955 resultados para Dry-wood-termite


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Este trabalho objetivou testar a resistência natural da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de quatro diferentes idades (10, 14, 20 e 25 anos) ao ataque de cupins de madeira seca. As amostras foram retiradas da prancha diametral, na região próxima ao cerne mais externo, em número de seis unidades por tora, de cada uma das 16 árvores (quatro de cada idade). Cada par de amostras foi colocado em contato com 40 indivíduos, da espécie Cryptotermes brevis (cupim de madeira seca), avaliando-se cada par comparativamente com corpos-de-prova de madeira altamente suscetível ao ataque de cupins, no caso a madeira de Pinus elliottii, sob idênticas condições laboratoriais, mediante observações em intervalos periódicos. Ao término do ensaio foram registrados a porcentagem de cupins mortos e o número de furos, além do desgaste produzido por esses insetos. Verificou-se que a madeira de 10 anos foi a mais severamente atacada, com desgaste semelhante ao da testemunha. As madeiras de 14, 20 e 25 anos não diferiram estatisticamente entre si, quanto à resistência natural ao ataque de cupim de madeira seca, todas classificadas como de desgaste acentuado. A madeira de todas as idades mostrou-se altamente suscetível ao ataque de cupins, revelando a baixa resistência natural da espécie.


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Työssä kartoitetaan käytössä olevia pilkkeen ja hakkeen keinokuivausmenetelmiä. Lisäksi arvioidaan menetelmien energiankulutusta ja kustannuksia, sekä käydään läpi kuivaajan suunnittelussa huomioon otettavia seikkoja. Työn ohessa on tehty Excel-laskentataulukko, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida lämpöyrittäjyyden kannattavuutta koko tuotantoketju huomioon ottaen. Lopussa tutkitaan kolmen erityyppisen pilkekuivurin käyttöä ja arvioidaan laskentataulukon avulla niiden vaikutuksia pilkeyrittäjän talouteen. Yleisin puupolttoaineiden keinokuivausmenetelmä on kylmäilmakuivaus. Sääriippuvuudesta ja usein epätasaisesta kuivauslaadusta johtuen se soveltuu vain pienimuotoiseen ja sivutoimiseen polttoainetuotantoon. Lisälämmityksellä parannetaan ilman kuivauskykyä, jolloin kuivaus on nopeampaa, loppukosteudet alhaisempia ja vuotuinen käyttöaika pitempi. Lämmitysratkaisun valinta riippuu kuivurin halutusta vuotuisesta käyttöajasta ja tuotantomääristä. Ammattimaiseen ja ympärivuotiseen pilketuotantoon soveltuu parhaiten korkeita, 70 - 90 °C lämpötiloja käyttävä kuivuri. Korkealämpötila-kuivurissa on tärkeää huolehtia riittävästä eristyksestä ja säädellystä ilmanvaihdosta. Suurilla polttopuun tuotantomäärillä kuljetuskustannukset korostuvat. Samalla kasvaa markkinoinnin tarve. Mainonnassa voidaan hyödyntää tehokasta kuivausmenetelmää.


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Lempäälään aiotaan rakentaa uusi kaukolämpölaitos, jossa polttoaineena käytettäisiin haketta. Nykyään Lempäälässä tuotetaan kaukolämpöä maakaasulla, jonka käyttämisestä halutaan siirtyä käyttämään lähialueilta saatavaa biopolttoainetta. Tässä työssä halutaan selvittää, mitä hyötyjä saataisiin hakkeen koneellisesta kuivauksesta. Työn toisena tavoitteena on suunnitella ja pohtia biopolttoaineterminaalin rakentamista sekä käsitellä hakkeen varastointia yleensä. Työssä tutustutaan hakkeeseen aiheesta kertovan kirjallisuuden avulla. Työssä on myös laskettu hakkeen kuivauksesta saatavia hyötyjä hakkeen lämpöarvoon sekä energiatiheyteen. Erityisesti perehdytään metsätähdehakkeeseen, rankahakkeeseen, kuorihakkeeseen sekä sahanpuruun. Laskelmien tuloksista on havaittu, että suurin hyöty hakkeen energiatiheyden parantumisessa saadaan kun hake kuivataan 35 % kosteuspitoisuuteen. Tämän jälkeen energiatiheyden paraneminen tapahtuu hitaammin. Hakkeen kuivauksesta saadaan myös muita hyötyjä kuin energiatiheyden paraneminen. Kuivan hakkeen käsittelyn ja varastoinnin on havaittu olevan vaivattomampaa kuin märän hakkeen. Biopolttoaineterminaalin ja voimalaitoksen tulisi sijaita rinnakkain, jotta hakkeen kuivauksesta saadaan mahdollisimman kustannustehokasta. Näin ollen syntyisi myös säästöjä hakkeen kuljetuksen suhteen. Biopolttoaineterminaalin rakentamista varten tarvittaisiin tilaa alustavien laskelmien perusteella noin yksi hehtaari. Työssä on myös laskettu biopolttoaineterminaalin rakentamisesta aiheutuvia kustannuksia sekä hakkeen kuljetuksesta koituvia logistiikka kustannuksia. Haketerminaalin ja voimalaitoksen sijaintia Lempäälässä on myös kartoitettu.


