965 resultados para Duroc Pigs


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BACKGROUND: Selection for increasing intramuscular fat content would definitively improve the palatability and juiciness of pig meat as well as the sensorial and organoleptic properties of cured products. However, evidences obtained in human and model organisms suggest that high levels of intramuscular fat might alter muscle lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. We have analysed this issue by determining the transcriptomic profiles of Duroc pigs with divergent phenotypes for 13 fatness traits. The strong aptitude of Duroc pigs to have high levels of intramuscular fat makes them a valuable model to analyse the mechanisms that regulate muscle lipid metabolism, an issue with evident implications in the elucidation of the genetic basis of human metabolic diseases such as obesity and insulin resistance. RESULTS: Muscle gene expression profiles of 68 Duroc pigs belonging to two groups (HIGH and LOW) with extreme phenotypes for lipid deposition and composition traits have been analysed. Microarray and quantitative PCR analysis showed that genes related to fatty acid uptake, lipogenesis and triacylglycerol synthesis were upregulated in the muscle tissue of HIGH pigs, which are fatter and have higher amounts of intramuscular fat than their LOW counterparts. Paradoxically, lipolytic genes also showed increased mRNA levels in the HIGH group suggesting the existence of a cycle where triacylglycerols are continuously synthesized and degraded. Several genes related to the insulin-signalling pathway, that is usually impaired in obese humans, were also upregulated. Finally, genes related to antigen-processing and presentation were downregulated in the HIGH group. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that selection for increasing intramuscular fat content in pigs would lead to a shift but not a disruption of the metabolic homeostasis of muscle cells. Future studies on the post-translational changes affecting protein activity or expression as well as information about protein location within the cell would be needed to to elucidate the effects of lipid deposition on muscle metabolism in pigs.


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Quatorze sistemas proteicos, codificados por 15 locos estruturais, foram tipados através de eletroforese horizontal para investigar possíveis associações entre os diferentes fenótipos proteicos e parâmetros de produção em suínos das raças Landrace (N=109), Largo White (N=116) e Duroc (N=57), criadas no sul do Brasil. As associações mais consistentes foram detectadas entre dois sistemas enzimáticos (Fosfogliconato desidrogenase - Pgd e Hemopexina - Hpx) e, pelo menos, um dos quatro parâmetros produtivos considerados. Na raça Duroc foram verificadas associações dos fenótipos de Pgd com o ganho de peso diário (P < 0,01), com a conversão alimentar (P < 0,01) e com o índice de seleção (P < 0,001), enquanto que na Landrace foram detectadas interações significantes apenas com relação à conversão alimentar (P < 0,05). Quanto ao sistema Hpx, foram verificadas associações signifícantes dos fenótipos desta proteína com o ganho de peso (P < 0,05) e com a espessura do toicinho (P < 0,05) entre os porcos Largo White e nos Duroc com a espessura do toicinho (P < 0,01) e com o índice de desempenho (P < 0,05). Uma vez que tais resultados não foram observados em investigações anteriores, outros estudos serão necessários para confirmar estas associações.


