999 resultados para Drug Elimination
The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions uses a single parameter, the dispersion number, to describe the hepatic elimination of xenobiotics and endogenous substances. An implicit a priori assumption of the model is that the transit time density of intravascular indicators is approximated by an inverse Gaussian distribution. This approximation is limited in that the model poorly describes the tail part of the hepatic outflow curves of vascular indicators. A sum of two inverse Gaussian functions is proposed as ail alternative, more flexible empirical model for transit time densities of vascular references. This model suggests that a more accurate description of the tail portion of vascular reference curves yields an elimination rate constant (or intrinsic clearance) which is 40% less than predicted by the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions. The results emphasize the need to accurately describe outflow curves in using them as a basis for determining pharmacokinetic parameters using hepatic elimination models. (C) 1997 Society for Mathematical Biology.
After the transition from in utero to newborn life, the neonate becomes solely reliant upon its own drug clearance processes to metabolise xenobiotics. Whilst most studies of neonatal hepatic drug elimination have focussed upon in vitro expression and activities of drug-metabolising enzymes, the rapid physiological changes in the early neonatal period of life also need to be considered. There are dramatic changes in neonatal liver blood how and hepatic oxygenation due to the loss of the umbilical blood supply, the increasing portal vein blood flow, and the gradual closure of the ductus venosus shunt during the first week of life. These changes which may well affect the capacity of neonatal hepatic drug metabolism. The hepatic expression of cytochromes P450 1A2, 2C, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4 develop at different rates in the postnatal period, whilst 3A7 expression diminishes. Hepatic glucuronidation in the human neonate is relatively immature at birth, which contrasts with the considerably more mature neonatal hepatic sulfation activity. Limited in vivo studies show that the human neonate can significantly metabolise xenobiotics but clearance is considerably less compared with the older infant and adult. The neonatal population included in pharmacological studies is highly heterogeneous with respect to age, body weight, ductus venosus closure and disease processes, making it difficult to interpret data arising from human neonatal studies. Studies in the perfused foetal and neonatal sheep liver have demonstrated how the oxidative and conjugative hepatic elimination of drugs by the intact organ is significantly increased during the first week of life, highlighting that future studies will need to consider the profound physiological changes that may influence neonatal hepatic drug elimination shortly after birth.
Renal drug elimination is determined by glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption. Changes in the integrity of these processes influence renal drug clearance, and these changes may not be detected by conventional measures of renal function such as creatinine clearance. The aim of the current study was to examine the analytic issues needed to develop a cocktail of marker drugs (fluconazole, rac-pindolol, para-aminohippuric acid, sinistrin) to measure simultaneously the mechanisms contributing to renal clearance. High-performance liquid chromatographic methods of analysis for fluconazole, pindolol, para-aminohippuric acid, and creatinine and an enzymatic assay for sinistrin were developed or modified and then validated to allow determination of each of the compounds in both plasma and urine in the presence of all other marker drugs. A pilot clinical study in one volunteer was conducted to ensure that the assays were suitable for quantitating all the marker drugs to the sensitivity and specificity needed to allow accurate determination of individual renal clearances. The performance of all assays (plasma and urine) complied with published validation criteria. All standard curves displayed linearity over the concentration ranges required, with coefficients of correlation greater than 0.99. The precision of the interday and intraday variabilities of quality controls for each marker in plasma and urine were all less than 11.9% for each marker. Recoveries of markers (and internal standards) in plasma and urine were all at least 90%. All markers investigated were shown to be stable when plasma or urine was frozen and thawed. For all the assays developed, there were no interferences from other markers or endogenous substances. In a pilot clinical study, concentrations of all markers could be accurately and reproducibly determined for a sufficient duration of time after administration to calculate accurate renal clearance for each marker. This article presents details of the analytic techniques developed for measuring concentrations of marker drugs for different renal elimination processes administered as a single dose to define the processes contributing to renal drug elimination.
