39 resultados para Dracena
Introduction Vector seasonality knowledge is important for monitoring and controlling of vector-borne diseases. Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lu. longipalpis) is the main vector of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum Nicolle, 1908, which is the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. Methods Lu. longipalpis was monitored for 3 consecutive nights each month using light traps from the Centers for Disease Control in the peridomiciles and intradomiciles of 18 residences from January 2005 to December 2012 in the urban area of Dracena, a medium-sized city located in the western region of São Paulo, Brazil. Results A total of 54,820 Lu. longipalpis specimens were collected, and the proportion of positive samples was significantly higher in the peridomiciles than in the intradomiciles (p<0.05) in all 8 years of the study, except for 2005. The vector was present in all study years in the 9 sub-regions of the city, and the male/female ratio ranged from 3.19 to 4.26. The greatest vector abundance occurred in the first semester and peaked in March, confirming its seasonality. Conclusions The maintenance of this high abundance over an 8-year surveillance period demonstrates the vector adaptation to the urban conditions of the city. These characteristics present a major challenge for preventing human and canine contact with the vector and, consequently, controlling the spread of disease.
The specimen distribution pattern of a species can be used to characterise a population of interest and also provides area-specific guidance for pest management and control. In the municipality of Dracena, in the state of São Paulo, we analysed 5,889 Lutzomyia longipalpis specimens collected from the peridomiciles of 14 houses in a sector where American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is transmitted to humans and dogs. The goal was to analyse the dispersion and a theoretical fitting of the species occurrence probability. From January-December 2005, samples were collected once per week using CDC light traps that operated for 12-h periods. Each collection was considered a sub-sample and was evaluated monthly. The standardised Morisita index was used as a measure of dispersion. Adherence tests were performed for the log-series distribution. The number of traps was used to adjust the octave plots. The quantity of Lu. longipalpis in the sector was highly aggregated for each month of the year, adhering to a log-series distribution for 11 of the 12 months analysed. A sex-stratified analysis demonstrated a pattern of aggregated dispersion adjusted for each month of the year. The classes and frequencies of the traps in octaves can be employed as indicators for entomological surveillance and AVL control.
Despite measures adopted to control American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), the disease is spreading in a fast and worrying way throughout western São Paulo state. The aim of this work was to study the variables involved in the disease cycle as well as the effectiveness of controlling measures. The study was carried out in the microregion of Dracena, which is composed of twelve cities and belongs to Alta Paulista, a region of western São Paulo. The necessary data were provided by the Superintendence for Endemic Disease Control and Adolfo Lutz Institute, Regional Laboratory of Presidente Prudente. From August 2005 to January 2008, the following factors were observed: detection of phlebotomine sandflies in the cities and periods in which dogs or humans were diagnosed; number of human deaths; prevalence of suspected dogs tested by serology; percentage of euthanasia in suspected dogs; a possible correlation between positive dogs and cases of the disease in humans; and the disease prevalence among municipalities from the studied region. It was verified that, despite the strategies adopted in Dracena microregion to control AVL, the disease continues to rise. Thus, some procedures of the AVL Monitoring and Control
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
The coffee crisis in the 1980s reached deeply municipality of Dracena, considering that the coffee had significant social and economic importance to the area. In this context, the research aimed to analyze the socioeconomic consequences that this crisis has provided small rural proprietors of the county. To achieve this goal we seek to articulate the theoretical reference, with data from secondary sources, interviews with the main responsible for the agricultural sector and an application questionnaire to 21 small rural proprietors of the county. It was found that, due to the dependence relationship with the coffee, the economy of the city suffered from the attack of said culture during the 1980s. Rural producers who cultivated such crops as the main, had to readjust productively to remain in the countryside, but the economic and social development that coffee was brought in earlier times was not rescued. As a consequence, there has been an intensification of evasion demographic of rural municipality, a process that had begun in the 1970s and was strongly reinforced by the crisis of the coffee culture. We note that from the 2000s, the situation became better for small rural proprietors in order that public policies implemented now serve, in part, the needs of those with greater efficiency. This situation can be evidenced by a slight reduction in the number of rural people dracenense. Despite improvements recorded since the 2000s, the situation is still not ideal, given that many small proprietors surveyed expressed dissatisfaction. In this context, we note that the performance and joint of federal, state and municipal government are essential so that public policies are efficient, thus providing decent conditions for social reproduction of small rural proprietors and their dependents in the countryside
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The sector of milk production in Brazil is very heterogeneous (high-tech in large scale X family properties). This study aimed to develop a diagnostic as a basis for a strategic plan to face the challenges inherent in operating a dairy farm in property of a farmers' association in Dracena, São Paulo, Brazil. It was observed that the association needs a more efficient guidance in the marketing, production and finance areas, not to compromise the search for new markets and continued growth in activity.
