979 resultados para Dual-cured resin luting agent
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the influence of ceramic thickness and shade on the Knoop hardness and dynamic elastic modulus of a dual-cured resin cement.Materials and Methods: Six ceramic shades (Bleaching, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B3) and two ceramic thicknesses (1 mm, 3 mm) were evaluated. Disk specimens (diameter: 7 mm; thickness: 2 mm) of the resin cement were light cured under a ceramic block. Light-cured specimens without the ceramic block at distances of 1 and 3mm were also produced. The Knoop hardness number (KHN), density, and dynamic Young's moduli were determined. Statistical analysis was conducted using ANOVA and a Tukey B rank order test (p = 0.05).Results: The bleaching 1-mm-thick group exhibited significantly higher dynamic Young's modulus. Lower dynamic Young's moduli were observed for the 3-mm-thick ceramic groups compared to bleaching 3-mm-thick group, and no difference was found among the other 3-mm groups. For the KHN, when A3.5 3-mm-thick was used, the KHN was significantly lower than bleaching and A1 1-mm-thick ceramic; however, no difference was exhibited between the thicknesses of the same shade.Conclusions: The dual-cured resin cement studied irradiated through the 1-mm-thick ceramic with the lightest shade (bleaching ceramic) exhibited a better elastic modulus, and there was no effect in KHN of the resin cement when light cured under different ceramic shades and thicknesses (1 and 3 mm), except when the A3.5 3-mm-thick ceramic was used.Clinical Significance: Variolink II irradiated through ceramic with the lowest chroma exhibited the highest elastic modulus; therefore, the light activation method might not be the same for all clinical situations.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different curing lights and chemical catalysts on the degree of conversion of resin luting cements. A total of 60 disk-shaped specimens of RelyX ARC or Panavia F of diameter 5 mm and thickness 0.5 mm were prepared and the respective chemical catalyst (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus or ED Primer) was added. The specimens were light-cured using different curing units (an argon ion laser, an LED or a quartz-tungsten-halogen light) through shade A2 composite disks of diameter 10 mm and thickness 2 mm. After 24 h of dry storage at 37A degrees C, the degree of conversion of the resin luting cements was measured by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy. For statistical analysis, ANOVA and the Tukey test were used, with p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.05. Panavia F when used without catalyst and cured using the LED or the argon ion laser showed degree of conversion values significantly lower than RelyX ARC, with and without catalyst, and cured with any of the light sources. Therefore, the degree of conversion of Panavia F with ED Primer cured with the quartz-tungsten-halogen light was significantly different from that of RelyX ARC regardless of the use of the chemical catalyst and light curing source. In conclusion, RelyX ARC can be cured satisfactorily with the argon ion laser, LED or quartz-tungsten-halogen light with or without a chemical catalyst. To obtain a satisfactory degree of conversion, Panavia F luting cement should be used with ED Primer and cured with halogen light.
Objectives: This study evaluated the degree of conversion (DC) and working time (WT) of two commercial, dual-cured resin cements polymerized at varying temperatures and under different curing-light accessible conditions, using Fourier transformed infrared analysis (FTIR). Materials and Methods: Calibra (Cal; Dentsply Caulk) and Variolink II (Ivoclar Vivadent) were tested at 25 degrees C or preheated to 37 degrees C or 50 degrees C and applied to a similar-temperature surface of a horizontal attenuated-total-reflectance unit (ATR) attached to an infrared spectrometer. The products were polymerized using one of four conditions: direct light exposure only (600 mW/cm(2)) through a glass slide or through a 1.5- or 3.0-mm-thick ceramic disc (A2 shade, IPS e.max, Ivoclar Vivadent) or allowed to self-cure in the absence of light curing. FTIR spectra were recorded for 20 min (1 spectrum/s, 16 scans/spectrum, resolution 4 cm(-1)) immediately after application to the ATR. DC was calculated using standard techniques of observing changes in aliphatic-to-aromatic peak ratios precuring and 20-min postcuring as well as during each 1-second interval. Time-based monomer conversion analysis was used to determine WT at each temperature. DC and WT data (n=6) were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc test (p=0.05). Results: Higher temperatures increased DC regardless of curing mode and product. For Calibra, only the 3-mm-thick ceramic group showed lower DC than the other groups at 25 degrees C (p=0.01830), while no significant difference was observed among groups at 37 degrees C and 50 degrees C. For Variolink, the 3-mm-thick ceramic group showed lower DC than the 1-mm-thick group only at 25 degrees C, while the self-cure group showed lower DC than the others at all temperatures (p=0.00001). WT decreased with increasing temperature: at 37 degrees C near 70% reduction and at 50 degrees C near 90% for both products, with WT reduction reaching clinically inappropriate times in some cases (p=0.00001). Conclusion: Elevated temperature during polymerization of dual-cured cements increased DC. WT was reduced with elevated temperature, but the extent of reduction might not be clinically acceptable.
