946 resultados para Drosophila Spermatogenesis


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Ein essentieller Bestandteil in dem Mechanismus der Translationskontrolle sind RNA-Pro­tein-Wechselwirkungen. Solche Interaktionen konnten in Translationssystemen an zwei unabhängigen cis-regulierenden Elementen durch in vitro-Bindungsanalysen mit individu­ellen rekombinanten Proteinen dokumentiert werden. Im Fall des translational control elements (TCE), welches ein konserviertes Sequenz-Ele­ment in der Mst(3)CGP-Genfamilie darstellt, wird eine negative Translationskontrolle durch die Bindung der Proteine CG3213, CG12470, CG1898, dFMR1, Exuperantia und Orb2 an diese Sequenz vermittelt (Stinski, 2011). Neben den in Bindungsstudien positiv getesteten Kandidaten dFMR1 und Orb2 (Stinski, 2011) wurde in der vorliegenden Dis­sertation CG3213 als weiterer direkter Bindungspartner an das TCE dokumentiert. Ein Abgleich der genomweiten Zusammenstellung von Proteininteraktionen in der Datenbank InterologFinder lieferte zwei weitere potentielle Kandidaten: CG34404 und CG3727. Al­lerdings schließen Northern-Analysen und das Proteinexpressionsmuster eine zentrale Rolle in der Drosophila-Spermatogenese für diese nahezu aus. In Kolokalisationsstudien einiger TCE-Komplex-Kandidaten mit CG3213 als Referenz konnten eindeutige Überein­stimmungen der Fluoreszenzmuster mit CG12470 in der postmeiotischen Phase be­schrieben werden, wohingegen mit Orb2 (postmeiotisch) und CG1898 (prämeiotisch) nur eine geringe Kolokalisation erkannt wurde. Punktstrukturen in den Verteilungsmustern sowohl von CG3213 als auch von CG12470 ließen sich nicht mit ER- und mitochondrien­spezifischen Markern korrelieren. Im Anschluss der Meiose konnte eine deutliche Intensitätserhöhung des CG3213-Proteins beobachtet werden, was eventuell durch eine veränderte Translationseffizienz zustande kommen könnte. Exuperantia (Exu) stellt einen bekannten Regulator für eine Reihe von translationskontrollierten mRNAs dar (Wang und Hazelrigg, 1994). Die Quantifizierungen der CG3213-mRNA in exu-mutantem Hintergrund bestätigen, dass auch die Transkript­menge der CG3213-mRNA durch Exu reguliert wird, was die obige Interpretation stützen würde. Für das zweite cis-regulierende Element, das cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), konnte eine direkte Bindung mit dem CPEB-Homolog in Drosophila (Orb2) gezeigt wer­den, welches auch eine Komponente des mst87F-RNP-Komplexes ist. Ein vermuteter Interaktionspartner dieses CPEBs ist Tob, weshalb die Verteilung beider Proteine in einem Kombinationsstamm verglichen wurde. In dem teilweise übereinstimmenden Fluoreszenz­muster ist Tob an den distalen Spermatidenenden auffallend konzentriert. Das gesamte Tob-Muster jedoch legt eine Verteilung in den Mitochondrien nahe, wie die MitoTracker®-Färbung belegt. Somit wurde erstmals ein Mitglied der Tob/BTG-Genfamilie in der Droso­phila-Spermatogenese mit Mitochondrien in Verbindung gebracht. Die Lokalisierung die­ser Proteine ist bislang unklar, jedoch konnte eine Kernlokalisation trotz der N-terminalen NLS-Sequenz mit Hilfe einer Kernfärbung ausgeschlossen werden.