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The cathepsin enzymes represent an important family of lysosomal proteinases with a broad spectrum of functions in many, if not in all, tissues and cell types. In addition to their primary role during the normal protein turnover, they possess highly specific proteolytic activities, including antigen processing in the immune response and a direct role in the development of obesity and tumours. In pigs, the involvement of cathepsin enzymes in proteolytic processes have important effects during the conversion of muscle to meat, due to their influence on meat texture and sensory characteristics, mainly in seasoned products. Their contribution is fundamental in flavour development of dry-curing hams. However, several authors have demonstrated that high cathepsin activity, in particular of cathepsin B, is correlated to defects of these products, such as an excessive meat softness together with abnormal free tyrosine content, astringent or metallic aftertastes and formation of a white film on the cut surface. Thus, investigation of their genetic variability could be useful to identify DNA markers associated with these dry cured hams parameters, but also with meat quality, production and carcass traits in Italian heavy pigs. Unfortunately, no association has been found between cathepsin markers and meat quality traits so far, in particular with cathepsin B activity, suggesting that other genes, besides these, affect meat quality parameters. Nevertheless, significant associations were observed with several carcass and production traits in pigs. A recent study has demonstrated that different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) localized in cathepsin D (CTSD), F (CTSF), H and Z genes were highly associated with growth, fat deposition and production traits in an Italian Large White pig population. The aim of this thesis was to confirm some of these results in other pig populations and identify new cathepsin markers in order to evaluate their effects on cathepsin activity and other production traits. Furthermore, starting from the data obtained in previous studies on CTSD gene, we also analyzed the known polymorphism located in the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene (IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A). This marker is considered the causative mutation for the quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting muscle mass and fat deposition in pigs. Since IGF2 maps very close to CTSD on porcine chromosome (SSC) 2, we wanted to clarify if the effects of the CTSD marker were due to linkage disequilibrium with the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation or not. In the first chapter, we reported the results from these two SSC2 gene markers. First of all, we evaluated the effects of the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A polymorphism in the Italian Large White breed, for which no previous studies have analysed this marker. Highly significant associations were identified with all estimated breeding values for production and carcass traits (P<0.00001), while no effects were observed for meat quality traits. Instead, the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation did not show any associations with the analyzed traits in the Italian Duroc pigs, probably due to the low level of variability at this polymorphic site for this breed. In the same Duroc pig population, significant associations were obtained for the CTSD marker for all production and carcass traits (P < 0.001), after excluding possible confounding effects of the IGF2 mutation. The effects of the CTSD g.70G>A polymorphism were also confirmed in a group of Italian Large White pigs homozygous for the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G allele G (IGF2 intron3-g.3072GG) and by haplotype analysis between the markers of the two considered genes. Taken together, all these data indicated that the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation is not the only polymorphism affecting fatness and muscle deposition in pigs. In the second chapter, we reported the analysis of two new SNPs identified in cathepsin L (CTSL) and cathepsin S (CTSS) genes and the association results with meat quality parameters (including cathepsin B activity) and several production traits in an Italian Large White pig population. Allele frequencies of these two markers were evaluated in 7 different pig breeds. Furthermore, we mapped using a radiation hybrid panel the CTSS gene on SSC4. Association studies with several production traits, carried out in 268 Italian Large White pigs, indicated positive effects of the CTSL polymorphism on average daily gain, weight of lean cuts and backfat thickness (P<0.05). The results for these latter traits were also confirmed using a selective genotype approach in other Italian Large White pigs (P<0.01). In the 268 pig group, the CTSS polymorphism was associated with feed:gain ratio and average daily gain (P<0.05). Instead, no association was observed between the analysed markers and meat quality parameters. Finally, we wanted to verify if the positive results obtained for the cathepsin L and S markers and for other previous identified SNPs (cathepsin F, cathepsin Z and their inhibitor cystatin B) were confirmed in the Italian Duroc pig breed (third chapter). We analysed them in two groups of Duroc pigs: the first group was made of 218 performance-tested pigs not selected by any phenotypic criteria, the second group was made of 100 Italian Duroc pigs extreme and divergent for visible intermuscular fat trait. In the first group, the CTSL polymorphism was associated with weight of lean cuts (P<0.05), while suggestive associations were obtained for average daily gain and backfat thickness (P<0.10). Allele frequencies of the CTSL gene marker also differed positively among the visible intermuscular extreme tails. Instead, no positive effects were observed for the other DNA markers on the analysed traits. In conclusion, in agreement with the present data and for the biological role of these enzymes, the porcine CTSD and CTSL markers: a) may have a direct effect in the biological mechanisms involved in determining fat and lean meat content in pigs, or b) these markers could be very close to the putative functional mutation(s) present in other genes. These findings have important practical applications, in particular the CTSD and CTSL mutations could be applied in a marker assisted selection (MAS) both in the Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Marker assisted selection could also increase in efficiency by adding information from the cathepsin S genotype, but only in the Italian Large White breed.