This study evaluated the effect of different light energy densities on conversion degree (CD) and Knoop hardness number (KHN) of RelyX ARC (RLX) resin cement. After manipulation according to the manufacturer's instructions, RLX was inserted into a rubber mold (0.8 mm X 5 mm) and covered with a Mylar strip. The tip of the lightcuring unit (LCU) was positioned in contact with the Mylar surface. Quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light-emitting diode (LED) LCUs with light densities of 10, 20 and 30 J/cm2 were used to light-cure the specimens. After light curing, the specimens were stored dry in lightproof containers at 37°C. After 24 hours, the CD was analyzed by FT-Raman and, after an additional 24-hours, samples were submitted to Knoop hardness testing. The data of the CD (%) and KHN were submitted to two-way ANOVA and the Tukey's test (α=0.05). QTH and LED were effective light curing units. For QTH, there were no differences among the light energy densities for CD or KHN. For LED, there was a significant reduction in CD with the light energy density set at 10 J/cm2. KHN was not influenced by the lightcuring unit and by its light energy density. © Operative Dentistry.
This study evaluated the Knoop hardness and polymerization depth of a dual-cured resin cement, light-activated at different distances through different thicknesses of composite resin. One bovine incisor was embedded in resin and its buccal surface was flattened. Dentin was covered with PVC film where a mold (0.8-mm-thick and 5 mm diameter) was filled with cement and covered with another PVC film. Light curing (40 s) was carried out through resin discs (2, 3, 4 or 5 mm) with a halogen light positioned 0, 1, 2 or 3 mm from the resin surface. After storage, specimens were sectioned for hardness measurements (top, center, and bottom). Data were subjected to split-plot ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The increase in resin disc thickness decreased cement hardness. The increase in the distance of the light curing tip decreased hardness at the top region. Specimens showed the lowest hardness values at the bottom, and the highest at the center. Resin cement hardness was influenced by the thickness of the indirect restoration and by the distance between the light-curing unit tip and the resin cement surface.
