20 resultados para Duloxetine


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Randomised, placebo-controlled trials of treatments for depression typically collect outcomes data but traditionally only analyse data to demonstrate efficacy and safety. Additional post-hoc statistical techniques may reveal important insights about treatment variables useful when considering inter-individual differences amongst depressed patients. This paper aims to examine the Gradient Boosted Model (GBM), a statistical technique that uses regression tree analyses and can be applied to clinical trial data to identify and measure variables that may influence treatment outcomes.


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A developing concept is that antidepressant strategies which combine multiple mechanisms of action may have advantages over agents with single mechanisms. Duloxetine is a novel potent dual reuptake inhibitor of noradrenaline and serotonin. The antidepressant efficacy of duloxetine is reviewed in three trials. Results that emerge confirm the acute efficacy of the agent in major depressive disorder. In particular, remission rates in the comparative trials are higher with duloxetine than with either paroxetine or fluoxetine. Duloxetine appears to have specific efficacy in patients with somatic symptoms and there is some clinical evidence of analgesic properties. Modest weight loss was consistently described in the three acute trials and modest weight gain was seen in an open label follow-up study. Duloxetine was well-tolerated in all three trials with similar patterns of adverse events. No significant safety issues emerged from these trials.


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BACKGROUND: The nocebo effect, when a harmless substance creates harmful effects in a person who takes it, is a clinically salient yet seldom studied phenomenon that may be associated with poorer treatment outcomes, perceived adverse events, and treatment discontinuation. The covert presence of nocebo responders in clinical trials may contribute to outcome variance in both placebo and active treatment arms for important primary and secondary endpoints. Nocebo effects are thought to be driven by expectancy and conditioning. METHOD: This study analyzed pooled clinical trial data in the placebo arms of controlled trials of antidepressant medications to investigate variables associated with the emergence of adverse outcomes in placebo-treated participants (N = 2,457). Specifically, we examined treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and discontinuation in placebo-treated individuals. Trials were commenced between 1993 and 2010 as studies of duloxetine versus active comparator and/or placebo. RESULTS: TEAEs were reported by 1,569 placebo-treated participants (63.9%), with 115 (4.7%) discontinuing from the studies due to TEAEs and 274 (11.2%) showing worsening of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale total score during placebo treatment. There was specifically no evidence to support the expectancy hypothesis, that reported TEAEs were influenced by adverse effects described in the clinical trials participant information and consent forms, or the conditioning hypothesis, that reported TEAEs would be influenced by adverse effect profiles of previous antidepressant medications used by these study participants. There was some evidence to suggest that people who had previously used complementary medications were more likely to report TEAEs. Variables specific to individual studies were the strongest predictors of TEAEs. DISCUSSION: In this study, TEAEs were very common among placebo-treated clinical trial participants. Unexpectedly, there was no evidence to associate TEAEs with adverse clinical outcomes, nor were the conditioning or expectancy hypotheses supported by these data. CONCLUSIONS: The nocebo effect is a common, covert, and poorly understood driver of clinical outcomes that requires further investigation.


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This study assessed the effects of the serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) transporter inhibitor duloxetine on the effects of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) in vitro and in 16 healthy subjects. The clinical study used a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, four-session, crossover design. In vitro, duloxetine blocked the release of both 5-HT and NE by MDMA or by its metabolite 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine from transmitter-loaded human cells expressing the 5-HT or NE transporter. In humans, duloxetine inhibited the effects of MDMA including elevations in circulating NE, increases in blood pressure and heart rate, and the subjective drug effects. Duloxetine inhibited the pharmacodynamic response to MDMA despite an increase in duloxetine-associated elevations in plasma MDMA levels. The findings confirm the important role of MDMA-induced 5-HT and NE release in the psychotropic effects of MDMA. Duloxetine may be useful in the treatment of psychostimulant dependence.