Aims Previous studies suggest that estimated creatinine clearance, the conventional measure of renal function, does not adequately reflect charges in renal drug handling in some patients, including the immunosuppressed. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a cocktail of markers. to be given in a single administration, capable of detecting alterations in the renal elimination pathways of glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Methods Healthy male subjects (n = 12) received intravenously infused 2500 mg sinistrin (glomerular filtration) and 440 mg p-aminohippuric acid (PAH; anion secretion), and orally administered 100 mg fluconazole (reabsorption) and 15 mg rac-pindolol (cation secretion). The potential interaction between these markers was investigated in a pharmacokinetic study where markers (M) or fluconazole (F) were administered alone or together (M + F). Validated analytical methods were used to measure plasma and urine concentrations in order to quantify the renal handling of each marker. Plasma protein binding of fluconazole was measured by ultrafiltration. All subjects had an estimated creatinine clearance within the normal range. The renal clearance of each marker (Mean +/- s.d.) was calculated as the ratio of the amount excreted in urine and thearea-under-the-concentration-time curve. Statistical comparisons were made using a paired t-test and 95% confidence intervals were reported. Results The renal clearances of sinistrin (M: 119 +/- 31 ml min(-1); M + F: 130 +/- 40 ml min(-1); P = 0.32), PAH (M: 469 +/- 145 ml min(-1); M + F: 467 +/- 146 ml min(-1); P = 0.95), R-pindolol (M: 204 +/- 41 ml min(-1); M + F: 190 +/- 41 ml min(-1); P = 0.39; n = 11), S-pindolol (M: 225 +/- 55 ml min(-1); M + F: 209 +/- 60 ml min(-1); P = 0.27; n = 11) and fluconazole (F: 14.9 +/-3.8 ml min(-1); M + F: 13.6 +/- 3.4 ml min(-1); P = 0.16) were similar when the markers or fluconazole were administered alone (M or F) or as a cocktail (M + F). Conclusions This study found no interaction between markers and fluconazole in healthy male subjects, suggesting that a single administration of this cocktail of markers of different renal processes call be used to simultaneously investigate pathways of renal drug elimination.
Predicted area under curve (AUC), mean transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) data have been compared for parent compound and generated metabolite following an impulse input into the liver, Models studied were the well-stirred (tank) model, tube model, a distributed tube model, dispersion model (Danckwerts and mixed boundary conditions) and tanks-in-series model. It is well known that discrimination between models for a parent solute is greatest when the parent solute is highly extracted by the liver. With the metabolite, greatest model differences for MTT and CV2 occur when parent solute is poorly extracted. In all cases the predictions of the distributed tube, dispersion, and tasks-in-series models are between the predictions of the rank and tube models. The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions yields identical predictions to those for the distributed tube model (assuming an inverse gaussian distribution of tube transit times). The dispersion model with Danckwerts boundary conditions and the tanks-in series models give similar predictions to the dispersion (mixed boundary conditions) and the distributed tube. The normalized variance for parent compound is dependent upon hepatocyte permeability only within a distinct range of permeability values. This range is similar for each model but the order of magnitude predicted for normalized variance is model dependent. Only for a one-compartment system is the MIT for generated metabolite equal to the sum of MTTs for the parent compound and preformed metabolite administered as parent.
The conventional convection-dispersion (also called axial dispersion) model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. An extended form of the convection-dispersion model has been developed to adequately describe the outflow concentration-time profiles for vascular markers at both short and long times after bolus injections into perfused livers. The model, based on flux concentration and a convolution of catheters and large vessels, assumes that solute elimination in hepatocytes follows either fast distribution into or radial diffusion in hepatocytes. The model includes a secondary vascular compartment, postulated to be interconnecting sinusoids. Analysis of the mean hepatic transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) of solutes with extraction showed that the discrepancy between the predictions of MTT and CV2 for the extended and conventional models are essentially identical irrespective of the magnitude of rate constants representing permeability, volume, and clearance parameters, providing that there is significant hepatic extraction. In conclusion, the application of a newly developed extended convection-dispersion model has shown that the unweighted conventional convection-dispersion model can be used to describe the disposition of extracted solutes and, in particular, to estimate hepatic availability and clearance in booth experimental and clinical situations.
