972 resultados para Drag Coefficient


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PURPOSE: Aerodynamic drag plays an important role in performance for athletes practicing sports that involve high-velocity motions. In giant slalom, the skier is continuously changing his/her body posture, and this affects the energy dissipated in aerodynamic drag. It is therefore important to quantify this energy to understand the dynamic behavior of the skier. The aims of this study were to model the aerodynamic drag of alpine skiers in giant slalom simulated conditions and to apply these models in a field experiment to estimate energy dissipated through aerodynamic drag. METHODS: The aerodynamic characteristics of 15 recreational male and female skiers were measured in a wind tunnel while holding nine different skiing-specific postures. The drag and the frontal area were recorded simultaneously for each posture. Four generalized and two individualized models of the drag coefficient were built, using different sets of parameters. These models were subsequently applied in a field study designed to compare the aerodynamic energy losses between a dynamic and a compact skiing technique. RESULTS: The generalized models estimated aerodynamic drag with an accuracy of between 11.00% and 14.28%, and the individualized models estimated aerodynamic drag with an accuracy between 4.52% and 5.30%. The individualized model used for the field study showed that using a dynamic technique led to 10% more aerodynamic drag energy loss than using a compact technique. DISCUSSION: The individualized models were capable of discriminating different techniques performed by advanced skiers and seemed more accurate than the generalized models. The models presented here offer a simple yet accurate method to estimate the aerodynamic drag acting upon alpine skiers while rapidly moving through the range of positions typical to turning technique.


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The mean wind direction within an urban canopy changes with height when the incoming flow is not orthogonal to obstacle faces. This wind-turning effect is induced by complex processes and its modelling in urban-canopy (UC) parametrizations is difficult. Here we focus on the analysis of the spatially-averaged flow properties over an aligned array of cubes and their variation with incoming wind direction. For this purpose, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations previously compared, for a reduced number of incident wind directions, against direct numerical simulation results are used. The drag formulation of a UCparametrization ismodified and different drag coefficients are tested in order to reproduce the wind-turning effect within the canopy for oblique wind directions. The simulations carried out for a UC parametrization in one-dimensional mode indicate that a height-dependent drag coefficient is needed to capture this effect.


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A drag law accounting for Ekman rotation adjacent to a flat, horizontal bou ndary is proposed for use in a plume model that is written in terms of the depth-mean velocity. The drag l aw contains a variable turning angle between the mean velocity and the drag imposed by the turbulent bound ary layer. The effect of the variable turning angle in the drag law is studied for a plume of ice shelf wat er (ISW) ascending and turning beneath an Antarctic ice shelf with draft decreasing away from the groundi ng line. As the ISW plume ascends the sloping ice shelf–ocean boundary, it can melt the ice shelf, wh ich alters the buoyancy forcing driving the plume motion. Under these conditions, the typical turning ang le is of order 10° over most of the plume area for a range of drag coefficients (the minus sign arises for th e Southern Hemisphere). The rotation of the drag with respect to the mean velocity is found to be signifi cant if the drag coefficient exceeds 0.003; in this case the plume body propagates farther along and across the b ase of the ice shelf than a plume with the standard quadratic drag law with no turning angle.


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We calculate the drag force experienced by an in finitely massive quark propagating at constant velocity through an anisotropic, strongly coupled N = 4 plasma by means of its gravity dual. We find that the gluon cloud trailing behind the quark is generally misaligned with the quark velocity, and that the latter is also misaligned with the force. The drag coefficient mu can be larger or smaller than the corresponding isotropic value depending on the velocity and the direction of motion. In the ultra-relativistic limit we find that generically mu proportional to p. We discuss the conditions under which this behaviour may extend to more general situations.