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Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide. Currently available antidepressant drugs have unsatisfactory efficacy, with up to 60% of depressed patients failing to respond adequately to treatment. Emerging evidence has highlighted a potential role for the efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp), expressed at the blood-brain barrier (BBB), in the aetiology of treatment-resistant depression. In this thesis, the potential of P-gp inhibition as a strategy to enhance the brain distribution and pharmacodynamic effects of antidepressant drugs was investigated. Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated that administration of the P-gp inhibitors verapamil or cyclosporin A (CsA) enhanced the BBB transport of the antidepressants imipramine and escitalopram in vivo. Furthermore, both imipramine and escitalopram were identified as transported substrates of human P-gp in vitro. Contrastingly, human P-gp exerted no effect on the transport of four other antidepressants (amitriptyline, duloxetine, fluoxetine and mirtazapine) in vitro. Pharmacodynamic studies revealed that pre-treatment with verapamil augmented the behavioural effects of escitalopram in the tail suspension test (TST) of antidepressant-like activity in mice. Moreover, pre-treatment with CsA exacerbated the behavioural manifestation of an escitalopram-induced mouse model of serotonin syndrome, a serious adverse reaction associated with serotonergic drugs. This finding highlights the potential for unwanted side-effects which may occur due to increasing brain levels of antidepressants by P-gp inhibition, although further studies are needed to fully elucidate the mechanism(s) at play. Taken together, the research outlined in this thesis indicates that P-gp may restrict brain concentrations of escitalopram and imipramine in patients. Moreover, we show that increasing the brain distribution of an antidepressant by P-gp inhibition can result in an augmentation of antidepressant-like activity in vivo. These findings raise the possibility that P-gp inhibition may represent a potentially beneficial strategy to augment antidepressant treatment in clinical practice. Further studies are now warranted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this approach.


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Le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) est de plus en plus reconnu chez l'adulte. Les psychostimulants représentent la première ligne de traitement, mais ceux-ci ne sont parfois pas tolérés, peuvent être contrindiqués ou ne pas être efficaces. Les médicaments non stimulants constituent une alternative mais ont été insuffisamment explorés. Cette thèse présente un essai clinique randomisé contrôlé de 30 sujets souffrant de TDAH qui ont reçu soit la duloxétine 60 mg par jour ou le placebo pendant une période de 6 semaines. Le Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS) et le Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI) ont été utilisés pour mesurer la sévérité des symptômes et l'amélioration clinique. Le Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) et le Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) ont été choisis pour vérifier l'impact sur la symptomatologie anxio-dépressive. Les résultats démontrent que les sujets ayant reçu la duloxétine avait un score au CGI-Severity (CGI-S) inférieur au groupe contrôle à 6 semaines de traitement et une amélioration plus importante au CGI-Improvement (CGI-I). Ce groupe démontre également des diminutions supérieures des scores à plusieurs sous-échelles du CAARS. Aucun effet n'a été observé sur le HARS et le HDRS. Le taux de retrait du bras duloxetine remet par contre en question la dose initiale choisie dans ce protocole. La duloxétine semble donc une option prometteuse dans le traitement du TDAH chez l'adulte et la réplication des données cliniques serait la prochaine étape pour confirmer ces résultats.


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La dépression majeure et les douleurs chroniques sont deux problématiques distinctes, mais liées par une comorbidité élevée et un effet néfaste sur la qualité de vie des individus atteints. Ce mémoire est consacré aux liens qui les unissent et présente deux études. L’étude 1 évalue l’impact de la déplétion aiguë du tryptophane sur les mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur chez des participants sains. L’étude 2 évalue l’intégrité des mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur chez des patients souffrant de dépression majeure (DM) avant et après un traitement aux antidépresseurs à double action (Duloxétine ou Desvenlafaxine). Les données des patients de l’étude 2 sont aussi comparées à celles d’un groupe de sujets sains pour mieux comprendre l’effet de la DM sur les mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur. L’étude 1 montre que la déplétion aiguë du tryptophane bloque les mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur. L’étude 2 montre que les patients souffrant de DM ont une capacité de freinage de la douleur intacte, qui est réduite par l’administration de médicaments. En conclusion, les mécanismes de freinage de la douleur semblent affectés par la déplétion aiguë du tryptophane. Les participants en DM ont une capacité d’inhibition de la douleur préservée par rapport aux sujets sains et affectée suite à la prise du médicament. Ces résultats permettent d’envisager un écart théorique entre la DM et les douleurs chroniques.


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The incidence of diabetic neuropathy increases with the duration of diabetes and the degree of hyperglycaemia. Pain is one of the most common and incapacitating symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and its pharmacological control is complex. The effectiveness of antidepressive agents has been described in different types of neuropathic pain, but their effectiveness, when used as analgesics in painful diabetic neuropathy, still remains controversial. Objective: To review the possible role of new-generation antidepressive agents in the treatment of pain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This work has thus consisted of a meta-analysis for determining which antidepressive agent had the best analgesic potential in managing pain in patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy. Methods: This search covered the Cochrane, MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS databases, between January 2000 and August 2007. The following information was obtained from each article: criteria for diagnosing diabetic neuropathy, patients' age average, antidepressant drug received and dose, sample size, duration of the disease and treatment follow-up, outcome measurement, evaluation of pain and rescue medication. Results: A combined RR: 1.67 (95% CI 1.38 - 2.02) was obtained; this result indicated that the antidepressive agent duloxetine, was effective for controlling pain in diabetic neuropathy. The corresponding NNT for Duloxetine was established, according to our interests; NNT = 6 (95% CI 5- 8) for achieving greater than 50% analgesia in patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy. Discussion: Antidepressive agents are frequently employed in the specific case of diabetic neuropathy; their analgesic benefit has been demonstrated.