INTRODUCTION: It has been known for a long time that the efficiency and toxicity of drugs change during a 24-h period. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes have started to emerge only recently. AREAS COVERED: This review aims to highlight recent discoveries showing the direct role of the molecular circadian clock in xenobiotic metabolism at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels in the liver and intestine, and the different ways of elimination of these metabolized drugs via biliary and urine excretions. Most of the related literature focuses on transcriptional regulation by the circadian clock of xenobiotic metabolism in the liver; however, the role of this timing system in the excretion of metabolized drugs and the importance of the kidney in this phenomenon are generally neglected. The goal of this review is to describe the molecular mechanisms involved in rhythmic drug metabolism and excretion. EXPERT OPINION: Chronopharmacology is used to analyze the metabolism of drugs in mammals according to the time of day. The circadian timing system plays a key role in the changes of toxicity of drugs by influencing their metabolisms in the liver and intestine in addition to their excretion via bile flow and urine.
Cocaine is one of the most widespread illegal stimulants utilized by the human population throughout the world. The aim of this study was to establish the highest no-effect dose (HNED) of cocaine on the spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) of horses in a behavior chamber, and thereby to determine the maximal acceptable threshold of the urinary drug concentration in horses. Twelve English thoroughbred mares received 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.08 or 0.12 mg kg(-1) cocaine i.v. or saline solution (control). It was noted that doses above 0.04 mg kg(-1) induced a significant increase in SLA (P < 0.05, Tukey's test). No significant increase in SLA was seen in the mares that received 0.03 mg kg(-1), but the animals showed important behavioral changes that did not occur after the 0.02 mg kg(-1) dose. It was concluded that the HNED of cocaine for horses in a behavior chamber is 0.02 mg kg(-1). After injection of this dose in five horses, urine samples were collected at predetermined intervals through vesical catheterization. The concentrations of cocaine, norcocaine, benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester were quantified by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Cocaine and norcocaine concentrations remained consistently below the level of detection. Benzoylecgonine reached a mean (+/- SEM) maximum concentration of 531.9 +/- 168.7 ng ml(-1) after 4 h, whereas ecgonine methyl ester peaked 2 h after injection at a concentration of 97.2 +/- 26.5 ng ml(-1). The maximum admissible concentration for cocaine and/or metabolites in the urine of horses is difficult to establish unequivocally because of the substantial individual variation in the drug elimination pattern observed in horses, which can be inferred by the large standard error of the means obtained. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Drugs and metabolites are eliminated from the body by metabolism and excretion. The kidney makes the major contribution to excretion of unchanged drug and also to excretion of metabolites. Net renal excretion is a combination of three processes - glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Renal function has traditionally been determined by measuring plasma creatinine and estimating creatinine clearance. However, estimated creatinine clearance measures only glomerular filtration with a small contribution from active secretion. There is accumulating evidence of poor correlation between estimated creatinine clearance and renal drug clearance in different clinical settings, challenging the 'intact nephron hypothesis' and suggesting that renal drug handling pathways may not decline in parallel. Furthermore, it is evident that renal drug handling is altered to a clinically significant extent in a number of disease states, necessitating dosage adjustment not just based on filtration. These observations suggest that a re-evaluation of markers of renal function is required. Methods that measure all renal handling pathways would allow informed dosage individualisation using an understanding of renal excretion pathways and patient characteristics. Methodologies have been described to determine individually each of the renal elimination pathways. However, their simultaneous assessment has only recently been investigated. A cocktail of markers to measure simultaneously the individual renal handling pathways have now been developed, and evaluated in healthy volunteers. This review outlines the different renal elimination pathways and the possible markers that can be used for their measurement. Diseases and other physiological conditions causing altered renal drug elimination are presented, and the potential application of a cocktail of markers for the simultaneous measurement of drug handling is evaluated. Further investigation of the effects of disease processes on renal drug handling should include people with HIV infection, transplant recipients (renal and liver) and people with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, changes in renal function in the elderly, the effect of sex on renal function, assessment of living kidney donors prior to transplantation and the investigation of renal drug interactions would also be potential applications. Once renal drug handling pathways are characterised in a patient population, the implications for accurate dosage individualisation can be assessed. The simultaneous measurement of renal function elimination pathways of drugs and metabolites has the potential to assist in understanding how renal function changes with different disease states or physiological conditions. In addition, it will further our understanding of fundamental aspects of the renal elimination of drugs.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H15, 62P10.