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Drosophila melanogaster enthält eine geringe Menge an 5-methyl-Cytosin. Die von mir untersuchte männliche Keimbahn von Drosophila weist jedoch keine nachweisbaren Mengen an DNA-Methylierung auf. Eine künstliche Expression der murinen de novo Methyltransferasen, DNMT3A und DNMT3B1, in den Fliegenhoden, führte nicht zu der erwarteten Methylierungszunahme und hatte keinen Effekt auf die Fruchtbarkeit der Männchen. Auch die gewebespezifische Expression unter der Verwendung des UAS/GAL4-Systems zeigte keine phenotypischen Veränderungen. Hingegen fanden wir auf Protein-Ebene des Chromatins von D. melanogaster und D. hydei spezifische Modifikationsmuster der Histone H3 und H4 in der Keimbahn, wie auch in den somatischen Zellen des Hodenschlauches. Die Modifikationsmuster der beiden Zelltypen unterscheiden sich grundlegend und weichen zudem von dem für Eu- und Heterochromatin erwarteten ab, was auf eine größere Komplexität des „Histon-Codes“ als angenommen hindeutet. Folglich liegt die epigenetische Information in Drosophila wahrscheinlich anstatt auf DNA- auf Protein-Ebene, wodurch Genexpression über die Chromatinstruktur reguliert wird. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor E2F, der eine Schlüsselfunktion im Zellzyklus hat, durch unterschiedliche Transkripte offenbar quantitativ reguliert wird. Unsere Nachforschungen ergaben, dass die drei E2F1 Genprodukte in Drosophila neben ihrer Zellspezifität auch in unterschiedlichen Expressionsniveaus auftreten, was die Annahme einer quantitativen Expression unterstützt. Die verschiedenen Funktionen der multiplen Gene in Säugern, könnten so funktionell kompensiert werden. Die durch die Expression dreier dE2F1-Transkripte vermutete Synthese verschiedener Proteine konnte nicht bewiesen werden.


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The prevalence of tumours of the germ line is increasing in the male population. This complex disease has a complex aetiology. We examine the contribution of genetic mutations to the development of germ line tumours in this review. In particular, we concentrate on fly and mouse experimental systems in order to demonstrate that mutations in some conserved genes cause pathologies typical of certain human germ cell tumours, whereas other mutations elicit phenotypes that are unique to the experimental model. Despite these experimental systems being imperfect, we show that they are useful models of human testicular germ cell tumourigenesis.


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We have identified partial loss of function mutations in class VI unconventional myosin, 95F myosin, which results in male sterility. During spermatogenesis the germ line precursor cells undergo mitosis and meiosis to form a bundle of 64 spermatids. The spermatids remain interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges until individualization. The process of individualization involves the formation of a complex of cytoskeletal proteins and membrane, the individualization complex (IC), around the spermatid nuclei. This complex traverses the length of each spermatid resolving the shared membrane into a single membrane enclosing each spermatid. We have determined that 95F myosin is a component of the IC whose function is essential for individualization. In wild-type testes, 95F myosin localizes to the leading edge of the IC. Two independent mutations in 95F myosin reduce the amount of 95F myosin in only a subset of tissues, including the testes. This reduction of 95F myosin causes male sterility as a result of defects in spermatid individualization. Germ line transformation with the 95F myosin heavy chain cDNA rescues the male sterility phenotype. IC movement is aberrant in these 95F myosin mutants, indicating a critical role for 95F myosin in IC movement. This report is the first identification of a component of the IC other than actin. We propose that 95F myosin is a motor that participates in membrane reorganization during individualization.