This study evaluated the exposure time of light-curing of the polymers used for cementation on microhardness test in different storage times. The polymers (specifically called resin cements) were RelyX ARC, RelyX U100, and SET. Five specimens of each group were prepared and photo-polymerized with exposure times of 20 s and 180 s, using a LED polymerization unit with wavelength of 440 ~ 480 nm and light output was consistently 1,500 mW/cm2. The Vickers hardness test was performed in a MMT-3 Microhardness Tester. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The values of RelyX ARC showed statistically significant difference to groups with light exposure when considering only chemical cure (p < 0.05). The groups with light exposure (20 s and 180 s) showed no significant difference between them (p > 0.05). The RelyX U100 cured only chemically showed statistically significant difference between 48 h and 7 days (p < 0.05). The SET resin cement showed no significant difference to groups without light exposure for all storage times (p > 0.05). The values of hardening of the dual-cured resin cements improved after setting by light and chemical activation demonstrating the importance of light curing. © 2011 by the authors.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of microstructure and composition of basic alloys on their microshear bond strength (µSBS) to resin luting cement. The alloys used were: Supreme Cast-V (SC), Tilite Star (TS), Wiron 99 (W9), VeraBond II (VBII), VeraBond (VB), Remanium (RM) and IPS d.SIGN 30 (IPS). Five wax patterns (13mm in diameter and 4mm height) were invested, and cast in a centrifugal casting machine for each basic alloy. The specimens were embedded in resin, polished with a SiC paper and sandblasted. After cleaning the metal surfaces, six tygon tubes (0.5 mm height and 0.75 mm in diameter) were placed on each alloy surface, the resin cement (Panavia F) was inserted, and the excess was removed before light-curing. After storage (24 h/37°C), the specimens were subjected to µSBS testing (0.5 mm/min). The data were subjected to a one-way repeated measures analysis of variance and Turkey's test (α=0.05). After polishing, their microstructures were revealed with specific conditioners. The highest µSBS (mean/standard deviation in MPa) were observed in the alloys with dendritic structure, eutectic formation or precipitation: VB (30.6/1.7), TS (29.8/0.9), SC (30.6/1.7), with the exception of IPS (31.1/0.9) which showed high µSBS but no eutectic formation. The W9 (28.1/1.5), VBII (25.9/2.0) and RM (25.9/0.9) showed the lowest µSBS and no eutectic formation. It seems that alloys with eutectic formation provide the highest µSBS values when bonded to a light-cured resin luting cement.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a Influência da associação de catalisadores químicos junto a diferentes sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes e cimentos resinosos de dupla polimerização, na cimentação de pinos pré-fabricados de fibra de vidro, quanto a sua resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão - push out, seu grau de conversão e nanoinfiltração. Foram utilizadas trinta raízes bovinas extraídas, que tiveram seus canais obturados com guta-percha termoplastificada, divididas em três grupos: G1 - Adper SE Plus /Rely X ARC; G2- Adper SE Plus / Catalisador Scotchbond + Rely X ARC ; G3- Clearfil SE Bond / ED Primer + Panavia F. Após a cimentação dos pinos foram obtidas fatias das raízes, com 1mm de espessura, dos terços cervical (C), médio (M) e apical (A). O ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão foi realizado em máquina de ensaio universal EMIC D500 com carga de 100KN à velocidade de 1,0 mm/min, até o deslocamento do pino. Os dados obtidos no ensaio foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística. A análise de variância a dois critérios mostrou que apenas os fatores grupo e profundidade foram significativos, não sendo significativa a sua interação. O resultado do teste de Tukey (ρ≥0,05), para o fator grupo, mostrou que a menor média de resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão foi obtida pelo grupo 3, que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os grupos 1 e 2 que não diferiram entre si. Para o fator Profundidade a maior média foi obtida no terço cervical que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os terços médio e apical que não diferiram entre si: A análise do grau de conversão foi feita após vinte e quatro horas e os fatores estudados foram os cimentos resinosos Panavia F e Rely X ARC e os catalisadores químicos ED Primer e Catalisador Scotchbond, na forma incorporada ou aplicada superficialmente aos cimentos, formando 10 grupos experimentais. Para o grau de conversão, o teste de Tukey mostrou que o catalisador químico não aumentou o grau de conversão do RelyX ARC, já para o Panavia F, este aumentou significativamente seu grau de conversão. Quanto a análise em MEV da nanoinfiltração para o fator grupo, o resultado do teste de Tukey (ρ≥0,05) mostrou que a maior média foi obtida pelo grupo 3 que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os grupos 1 e 2, que não diferiram entre si. Para o fator Profundidade a maior média foi obtida no terço apical que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para o terço cervical, que não diferiu do terço médio. Conclusões: 1- A associação de catalisadores químicos não aumentou a resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão dos pinos de fibra de vidro. 2- O cimento Panavia F é dependente de catalisador aumentar o grau de conversão. 3- A associação de catalisadores químicos não foi capaz de alterar o padrão da camada híbrida, representado pela nanoinfiltração. 4- A nanoinfiltração está associada inversamente ao grau de conversão dos sistemas de cimentação, o que contribui negativamente para a resistência adesiva de pinos de fibra de vidro.
