. In these sites, the imbrication angle of the magnetic foliation relative to dyke wall strongly suggests flow with end-members indicating vertical-dominated flow (seven sites) and horizontal-dominated flow (three sites).


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When a paleomagnetic pole is sought for in an igneous body, the host rocks should be subjected to a contact test to assure that the determined paleopole has the age of the intrusion. If the contact test is positive, it precludes the possibility that the measured magnetization is a later effect. Therefore, we investigated the variations of the remanent magnetization along cross-sections of rocks hosting the Foum Zguid dyke (southern Morocco) and the dyke itself. A positive contact test was obtained, but it is mainly related with Chemical/Crystalline Remanent Magnetization due to metasomatic processes in the host-rocks during magma intrusion and cooling, and not only with Thermo-Remanent Magnetization as ordinarily assumed in standard studies. Paleomagnetic data obtained within the dyke then reflect the Earth magnetic field during emplacement of this well-dated (196.9 +/- 1.8 Ma) intrusion.


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This work focuses on the study of flow and propagation of magma using rock magnetic analyses along sections across the thick Jurassic dyke of Foum-Zguid (Southern Morocco). Thermomagnetic data show that Ti-poor titanomagnetite is the main magnetic carrier. Petrographic analysis shows that the main Ti phase (ilmenite) occurs either as lamellae within spinel (center of the dyke) or as isolated grains (dyke margin). Bulk magnetic properties display distinct behavior according to the distance to the dyke margin; grain size of the main magnetic carrier decreases towards the center of the dyke, while the natural remanent magnetization and the bulk magnetic susceptibility increase. Only the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid close to the dyke margin corresponds to that usually found in thin dykes, with the magnetic foliation sub parallel to dyke margins. Maximum principal axis is in most cases either parallel or perpendicular to the intersection between the planes of magnetic foliation and dyke wall. Moreover, when this axis is perpendicular to the intersection it is associated with a more oblate magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid shape, indicating the presence of complex magnetic fabrics. The studied magnetic properties show that, in this 100 m wide thick dyke, flow structures related with dyke propagation are only preserved close to the quickly cooled dyke margins.


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Knowledge on forced magma injection and magma flow in dykes is crucial for the understanding of how magmas migrate through the crust to the Earth's surface. Because many questions still persist, we used the long, thick, and deep-seated Foum Zguid dyke (Morocco) to investigate dyke emplacement and internal flow by means of magnetic methods, structural analysis, petrography, and scanning electron microscopy. We also investigated how the host rocks accommodated the intrusion. Regarding internal flow: 1. Important variations of the rock magnetic properties and magnetic fabric occur with distance from dyke wall; 2. anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization reveals that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results mainly from the superposition of subfabrics with distinct coercivities and that the imbrication between magnetic foliation and dyke plane is more reliable to deduce flow than the orientation of the AMS maximum principal axis; and 3. a dominant upward flow near the margins can be inferred. The magnetic fabric closest to the dyke wall likely records magma flow best due to fast cooling, whereas in the core the magnetic properties have been affected by high-temperature exsolution and metasomatic effects due to slow cooling. Regarding dyke emplacement, this study shows that the thick forceful intrusion induced deformation by homogeneous flattening and/or folding of the host sedimentary strata. Dewatering related to heat, as recorded by thick quartz veins bordering the dyke in some localities, may have also helped accommodating dyke intrusion. The spatial arrangement of quartz veins and their geometrical relationship with the dyke indicate a preintrusive to synintrusive sinistral component of strike slip.


