991 resultados para Dropout behavior, Prediction of


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"September 1989."


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Process scheduling techniques consider the current load situation to allocate computing resources. Those techniques make approximations such as the average of communication, processing, and memory access to improve the process scheduling, although processes may present different behaviors during their whole execution. They may start with high communication requirements and later just processing. By discovering how processes behave over time, we believe it is possible to improve the resource allocation. This has motivated this paper which adopts chaos theory concepts and nonlinear prediction techniques in order to model and predict process behavior. Results confirm the radial basis function technique which presents good predictions and also low processing demands show what is essential in a real distributed environment.


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Two experiments examined the effects of majority and minority influence on attitude-consistent behavioral intentions. In the first experiment, when attitudes were changed via minority influence there was a greater likelihood to engage in an attitude-consistent behavioral intention than when attitudes were changed via majority influence. This suggests that minority influence leads to stronger attitudes (based on systematic processing) that are more predictive of behavioral intentions, while attitude change via majority influence is due to compliance through non-systematic processing. Further support for this interpretation comes from the finding that the amount of message-congruent elaboration mediated behavioral intention. When there was no attitude change, there was no impact on behavioral intention to engage in an attitude-consistent behavior. Experiment 2 explored the role of personal relevance of the topic and also included a real behavioral measure. When the topic was of low personal relevance, the same pattern was found as Experiment 1. When the topic was of high personal relevance, thus increasing the motivation to engage in systematic processing, attitudes changed by both a majority and minority source increased behavioral intention and actual behavior. The results are consistent with the view that both majorities and minorities can lead to different processes and consequences under different situations. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A qualitative analysis of the expected dilatation strain field in the vicinity of an array of grain-boundary (GB) dislocations is presented. The analysis provides a basis for the prediction of the critical current densities (jc) across low-angle YBa2Cu3O7- (YBCO) GBs as a function of their energy. The introduction of the GB energy allows the extension of the analysis to high-angle GBs using established models which predict the GB energy as a function of misorientation angle. The results are compared to published data for jc across [001]-tilt YBCO GBs for the full range of misorientations, showing a good fit. Since the GB energy is directly related to the GB structure, the analysis may allow a generalization of the scaling behavior of jc with the GB energy. © 1995 The American Physical Society.


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Due to the health impacts caused by exposures to air pollutants in urban areas, monitoring and forecasting of air quality parameters have become popular as an important topic in atmospheric and environmental research today. The knowledge on the dynamics and complexity of air pollutants behavior has made artificial intelligence models as a useful tool for a more accurate pollutant concentration prediction. This paper focuses on an innovative method of daily air pollution prediction using combination of Support Vector Machine (SVM) as predictor and Partial Least Square (PLS) as a data selection tool based on the measured values of CO concentrations. The CO concentrations of Rey monitoring station in the south of Tehran, from Jan. 2007 to Feb. 2011, have been used to test the effectiveness of this method. The hourly CO concentrations have been predicted using the SVM and the hybrid PLS–SVM models. Similarly, daily CO concentrations have been predicted based on the aforementioned four years measured data. Results demonstrated that both models have good prediction ability; however the hybrid PLS–SVM has better accuracy. In the analysis presented in this paper, statistic estimators including relative mean errors, root mean squared errors and the mean absolute relative error have been employed to compare performances of the models. It has been concluded that the errors decrease after size reduction and coefficients of determination increase from 56 to 81% for SVM model to 65–85% for hybrid PLS–SVM model respectively. Also it was found that the hybrid PLS–SVM model required lower computational time than SVM model as expected, hence supporting the more accurate and faster prediction ability of hybrid PLS–SVM model.


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The present work focuses on simulation of nonlinear mechanical behaviors of adhesively bonded DLS (double lap shear) joints for variable extension rates and temperatures using the implicit ABAQUS solver. Load-displacement curves of DLS joints at nine combinations of extension rates and environmental temperatures are initially obtained by conducting tensile tests in a UTM. The joint specimens are made from dual phase (DP) steel coupons bonded with a rubber-toughened adhesive. It is shown that the shell-solid model of a DLS joint, in which substrates are modeled with shell elements and adhesive with solid elements, can effectively predict the mechanical behavior of the joint. Exponent Drucker-Prager or Von Mises yield criterion together with nonlinear isotropic hardening is used for the simulation of DLS joint tests. It has been found that at a low temperature (-20 degrees C), both Von Mises and exponent Drucker-Prager criteria give close prediction of experimental load-extension curves. However. at a high temperature (82 degrees C), Von Mises condition tends to yield a perceptibly softer joint behavior, while the corresponding response obtained using exponent Drucker-Prager criterion is much closer to the experimental load-displacement curve.


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THE flowfield due to transverse injection of a round sonic jet into a supersonic flowis a configuration of interest in the design of supersonic combustors or thrust vector control of supersonic jets. The flow is also of fundamental interest because it presents separation from a smooth surface, embedded subsonic regions, curved shear layers, strong shocks, an unusual development of the injected jet into a kidney-shaped streamwise vortex pair, and a wake behind the jet. Although the geometry is simple, the flow is complex and is a good candidate for assessing the behavior of turbulence models for high-speed flow, beginning with the corresponding two-dimensional flow shown in Fig. 1. At the slot, an underexpanded sonic jet expands rapidly into the supersonic crossflow. Expansion waves reflect at the jet boundary, coalesce, and give rise to a Mach surface (Mach disk for round jets).