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Hybrid dysfunctions, such as sterility, may result in part from disruptions in the regulation of gene expression. Studies of hybrids within the Drosophila simulans clade have reported genes expressed above or below the expression observed in their parent species, and such misexpression is associated with male sterility in multigenerational backcross hybrids. However, these studies often examined whole bodies rather than testes or had limited replication using less-sensitive but global techniques. Here, we use a new RNA isolation technique to re-examine hybrid gene expression disruptions in both testes and whole bodies from single Drosophila males by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. We find two early-spermatogenesis transcripts are underexpressed in hybrid whole-bodies but not in assays of testes alone, while two late-spermatogenesis transcripts seem to be underexpressed in both whole-bodies and testes alone. Although the number of transcripts surveyed is limited, these results provide some support for a previous hypothesis that the spermatogenesis pathway in these sterile hybrids may be disrupted sometime after the expression of the early meiotic arrest genes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Several studies in Drosophila have shown excessive movement of retrogenes from the X chromosome to autosomes, and that these genes are frequently expressed in the testis. This phenomenon has led to several hypotheses invoking natural selection as the process driving male-biased genes to the autosomes. Metta and Schlotterer (BMC Evol Biol 2010, 10:114) analyzed a set of retrogenes where the parental gene has been subsequently lost. They assumed that this class of retrogenes replaced the ancestral functions of the parental gene, and reported that these retrogenes, although mostly originating from movement out of the X chromosome, showed female-biased or unbiased expression. These observations led the authors to suggest that selective forces (such as meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and sexual antagonism) were not responsible for the observed pattern of retrogene movement out of the X chromosome. Results: We reanalyzed the dataset published by Metta and Schlotterer and found several issues that led us to a different conclusion. In particular, Metta and Schlotterer used a dataset combined with expression data in which significant sex-biased expression is not detectable. First, the authors used a segmental dataset where the genes selected for analysis were less testis-biased in expression than those that were excluded from the study. Second, sex-biased expression was defined by comparing male and female whole-body data and not the expression of these genes in gonadal tissues. This approach significantly reduces the probability of detecting sex-biased expressed genes, which explains why the vast majority of the genes analyzed (parental and retrogenes) were equally expressed in both males and females. Third, the female-biased expression observed by Metta and Schltterer is mostly found for parental genes located on the X chromosome, which is known to be enriched with genes with female-biased expression. Fourth, using additional gonad expression data, we found that autosomal genes analyzed by Metta and Schlotterer are less up regulated in ovaries and have higher chance to be expressed in meiotic cells of spermatogenesis when compared to X-linked genes. Conclusions: The criteria used to select retrogenes and the sex-biased expression data based on whole adult flies generated a segmental dataset of female-biased and unbiased expressed genes that was unable to detect the higher propensity of autosomal retrogenes to be expressed in males. Thus, there is no support for the authors' view that the movement of new retrogenes, which originated from X-linked parental genes, was not driven by selection. Therefore, selection-based genetic models remain the most parsimonious explanations for the observed chromosomal distribution of retrogenes.


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The Drosophila Transformer-2 (Tra2) protein activates the splicing of doublesex and fruitless pre-mRNA and represses M1 intron splicing in its own RNA in male germline. The M1 retention is part of negative feedback mechanism that controls Tra2 protein synthesis. However it is not known how the M1 intron is repressed or why Tra2 activates splicing of some RNAs while repressing splicing in others. Here we show that Tra2 and SR protein Rbp1 function together to specifically repress M1 splicing in vitro through the same intronic silencer by binding independently to distinct sites. The role of Rbp1 in M1 repression in vivo was validated by the finding that increased expression of Rbp1 in S2 cells promotes M1 retention. Furthermore, Tra2 blocks prespliceosomal A complex formation, a step corresponding to U2 snRNP recruitment to the branchpoint. High levels of Tra2 repression require an upstream enhancer. Together, we propose that the complex formed by Tra2 and Rbp1 on the silencer achieves splicing repression by blocking the recognition of the branchpoint or antagonizing enhancer function. ^ In addition, both splicing regulatory activities of Tra2 are essential developmental events, doublesex splicing is the key for Drosophila sex determination in the soma, while M1 retention occurs in the male germline and is necessary for spermatogenesis. However, active Tra2 is expressed ubiquitously. So another issue we have studied is how Tra2 accomplishes negative and positive splicing regulation in a tissue-specific fashion. Surprisingly, we found that nuclear extract from somatically-derived S2 cells support M1 repression in vitro. This led us to hypothesize that no germline specific factor is required and that high levels of Tra2 expression in the male germline is sufficient to trigger M1 retention. To test it, I examined whether increased expression of Tra2 could promote M1 retention in cells outside male germline. My results show that increased Tra2 expression promotes M1 retention in somatically-derived S2 cells as well as in the somatic tissues of living flies. These results show that somatic tissues are capable of supporting M1 repression but do not normally do so because the low levels of Tra2 do not trigger negative feedback regulation. ^