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We estimate the momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark within a pure SU(3) plasma at a temperature of about 1.5Tc. Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations on a series of lattices extending up to 1923×48 permit us to carry out a continuum extrapolation of the so-called color-electric imaginary-time correlator. The extrapolated correlator is analyzed with the help of theoretically motivated models for the corresponding spectral function. Evidence for a nonzero transport coefficient is found and, incorporating systematic uncertainties reflecting model assumptions, we obtain κ=(1.8–3.4)T3. This implies that the “drag coefficient,” characterizing the time scale at which heavy quarks adjust to hydrodynamic flow, is η−1D=(1.8–3.4)(Tc/T)2(M/1.5  GeV)  fm/c, where M is the heavy quark kinetic mass. The results apply to bottom and, with somewhat larger systematic uncertainties, to charm quarks.


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In the last twenty or so years the results of theory and experiment have produced much information on the characteristics of gas-surface interactions relevant to a satellite in hyperthermal free-molecular flow. This thesis contains reviews of the rarefied gas dynamics applicable to satellites and has attempted to compare existing models of gas-surface interaction with contemporary knowledge of such systems. It is shown that a more natural approach would be to characterise the gas-surface interaction using the normal and tangential momentum accommodation coefficients, igma' and igma respectively, specifically in the form igma = constant , igma' = igma'0 -igma'1sec i where i is the angle subtended between the incident flow and the surface normal and igma,igma'0 and igma'1 are constants. Adopting these relationships, the effects of atmospheric lift on inclination, i, and atmospheric drag on the semi-major axis, a, and eccentricity, e, have been investigated. Applications to ANS-1 (1974-70A) show that the observed perturbation in i can be ascribed primarily to non-zero igma'1 whilst perturbations in a and e produce constraint equations between the three parameters. The numerical results seem to imply that a good theoretical orbit is achieved despite a much lower drag coefficient than anticipated by earlier theories.


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The fluidized bed reactor has successfully been used to perform biotechnological processes addressed to the production of high added value. The present work evaluates hydrodynamic parameters of a bench-scale fluidized bed reactor with cells of the yeast Candida guilliermondii immobilized either in calcium alginate beads or in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The effects of the following variables on cell immobilization were evaluated at 30 degrees C and feeding a synthetic medium containing 50 g L-1 xylose: total particle density (cells plus support), terminal velocity, particle drag force, minimum fluidization velocity and bed porosity. According to the results obtained, the reactor was shown to operate like a fixed-bed bioreactor at xi < 0.5 and a fluidized bed bioreactor at xi > 0.5. The maximum flow rate needed to obtain maximum bed fluidization in the reactor was equal to the terminal velocity of the immobilized cell particles. Particles of cells immobilized within these supports showed values of drag coefficient lower than those reported for other high-density supports. The evaluation of these hydrodynamic characteristics lead to an adequate bed fluidization inside the reactor, thus improving oxygen transference and availability in the fermentation medium, making the process more viable for future scale-up. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The St. Lawrence Island polynya (SLIP) is a commonly occurring winter phenomenon in the Bering Sea, in which dense saline water produced during new ice formation is thought to flow northward through the Bering Strait to help maintain the Arctic Ocean halocline. Winter darkness and inclement weather conditions have made continuous in situ and remote observation of this polynya difficult. However, imagery acquired from the European Space Agency ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has allowed observation of the St. Lawrence Island polynya using both the imagery and derived ice displacement products. With the development of ARCSyM, a high resolution regional model of the Arctic atmosphere/sea ice system, simulation of the SLIP in a climate model is now possible. Intercomparisons between remotely sensed products and simulations can lead to additional insight into the SLIP formation process. Low resolution SAR, SSM/I and AVHRR infrared imagery for the St. Lawrence Island region are compared with the results of a model simulation for the period of 24-27 February 1992. The imagery illustrates a polynya event (polynya opening). With the northerly winds strong and consistent over several days, the coupled model captures the SLIP event with moderate accuracy. However, the introduction of a stability dependent atmosphere-ice drag coefficient, which allows feedbacks between atmospheric stability, open water, and air-ice drag, produces a more accurate simulation of the SLIP in comparison to satellite imagery. Model experiments show that the polynya event is forced primarily by changes in atmospheric circulation followed by persistent favorable conditions: ocean surface currents are found to have a small but positive impact on the simulation which is enhanced when wind forcing is weak or variable.