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An attempt to study the fluid dynamic behavior of two phase flow comprising of solid and liquid with nearly equal density in a geometrical case that has an industrial significance in theareas like processing of polymers, food, pharma ceutical, paints. In this work,crystalline silica is considered as the dispersed medium in glycerin. In the CFD analysis carried out,the two phase components are considered to be premixed homogeneously at the initial state. The flow in a cylinder that has an axially driven bi-lobe rotor, a typical blender used in polymer industry for mixing or kneading to render the multi-component mixture to homogeneous condition is considered. A viscous, incompressible, isothermal flow is considered with an assumption that the components do not undergo any physical change and the solids are rigid and mix in fully wetting conditions. Silica with a particle diameter of 0.4 mm is considered and flow is analyzed for different mixing fractions. An industry standard CFD code is used for solving 3D-RANS equations. As the outcome of the study the torque demand by the bi-lobe rotor for different mixture fractions which are estimated show a behavioral consistency to the expected physical phenomena occurring in the domain considered.


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We derive an explicit expression for predicting the thicknesses of shear bands in metallic glasses. The model demonstrates that the shear-band thickness is mainly dominated by the activation size of the shear transformation zone (STZ) and its activation free volume concentration. The predicted thicknesses agree well with the results of measurements and simulations. The underlying physics is attributed to the local topological instability of the activated STZ. The result is of significance in understanding the origin of inhomogeneous flow in metallic glasses. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been regarded as ideal reinforcements of high-performance composites with enormous applications. However, the waviness of the CNTs and the interfacial bonding condition between them and the matrix are two key factors that influence the reinforcing efficiency. In this paper, the effects of the waviness of the CNTs and the interfacial debonding between them and the matrix on the effective moduli of CNT-reinforced composites are studied. A simple analytical model is presented to investigate the influence of the waviness on the effective moduli. Then, two methods are proposed to examine the influence of the debonding. It is shown that both the waviness and debonding can significantly reduce the stiffening effect of the CNTs. The effective moduli are very sensitive to the waviness when the latter is small, and this sensitivity decreases with the increase of the waviness. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Millions of crabs are sorted and discarded in freezing conditions each year in Alaskan fisheries for Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) and snow crab (C. opilio). However, cold exposures vary widely over the fishing season and among different vessels, and mortalities are difficult to estimate. A shipboard experiment was conducted to determine whether simple behavioral observations can be used to evaluate crab condition after low-temperature exposures. Crabs were systematically subjected to cold in seven different exposure treatments. They were then tested for righting behavior and six different ref lex actions and held to monitor mortality. Crabs lost limbs, showed ref lex impairment, and died in direct proportion to increases in cold exposure. Righting behavior was a poor predictor of mortality, whereas reflex impairment (scored as the sum of reflex actions that were lost) was an excellent predictor. This composite index could be measured quickly and easily in hand, and logistic regression revealed that the relationship between reflex impairment and mortality correctly predicted 80.0% of the mortality and survival for C. bairdi, and 79.4% for C. opilio. These relationships provide substantial improvements over earlier approaches to mortality estimation and were independent of crab size and exposure temperature.


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A major research program was carried out to analyze the mechanism of FRP debonding from concrete beams using global-energy-balance approach (GEBA). The key findings are that the fracture process zone is small so there is no R-curve to consider, failure is dominated by Mode I behavior, and the theory agrees well with tests. The analyses developed in the study provide an essential tool that will enable fracture mechanics to be used to determine the load at which FRP plates will debond from concrete beams. This obviates the need for finite element (FE) analyses in situations where reliable details of the interface geometry and crack-tip stress fields are not attainable for an accurate analysis. This paper presents an overview of the GEBA analyses that is described in detail elsewhere, and explains the slightly unconventional assumptions made in the analyses, such as the revised moment-curvature model, the location of an effective centroid, the separate consideration of the FRP and the RC beam for the purposes of the analysis, the use of Mode I fracture energies and the absence of an R-curve in the fracture mechanics analysis.


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Flory solution theory modified by Hamada et al. (Macromolecules, 1980, 13, 729) was used to predict the miscibility of blends of poly(ethylene oxide) with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PEO-aPMMA) and with poly(vinyl acetate) (PEO-PVAc). Interaction parameters of a PEO-aPMMA blend with the weight ratio of PEO/aPMMA = 50/50 at the temperature range of 393-433 K and PEO-PVAc blends with different compositions and temperatures were calculated from the determined equation-of-state parameters based on Flory solution theory modified by Hamada ed al. Results show that interaction parameters of the PEO-aPMMA blend are negative and can be comparable with values obtained from neutron-scattering measurements by Ito et al. (Macromolecules, 1987, 20, 2213). Also, interaction parameters and excess volumes of PEO-PVAc blends are negative and increase with enhancing the content of PEO and the temperature. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.