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Because the poor growth performance of intensively housed pigs is associated with increased circulating glucocorticoid concentrations, we investigated the effects of glucocorticoid suppression by inducing a humoral immune response to ACTH on physiological and production variables in growing pigs. Grower pigs (28.6 0.9 kg) were immunized with amino acids 1 through 24 of ACTH conjugated to ovalbumin and suspended in diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) dextran-adjuvant or adjuvant alone (control) on d 1, 28, and 56. The ACTH-specific antibody titers generated suppressed increases in cortisol concentrations on d 63 in response to an acute stressor (P = 0.002; control = 71 +/- 8.2 ng/ mL; ACTH-immune = 43 +/- 4.9 ng/mL) without altering basal concentrations. Plasma beta-endorphin concentrations were also increased (P < 0.001) on d 63 (control = 18 +/- 2.1 ng/mL; ACTH-immune = 63 +/- 7.3 ng/mL), presumably because of a release from negative feedback on the expression of proopiomelanocortin in pituitary corticotropes. Immunization against ACTH did not alter ADG (P = 0.120; control = 1,077 25; ACTH-immune = 1,143 25 g) or ADFI (P = 0.64; control = 2,719 42; ACTH-immune = 2,749 42 g) and did not modify behavior (P = 0.681) assessed by measuring vocalization in response to acute restraint. In summary, suppression of stress-induced cortisol responses through ACTH immunization increased beta-endorphin concentrations, but it did not modify ADG, ADFI, or restraint vocalization score in growing pigs.


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Foi investigada a variabilidade genética de 14 sistemas protéicos codificados por 15 locos estruturais em amostras de sangue de suínos das raças Piau e Caruncho. Os resultados foram comparados com àqueles obtidos previamente para amostras de Landrace, Large White, Duroc e Mouro. O grau de variabilidade genética obtida para Piau (He=0,114) foi similar àquelas estimadas para outras raças criadas no Brasil (Landrace, He=0,116; Large White, He=0,119; Duroc, 0,095; Mouro, He= 0,130). Caruncho apresentou a menor variabilidade (He= 0,056). A partir das freqüências gênicas dos locos polimórficos, foi calculada a eficiência de cada sistema para testes de paternidade e as probabilidades combinadas de exclusão de paternidade foram estimadas em 58% para Piau e 36% para Caruncho. Análises das distâncias genéticas revelaram que a raça mais próxima da Piau foi a Landrace (D=0,042). Caruncho apresentou as maiores divergências em relação a todas as raças comparadas, que variaram de 0,107 (com Landrace) a 0,176 (com Duroc). A árvore construída através de UPGMA e Distância de Rogers mostrou uma topologia na qual Piau e Mouro se uniram as raças Européias (Landrace e Large White), e Caruncho está separado de todas as demais raças. Os resultados das análises das amostras de Caruncho devem ser interpretados com cautela, uma vez que o número de animais estudados foi pequeno.