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The effects of dyke intrusion on the magnetic properties of host sedimentary rocks are still poorly understood. Therefore, we have evaluated bulk magnetic parameters of standard palaeomagnetic samples collected along several sections across the sediments hosting the Foum Zguid dyke in southern Morocco. The study has been completed with the evaluation of the magnetic fabric after laboratory application of sequential heating experiments. The present study shows that: (1) close to Fourn Zguid dykes, the variations of the bulk magnetic parameters and of the magnetic fabric is strongly related with re-crystallization and Fe-metasomatism intensity. (2) The thermal experiments on AMS of samples collected farther from the dyke and, thus, less affected by heating during dyke emplacement, indicate that 300-400 degrees C is the minimum experimental temperature necessary to trigger appreciable transformations of the pre-existing magnetic fabrics. For temperatures higher than ca. 580 degrees C, the magnetic fabric transformations are fully realized, with complete transposition of the initial fabric to a fabric similar to that of samples collected close to the dyke. Therefore, measured variations of the magnetic fabric can be used to evaluate re-crystallization temperatures experienced by the host sedimentary rock during dyke emplacement. The distinct magnetic behaviour observed along the cross-sections strongly suggests that samples collected farther from the dyke margins did not experience thermal episodes with temperatures higher than 300 degrees C after dyke emplacement. (3) AMS data shows a gradual variation of the magnetic fabric with distance from the dyke margin, from sub-horizontal K-3 away from the dyke to vertical K3 close to the dyke. Experimental heating shows that heat alone can be responsible for this strong variation. Therefore, such orientation changes should not be unequivocally interpreted as the result of a stress field (resulting from the emplacement of the dyke, for instance). (4) Magnetic studies prove to be a very sensitive tool to assess rock magnetic transformations, thermally and chemically induced by dyke intrusion in hosting sediments.


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The only Iberian lower Jurassic palcomagnetic pole come from the "Central Atlantic Magmatic Province"-related Messejana Plasencia dyke, but the age and origin of its remanence have been a matter of discussion. With the aim of solving this uncertainty, and to go further into a better understanding of its emplacement and other possible tectonic features, a systematic paleomagnetic investigation of 40 sites (625 specimens) distributed all along the 530 kin of the Messejana Plasencia dyke has been carried out. Rock magnetic experiments indicate PSD low Ti-titanomagnetite and magnetite as the minerals carrying the NRM. The samples were mostly thermally demagnetized. Most sites exhibit a characteristic remanent component of normal polarity with the exception of two sites, where samples with reversed polarities have been observed. The paleomagnetic pole derived from a total of 35 valid sites is representative of the whole structure of the dyke, and statistically well defined, with values of PLa = 70.4 degrees N, PLo = 237.6 degrees E, K= 47.9 and A(95) = 3.5 degrees. Paleomagnetic data indicates that: (i) there is no evidence of a Cretaceous remagnetization in the dyke, as it was suggested; (ii) most of the dyke had a brief emplacement time; furthermore, two dyke intrusion events separated in time from it by at least 10,000 y have been detected; (iii) the high grouping of the VGPs directions suggests no important tectonic perturbations of the whole structure of the dyke since its intrusion time; (iv) the pole derived from this study is a good quality lower Jurassic paleopole for the Iberian plate; and (v) the Messejana Plasencia dyke paleopole for the Iberian plate is also in agreement with quality-selected European and North American lower Jurassic paleopoles and the magnetic anomalies data sets that are available for rotate them to Iberia.