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This study uses the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts caused by both the artisanal and the industrial manufacturing processes of "Minas cheese". This is a traditional cheese produced in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), and it is considered a "cultural patrimony" in the country. The high participation of artisanal producers in the market justifies this research, and this analysis can help the identification of opportunities to improve the environmental performance of several stages of the production system. The environmental impacts caused were also assessed and compared. The functional unit adopted was 1 kilogram (Kg) of cheese. The system boundaries considered were the production process, conservation of product (before sale), and transport to consumer market. The milk production process was considered similar in both cases, and therefore it was not included in the assessment. The data were collected through interviews with the producers, observation, and a literature review; they were ordered and processed using the SimaPro 7 LCA software. According to the impact categories analyzed, the artisanal production exerted lower environmental impacts. This can be justified mainly because the industrial process includes the pasteurization stage, which uses dry wood as an energy source and refrigeration.


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Kinetics of the removal of Eucalyptus grandis wood extractives during Kraft pulping. The objective of this work was to study the kinetics of the removal of Eucalyptus grandis wood extractives during Kraft pulping. The pulping was done in steel tubular reactors using wood saw under the following conditions: active alkali = 14%, sulfidity = 25%; liquor-to-wood ratio = 10 L kg(-1) of dry wood; and temperatures of 130, 150, 160 and 180 C during 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes. After pulping, analyses were conducted of the yield and extractives in residue (pulp and reject). Total extractives (ethyl alcohol-toluene (1:2), ethyl alcohol and hot water, respectively) and soluble extractives in acetone were analyzed. The results showed that most extractives are degraded in the first 30 minutes of the pulping process. It was observed that the removal occurs in two different stages: the first is rapid, where the majority of the extractives are removed, and the last is slow, where few extractives are removed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The biomass gasification systems have been used for a long time and prove to be a good alternative to the generation of energy problems. This type of management requires a simple installation and maintenance which gives them a high availability. In Biomass project via Call CTEnerg 33/2006-1, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT - Brazil, the Group Energy Systems Optimization – GOSE - at FEG - UNESP built and tested two prototypes of gasifiers. These is fed with 25 kg / h of dry wood (chips), and 50 Nm3 / h of air to produce gas at a flow rate of approximately 70 Nm3 / h of wood (syngas) at a temperature approximately 600 ° C. In this work of graduation, studies were conducted on the materials used in both the gasifier as well as cleaning the filter synthesis gases. The system of gas cleaning and conditioning is vital to ensure the life of the Internal Combustion Engine. In this case the studies of different filters for small gasification systems (properties, materials used, characteristics, types, etc.) are very relevant to its use in the prototype of the college campus. Were also performed a technical and economic analysis of a cogeneration system that consists in the combination of the downdraft gasifier studied in this work, an internal combustion engine, two heat exchangers and a SRA (absorption system refrigerator). Were calculated the costs of electricity generation, hot water and cold water. Finally, we analyzed the economic feasibility of the project


