995 resultados para Dsc


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Glass transition temperature of spaghetti sample was measured by thermal and rheological methods as a function of water content.


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The effects of sintering on several properties of FTO and ITO substates used in DSC have been investigated. FTO & ITO substrates were prepared with a range of sizes and aspect ratios - emulated laboratory style test cells through to prototype modules. Time and temperature of the sintering profiles were varied and sheet resistance and flatness measured. Electrical properties of the substrates were then further characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and module sized devices were assembled and thickness variations over the device area were determined and related to performance.


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The high temperature phase transformation of hydrazonium sulfate, N2H6SO4 has been studied using DSC. The enthalpy of phase transition is found to be 3.63 ± 0.1 kJ mole−1. The phase transition temperature is found to decrease with the increase of particle size. It appears that the strain energy and not surface energy, is responsible for the phase transformation. The molar volume of the salt increases during the transformation as found by the dilatometric experiment involving percentage of linear thermal expansion. On cooling, the transformation from the high temperature modification to orthorhombic form is incomplete and extends over a wide range of temperature.


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Electrolytes based on polyethylene glycol (PEG, mol.wt.8000) and LiCl of compositions, (PEG)(x)LiCl, x=4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 40, 60, where x is the O/Li ratio, were prepared by solution casting from methanol solutions. FTIR studies indicate that the ether oxygens of the polymer chain participate in Li+ ion conduction. The presence of a salt-polymer complex that melts around 190 degrees C was evidenced by DSC measurements for the electrolytes with compositions x<12. The highest conductivity was obtained at the composition x=10 which was attributed to the presence of a mostly amorphous compound. NMR measurements indicated two regions of motional narrowing, one attributable to the glass transition and another to translational diffusion.


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The thermal transitions in the copolymer of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) was investigated to understand its use in microstereolithography. The glass transition temperature and the effect of interaction on this transition process was investigated by means of temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry (TMDSC). The heat capacities were determined and PHDDA rich phases showed lower heat capacity than PMMA rich phases. The frequency dependence of glass transitions were studied by varying the modulation period of TMDSC and confirmed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Vogel Fulcher Tammann Hesse (VFTH) parameters of homo and copolymers have also been reported.


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Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetric (ADSC) studies on quaternary Ge15Te80-xIn5Agx glasses show the non-reversing enthalpy (Delta H-NR) at T-g to exhibit a broad global minimum in the 8% <= x <= 16% range of Ag, an observation that is taken evidence for existence of an Intermediate Phase (IP) in that range. Glasses at x < 8% are in the flexible phase while those at x > 16% in the stressed-rigid phase. The nature of crystalline phases formed upon crystallization of bulk glasses are elucidated by XRD studies, and reveal presence of Te, GeTe, Ag8GeTe6, AgTe, In2Te3 and In4Te3 phases. These experiments also reveal that the fraction of Ag- bearing phases increases while those of Te- bearing ones decreases with increasing x, suggesting progressive replacement of Te-Te bonds by Ag-Te bonds. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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种子贮藏稳定性对于种质资源的长期保存具有重要意义,目前关于种子贮藏的最新理论为玻璃态理论,该理论认为种子的玻璃化有利于种子的长期贮藏。当种子处于玻璃态时,玻璃化物质的高度粘滞性降低了种子细胞内分子流动性,阻止了细胞质中分子的扩散,从而减少老化过程中细胞结构的损伤和化学组分的变化,延缓种子老化劣变反应速率,延长贮藏寿命。评价玻璃态的一个重要指标是玻璃化转变温度,当种子贮藏于玻璃化温度或以下10℃~30℃范围内时,种子具有最佳的贮藏稳定性。因此,检测种子的玻璃化转变温度对于种子的长期有效贮藏具有重要指导意义。 本研究将差示量热扫描技术(DSC)与电子顺磁共振波谱仪技术(EPR)应用于杜仲种子玻璃化转变温度方面的研究。在DSC方法中,选用4.4%~31.6%含水量范围的杜仲种胚分别进行了DSC图谱扫描。EPR方法选用3-羧基-2,2,5,5-四甲基吡咯烷-1-氧(3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl,CP)和2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶(4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy,TEMPO)作为探针标记杜仲种胚, 利用EPR技术测定不同含水量杜仲种胚的分子运动,通过对EPR图谱参数的分析计算,最终确定不同含水量杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度。 DSC实验结果显示,含水量为22.3%、28.0%、31.6%的杜仲种胚在0℃ 左右出现了一个水的熔融峰。该熔融峰的面积代表了自由水含量的多少,随着种胚含水量的降低该熔融峰面积减小。4.4%~31.6%含水量范围的杜仲种胚在-28℃左右还出现了一个熔融峰,推测此峰为杜仲种胚中某类物质熔融所形成的熔融峰。然而在此曲线上我们未观察到标志玻璃化转变的“台阶”出现。 CP-EPR实验的结果表明,利用EPR测定得到含水量为4.4%~11.6%的杜仲种胚在-110℃~20℃温度范围内,同一含水量的杜仲种胚随着温度的升高,分子运动速率加快;在同一温度条件下,高含水量的种胚比低含水量种胚的分子运动速率快。通过CP-EPR波谱两外缘峰最大距离(2Azz)的测定和数据统计分析,得到含水量为4.4%、5.7%、8.6%、10.3%、11.6%杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度分别约为44℃、25℃、4℃、-31℃、-43℃。可以把测定的杜仲种胚的这几个含水量的玻璃化转变温度与杜仲种子贮藏相结合,用于指导杜仲种子的贮藏。 TEMPO-EPR实验测定分析得到含水量为2.1%、3.4%、4.8%、8.3%、11.2% 的杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度分别为-21℃、-18℃、-24℃、-20℃、-27℃,玻璃化转变温度随含水量升高其变化的规律不明显,这与CP-EPR实验测得的结果有着较明显的差别。通过分析,认为对于脂质含量较高的杜仲种胚,随着含水量的降低,作为标记化合物的TEMPO随着脱水进入脂相,从而不能真实反映出不同含水量种胚的分子运动情况。与TEMPO标记相比,CP标记可能能够更真实地反映不同含水量杜仲种胚细胞质分子运动的情况,根据其分子运动情况得到的玻璃化转变温度更准确。