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Due to the growing attention of consumers towards their food, improvement of quality of animal products has become one of the main focus of research. To this aim, the application of modern molecular genetics approaches has been proved extremely useful and effective. This innovative drive includes all livestock species productions, including pork. The Italian pig breeding industry is unique because needs heavy pigs slaughtered at about 160 kg for the production of high quality processed products. For this reason, it requires precise meat quality and carcass characteristics. Two aspects have been considered in this thesis: the application of the transcriptome analysis in post mortem pig muscles as a possible method to evaluate meat quality parameters related to the pre mortem status of the animals, including health, nutrition, welfare, and with potential applications for product traceability (chapters 3 and 4); the study of candidate genes for obesity related traits in order to identify markers associated with fatness in pigs that could be applied to improve carcass quality (chapters 5, 6, and 7). Chapter three addresses the first issue from a methodological point of view. When we considered this issue, it was not obvious that post mortem skeletal muscle could be useful for transcriptomic analysis. Therefore we demonstrated that the quality of RNA extracted from skeletal muscle of pigs sampled at different post mortem intervals (20 minutes, 2 hours, 6 hours, and 24 hours) is good for downstream applications. Degradation occurred starting from 48 h post mortem even if at this time it is still possible to use some RNA products. In the fourth chapter, in order to demonstrate the potential use of RNA obtained up to 24 hours post mortem, we present the results of RNA analysis with the Affymetrix microarray platform that made it possible to assess the level of expression of more of 24000 mRNAs. We did not identify any significant differences between the different post mortem times suggesting that this technique could be applied to retrieve information coming from the transcriptome of skeletal muscle samples not collected just after slaughtering. This study represents the first contribution of this kind applied to pork. In the fifth chapter, we investigated as candidate for fat deposition the TBC1D1 [TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) gene. This gene is involved in mechanisms regulating energy homeostasis in skeletal muscle and is associated with predisposition to obesity in humans. By resequencing a fragment of the TBC1D1 gene we identified three synonymous mutations localized in exon 2 (g.40A>G, g.151C>T, and g.172T>C) and 2 polymorphisms localized in intron 2 (g.219G>A and g.252G>A). One of these polymorphisms (g.219G>A) was genotyped by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis and PCR-RFLP. Moreover, this gene sequence was mapped by radiation hybrid analysis on porcine chromosome 8. The association study was conducted in 756 performance tested pigs of Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Significant results were obtained for lean meat content, back fat thickness, visible intermuscular fat and ham weight. In chapter six, a second candidate gene (tribbles homolog 3, TRIB3) is analyzed in a study of association with carcass and meat quality traits. The TRIB3 gene is involved in energy metabolism of skeletal muscle and plays a role as suppressor of adipocyte differentiation. We identified two polymorphisms in the first coding exon of the porcine TRIB3 gene, one is a synonymous SNP (c.132T> C), a second is a missense mutation (c.146C> T, p.P49L). The two polymorphisms appear to be in complete linkage disequilibrium between and within breeds. The in silico analysis of the p.P49L substitution suggests that it might have a functional effect. The association study in about 650 pigs indicates that this marker is associated with back fat thickness in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds in two different experimental designs. This polymorphisms is also associated with lactate content of muscle semimembranosus in Italian Large White pigs. Expression analysis indicated that this gene is transcribed in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue as well as in other tissues. In the seventh chapter, we reported the genotyping results for of 677 SNPs in extreme divergent groups of pigs chosen according to the extreme estimated breeding values for back fat thickness. SNPs were identified by resequencing, literature mining and in silico database mining. analysis, data reported in the literature of 60 candidates genes for obesity. Genotyping was carried out using the GoldenGate (Illumina) platform. Of the analyzed SNPs more that 300 were polymorphic in the genotyped population and had minor allele frequency (MAF) >0.05. Of these SNPs, 65 were associated (P<0.10) with back fat thickness. One of the most significant gene marker was the same TBC1D1 SNPs reported in chapter 5, confirming the role of this gene in fat deposition in pig. These results could be important to better define the pig as a model for human obesity other than for marker assisted selection to improve carcass characteristics.


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Background Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare disease in humans and animals, which is caused by the lack of production, malfunction or dysfunction of the distal nephron to the antidiuretic effect of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Diagnosis requires a thorough medical history, clinical examination and further laboratory confirmation. This case report describes the appearance of DI in five Duroc boars in Switzerland. Case presentation Two purebred intact Duroc boars at the age of 8 months and 1.5 years, respectively, with a history of polyuric and polydipsic symptoms had been referred to the Swine Clinic in Berne. Based on the case history, the results of clinical examination and the analysis of blood and urine, a tentative diagnosis of DI was concluded. Finally, the diagnosis was confirmed by findings from a modified water deprivation test, macroscopic examinations and histopathology. Following the diagnosis, three genes known to be involved in inherited DI in humans were analyzed in order to explore a possible genetic background of the affected boars. Conclusion The etiology of DI in pigs is supposed to be the same as in humans, although this disease has never been described in pigs before. Thus, although occurring only on rare occasions, DI should be considered as a differential diagnosis in pigs with polyuria and polydipsia. It seems that a modified water deprivation test may be a helpful tool for confirming a diagnosis in pigs. Since hereditary forms of DI have been described in humans, the occurrence of DI in pigs should be considered in breeding programs although we were not able to identify a disease associated mutation.