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A detailed analysis of fabrics of the chilled margin of a thick dolerite dyke (Foum Zguid dyke, Southern Morocco) was performed in order to better understand the development of sub-fabrics during dyke emplacement and cooling. AMS data were complemented with measurements of paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic fabrics (measured with high field torque magnetometer), neutron texture and microstructural analyses. The ferrimagnetic and AMS fabrics are similar, indicating that the ferrimagnetic minerals dominate the AMS signal. The paramagnetic fabric is different from the previous ones. Based on the crystallization timing of the different mineralogical phases, the paramagnetic fabric appears related to the upward flow, while the ferrimagnetic fabric rather reflects the late-stage of dyke emplacement and cooling stresses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rock salt-lamprophyre dyke contact zone (sub-vertical, NE-SW strike) was investigated for its petrographic, mechanic and physical properties by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility CAMS) and rock magnetic properties, coupled with quantitative microstructural analysis and thermal mathematical modelling. The quantitative microstructural analysis of halite texture and solid inclusions revealed good spatial correlation with AMS and halite fabrics. The fabrics of both lamprophyre and rock salt record the magmatic intrusion, "plastic" flow and regional deformation (characterized by a NW-SE trending steep foliation). AMS and microstructural analysis revealed two deformation fabrics in the rock salt: (1) the deformation fabrics in rock salt on the NW side of the dyke are associated with high temperature and high fluid activity attributed to the dyke emplacement; (2) On the opposite side of the dyke, the emplacement-related fabric is reworked by localized tectonic deformation. The paleomagnetic results suggest significant rotation of the whole dyke, probably during the diapir ascent and/or the regional Tertiary to Quaternary deformation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Magmas of the arc-tholeiitic and calc-alkaline differentiation suites contribute substantially to the formation of continental crust in subduction zones. Different geochemical-petrological models have been put forward to achieve evolved magmas forming large volumes of tonalitic to granitic plutons, building an important part of the continental crust. Primary magmas produced in the mantle wedge overlying the subducted slab migrate through the mantle and the crust. During the transfer, magma can accumulate in intermediate reservoirs at different levels where crystallization leads to differentiation and the heat transfer from the magma, together with gained heat from solidification, lead to partial melting of the crust. Partial melts can be assimilated and mix with more primitive magma. Moreover, already formed crystal cumulates or crystal mushes can be recycled and reactivated to transfer to higher crustal levels. Magma transport in the crust involves fow through fractures within a brittle elastic rock. The solidified magma filled crack, a dyke, can crosscut previously formed geological structures and thus serves as a relative or absolute time marker. The study area is situated in the Adamello massif. The Adamello massif is a composite of plutons that were emplaced between 42 and 29 million years. A later dyke swarm intruded into the southern part of the Adamello Batholith. A fractionation model covering dyke compositions from picrobasalts to dacites results in the cummulative crystallization of 17% olivine, 2% Cr-rich spinel, 18% clinopyroxene, 41% amphibole, 4% plagioclase and 0.1% magnetite to achieve an andesitic composition out of a hydrous primitive picrobasalt. These rocks show a similar geochemical evolution as experimental data simulating fractional crystallization and associated magma differentiation at lower crustal depth (7-10 kbar). The peraluminous, corundum normative composition is one characteristic of more evolved dacitic magmas, which has been explained in a long lasting debate with two di_erent models. Melting of mafic crust or politic material provides one model, whereas an alternative is fractionation from primary mantle derived melts. Amphibole occurring in basaltic-andesitic and andesitic dyke rocks as fractionating cumulate phase extracted from lower crustal depth (6-7.5 kbar) is driving the magmas to peraluminous, corundum normative compositions, which are represented by tonalites forming most of the Adamello Batholith. Most primitive picrobasaltic dykes have a slightly steepened chondrite normalized rare earth elements (REE) pattern and the increased enrichment of light-REE (LREE) for andesites and dacites can be explained by the fractional crystallization model originating from a picrobasalt, taking the changing fractionating phase assemblage and temperature into account. The injection of hot basaltic magma (~1050°C) in a closely spaced dyke swarm increases the surface of the contact to the mainly tonalitic wallrock. Such a setting induces partial melting of the wall rock and selective