The convection-dispersion model and its extended form have been used to describe solute disposition in organs and to predict hepatic availabilities. A range of empirical transit-time density functions has also been used for a similar purpose. The use of the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions and transit-time density functions has been queried recently by Hisaka and Sugiyanaa in this journal. We suggest that, consistent with soil science and chemical engineering literature, the mixed boundary conditions are appropriate providing concentrations are defined in terms of flux to ensure continuity at the boundaries and mass balance. It is suggested that the use of the inverse Gaussian or other functions as empirical transit-time densities is independent of any boundary condition consideration. The mixed boundary condition solutions of the convection-dispersion model are the easiest to use when linear kinetics applies. In contrast, the closed conditions are easier to apply in a numerical analysis of nonlinear disposition of solutes in organs. We therefore argue that the use of hepatic elimination models should be based on pragmatic considerations, giving emphasis to using the simplest or easiest solution that will give a sufficiently accurate prediction of hepatic pharmacokinetics for a particular application. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 89:1579-1586, 2000.
The outflow-concentration-time profiles for lignocaine (lidocaine) and its metabolites have been measured after bolus impulse administration of [C-14]lignocaine into the perfused rat liver. Livers from female Sprague-Dawley rats were perfused in a once-through fashion with red-blood-cell-free Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 0 or 2% bovine serum albumin. Perfusate flow rates of 20 and 30 mL min(-1) were used and both normal and retrograde flow directions were employed. Significant amounts of metabolite were detected in the effluent perfusate soon after lignocaine injection. The early appearance of metabolite contributed to bimodal outflow profiles observed for total C-14 radioactivity. The lignocaine outflow profiles were well characterized by the two-compartment dispersion model, with efflux rate << influx rate. The profiles for lignocaine metabolites were also characterized in terms of a simplified two-compartment dispersion model. Lignocaine was found to be extensively metabolized under the experimental conditions with the hepatic availability ranging between 0.09 and 0.18. Generally lignocaine and metabolite availability showed no significant change with alterations in perfusate flow rate from 20 to 30 mt min(-1) or protein content from 0 to 2%. A significant increase in lignocaine availability occurred when 1200 mu M unlabelled lignocaine was added to the perfusate. Solute mean transit times generally decreased with increasing flow rate and with increasing perfusate protein content. The results confirm that lignocaine pharmacokinetics in the liver closely follow the predictions of the well-stirred model. The increase in lignocaine availability when 1200 mu M unlabelled lignocaine was added to the perfusate is consistent with saturation of the hydroxylation metabolic pathways of lignocaine metabolism.
