886 resultados para Ductile-to-brittle transition
The objective of this paper is to show the dependence relationship between the crystallographic orientations upon brittle-to-ductile transition during diamond turning of monocrystalline silicon. Cutting tests were performed using a -5 degrees rake angle round nose diamond tool at different machining scales. At the micrometre level, the feedrate was kept constant at 2.5 micrometres per revolution (mu m/r), and the depth of cut was varied from 1 to 5 mu m. At the submicrometre level, the depth of cut was kept constant at 500 nm and the feedrate varied from 5 to 10 mu m/r. At the micrometre level, the uncut shoulder generated with an interrupted cutting test procedure provided a quantitative measurement of the ductile-to-brittle transition. Results show that the critical chip thickness in silicon for ductile material removal reaches a maximum of 285 nm in the [100] direction and a minimum of 115 nm in the [110] direction, when the depth of cut was 5 mu m. It was found that when a submicrometre depth of cut was applied, microcracks were revealed in the [110] direction, which is the softer direction in silicon. Micro Raman spectroscopy was used to estimate surface residual stress after machining. Compressive residual stress in the range 142 MPa and smooth damage free surface finish was probed in the [100] direction for a depth of cut of 5 mu m, whereas residual stresses in the range 350 MPa and brittle damage was probed in the [110] direction for a depth of cut of 500 nm.
The effects of Si and cooling rate are investigated for their effect on the mechanical properties and microstructure. Three alloys were chosen with varying C and Si contents and an attempt to keep the remainder of the elements present constant. Within each heat, three test blocks were poured. Two blocks had chills – one with a fluid flowing through it to cool it (active chill) and one without the fluid (passive) – and the third block did not have a chill. Cooling curves were gathered and analyzed. The mechanical properties of the castings were correlated to the microstructure, cooling rate and Si content of each block. It was found that an increase in Si content increased the yield stress, tensile strength and hardness but decreased the impact toughness, elongation and Young’s modulus. The fast cooling rates produced by the chills caused a high nodule count in the castings along with a fine ferrite grain size and a high degree of nodularity. The fine microstructures, in turn, increased the strength and ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of the castings. The fast cooling rate was not adequate to overcome the dramatic increase in DBTT that is caused by the addition of Si.
Las mineralizaciones de oro de Galicia Occidental ligadas a grandes estructuras comienzan a ser interpretadas de manera más rigurosa, al mismo tiempo que la continuada elevación de las cotizaciones del oro han hecho más atractiva la reactivación de áreas hasta ahora casi olvidadas. El propósito de esta investigación participa de las razones anteriores. La zona de cizalla Busto Limideiro se inscribe en una de estas estructuras, la cizalla Santa Comba-Punta Langosteira, con la que se relacionan un importante número de yacimientos auríferos entre los que destacan Corcoesto y Monte Piñor. Por su situación geológica, estos indicios se enmarcan en el Macizo Ibérico, en la Zona de Galicia Tras-os-Montes. Este trabajo aporta más conocimiento sobre un modelo general del oro de los yacimientos del noroeste español, integrándolo en los yacimientos de oro orogénico del Varisco europeo. Este estudio ha supuesto un importante esfuerzo investigador centrado sobre de los procesos genéticos que han dado lugar a las mineralizaciones auríferas. Los estudios petrográficos, metalogénicos, geoquímicos, microtemométricos y el análisis de isótopos han permitido establecer un modelo general y otros más específicos sobre la existencia y condiciones de formación en la concentración del oro mineralógico. De esta forma se ha caracterizado su mineralogía, quimismo, edad, y naturaleza de los paleofluidos que han intervinieron en su formación. De los resultados obtenidos se destaca que estas mineralizaciones se encuentran fuertemente ligadas a las estructuras y transformaciones físicas y químicas de las rocas afectadas por la banda de cizalla. Derivada de esta situación, se comprende la disposición espacial, a diversas escalas, con estructuras claramente en la transición del dominio dúctil a frágil. Además, resulta evidente, a escala macro y