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Antidepressants increase melatonin levels, but it is still unclear whether this effect is related to the improvement of depressive symptoms or to unrelated pharmacological action of antidepressants. To answer this question, the effect of antidepressants on 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), the main melatonin urinary metabolite, was examined in drug-free depressed patients - most of them antidepressant-naive. aMT6s was evaluated in 34 depressed patients, before and after 8 weeks of placebo (n = 12) or antidepressant (n = 22; fluoxetine, duloxetine or Hypericum perforatum). Both groups showed an improvement of depressive symptoms after treatment compared to baseline (Hamilton Depression scores): 17.0 +/- 1.4 vs. 9.0 +/- 2.8, P = 0.007 for placebo, and 18.6 +/- 1.1 vs. 11.8 +/- 1.6, P < 0.001 for antidepressants). After treatment, aMT6s levels increased after antidepressants (P < 0.01), but not after placebo (P > 0.05). As depressive symptoms improved both in patients taking antidepressant and in those taking placebo, but an effect of antidepressants could only be seen in those taking antidepressants, we suggest that melatonin changes after antidepressants are more likely due to a pharmacological action of these drugs on melatonin secretion.


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A new polymeric coating consisting of a dual-phase, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polypyrrole (PPY) was developed for the stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) of antidepressants (mirtazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine and sertraline) from plasma samples, followed by liquid chromatography analysis (SBSE/LC-UV). The extractions were based on both adsorption (PPY) and sorption (PDMS) mechanisms. SBSE variables, such as extraction time, temperature, pH of the matrix, and desorption time were optimized, in order to achieve suitable analytical sensitivity in a short time period. The PDMS/PPY coated stir bar showed high extraction efficiency (sensitivity and selectivity) toward the target analytes. The quantification limits (LOQ) of the SBSE/LC-UV method ranged from 20 ng mL(-1) to 50 ng mL(-1), and the linear range was from LOQ to 500 ng mL(-1), with a determination coefficient higher than 0.99. The inter-day precision of the SBSE/LC-UV method presented a variation coefficient lower than 15%. The efficiency of the SBSE/LC-UV method was proved by analysis of plasma samples from elderly depressed patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mental illness has been observed to follow a neuroprogressive course, commencing with prodrome, then onset, recurrence and finally chronic illness. In bipolar disorder and schizophrenia responsiveness to treatment mirrors these stages of illness progression, with greater response to treatment in the earlier stages of illness and greater treatment resistance in chronic late stage illness.

Using data from 5627 participants in 15 controlled trials of duloxetine, comparator arm (paroxetine, venlafaxine, escitalopram) or placebo for the treatment of an acute depressive episode, the relationship between treatment response and number of previous depressive episodes was determined. Data was dichotomised for comparisons between participants who had >3 previous episodes (n=1697) or ≤3 previous episodes (n=3930), and additionally for no previous episodes (n=1381) or at least one previous episode (n=4246). Analyses were conducted by study arm for each clinical trial, and results were then pooled.

There was no significant difference between treatment response and number of previous depressive episodes. This unexpected finding suggests that treatments to reduce symptoms of depression during acute illness do not lose efficacy for patients with a longer history of illness.


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Fármacos antidepressivos são largamente utilizados no tratamento sintomático do transtorno depressivo. Inúmeras pesquisas atuais sobre a depressão vêm contribuindo para o avanço da terapia farmacológica e para o surgimento de novos fármacos antidepressivos. Diretrizes atuais para testes de genotoxicidade de novos medicamentos sugerem a importante utilidade de ensaios que detectem danos ao DNA, ou seja, testes para avaliar a indução de quebras no DNA. Entretanto, o número escasso de dados sobre a genotoxicidade de fármacos faz com que seja reduzido o número de fármacos que realmente podem ser usados em segurança. Portanto, é de extrema importância estudos sobre a avaliação genotoxicológica de fármacos, principalmente, drogas utilizadas por um longo período de tempo como é o caso dos antidepressivos. A duloxetina é um antidepressivo novo, pertencente à classe dos inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina (ISRSN), utilizada no tratamento sintomático da depressão. Apesar da existência de trabalhos demonstrando que alguns fármacos antidepressivos são genotóxicos, não existe até hoje nenhum estudo sobre a possível genotoxicidade da duloxetina em células de origem humana. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo explorar o possível potencial genotóxico in vitro da duloxetina em culturas primárias de linfócitos humanos através das técnicas de detecção de aberrações cromossômicas e micronúcleos. Culturas primárias de linfócitos sanguíneos de voluntários sadios foram expostas a diferentes concentrações de duloxetina (10-150 ng/ml) e ciclofosfamida (6 μg/ml) como controle positivo. Aberrações cromossômicas estruturais, índice mitótico, índice de divisão nuclear, índice de binucleação, número de células com um, dois, três e quatro micronúcleos e o número de células com pontes nucleoplasmáticas foram avaliadas. Todos os índices das culturas incubadas com duloxetina foram significativamente menores que aqueles dos grupos controles, indicando um certo grau de citotoxicidade da droga. Entretanto, só as concentrações de 100 e 150 ng/ml provocaram o aumento significativo da presença de aberrações cromossômicas e micronúcleos. Considerando que essas concentrações ficam perto do limite superior da faixa terapêutica da droga usada em humanos, nossos resultados alertam já sobre a necessidade de aprofundar no conhecimento da genotoxicidade humana da duloxetina.