assimilation. Partial melting of the tonalite host is further expressed through intrusion breccias from basaltic dykes. Heat conduction models with instantaneous magma injection for such a dyke swarm geometry can explain features of partial melting observed in the field. Geochemical data of minerals and bulk rock further underline the selective or bulk assimilation of the tonalite host rock at upper crustal levels (~2-3 kbar), in particular with regard to light ion lithophile elements (LILE) such as Sr, Ba and Rb. Primitive picrobasalts carry an immiscible felsic assimilant as enclaves that bring along refractory rutile and zircon with textures typically found in oceanic plagiogranites or high pressure/low-temperature metamorphic rocks in general. U-Pb data implies a lower Cretaceous age for zircon not yet described as assimilant in Eocene to Oligocene magmatic rocks of the Central Southern Alps. The distribution of post-plutonic dykes in large batholiths such as the Adamello is one of the key features for understanding the regional stress field during the post-batholith emplacement cooling history. The emplacement of the regional dyke swarm covering the southern part of the Adamello massif was associated with consistent left lateral strike-slip movement along magma dilatation planes, leading to en echelon segmentation of dykes. Through the dilation by magma of pre-existing weaknesses and cracks in an otherwise uniform host rock, the dyke propagation and according orientation in the horizontal plane adjusted continuously perpendicular to least compressive remote stress σ3, resulting in an inferred rotation of the remote principal stress field. Les magmas issus des zones de subduction contribuent substantiellement à la formation de la croûte continentale. Les plutons tonalitiques et granitiques représentent, en effet, une partie importante de la croûte continentale. Des magmas primaires produits dans le 'mantle wedge ', partie du manteau se trouvant au-dessus de la plaque plongeante dans des zones de subduction, migrent à travers le manteau puis la croûte. Pendant ce transfert, le magma peut s'accumuler dans des réservoirs intermédiaires à différentes profondeurs. Le stockage de magma dans ces réservoirs engendre, d'une part, la différentiation des magmas par cristallisation fractionnée et, d'autre part, une fusion partielle la croûte continentale préexistante associée au transfert de la chaleur des magmas vers l'encaissant. Ces liquides magmatiques issus de la croûte peuvent, ensuite, se mélanger avec des magmas primaires. Le transport du magma dans la croûte implique notamment un flux de magma à travers différentes fractures recoupant les roches encaissantes élastiques. Au cours de ce processus de migration, des cumulats de cristaux ou des agrégats de cristaux encore non-solidifiés, peuvent être recyclés et réactivés pour être transportés à des niveaux supérieures de la croûte. Le terrain d'étude est situé dans le massif d'Adamello. Celui-ci est composé de plusieurs plutons mis en place entre 42 et 29 millions d'années. Dans une phase tardive de l'activité magmatique liée à ce batholite, une série de filons de composition variable allant de picrobasalte à des compositions dacitiques s'est mise en place la partie sud du massif. Deux modèles sont proposés dans la littérature, pour expliquer la formation des magmas dacitiques caractérisés par des compositions peralumineux (i.e. à corindon normatif). Le premier modèle propose que ces magmas soient issus de la fusion de matériel mafique et pélitique présent dans la partie inférieur de la croûte, alors que le deuxième modèle suggère une évolution par cristallisation fractionnée à partir de liquides primaires issus du manteau. Un modèle de cristallisation fractionnée a pu être développé pour expliquer l'évolution des filons de l'Adamello. Ce modèle explique la formation des filons dacitiques par la cristallisation fractionnée de 17% olivine, 2% spinelle riche en Cr, 18% clinopyroxène, 41% amphibole, 4% plagioclase et 0.1% magnetite à partir de liquide de compositions picrobasaltiques. Ce modèle prend en considération les contraintes pétrologiques déduites de l'observation des différents filons ainsi que du champ de stabilité des différentes phases en fonction de la température. Ces roches montrent une évolution géochimique similaire aux données expérimentales simulant la cristallisation fractionnée de magmas évoluant à des niveaux inférieurs de la croûte (7-10 kbar). Le modèle montre, en particulier, le rôle prépondérant de l'amphibole, une phase qui contrôle en particulier le caractère peralumineux des magmas différentiés ainsi que leurs compositions en éléments en traces. Des phénomènes de fusion partielle de l'encaissant tonalitique lors de la mise en place de _lons mafiques sont observée sur le terrain. L'injection du magma basaltique chaud (~1050°C) sous forme de filons rapprochés augmente la surface du contact avec l'encaissante tonalitique. Une telle situation produit la fusion partielle des roches encaissantes nécessaire à l'incorporation d'enclaves mafiques observés au sein des tonalites. Pour comprendre les conditions nécessaires pour la fusion partielle des roches encaissantes, des