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Alternative RNA splicing is a critical process that contributes variety to protein functions, and further controls cell differentiation and normal development. Although it is known that most eukaryotic genes produce multiple transcripts in which splice site selection is regulated, how RNA binding proteins cooperate to activate and repress specific splice sites is still poorly understood. In addition how the regulation of alternative splicing affects germ cell development is also not well known. In this study, Drosophila Transformer 2 (Tra2) was used as a model to explore both the mechanism of its repressive function on its own pre-mRNA splicing, and the effect of the splicing regulation on spermatogenesis in testis. Half-pint (Hfp), a protein known as splicing activator, was identified in an S2 cell-based RNAi screen as a co-repressor that functions in combination with Tra2 in the splicing repression of the M1 intron. Its repressive splicing function is found to be sequence specific and is dependent on both the weak 3’ splice site and an intronic splicing silencer within the M1 intron. In addition we found that in vivo, two forms of Hfp are expressed in a cell type specific manner. These alternative forms differ at their amino terminus affecting the presence of a region with four RS dipeptides. Using assays in Drosophila S2 cells, we determined that the alternative N terminal domain is necessary in repression. This difference is probably due to differential localization of the two isoforms in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Our in vivo studies show that both Hfp and Tra2 are required for normal spermatogenesis and cooperate in repression of M1 splicing in spermatocytes. But interestingly, Tra2 and Hfp antagonize each other’s function in regulating germline specific alternative splicing of Taf1 (TBP associated factor 1). Genetic and cytological studies showed that mutants of Hfp and Taf1 both cause similar defects in meiosis and spermatogenesis. These results suggest Hfp regulates normal spermatogenesis partially through the regulation of taf1 splicing. These observations indicate that Hfp regulates tra2 and taf1 activity and play an important role in germ cell differentiation of male flies.


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In many species, the Y (or W) chromosome carries relatively few functional genes. This observation motivates the null hypothesis that the Y will be a minor contributor to genetic variation for fitness. Previous data and theory supported the null hypothesis, but evidence presented here shows that the Y of Drosophila melanogaster is a major determinant of a male's total fitness, with standing genetic variation estimated to be 68% of that of an entire X/autosome genomic haplotype. Most Y-linked genes are expressed during spermatogenesis, and correspondingly, we found that the Y influences fitness primarily through its effect on a male's reproductive success (sperm competition and/or mating success) rather than his egg-to-adult viability. But the fitness of a Y highly depended on the genetic makeup of its bearer, reverting from high to low in different genetic backgrounds. This pattern leads to large epistatic (inconsistent among backgrounds) but no additive (consistent among backgrounds) Y-linked genetic variance for fitness. On a microevolutionary scale, the observed large epistatic variation on the Y substantially reduces heritable variation for fitness among males, and on a macroevolutionary scale, the Y produces strong selection for genomic rearrangements that move interacting genes onto the nonrecombining region of the Y.


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Drosophila serrata is a member of the montium group, which contains more than 98 species and until recently was considered a subgroup within the melanogaster group. This Drosophila species is an emerging model system for evolutionary quantitative genetics and has been used in studies of species borders, clinal variation and sexual selection. Despite the importance of D. serrata as a model for evolutionary research, our poor understanding of its genome remains a significant limitation. Here, we provide a first-generation gene-based linkage map and a physical map for this species. Consistent with previous studies of other drosophilids we observed strong conservation of genes within chromosome arms homologous with D. melanogaster but major differences in within-arm synteny. These resources will be a useful complement to ongoing genome sequencing efforts and QTL mapping studies in this species


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We took a comparative approach utilizing clines to investigate the extent to which natural selection may have shaped population divergence in cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that are also under sexual selection in Drosophila. We detected the presence of CHC clines along a latitudinal gradient on the east coast of Australia in two fly species with independent phylogenetic and population histories, suggesting adaptation to shared abiotic factors. For both species, significant associations were detected between clinal variation in CHCs and temperature variation along the gradient, suggesting temperature maxima as a candidate abiotic factor shaping CHC variation among populations. However, rainfall and humidity correlated with CHC variation to differing extents in the two species, suggesting that response to these abiotic factors may vary in a species-specific manner. Our results suggest that natural selection, in addition to sexual selection, plays a significant role in structuring among-population variation in sexually selected traits in Drosophila.


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The native Australian fly Drosophila serrata belongs to the highly speciose montium subgroup of the melanogaster species group. It has recently emerged as an excellent model system with which to address a number of important questions, including the evolution of traits under sexual selection and traits involved in climatic adaptation along latitudinal gradients. Understanding the molecular genetic basis of such traits has been limited by a lack of genomic resources for this species. Here, we present the first expressed sequence tag (EST) collection for D. serrata that will enable the identification of genes underlying sexually-selected phenotypes and physiological responses to environmental change and may help resolve controversial phylogenetic relationships within the montium subgroup.