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O transtorno epiléptico apresenta alta prevalência e severidade. Além da gravidade da epilepsia per se, este distúrbio pode ser acompanhado de várias comorbidades, sendo a depressão a principal comorbidade psiquiátrica. Os mecanismos envolvidos na relação epilepsia/depressão ainda não estão bem esclarecidos, e sabe-se que o tratamento de ambos os distúrbios pode ser problemático, já que alguns anticonvulsivantes podem causar ou aumentar sintomas depressivos, enquanto alguns antidepressivos parecem aumentar a susceptibilidade a convulsões. Por outro lado, estudos têm demonstrado que alguns antidepressivos, além de seguros, também possuem atividade anticonvulsivante como a venlafaxina, um inibidor da recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina (IRSN). Considerando que a duloxetina, outro IRSN, apresenta uma inibição mais potente sobre transportados monoaminérgicos e que não existe nada na literatura a respeito de sua influência sobre convulsões apesar de que está sendo aplicado atualmente na clínica, o objetivo do nosso estudo é verificar o possível efeito anticonvulsivante da duloxetina através do modelo de convulsões induzidas pelo pentilenotetrazol (PTZ) em camundongos. Para tal, camundongos foram pré-tratados com duloxetina (10, 20, 40 mg/kg/i.p.) e trinta minutos após receberam uma injeção intraperitoneal de PTZ (60 mg/kg). Por vinte minutos os animais foram monitorados para a avaliação dos tempos de latência para o primeiro espasmo mioclônico e a primeira crise tônico-clônica, como também o tempo de duração das convulsões e de sobrevida. A análise eletroencefalográfica foi utilizada para avaliar a severidade das crises (aumento da amplitude das ondas). Após esse período os animais foram sacrificados, o córtex cerebral dissecado e análises bioquímicas (atividade da superóxido desmutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), níveis de nitritos e peroxidação lipídica) foram feitas para investigação dos mecanismos pelos quais a droga influencia as convulsões. Os resultados preliminares demonstraram que a duloxetina apresenta atividade anticonvulsivante, sendo capaz de aumentar significativamente o tempo de latência tanto para o primeiro espasmo clônico, como para a primeira convulsão tônico-clônica induzidas pelo pentilenotetrazol. Ainda a avaliação eletroencefalográfica demonstrou que a duloxetina na dose de 20 mg/kg diminuiu significativamente a amplitude das ondas enquanto a dose de 40 mg/kg aumentou significativamente a amplitude em comparação a todos os tratamentos. Quanto à avaliação da influência no estresse oxidativo, animais tratados apenas com PTZ apresentaram um aumento significativo do nível de peroxidação lipídica, e diminuição da atividade da SOD e da CAT. Quanto ao nível de nitritos não houve nenhuma alteração significativa entre os tratamentos. A duloxetina na dose de 20 mg/kg se mostrou efetiva para evitar as alterações induzidas pelo PTZ nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo avaliados. A atividade anticonvulsivante da duloxetina (20 mg/kg) colabora com a teoria que tem sido apresentada nos últimos ano de que a modulação da neurotransmissão serotonérgica e noradrenérgica pode ter efeito anticonvulsivante. Ainda, a capacidade da duloxetina de inibir a exacerbação do estresse oxidativo envolvido nas convulsões induzidas pelo PTZ corrobora com estudos que demonstram que algumas substâncias anticonvulsivantes podem modular as convulsões pelo menos em parte por sua atividade antioxidante. Portanto concluímos que a duloxetine é um adjuvante promissor para o tratamento de pacientes que apresentam a comorbidade epilepsia e depressão.