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The main objetive of this Doctoral Thesis was to study the influence of female castration and pig sex on growth performance and carcass and meat quality of white pigs slaughtered at different final weights. Three experiments (Exp.) were conducted. In Exp. 1, a total of 200 (Landrace * Large White dam x Pietrain * Large White sire) gilts of 50 ± 3 days of age (23.3 ± 1.47 kg BW) was used to investigate the effects of castration (intact females, IF vs. castrated feamles, CF) and slaughter weight (106 vs. 122 kg BW) on productive performance and carcass and meat quality. There were four experimental treatments arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial and 5 replicates of 10 pigs each per treatment. Half of the gilts were ovariectomized at 58 d of age (8 days after the beginning of the trial; 29.8 ± 1.64 kg BW) whereas the other half remained intact. Meat samples were taken at m. Longissimus thoracis at the level of the last rib and subcutaneous fat samples were taken at the tail insertion. For the entire experiment period, CF had higher BW gain (P<0.05) and backfat and m. Gluteus medius (GM) fat thickness (P<0.001) than IF. However, IF had higher loin and trimmed primal cut yields (P<0.05) than CF. Meat quality was similar for IF and CF but the proportion of linoleic acid in subcutaneous fat was higher (P<0.001) for IF. Pigs slaughtered at 122 kg BW had higher (P<0.001) feed intake and poorer feed efficiency than pigs slaughtered at 106 kg BW. An increase in slaughter weight (SW) improved (P<0.001) carcass yield but decreased (P<0.05) trimmed primal cut yield. Meat from females slaughtered at the heavier BW was redder (a*; P<0.001) and had more (P<0.01) intramuscular fat and less thawing (P<0.05) and cooking (P<0.10) loss than meat from females slaughtered at the lighter BW. Also, females slaughtered at 122 kg BW had less (P<0.01) linoleic acid content in the subcutaneous fat than pigs slaughtered at 106 kg BW. Castration of gilts and slaughtering at heavier BW might be useful practices for the production of heavy pigs destined to the dry cured industry in which a certain amount of fat in the carcass is required. In contrast, when the carcasses are destined to fresh meat production, IF slaughtered at 106 kg BW are a more efficient alternative. In Exp. 2, crossbred pigs (n=240) from Pietrain*Large White sires mated to Landrace*Large White dams with an average of 100 d of age (60.5 ± 2.3 kg) were used to investigate the effects of gender and slaughter weight (SW) on growth performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics. There were 6 treatments arranged factorially with 3 genders (IF vs. CF vs.castrated males, CM) and 2 SW (114 vs. 122 kg BW). Each of the 6 combinations of treatments was replicated 4 times and the experimental unit was a pen with 10 pigs. Castrated males and CF ate more feed, grew faster and had more carcass backfat depth and fat thickness at the GM muscle, but lower loin yield than IF (P<0.05). In addition, CF and CM had more intramuscular fat (P<0.05) and less linoleic acid content in the subcutaneous fat (P<0.01) than IF. Pigs slaughtered at 122 kg BW had lower ADG (P<0.05), poor gain-to-feed ratio (P<0.05), and more GM fat than pigs slaughtered at 114 kg BW (P < 0.05). It is concluded that CF and CM had similar productive performance and meat quality characteristics when slaughtered at the same age, and that the castration of females improved daily gains and increased weight and fat content of primal cuts with respect to IF. Therefore, castration of females is recommended in pigs destined to the dry-cured industry because of the beneficial effects on the quality of the primal cuts. In Exp. 3, the effects of gender and castration of females (IF vs. CF vs. CM) on performance and carcass and meat quality were studied in crossbred pigs (Landrace x Large White dams x Duroc sires) slaughtered at 119.2 (trial 1) or 131.6 (trial 2) kg BW. Intact females had better feed conversion and less carcass fat than CF and CM. Trimmed shoulder yield was higher for CM than for CF with IF being intermediate. Primal cut yield and meat quality, however were similar for all treatments. Proportion of linoleic acid in backfat was lower for CF than for IF or CM, and the differences were significant in pigs slaughtered witn 131.6 kg BW. The higher fat content and the fatty acid profile favour the use of CF and CM over IF for the production of heavy pigs destined to the dry-cured industry.