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Although “polymorphic castes” in social insects are well known as one of the most important phenomena of polyphenism, few studies of caste-specific gene expressions have been performed in social insects. To identify genes specifically expressed in the soldier caste of the Japanese damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis japonica, we employed the differential-display method using oligo(dT) and arbitrary primers, compared mRNA from the heads of mature soldiers and pseudergates (worker caste), and identified a clone (PCR product) 329 bp in length termed SOL1. Northern blot analysis showed that the SOL1 mRNA is about 1.0 kb in length and is expressed specifically in mature soldiers, but not in pseudergates, even in the presoldier induction by juvenile hormone analogue, suggesting that the product is specific for terminally differentiated soldiers. By using the method of 5′- and 3′-rapid amplification of cDNA ends, we isolated the full length of SOL1 cDNA, which contained an ORF with a putative signal peptide at the N terminus. The sequence showed no significant homology with any other known protein sequences. In situ hybridization analysis showed that SOL1 is expressed specifically in the mandibular glands. These results strongly suggest that the SOL1 gene encodes a secretory protein specifically synthesized in the mandibular glands of the soldiers. Histological observations revealed that the gland actually develops during the differentiation into the soldier caste.


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Wood is a natural and traditional building material, as popular today as ever, and presents advantages. Physically, wood is strong and stiff, but compared with other materials like steel is light and flexible. Wood material can absorb sound very effectively and it is a relatively good heat insulator. But dry wood burns quite easily and produces a great deal of heat energy. The main disadvantage is the high level of combustion when exposed to fire, where the point at which it catches fire is from 200–400°C. After fire exposure, is need to determine if the charred wooden structures are safe for future use. Design methods require the use of computer modelling to predict the fire exposure and the capacity of structures to resist those action. Also, large or small scale experimental tests are necessary to calibrate and verify the numerical models. The thermal model is essential for wood structures exposed to fire, because predicts the charring rate as a function of fire exposure. The charring rate calculation of most structural wood elements allows simple calculations, but is more complicated for situations where the fire exposure is non-standard and in wood elements protected with other materials. In this work, the authors present different case studies using numerical models, that will help professionals analysing woods elements and the type of information needed to decide whether the charred structures are adequate or not to use. Different thermal models representing wooden cellular slabs, used in building construction for ceiling or flooring compartments, will be analysed and submitted to different fire scenarios (with the standard fire curve exposure). The same numerical models, considering insulation material inside the wooden cellular slabs, will be tested to compare and determine the fire time resistance and the charring rate calculation.


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Wood is a natural and traditional building material, as popular today as ever, and presents advantages. Physically, wood is strong and stiff, but compared with other materiais like steel is light and flexible. Wood material can absorb sound very effectively and it is a relatively good heat insulator. But dry wood does bum quite easily md produces a great deal ofheat energy. The main disadvantage is the high levei ofcombustion when exposed to fíre, where the point at which it catches fire is fi-om 200-400°C. After fu-e exposure, is need to determine if the charred wooden stmctures are safe for future use. Design methods require the use ofcomputer modelling to predict the fíre exposure and the capacity ofstructures to resist fhose action. Also, large or small scale experimental tests are necessary to calibrate and verify the numerical models. The thermal model is essential for wood stmctures exposed to fire, because predicts the charring rate as a fünction offire exposure. The charring rate calculation ofmost stmctural wood elements allows simple calculations, but is more complicated for situations where the fire exposure is non-standard and in wood elements protected with other materiais.


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The objective of this work was to design, construct and commission a new ablative pyrolysis reactor and a high efficiency product collection system. The reactor was to have a nominal throughput of 10 kg/11r of dry biomass and be inherently scalable up to an industrial scale application of 10 tones/hr. The whole process consists of a bladed ablative pyrolysis reactor, two high efficiency cyclones for char removal and a disk and doughnut quench column combined with a wet walled electrostatic precipitator, which is directly mounted on top, for liquids collection. In order to aid design and scale-up calculations, detailed mathematical modelling was undertaken of the reaction system enabling sizes, efficiencies and operating conditions to be determined. Specifically, a modular approach was taken due to the iterative nature of some of the design methodologies, with the output from one module being the input to the next. Separate modules were developed for the determination of the biomass ablation rate, specification of the reactor capacity, cyclone design, quench column design and electrostatic precipitator design. These models enabled a rigorous design protocol to be developed capable of specifying the required reactor and product collection system size for specified biomass throughputs, operating conditions and collection efficiencies. The reactor proved capable of generating an ablation rate of 0.63 mm/s for pine wood at a temperature of 525 'DC with a relative velocity between the heated surface and reacting biomass particle of 12.1 m/s. The reactor achieved a maximum throughput of 2.3 kg/hr, which was the maximum the biomass feeder could supply. The reactor is capable of being operated at a far higher throughput but this would require a new feeder and drive motor to be purchased. Modelling showed that the reactor is capable of achieving a reactor throughput of approximately 30 kg/hr. This is an area that should be considered for the future as the reactor is currently operating well below its theoretical maximum. Calculations show that the current product collection system could operate efficiently up to a maximum feed rate of 10 kg/Fir, provided the inert gas supply was adjusted accordingly to keep the vapour residence time in the electrostatic precipitator above one second. Operation above 10 kg/hr would require some modifications to the product collection system. Eight experimental runs were documented and considered successful, more were attempted but due to equipment failure had to be abandoned. This does not detract from the fact that the reactor and product collection system design was extremely efficient. The maximum total liquid yield was 64.9 % liquid yields on a dry wood fed basis. It is considered that the liquid yield would have been higher had there been sufficient development time to overcome certain operational difficulties and if longer operating runs had been attempted to offset product losses occurring due to the difficulties in collecting all available product from a large scale collection unit. The liquids collection system was highly efficient and modeling determined a liquid collection efficiency of above 99% on a mass basis. This was validated due to the fact that a dry ice/acetone condenser and a cotton wool filter downstream of the collection unit enabled mass measurements of the amount of condensable product exiting the product collection unit. This showed that the collection efficiency was in excess of 99% on a mass basis.