microscópica, el emplazamiento preferente del oro en estructuras de deformación miloníticas. Los estudios anteriores posibilitan formalizar un modelo de génesis para el yacimiento de Monte Piñor que resulta compatible con el establecido por Groves (1998), e incluirlas en un mismo contexto, como yacimientos de oro orogénico mesotermales, válido para el conjunto de todos los de la zona de cizalla Busto Limideiro. El estudio no omite la consideración geoestadística de este yacimiento, justificando la elección de direcciones de anisotropía explicadas por consideraciones de carácter estructural. Con ello, buscando el lado práctico desde el punto de vista minero, esta investigación propone líneas generales de aplicación de actuación con sentido de exploración, contribuyendo a la puesta en valor del conocimiento de las mineralizaciones de oro del noroeste español. ABSTRACT Old and nearly forgotten gold mines from Western Galicia are currently attractive to be recovered due to both, the new strict interpretation of gold mineralization linked to Variscan large structures and the increasing gold prices. The shear zone Busto Limiderio is relevant as a part of a Variscan large structure, Santa Comba-Punta Langosteira, which is related with a high number of gold deposits as Corcoesto and Monte Piñor. For its geological situation, these signs are part of the Iberian Massif in the area of Galicia Tras-os-Montes. Hence, the main aim of this study is to provide additional and important knowledge of Busto Limiderio about the general model of gold deposits in the Spanish northwest, integrating them in the orogenic gold deposits of European Variscan, enabling to analyze the economic recovery possibility of this area. This thesis has been focused on the genetic processes that have led to the gold mineralization. Petrographic studies, metalogenic, geochemical, microthermometric and isotope analysis have allowed to establish a general and specific models about the existence and training conditions in the concentration of mineralogical gold. Consequently, the mineralogy, chemical characteristics, age, and nature of paleofluids that have participated in its formation have been characterized. The results showed that Busto Limiderio gold mineralization are strongly linked to the structures and physical and chemical transformations of affected rocks by the shear band. The mineralization spatial distribution at various scales is due to the link with the large structures in the ductile-to-brittle transition domain. Furthermore, this factor determine at macro and microscopic scale, the preferred location of the gold structures mylonitic deformation. Previous studies have permitted to establish a model of genesis for the site of Monte Piñor which is compatible with the established by Groves (1998), and also to include them in the same context as mesothermal orogenic gold deposits, valid throughout all of Busto Limideiro shear zone. This study does not omit consideration of the geostatistical deposit, justifying the choice of directions of anisotropy explained by structural considerations. This thesis concludes with general action guidelines for mining exploration, contributing to the enhancement of knowledge of Spanish gold mineralization northwest.
Self-passivating tungsten based alloys will provide a major safety advantage compared to pure tungsten when used as first wall armor of future fusion reactors, due to the formation of a protective oxide layer which prevents the formation of volatile and radioactive WO3 in case of a loss of coolant accident with simultaneous air ingress. Bulk WCr10Ti2 alloys were manufactured by two different powder metallurgical routes: (1) mechanical alloying (MA) followed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of metallic capsules, and (2) MA, compaction, pressureless sintering in H2 and subsequent HIPing without encapsulation. Both routes resulted in fully dense materials with homogeneous microstructure and grain sizes of 300 nm and 1 μm, respectively. The content of impurities remained unchanged after HIP, but it increased after sintering due to binder residue. It was not possible to produce large samples by route (2) due to difficulties in the uniaxial compaction stage. Flexural strength and fracture toughness measured on samples produced by route (1) revealed a ductile-to-brittle-transition temperature (DBTT) of about 950 °C. The strength increased from room temperature to 800 °C, decreasing significantly in the plastic region. An increase of fracture toughness is observed around the DBTT.