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BACKGROUND: Original sevoflurane (Sevo A) is made with water, while a generic sevoflurane (Sevocris) is produced with propylene glycol as a stabilizing additive. We investigated whether the original and generic sevoflurane preparations differed in terms of their minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) values and hemodynamic effects. METHODS: Sixteen pigs weighing 31.6±1.8 kg were randomly assigned to the Sevo A or Sevocris groups. After anesthesia induction via mask with the appropriate sevoflurane preparation (6% in 100% oxygen), the MAC was determined for each animal. Hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters were measured at 0.5 MAC, 1 MAC and 1.5 MAC. Histopathological analyses of lung parenchyma were performed. RESULTS: The MAC in the Sevo A group was 4.4±0.5%, and the MAC in the Sevocris group was 4.1±0.7%. Hemodynamic and metabolic parameters presented significant differences in a dose-dependent pattern as expected, but they did not differ between groups. Cardiac indices and arterial pressures decreased in both groups when the sevoflurane concentration increased from 0.5 to 1 and 1.5 MAC. The oxygen delivery index (DO2I) decreased significantly at 1.5 MAC. CONCLUSION: Propylene glycol as an additive for sevoflurane seems to be as safe as a water additive, at least in terms of hemodynamic and pulmonary effects.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in adipose tissue explant cultures of growing pigs on the following responses: lipogenesis (measured as rate of C-14-labeled glucose incorporation over a subsequent 2-h incubation in the presence or absence of insulin), lipolysis (release of non-esterified fatty acid over a 2-h incubation in the presence or absence of isoproterenol), activities of lipogenic enzymes, and mRNA abundance of fatty acid synthase (FAS). Adipose tissue explants from nine growing pigs (78 +/- 3 kg) were cultured in 199 medium with insulin, dexamethasone and antibiotics for 4, 12, 24, and 48 h. The treatments were 1) control: 100 mu M polyvinyl alcohol (PVA); 2) pGH: 100 ng/mL porcine growth hormone (pGH) plus 100 mu M PVA; 3) CLA200: 200 mu M trans-10, cis-12 CLA; 4) CLA50: 50 mu M trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and 5) LA: 200 mu M linoleic acid. Fatty acids were added along with PVA (2: 1), respectively, for 24 h. Explants were collected after each culture period and assayed for lipogenesis. Transcripts of FAS mRNA were quantified by real-time RT-PCR after 24 and 48 h. Lipolysis and activities of FAS, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and NADP-malate dehydrogenase were determined after 48 h. As expected, glucose incorporation was decreased (P < 0.05) in response to pGH treatment (positive control). LA had no effect on any parameter evaluated. Treatment with trans-10, cis-12 CLA decreased FAS activity (P < 0.05), but NADPH-generating enzymes were unaffected by treatments. Consistent with reduction in FAS activity, both lipid synthesis and FAS mRNA abundance were reduced with chronic CLA treatment, pGH increased baseline and stimulated lipolysis (P < 0.05) after 48 h of culture, while CLA treatment had no effect on non-esterified fatty acid release. Results of this study showed that trans-10, cis-12 CLA alters lipogenesis but has no effect on lipolysis in cultures of pig adipose tissue.


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Purpose: This study was designed to compare the effectiveness of two methods of inducing renal hypothermia through laparoscopy in pigs and humans. Materials and Methods: Twelve pigs were divided into four groups of three animals each. Both kidneys of the animals in Groups A, B, and C were submitted to pelvic irrigation with cold saline (4 degrees C) for 20 minutes, with flow rates of 5 mL/min, 10 mL/min, and 15 mL/min, respectively. In Group D renal hypothermia was induced by intracorporeal ice slush applied to the surface for 20 minutes. All maneuvers were performed laparoscopically and renal cortex temperature was measured by a thermocouple needle. Five human patients also underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma. In one case renoprotection was induced by retrograde endoscopic cold saline perfusion at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. In the remaining four patients we induced renal hypothermia via laparoscopic application of ice slush. The renal temperature of the human patients was also monitored using a thermocouple needle. Results: In the pigs, at 20 minutes of renal pelvis perfusion the mean renal temperature, the temperature drop, and saline flow per gram of kidney were: Group A, -29.5 degrees C +/- 1.1 (-6.3 degrees C; 0.10 mL); Group B, -22.8 degrees C +/- 1.1 (-13.1 degrees C; 0.22 mL); and Group C, -21.1 degrees C +/- 0.9 (-14.9 degrees C; 0.31 mL). In Group D the mean renal cortex temperature at 20 minutes was 13.6 degrees C +/- 1.2, a drop of -22.5 degrees C. There were striking differences among the groups (P < 0.0001). The laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was uneventful in all five human patients. The lowest renal cortex temperature was 32.5 degrees C, seen in the patient who submitted to pelvic irrigation with cold saline, and the mean temperature drop was 19.1 degrees C +/- 2.5 degrees C in the patients who submitted to ice slush-induced renal hypothermia. Conclusions: Induction of renal hypothermia using intracorporeal ice slush confers lower kidney temperatures than endoscopically-induced cold saline perfusion.