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The primary objectives of this work were to design, construct, test and operate a novel ablative pyrolysis reactor and product recovery system. Other key objectives included the development of an ablative pyrolysis reactor design methodology, mathematical modelling of the ablation process and measurement of empirical ablation rate data at 500°C. The constructed reactor utilised a rotating blade approach to achieve particle ablation in a 258mm internal diameter reactor. By fulfilling the key requirements of high relative motion and high contact pressure, pine wood particles of maximum size 6.35 mm were successfully ablated.Sixteen experiments were carried out: five initial commissioning experiments were used to test the rotating blade concept and to solve char separation problems. Mass balances were obtained for the other eleven experiments with good closures. Based on ablatively pyrolysed dry wood, a maximum organic liquid yield of 65.9 wt% was achieved with corresponding yields of 12.4 wt% char, 11.5 wt% water and 9.2 wt% non-condensable gas. Reactor throughputs of 2 kg/h dry ablated wood were achieved at 600°C. The theoretical ablative pyrolysis reactor design methodology was simplified and improved based upon empirical data derived from wood rod ablation experiments. Yields of chemicals were qualitatively similar to those of other fast pyrolysis processes.The product recovery system, comprising hot char removal, liquids collection in two ice-cooled condensers followed by gas filtration and drying, gave good mass balance closures. The most significant problem was char separation and removal from the reactor. This was solved by using a nitrogen blow line. In general, the reactor and product collection systems performed well.Future development of the reactor would involve modification of the reactor feed tube to allow the reactor residence time to be reduced and testing of the rotating blade approach with different blade angles, configurations and numbers of blades.


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The objectives of this research were to investigate the perforamnce of a rubberwood gasifier and engine with electricity generation and to identify opportunities for the implementation of such a system in Malaysia. The experimental work included the design, fabrication and commissioning of a throated downdraft gasifier in Malaysia. The gasifier was subsequently used to investigate the effect of moisture content, dry wood capacity and particle size of rubberwood on gasifier performance. Additional experiments were also conducted to investigate the influence of two different nozzle numbers and two different throat diameters on tar cracking. A total of 101 runs were completed during the duration of the research. From the experimental data, the average mass balance was found to be 92.65%. The average energy balance over the gasifier to hot raw gas was 98.7%, to cold clean gas was 102.4% and over the complete system was 101.9%. The heat loss from the gasifier was estimated to range from 10-26% of the chemical energy of the feedstock. From the downstream operation, the heat loss was estimated to range from 17-37% of the chemical energy of rubberwood feedstock. The maximum throughput for stable operation was found to be 60-70% of the maximum dry wood capacity. The gasifier was found to have a maximum turndown ratio of 5:1. It is also postulated that the phenomenon of turndown of the gasifier is due to a `bubble theory' occurring at the gasification zone, and this hypothesis is explained. For stable power output, the working range of the engine was found to be 5-33.5 kWe. The thermal efficiency and diesel displacement of the engine was found to be 17-18% and 65-70% respectively. The research also showed that rubberwood gasification in Malaysia is feasible if the price of diesel is above MR35/l and the price of wood is below MR120/tonne.