Tungsten (W) and its alloys are very promising materials for producing plasma-facing components (PFCs) in the fusion power reactors of the near future, even as a structural part in them. However, whereas the properties of pure tungsten are suitable for a PFC, its structural applications are still limited due to its low toughness, ductile to brittle transition temperature and recrystallization behaviour. Therefore, many efforts have been made to improve its performance by alloying tungsten with other elements. Hence, in this investigation, the thermo-mechanical performance of two new tungsten-tantalum materials has been evaluated. Materials with We5wt.%Ta and We15wt.%Ta were processed by mechanical alloying (MA) and later consolidation by hot isostatic pressing (HIP), with distinct settings for each composition. Thus, it was possible to determine the relationship between the microstructure and the addition of Ta with the macroscopic mechanical properties. These were measured by means of hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness, in the temperature range of 300e1473 K. The microstructure and the fracture surfaces features of the tested materials were analysed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM).
Com o decorrer dos anos o consumo de petróleo e seus derivados aumentou significativamente e com isso houve a necessidade de se investir em pesquisas para descobertas de novas jazidas de petróleo como o pré-sal. Porém, não apenas a localização dessas jazidas deve ser estudada, mas, também, sua forma de exploração. Essa exploração e extração, na maioria das vezes, se dão em ambientes altamente corrosivos e o transporte do produto extraído é realizado através de tubulações de aço de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL). Aços ARBL expostos a ambientes contendo H2S e CO2 (sour gas) sofrem corrosão generalizada que promovem a entrada de hidrogênio atômico no metal, podendo diminuir sua tenacidade e causar falha induzida pela presença de hidrogênio (Hydrogen Induced Cracking HIC), gerando falhas graves no material. Tais falhas podem ser desastrosas para o meio ambiente e para a sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a tenacidade, utilizando ensaio Charpy, de um tubo API 5L X65 sour após diferentes tempos de imersão em uma solução saturada com H2S. O eletrólito empregado foi a solução A (ácido acético contendo cloreto de sódio) da norma NACE TM0284 (2011), fazendo-se desaeração com injeção de N2, seguida de injeções de H2S. Os materiais foram submetidos a: ensaios de resistência a HIC segundo a norma NACE TM0284 (2011) e exames em microscópio óptico e eletrônico de varredura para caracterização microestrutural, de inclusões e trincas. As amostras foram submetidas a imersão em solução A durante 96h e 360h, sendo que, após doze dias do término da imersão, foram realizados os ensaios Charpy e exames fractográficos. Foram aplicados dois métodos: o de energia absorvida e o da expansão lateral, conforme recomendações da norma ASTM E23 (2012). As curvas obtidas, em função da temperatura de impacto, foram ajustadas pelo método da tangente hiperbólica. Esses procedimentos foram realizados nas duas seções do tubo (transversal e longitudinal) e permitiram a obtenção dos seguintes parâmetros: energias absorvidas e expansão lateral nos patamares superior e inferior e temperaturas de transição dúctil-frágil (TTDF) em suas diferentes definições, ou seja, TTDFEA, TTDFEA-DN, TTDFEA-FN, TTDFEL, TTDFEL-DN e TTDFEL-FN (identificação no item Lista de Abreviaturas e Siglas). No exame fractográfico observou-se que o material comportou-se conforme o previsto, ou seja, em temperaturas mais altas ocorreu fratura dúctil, em temperaturas próximas a TTDF obteve-se fratura mista e nas temperaturas mais baixas observou-se o aparecimento de fratura frágil. Os resultados mostraram que quanto maior o tempo de imersão na solução A, menor é a energia absorvida e a expansão lateral no patamar superior, o que pode ser explicado pelo (esperado) aumento do teor de hidrogênio em solução sólida com o tempo de imersão. Por sua vez, os resultados mostraram que há tendência à diminuição da temperatura de transição dúctil-frágil com o aumento do tempo de imersão, particularmente, as TTDFEA-DN e TTDFEL-DN das duas seções do tubo (longitudinal e transversal). Esse comportamento controverso, que pode ser denominado de tenacificação com o decorrer do tempo de imersão na solução A, foi explicado pelo aparecimento de trincas secundárias durante o impacto (Charpy). Isso indica uma limitação do ensaio Charpy para a avaliação precisa de materiais hidrogenados.
Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação experimental sobre o comportamento à fratura frágil de aços estruturais ferríticos, ASTM A285 Gr C e ASTM A515 Gr 65. Os resultados deste trabalho ampliam a base de dados de propriedades mecânicas utilizadas nas análises de integridade de estruturas pressurizadas tais como vasos de pressão e tanques de armazenamento construídos com esta classe de material. O trabalho tem por objetivo também avaliar a aplicabilidade de corpos de prova de dimensões reduzidas, PCVN, na determinação da temperatura de referência, T0, por meio da metodologia da Curva Mestra, a qual define a dependência da tenacidade à fratura do material em função da temperatura. Os ensaios de tenacidade à fratura foram conduzidos utilizando-se corpos de prova solicitados em flexão três pontos com geometria SE(B), PCVN e PCVN com entalhe lateral, extraídos de chapas laminadas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram obtidos em termos de integral J no momento da instabilidade, denotados por Jc. Dados adicionais de resistência à tração e de Impacto Charpy convencional também foram obtidos para caracterizar o comportamento mecânico dos aços utilizados. Os resultados mostraram uma forte influência da geometria dos corpos de prova sobre os valores de Jc, evidenciada pela grande variação nos valores de tenacidade à fratura.
This paper presents a scientific development to address the current absence of a convenient technique to identify the ductile to brittle transition of bentonite clay mats. The instrumented indentation and 3-point bending tests were performed on different liquid polymer hydrated bentonite clay mats at varying moisture content. Properties measured include modified Brinell Hardness Number (BHN) and elastic structural stiffness (EI). The dependence of flexural stiffness on moisture content is demonstrated to conform to a best power function variation. The ductile to brittle transition of clay mat is affected primarily by the change in the moisture content and for the clay mat to remain flexible, critical moisture content of 1.7 times of its plastic limit is required. Results also indicate that a strong correlation between indentation hardness and the structural stiffness. The subsequent outcome in the development of a portable quality control device to monitor the acceptable moisture content level to ensure flexibility of the clay mats was also described in this paper.
The ductile-brittle transition temperatures were determined for compatibilized nylon 6/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (PA6/ABS) copolymer blends. The compatibilizers used for those blends were methyl methacrylate-co-maleic anhydride (MMA-MAH) and MMA-co-glycidyl methacrylate (MMA-GMA). The ductile-brittle transition temperatures were found to be lower for blends compatibilized through maleate modified acrylic polymers. At room temperature, the PA6/ABS binary blend was essentially brittle whereas the ternary blends with MMA-MAH compatibilizer were supertough and showed a ductile-brittle transition temperature at -10°C. The blends compatibilized with maleated copolymer exhibited impact strengths of up to 800 J/m. However, the blends compatibilized with MMA-GMA showed poor toughness at room temperature and failed in a brittle manner at subambient temperatures.
The high density of slope failures in western Norway is due to the steep relief and to the concentration of various structures that followed protracted ductile and brittle tectonics. On the 72 investigated rock slope instabilities, 13 were developed in soft weathered mafic and phyllitic allochthons. Only the intrinsic weakness of such rocks increases the susceptibility to gravitational deformation. In contrast, the gravitational structures in the hard gneisses reactivate prominent ductile or/and brittle fabrics. At 30 rockslides along cataclinal slopes, weak mafic layers of foliation are reactivated as basal planes. Slope-parallel steep foliation forms back-cracks of unstable columns. Folds are specifically present in the Storfjord area, together with a clustering of potential slope failures. Folding increases the probability of having favourably orientated planes with respect to the gravitational forces and the slope. High water pressure is believed to seasonally build up along the shallow-dipping Caledonian detachments and may contribute to destabilization of the rock slope upwards. Regional cataclastic faults localized the gravitational structures at 45 sites. The volume of the slope instabilities tends to increase with the amount of reactivated prominent structures and the spacing of the latter controls the size of instabilities.