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We compared carcass and meat quality of pigs from the same sire line and two different dam lines, one that included Chinese breeds and one that did not. Line A consisted of 1/4 Landrace, 1/2 Large White, 1/8 Chinese breeds (Meishan, Fengjing, Jiaxing), and 1/8 Large White, Duroc and Pietrain, and line B consisted of 1/2 Large White and 1/2 Pietrain. The animals (N = 144) were slaughtered at a live weight of 108 kg. Backfat thickness, percentage of lean meat, pH 24 h after slaughter, meat color, percentage of drip loss, and percentage of intramuscular fat were measured and compared using analysis of variance in a completely randomized design; the BioEstat 5.0 test was applied for the comparison of means at a significance level of 5% for all analyses. Backfat was significantly lower for line A (12.78 mm) than for line B (15.90 mm). The pH measured 24 h after slaughter was significantly lower in line A (5.68) compared to line B (5.84). Percent lean meat was significantly higher for line A (61.21%) compared to line B (59.72%). Percentage drip loss was significantly higher in line A (2.73%) than in line B (2.23%). Percentage intramuscular fat and meat color were not significantly different between the lines. The inclusion of Chinese breeds produced a higher percentage of lean meat and reduced fat thickness, along with increased heterosis, which are important characteristics for breeding programs.


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This paper presents an analysis of dysfluencies in two oral tellings of a familiar children's story by a young boy with autism. Thurber & Tager-Flusberg (1993) postulate a lower degree of cognitive and communicative investment to explain a lower frequency of non-grammatical pauses observed in elicited narratives of children with autism in comparison to typically developing and intellectually disabled controls. we also found a very low frequency of non-grammatical pauses in our data, but indications of high engagement and cognitive and communicative investment. We point to a wider range of disfluencies as indicators of cognitive load, and show that the kind and location of dysfluencies produced may reveal which aspects of the narrative task are creating the greatest cognitive demand: here, mental state ascription, perspectivization, and adherence to story schema. This paper thus generates analytical options and hypotheses that can be explored further in a larger population of children with autism and typically developing controls.


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Background: Different hemodynamic parameters including static indicators of cardiac preload as right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI) and dynamic parameters as pulse pressure variation (PPV) have been used in the decision-making process regarding volume expansion in critically ill patients. The objective of this study was to compare fluid resuscitation guided by either PPV or RVEDVI after experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Twenty-six anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs were allocated into control (group I), PPV (group II), or RVEDVI (group III) group. Hemorrhagic shock was induced by blood withdrawal to target mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg, maintained for 60 minutes. Parameters were measured at baseline, time of shock, 60 minutes after shock, immediately after resuscitation with hydroxyethyl starch 6% (130/0.4), 1 hour and 2 hours thereafter. The endpoint of fluid resuscitation was determined as the baseline values of PPV and RVEDVI. Statistical analysis of data was based on analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by the Bonferroni test (p < 0.05). Results: Volume and time to resuscitation were higher in group III than in group II (group III = 1,305 +/- 331 mL and group II = 965 +/- 245 mL, p < 0.05; and group III = 24.8 +/- 4.7 minutes and group II = 8.8 +/- 1.3 minutes, p < 0.05, respectively). All static and dynamic parameters and biomarkers of tissue oxygenation were affected by hemorrhagic shock and nearly all parameters were restored after resuscitation in both groups. Conclusion: In the proposed model of hemorrhagic shock, resuscitation to the established endpoints was achieved within a smaller amount of time and with less volume when guided by PPV than when guided by pulmonary artery catheter-derived RVEDVI.