1000 resultados para Dust charge


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The charge of an isolated dust grain and ion drag forces on the grain in a collisionless, high-voltage, capacitive rf sheath are studied theoretically. The studies are carried out assuming that the positive ions are monoenergetic, as well as in more realistic approximation, assuming that the time-averaged energy distribution of ions impinging on the dust grain has a double-peaked hollow profile. For the nonmonoenergetic case, an analytical expression for the ion flux to the dust grain is obtained. It is studied how the dust charge and ion drag forces depend on the rf frequency, electron density at plasma-sheath boundary, electron temperature and ratio of the effective oscillation amplitude of rf current to the electron Debye length. It is shown that the dust charge and ion drag forces obtained in the monoenergetic ion approximation may differ from those calculated assuming that the ions are nonmonoenergetic. The difference increases with increasing the width of the ion energy spread in the ion distribution. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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A dusty plasma crystalline configuration with equal charge dust grains and mass is considered. Both charge and mass of each dust species are taken to be constant. Two differential equations for a two-dimensional hexagonal crystal on the basis of a Yukawa-type potential energy and a


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The dust-charge variation process is revisited, accounting for the background density variation associated with electron capture and release by the dust grains. It appears possible to maintain overall charge neutrality in the plasma without any external particle source or sink. It is shown that if the dust charge and density are sufficiently high, the effect of the background electron density variation on dust-charge relaxation is important. The equilibrium dust charge and its rate of variation are obtained for dusty plasmas subject to strong UV irradiation. The latter releases photoelectrons from the dust surface and can significantly affect the equilibrium dust charge, its variation rate, as well as the overall charge neutrality in the plasma.


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A self-consistent theory of ion-acoustic waves in dusty gas discharge plasmas is presented. The plasma is contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge. The stationary state of the plasma and the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated accounting for ionization, recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts.


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The propagation of Langmuir waves in nonisothermal plasmas contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge is investigated for a self-consistent closed system. Dust charge relaxation, ionization, recombination, and collisional dissipation are taken into account. It is shown that the otherwise unstable coupling of the Langmuir and dust-charge relaxation modes becomes stable and the Langmuir waves are frequency down-shifted.


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A complex low-pressure argon discharge plasma containing dust grains is studied using a Boltzmann equation for the electrons and fluid equations for the ions. Local effects, such as the spatial distribution of the dust density and external electric field, are included, and their effect on the electron energy distribution, the electron and ion number densities, the electron temperature, and the dust charge are investigated. It is found that dust particles can strongly affect the plasma parameters by modifying the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the creation and loss of plasma particles, as well as the spatial distributions of the electrons and ions. In particular, for sufficiently high grain density and/or size, in a low-pressure argon glow discharge, the Druyvesteyn-like electron distribution in pristine plasmas can become nearly Maxwellian. Electron collection by the dust grains is the main cause for the change in the electron distribution function.


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High-frequency electrostatic surface waves at the interface of a dusty plasma and a dielectric wall are investigated. The effects of ionization, recombination, and dust-charge variation are taken into account in a self-consistent manner, so that the system considered is closed. It is shown that a coupling of the surface waves and the dust-charge relaxation mode leads to anomalous damping and frequency downshift of the waves.


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The current-driven dust ion-acoustic instability in a collisional dusty plasma is studied. The effects of dust-charge variation, electron and ion capture by the dust grains, as well as various dissipative mechanisms leading to the changes of the particles momenta, are taken into account. It is shown that the threshold for the excitation of the dust ion-acoustic waves can be high because of the large dissipation rate induced by the dusts. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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A theory of low-frequency dust-acoustic waves in low-temperature collisional plasmas containing variable-charge impurities is presented. Physical processes such as dust-charge relaxation, ionization-recombination of the electrons and ions, electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts, are taken into account. Inclusion of these processes allows a balance of the plasma particles and thus a self-consistent determination of the stationary state of the unperturbed plasma. The generalized dispersion relation describing the propagation and damping of the dust acoustic waves is derived and analyzed. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of the Rao-dust-magnetohydrodynamic (R-D-MHD) waves in a dusty magnetoplasma are studied. By employing the inertialess electron equation of motion, inertial ion equation of motion, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and the continuity equation in a plasma with immobile charged dust grains, the linear and nonlinear propagation of two-dimensional R-D-MHD waves are investigated. In the linear regime, the existence of immobile dust grains produces the Rao cutoff frequency, which is proportional to the dust charge density and the ion gyrofrequency. On the other hand, the dynamics of amplitude modulated R-D-MHD waves is governed by the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The latter has been derived by using the reductive perturbation technique and the two-timescale analysis which accounts for the harmonic generation nonlinearity in plasmas. The stability of the modulated wave envelope against non-resonant perturbations is studied. Finally, the possibility of localized envelope excitations is discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The oblique modulational instability of dust acoustic (DA) waves in an unmagnetized warm dusty plasma with nonthermal ions, taking into account dust grain charge variation (charging), is investigated. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation governing the slow modulation of the wave amplitude is derived. The effects of dust temperature, dust charge variation, ion deviation from Maxwellian equilibrium (nonthermality) and constituent species' concentration on the modulational instability of DA waves are examined. It is found that these parameters modify significantly the oblique modulational instability domain in the k-theta plane. Explicit expressions for the instability rate and threshold have been obtained in terms of the dispersion laws of the system. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of localized excitations are also discussed. The findings of this investigation may be useful in understanding the stable electrostatic wave packet acceleration mechanisms close to the Moon, and also enhances our knowledge on the occurrence of instability associated to pickup ions around unmagnetized bodies, such as comets, Mars, and Venus.


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The amplitude modulation of dust lattice waves (DLWs) propagating in a two-dimensional hexagonal dust crystal is investigated in a continuum approximation, accounting for the effect of dust charge polarization (dressed interactions). A dusty plasma crystalline configuration with constant dust grain charge and mass is considered. The dispersion relation and the group velocity for DLWs are determined for wave propagation in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The reductive perturbation method is used to derive a (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). New expressions for the coefficients of the NLSE are derived and compared, for a Yukawa-type potential energy and for a


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The theory of ion-acoustic surface wave propagation on the interface between a dusty plasma and a dielectric is presented. Both the constant and variable dust-charge cases are considered. It is found that massive negatively charged dust grains can significantly affect the propagation and damping of the surface waves. Application of the results to surface-wave generated plasmas is discussed. © 1998 IEEE.