modèles de conduction thermique pour une injection simultanée d'une série de filons ont été développées. Des données géochimiques sur les minéraux et sur les roches totales soulignent qu'au niveau supérieur de la croûte, l'assimilation sélective ou totale de l'encaissante tonalitique modifie la composition du liquide primaire pour les éléments lithophiles tel que le Sr, Ba et Rb. Un autre aspect important concernant la pétrologie des filons de l'Adamello est la présence d'enclaves felsiques dans les filons les plus primitifs. Ces enclaves montrent, en particulier, des textures proches de celles rencontrées dans des plagiogranites océaniques ou dans des roches métamorphiques de haute pression/basse température. Ces enclaves contiennent du zircon et du rutile. La datations de ces zircons à l'aide du géochronomètre U-Pb indique un âge Crétacé inférieur. Cet âge est important, car aucune roche de cet âge n'a été considérée comme un assimilant potentiel pour des roches magmatiques d'âge Eocène à Oligocène dans les Alpes Sud Centrales. La réparation spatiale des filons post-plutoniques dans des grands batholites tel que l'Adamello, est une caractéristique clé pour la compréhension des champs de contraintes lors du refroidissement du batholite. L'orientation des filons va, en particulier, indiqué la contrainte minimal au sein des roches encaissante. La mise en place de la série de filon recoupant la partie Sud du massif de l'Adamello est associée à un décrochement senestre, un décrochement que l'on peut lié aux contraintes tectoniques régionales auxquelles s'ajoutent l'effet de la dilatation produite par la mise en place du batholite lui-même. Ce décrochement senestre produit une segmentation en échelon des filons.


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The Patino Formation sandstones, which crop out in Aregua neighborhood in Eastern Paraguay and show columnar joints near the contact zone with a nephelinite dyke, have as their main characteristics the high proportion of syntaxial quartz overgrowth and a porosity originated from different processes, initially by dissolution and later by partial filling and fracturing. Features like the presence of floating grains in the syntaxial cement, the transitional interpenetrative contact between the silica-rich cement and grains as well as the intense fracture porosity are strong indications that the cement has been formed by dissolution and reprecipitation of quartz from the framework under the effect of thermal expansion followed by rapid contraction. The increase of the silica-rich cement towards the dyke in association with the orthogonal disposition of the columns relative to dyke walls are indicative that the igneous body may represent the main heat source for the interstitial aqueous solutions previously existing in the sediments. At macroscopic scale, the increasing of internal tensions in the sandstones is responsible for the nucleation of polygons, leading to the individualization of prisms, which are interconnected by a system of joints, formed firstly on isotherm surfaces of low temperature and later on successive adjacent planes towards the dyke heat source.


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Anthracnose causes severe damage to the mango skin. Therefore, there is need to do the post-harvest phytosanitary treatment of the fruits through soaking in fungicide solution, which associated with the hydrothermal treatment has resulted into improved benefits. The present work has aimed at studying anthracnose control and post-harvest quality of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.), cv. Van Dyke after hydrothermal treatment associated with chemical through the physical, physicochemical, chemical and phytopathologic analyses. The mangoes coming from the commercial orchard of the town of Jana ba-MG, of the 2000 crop, were harvested at the commercial maturation stage. After selection according to color uniformity, size and absence of mechanic and physiologic injuries, they were shipped in plastic boxes to the EPAMIG - CTNM - Nova Porteirinha - MG, fruit post-harvest laboratory, where the samples were submitted to the hydrothermal treatment in cold bath in solution containing the fungicides Thiabendazole (Tecto 400 mL/100L), Proclaraz (Sportak 10L/100L) and Imazalil (Magnate 200mL/100L). After air-drying, the fruits were packed in plastic trays and stored at room temperature (25 +/- 2 degrees C and RH 70%) for a 12-day period and evaluated as to the intrinsic quality characteristics every 4 days. The experiment was conducted a completely randomized with 8 treatments, 4 replicates and experimental unit consisting of 4 fruits. The variations of pH, total soluble solids, total titrable acidity and total soluble sugars have not endangered the organoleptic characteristics of mangoes cv. Van Dyke stored under room temperature (25 +/- 2 degrees C and RH 70%) till 8 days' storage. The association of the hydrothermal treatment with the chemical was efficient in fruit anthracnose control for till 12 days' storage. The fungicide Prochloraz (Sportak 110 mL/100L), associated with the hydrothermal treatment, completely inhibited the appearance of anthracnose symptoms.