The kinematic approach to cosmological tests provides direct evidence to the present accelerating stage of the Universe that does not depend on the validity of general relativity, as well as on the matter-energy content of the Universe. In this context, we consider here a linear two-parameter expansion for the decelerating parameter, q(z)=q(0)+q(1)z, where q(0) and q(1) are arbitrary constants to be constrained by the union supernovae data. By assuming a flat Universe we find that the best fit to the pair of free parameters is (q(0),q(1))=(-0.73,1.5) whereas the transition redshift is z(t)=0.49(-0.07)(+0.14)(1 sigma) +0.54-0.12(2 sigma). This kinematic result is in agreement with some independent analyses and more easily accommodates many dynamical flat models (like Lambda CDM).
In this paper, employing the Ito stochastic Schrodinger equation, we extend Bell's beable interpretation of quantum mechanics to encompass dissipation, decoherence, and the quantum-to-classical transition through quantum trajectories. For a particular choice of the source of stochasticity, the one leading to a dissipative Lindblad-type correction to the Hamiltonian dynamics, we find that the diffusive terms in Nelsons stochastic trajectories are naturally incorporated into Bohm's causal dynamics, yielding a unified Bohm-Nelson theory. In particular, by analyzing the interference between quantum trajectories, we clearly identify the decoherence time, as estimated from the quantum formalism. We also observe the quantum-to-classical transition in the convergence of the infinite ensemble of quantum trajectories to their classical counterparts. Finally, we show that our extended beables circumvent the problems in Bohm's causal dynamics regarding stationary states in quantum mechanics.
Mechanical blocking of the columnar front during the columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) is studied by quantitatively comparing the CET positions obtained with one stochastic model and two deterministic models for the unidirectional solidification of an Al-7 (wt pct) Si alloy. One of the deterministic models is based on the solutal blocking of the columnar front, whereas the other model is based on the mechanical blocking. The solutal-blocking model and the mechanical-blocking model with the traditional blocking fraction of 0.49 give columnar zones larger than those predicted with the stochastic model. When a blocking fraction of 0.2 is adopted, however, the agreement is very good for a range of nucleation undercoolings and number density of equiaxed grains. Therefore, changing the mechanical-blocking fraction in deterministic models from 0.49 to 0.2 seems to model more accurately the mechanical-blocking process that can lead to the CET.
A deterministic mathematical model for steady-state unidirectional solidification is proposed to predict the columnar-to-equiaxed transition. In the model, which is an extension to the classic model proposed by Hunt [Hunt JD. Mater Sci Eng 1984;65:75], equiaxed grains nucleate according to either a normal or a log-normal distribution of nucleation undercoolings. Growth maps are constructed, indicating either columnar or equiaxed solidification as a function of the velocity of isotherms and temperature gradient. The fields A columnar and equiaxed growth change significantly with the spread of the nucleation undercooling distribution. Increasing the spread Favors columnar solidification if the dimensionless velocity of the isotherms is larger than 1. For a velocity less than 1, however, equiaxed solidification is initially favored, but columnar solidification is enhanced for a larger increase in the spread. This behavior was confirmed by a stochastic model, which showed that an increase in the distribution spread Could change the grain structure from completely columnar to 50% columnar grains. (c) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A Cellular-Automaton Finite-Volume-Method (CAFVM) algorithm has been developed, coupling with macroscopic model for heat transfer calculation and microscopic models for nucleation and growth. The solution equations have been solved to determine the time-dependent constitutional undercooling and interface retardation during solidification. The constitutional undercooling is then coupled into the CAFVM algorithm to investigate both the effects of thermal and constitutional undercooling on columnar growth and crystal selection in the columnar zone, and formation of equiaxed crystals in the bulk liquid. The model cannot only simulate microstructures of alloys but also investigates nucleation mechanisms and growth kinetics of alloys solidified with various solute concentrations and solidification morphologies.