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本工作对下面两种端乙炔基芳醚砜单体的核磁共振谱进行了研究。通过加入位移试剂Eu(fod)_3引起共振吸收峰化学位移值的变化趋热及同核去偶,'H选择质子去偶的方法分别对其'H谱和~(13)C谱(COM)做了归属。在确认对化合物<I>'H谱和~(13)C谱(COM)归属的基础上,演绎出三种苯环上取代基团的'H和~(13)C化学位移取代参数。这些基团的取代参数目前在文献中尚未见报导,用这些参数来计算化的<II>的'H和~(13)C谱(COM)化学位移值时,与观测值有较好的吻合。本工作对双[4-(4-乙炔基苯氧基)苯基]砜的溶液聚合反就(DMSO)作溶剂、PdCl_2·2DMSO作催化剂)进行了研究。采用高压液体色谱和旋转薄层色谱分离反应的各种中间产物,通过中间产物的红外和'HNMR谱变化,演绎聚合反应的历程,还在'H核磁谱仪样品管内做了短时间反应,跟踪记录反应信息。聚合产物自始至终可分为溶于二氯甲烷和不溶于二氯甲烷两部分。在整个反应过程中,可溶性产物逐渐转变成不溶性产物,色谱分析表明可溶性产物是由未反应的单体、线型及环状低聚物、聚合度在9-10的齐聚物和少量聚合度更高的组分构成的。从称重测量不溶性产物所占比重和可溶性产物的高压液体色谱诸吸收峰峰高的变化,推算出聚合反应过程中单体、主要中间产物的变化趋势。可溶性产物的红外光谱中2920、1665-25、960-930、890,760-730 cm~(-1)吸收峰和'HNMR谱中的5.3, 3.5ppm吸收表明产物具有共轭多烯结构。'HNMR谱在芳核质子区出现7.7ppm吸收峰表明反应初期已有环化现象,这点与本体聚合反应是不同的。不溶性产物除聚合度或交联度高以外,与可溶性产物在结构上也有差异,其芳化程度高很多。从不同反应时间中间产物的红外和'HNMR谱(可溶部分)变化,显示了溶液聚合反应历程十分复杂,同时存在着几种反应。主反应是氯化钯络合物引发的配位络合聚合反应,钯络合物与单体的端乙炔基络合生成活性中心,三键在顺式位打开,生成共轭多烯增长链。链增长过程中伴随着热引起的多烯链顺-反异构化,部分反式多烯分子内环化,继而脱质于芳化生成三取代苯形式的环交联,芳化过程中可发生链的局部断裂。最终产物是共轭多烯链间通过芳环,炔烯桥交联成的体型聚合物。多烯和端乙炔基之间,多烯-多烯之间可发生Diels-Alder反应,因此溶液聚合产物再经短时间热处理,芳化程度增高,玻璃化温度大幅度提高。另外还研究了反应的溶剂效应和增加因含量对反应产率的影响,发现用氯仿和二氯甲烷作溶剂有利于共轭多烯链的顺-反异构化,固含量在2.25-11.25%范围,聚合产率变化不大。本文还对适用于双端炔基聚合反应的催化剂作了广泛的试探,首先考察了若干钯络合物,发现除PdCl_2·2DMSO外,PdCl_2·2MeCN、PdCl_2·2PhCN络合物也可作为双端炔基芳醚砜溶液聚合的催化剂。钴、镍的膦络合物[Co(PPh_3)_2]Cl_2、[Ni(PPh_3)_2]Cl_2可使双端炔基芳醚砜环化生成环状低聚物。极性溶剂四氢呋,二氧六环。氯仿和三氯甲烷可以用作Ziegler-Natta催化剂聚合双端炔基芳醚砜的溶剂。用AlEt_3-Ti(OBu)_4催化得到的聚合物以顺式多烯为主,玻璃化浊度高于250℃,热形变稳定性好。Al/Ti比在6-8时催化活性较高。用稀土体系的Ziegler-Natta催化剂AlEt_3-NdCl_3·2THF、AlEt_3-(CF_3COO)_3Nd也可得到类似的催化效果。制备了以双氰为配位基的高分子-钯络合物,在催化双端炔基单体聚合时具有与类似的低分子钯络合物PdCl_2·2MeCN相近的效果。改变高分子催化剂的N/Pd比未出现明显的活性高峰。这部分工作还有待深入,予期在进一步深入研究之后,该高分子催化剂可用于制备双端乙炔基芒醚砜增强复合材料的连续化浸渍工序,让单体的氯仿溶液流经高分子-钯络合物填充的柱子形成齐聚物后,再浸渍涂层,可缩短成型的热固化时间,具有较大的经济意义。