Computer assisted learning has an important role in the teaching of pharmacokinetics to health sciences students because it transfers the emphasis from the purely mathematical domain to an 'experiential' domain in which graphical and symbolic representations of actions and their consequences form the major focus for learning. Basic pharmacokinetic concepts can be taught by experimenting with the interplay between dose and dosage interval with drug absorption (e.g. absorption rate, bioavailability), drug distribution (e.g. volume of distribution, protein binding) and drug elimination (e.g. clearance) on drug concentrations using library ('canned') pharmacokinetic models. Such 'what if' approaches are found in calculator-simulators such as PharmaCalc, Practical Pharmacokinetics and PK Solutions. Others such as SAAM II, ModelMaker, and Stella represent the 'systems dynamics' genre, which requires the user to conceptualise a problem and formulate the model on-screen using symbols, icons, and directional arrows. The choice of software should be determined by the aims of the subject/course, the experience and background of the students in pharmacokinetics, and institutional factors including price and networking capabilities of the package(s). Enhanced learning may result if the computer teaching of pharmacokinetics is supported by tutorials, especially where the techniques are applied to solving problems in which the link with healthcare practices is clearly established.
A S(+) cetamina é um fármaco amplamente utilizado na medicina para induzir anestesia e a associação com midazolam é empregada para minimizar seus efeitos adversos. Associações medicamentosas podem resultar em interações farmacocinéticas e a disponibilidade de métodos bioanalíticos para a determinação da cetamina em plasma constitui ferramenta útil para a avaliação do perfil cinético do fármaco administrado isoladamente ou em associação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e validação de um método analítico para determinação da cetamina em plasma por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e a investigação do perfil farmacocinético da cetamina em quatro cães hígidos da raça Beagle. A S(+) cetamina (10mg/kg) foi administrada pela veia cefálica em dose única isoladamente (protocolo I) ou associada ao midazolam (0.2mg/kg) (protocolo II) em estudo cruzado com intervalo de uma semana para washout. Amostras seriadas de sangue foram coletadas no intervalo de oito horas e analisadas por HPLC para a avaliação do perfil farmacocinético utilizando modelo bicompartimental. O método bioanalítico apresentou limites de confiança aceitáveis para sua aplicação em estudos de farmacocinética e os parâmetros área sob a curva (ASC0-8), volume de distribuição (Vd), clearance total (Clt), meia vida de eliminação (t/12 ß), constante de eliminação (ß), meia vida de distribuição (t1/2α) e constante de distribuição (α) não mostraram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a redução dos efeitos colaterais da cetamina decorrente do uso da associação cetamina-midazolam não está relacionada a alterações no perfil farmacocinético da cetamina.
Objective-To determine the pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine administered as a short-duration IV infusion in isoflurane-anesthetized cats. Animals-6 healthy adult domestic female cats. Procedures-Dexmedetomidine hydrochloride was injected IV (10 μg/kg over 5 minutes [rate, 2 μg/kg/min]) in isoflurane-anesthetized cats. Blood samples were obtained immediately prior to and at 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240, and 480 minutes following the start of the IV infusion. Collected blood samples were transferred to tubes containing EDTA, immediately placed on ice, and then centrifuged at 3,901 X g for 10 minutes at 4°C. The plasma was harvested and stored at -20°C until analyzed. Plasma dexmedetomidine concentrations were determined by means of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Dexmedetomidine plasma concentration-time data were fitted to compartmental models. Results-A 2-compartment model with input in and elimination from the central compartment best described the disposition of dexmedetomidine administered via short-duration IV infusion in isoflurane-anesthetized cats. Weighted mean ± SEM apparent volume of distribution of the central compartment and apparent volume of distribution at steady-state were 402 ± 47 mL/kg and 1,701 ± 200 mL/kg, respectively; clearance and terminal half-life (harmonic mean ± jackknife pseudo-SD) were 6.3 ± 2.8 mL/min/kg and 198 ± 75 minutes, respectively. The area under the plasma concentration curve and maximal plasma concentration were 1,061 ± 292 min·ng/mL and 17.6 ± 1.8 ng/mL, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Disposition of dexmedetomidine administered via short-duration IV infusion in isoflurane-anesthetized cats was characterized by a moderate clearance and a long terminal half-life.