In metallic restorations, the polymerization of dual-curing resin cements depends exclusively on chemical activation. The effect of the lack of photoactivation on the strength of these cements has been rarely studied. This study evaluated the influence of activation modes on the diametral tensile strength (DTS) of dual-curing resin cements. Base and catalyst pastes of Panavia F, Variolink II, Scotchbond Resin Cement, Rely X and Enforce were mixed and inserted into cylindrical metal moulds (4 x 2 mm). Cements were either: 1) not exposed to light (chemical activation = self-cured groups) or 2) photoactivated through mylar strips (chemical and photo-activation = dual-cured groups) (n = 10). After a 24 h storage in 37 masculineC distilled water, specimens were subjected to compressive load in a testing machine. A self-curing resin cement (Cement-It) and a zinc phosphate cement served as controls. Comparative analyses were performed: 1) between the activation modes for each dual-curing resin cement, using Students t test; 2) among the self-cured groups of the dual-curing resin cements and the control groups, using one-way ANOVA and Tukeys test (alpha = 0.05). The dual-cured groups of Scotchbond Resin Cement (53.3 MPa), Variolink II (48.4 MPa) and Rely X (51.6 MPa) showed higher DTS than that of self-cured groups (44.6, 40.4 and 44.5 MPa respectively) (p < 0.05). For Enforce (48.5 and 47.8 MPa) and Panavia F (44.0 and 43.3 MPa), no significant difference was found between the activation modes (p > 0.05). The self-cured groups of all the dual-curing resin cements presented statistically the same DTS as that of Cement-It (44.1 MPa) (p > 0.05), and higher DTS than that of zinc phosphate (4.2 MPa). Scotchbond Resin Cement, Variolink II and Rely X depended on photoactivation to achieve maximum DTS. In the absence of light, all the dual-curing resin cements presented higher DTS than that of zinc phosphate and statistically the same as that of Cement-It (p > 0.05).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling (TC) on the microtensile bond strength (microTBS) of two luting agents to feldspathic ceramic and to measure their film thickness (FT). For the microTBS test, sixteen blocks (6.4 x 6.4 x 4.8 mm) were fabricated using a feldspathic ceramic, etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid, rinsed and treated with the silane agent. The ceramic blocks were divided into two groups (n= 8): Gr1: dual-cured resin cement and Gr2: flowable resin. The luting agents were applied on the treated surfaces. Microsticks (1 +/-0. 1mm2) were prepared and stored under two conditions: dry, specimens immediately submitted to the microTBS test, and TC (6,000 cycles; 5 degrees C-55 degrees C). The microTBS was evaluated using a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). The microTBS data (MPa) were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey' test (5%). For the FT test (ISO 4049), 0.05 ml of each luting agent (n=8) was pressed between two Mylar-covered glass plates (150 N) for 180 seconds and light polymerized. FT was measured using a digital paquimeter (Model 727-2001). The data (mm) were submitted to one-way ANOVA. The luting cement did not influence the microTBS results (p= 0.4467). Higher microtensile bond values were found after TC (20.5 +/- 8.6 MPa) compared to the dry condition (13.9 +/- 4. 7MPa), for both luting agents. The luting agents presented similar film thicknesses: Gr1- 0.052 +/- 0.016 mm; Gr2-0.041 +/- 0.003 mm. The luting agents presented similar film thickness and microTBS values, in dry and TC conditions and TC increased the bond strength regardless of the luting agent.