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A theory is developed for calculating the entrapment of particles by a windbreak, with four results. (1) The fraction of particles in the oncoming flow which pass through the windbreak, or transmittance of the windbreak for particles (sigma), is related to the optical porosity (tau). The very simple approximation sigma=tau works well for most applications involving the interception of spray droplets by windbreaks. Results from a field experiment agree with the theoretical predictions. (2) A new equation for the bulk drag coefficient of a windbreak is tested against numerical, wind tunnel and field experiments. This enables the bleed velocity for the flow through the windbreak to be predicted in terms of the screen pressure coefficient (k) of the barrier. (3) The relationship between k and tau is different for a vegetative barrier than for a screen across a confined duct, implying a lower Fc for given tau. (4) The total deposition of particles to a windbreak is determined by a trade-off between particle absorption and throughflow, implying an optimum value of tau for maximum total deposition. For particles larger than 30 mum and vegetation elements smaller than 30 mm, this occurs near tau = 0.2. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An experimental study has been carried out for the gas-liquid two-phase flow in a packed bed simulating conditions of the gas and liquid flows in the lower part of blast furnace. The localised liquid flow phenomenon in presence of gas cross flow, which usually occurs around the cohesive zone and raceway in blast furnace, was investigated in detail. Such liquid flow is characterised in terms of liquid shift distance or liquid shift angle that can effectively be measured by the experiments involved in the current study. It is found that liquid shift angle does not significantly increase or decrease with different packing depth. This finding supports the hypothesis of the force balance model where a vectorial relationship among acting forces, i.e. gas drag force, gravitational force and solid-liquid friction force, and liquid shift angle does exist. Liquid shift angle is inversely proportional to particle size and liquid density, and proportional to square of gas superficial velocity, but is almost independent on liquid flowrate and liquid viscosity. The gas-liquid drag coefficient, an important aspect for quantifying the interaction between gas and liquid flows, was conceptually modified based on the discrete feature of liquid flow through a packed bed and evaluated by the combined theoretical and experimental investigation. Experimental measurements suggest that the gas-liquid drag coefficient is approximately a constant (C-DG(')=5.4+/-1.0) and is independent on liquid properties, gas velocity and packing structure. The result shows a good agreement with previous experimental data and prediction of the existing liquid flow model.


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Neste trabalho aborda-se o desenvolvimento da carroçaria do Veículo Eléctrico Ecológico – VEECO recorrendo a tecnologias assistidas por computador. Devido à impossibilidade de abranger toda a temática das tecnologias assistidas por computador, associadas ao desenvolvimento de uma carroçaria automóvel, o foco deste trabalho assenta no processo de obtenção de um modelo digital válido e no estudo do desempenho aerodinâmico da carroçaria. A existência de um modelo digital válido é a base de qualquer processo de desenvolvimento associado a tecnologias assistidas por computador. Neste sentido, numa primeira etapa, foram aplicadas e desenvolvidas técnicas e metodologias que permitem o desenvolvimento de uma carroçaria desde a sua fase de “design” até à obtenção de um modelo digital CAD. Estas abrangem a conversão e importação de dados, a realização de engenharia inversa, a construção/reconstrução CAD em CATIA V5 e a preparação/correcção de modelos CAD para a análise numérica. Numa segunda etapa realizou-se o estudo da aerodinâmica exterior da carroçaria, recorrendo à ferramenta de análise computacional de fluidos (CFD) Flow Simulation da CosmosFloworks integrado no programa SolidWorks 2010. Associado à temática do estudo aerodinâmico e devido à elevada importância da validação dos resultados numéricos por meio de dados experimentais, foi realizado o estudo de análise dimensional que permite a realização de ensaios experimentais à escala, bem como a análise dos resultados experimentais obtidos.