用非等温DSC法测定了双[4-(4-乙炔基苯氧(基)苯基]砜和双[4-(4-乙炔基苯氧基)苯基]酮的本体热聚合及有PdCl_2·2DMSO存在下的催化聚合的反劝力学参数,并与文献报导的(3-乙炔基苯氧基)苯模型物和双[4-(3-乙炔基苯氧基)苯基]砜的本体热聚合反应动力学参数进行比较。经电子计算机最小二乘曲线拟合程序汞得的结果表明表现反就活化能Eap,指数前因子A均与DSC的升温速率和转化率无关。讨论了模型物端乙炔基的位置和链上砜基,羰基的存在对聚合反应的影响,还通过对DSC升温过程中试样的红外光谱跟踪,解释了DSC峰表征的化学反应。


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论述了多种产生熔融双峰的情况及原因 ,对最近研究等规聚丙烯 DSC熔融双峰的进展进行了评述。最后 ,介绍了笔者在这一领域的最新研究成果


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Hybrid materials incorporating poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) via a sol-gel process were studied for a wide range of compositions of PEG by DSC and high resolution solid-state C-13- and Si-29-NMR spectroscopy. The results indicate that the microstructure of the hybrid materials and the crystallization behavior of PEG in hybrids strongly depend on the relative content of PEG. With an increasing content of PEG, the microstructure of hybrid materials changes a lot, from intimate mixing to macrophase separation. It is found that the glass transition temperatures (T-g) (around 373 K) of PEG homogeneously embedded in a silica network are much higher than that (about 223 K) of pure PEG and also much higher in melting temperatures T-m (around 323 K) than PEG crystallites in heterogeneous hybrids. Meanwhile, the lower the PEG content, the more perfect the silica network, and the higher the T-g of PEG embedded in hybrids. An extended-chain structure of PEG was supposed to be responsible for the unusually high T-g of PEG. Homogeneous PEG-TEOS hybrids on a molecular level can be obtained provided that the PEG. content in the hybrids is less than 30% by weight. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.