Purpose: This study evaluated the efficacy of the union between two new self-etching self-adhesive resin cements and enamel using the microtensile bond strength test.Materials and Methods: Buccal enamel of 80 bovine teeth was submitted to finishing and polishing with metallographic paper to a refinement of #600, in order to obtain a 5-mm(2) flat area. Blocks (2 x 4 x 4 mm) of laboratory composite resin were cemented to enamel according to different protocols: (1) untreated enamel + RelyX Unicem cement (RX group); (2) untreated enamel + Bifix SE cement (BF group); (3) enamel acid etching and application of resin adhesive Single Bond + RelyX Unicem (RXA group); (4) enamel acid etching and application of resin adhesive Solobond M + Bifix SE (BFA group). After 7 days of storage in distillated water at 37 degrees C, the blocks were sectioned for obtaining microbar specimens with an adhesive area of 1 mm(2) (n = 120). Specimens were submitted to the microtensile bond strength test at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The results (in MPa) were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tu key's test.Results: Enamel pre-treatment with phosphoric acid and resin adhesive (27.9 and 30.3 for RXA and BFA groups) significantly improved (p <= 0.05) the adhesion of both cements to enamel compared to the union achieved with as-polished enamel (9.9 and 6.0 for RX and BF).Conclusion: Enamel pre-treatment with acid etching and the application of resin adhesive significantly improved the bond efficacy of both luting agents compared to the union achieved with as-polished enamel.
During the cementation of metallic restorations, the polymerization of dual-curing resin cements depends exclusively on chemical activation. This study evaluated the influence of chemical activation compared with dual-curing (chemical and light activation), on the hardness of four dual-curing resin cements. In a darkened environment, equal weight proportions of base and catalyst pastes of the cements Scotchbond Resin Cement, Variolink II, Enforce and Panavia F were mixed and inserted into moulds with cavities of 4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in height. Subsequently, the cements were: 1) not exposed to light (chemical activation = self-cured groups) or 2) photoactivated (dual-curing = dual-cured groups). The Vickers hardness number was measured at 1 hour, 24 hours and 7 days after the start time of cements' spatulation. For all the cements, the hardness values of self-cured groups were lower than those of the respective dual-cured groups at 1 hour and 24 hours. At 7 days, this behavior continued for Variolink II and Panavia F, whilst for Scotchbond Resin Cement and Enforce there was no statistical difference between the two activation modes. All cements showed a significant increase in their hardness values from 1 hour to 7 days for both activation modes. Of the self-cured groups, Scotchbond Resin Cement and Variolink II presented the highest and the lowest hardness values, respectively, for all three times tested. Within the limitations of this study, up to the time of 24 h, chemical activation alone was unable to promote similar hardness as to that obtained with dual-curing.
Objectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate the degree of monomer conversion of different resin cement shades when photocured under different feldspathic ceramic shades. The photocuring time was also evaluated as well as the translucency of each ceramic shade. Methods: Three VITA VM7 ceramic shades (Base Dentin 0M1, Base Dentin 2M2 and Base Dentin 5M3) were used to determine the translucency percentage. A spectrophotometer MiniScan was used to measure the opacity percentage of each specimen (2-mm-thick) and then the translucency was calculated. To measure the degree of conversion (DC), the resin cement (Variolink II; A3 Yellow and transparent) specimens (thickness: 100 μm) were photocured under a ceramic block (2-mm-thick) for 20 or 40 s. Specimens photocured without the ceramic block were used as control. Sixteen groups (n = 3) were evaluated. Micro-ATR/FTIR spectrometry was used to evaluate the extent of polymerization of all specimens after 24 h. The %DC was calculated of experimentally polymerized versus maximally polymerized composite. Results: The translucency percentages of 0M1, 2M2 and 5M3 ceramics were 12.41 (1.02)%, 5.75 (1.91)% and 1.07 (0.03)%, respectively. The %DC of both resin cement shades cured under ceramic 5M3 was significantly lower than the other groups (p < 0.05). The %DC of 0M1 groups exhibited no significant difference from 2M2 groups (p > 0.05), with the exception of the transparent cement photocured for 40 s. Conclusion: Photocuring under 2 mm ceramic showed that the increase in chroma saturation significantly decreased Variolink II resin cement %DC (100-μm-thick). © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.