Dracena, located in Presidente Prudente's region and founded in 1945, is a coffe and cotton's expansion and had your development by the advance of the Paulista Company of Railroads' tracks. For a long time the train was part of the city's and people's daily life. However, with the decline of rail trasport, the train station and a whole have become spaces without meaning and use. Thus, this final graduation work os Architecural and Urbanism course, aims to reintegrate in the urban área of Dracena Station and upgrade their space. To this end, based on the critical restoration theories and the projective references chosen were proposed the restoration of the railway station building and the creation of na annex for the Department of Culture. To enable the reintegration of the area into the urban fabric was proposed to create a linear park that provides a leisure space above the city and the lack of green areas. Preserving these spaces in a time when changes occur so quickly means keeping alive the memory and history of cities and allow new generations to take notice
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da influência de diferentes materiais de cobertura no conforto térmico de instalações destinadas à criação de frangos de corte. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Câmpus Experimental da UNESP de Dracena - SP. Quatro protótipos em escala real foram construídos, com área de 28 m² cada, cobertos com telha reciclada à base de embalagens longa vida, telha cerâmica, telha cerâmica pintada de branco e telha de fibrocimento. Os dados foram coletados durante o período de inverno de 2007, totalizando 90 dias. Com esses dados, foram calculados os índices de conforto térmico Carga Térmica Radiante (CTR) e a variável ambiental (Ta). Uma análise estatística por inferência e descritiva foi realizada com os valores do índice de conforto térmico e da variável ambiental. Com os resultados obtidos, é possível afirmar que a telha reciclada apresentou índices de conforto térmico semelhantes àqueles encontrados para as telhas cerâmicas. O protótipo coberto com telha de fibrocimento apresentou os maiores índices, e o coberto com telha cerâmica branca, os menores índices de conforto térmico. No entanto para o período de inverno e para os horários avaliados, todas as instalações apresentaram índices de conforto térmico fora da zona de termoneutralidade do frango de corte.
This paper presents a different roof tiles influence study on the thermal comfort for broiler housings. The research was conducted at UNESP`s Experimental Campus at Dracena, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Four prototypes in real scale were built, each with an area of 28 m(2). The prototype was covered with roof tiles made of recycled long-life packing material, ceramic tiles, ceramic tiles painted with white coating, and fiber/cement tiles. Temperatures inside the structures were recorded in the winter 2007 over a 90-day period. The results obtained indicated that recycled tile thermal behavior was similar to ceramic tiles. However for the winter period all the prototypes had presented comfort thermal index not in the broilers thermo neutral zone.
INTRODUÇÃO: a anseníase multibacilar pode causar comprometimento da mucosa oral, com ou sem lesões aparentes. Há poucos estudos que tratam deste assunto na era da multidrogaterapia. OBJETIVO: Verificar a freqüência do comprometimento da mucosa oral em pacientes de hanseníase multibacilar. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal em vinte pacientes de hanseníase multibacilar, não-tratados, atendidos consecutivamente em Dracena, São Paulo, entre o período de 2000 e 2002. Foi realizado exame clínico completo da mucosa oral. Os pacientes foram submetidos a biópsias na mucosa jugal, na língua e no palato mole, em alteração ou em pontos pré-estabelecidos. Os cortes foram corados pelas técnicas da hematoxilina-eosina e Ziehl-Neelsen. O encontro de granuloma e bacilos álcool-ácido-resistentes ao exame histopatológico determinou o comprometimento específico. RESULTADOS: O estudo envolveu 19 pacientes multibacilares com tempo médio de evolução de 2,5 anos. Ocorreu comprometimento histopatológico específico em apenas um paciente virchowiano, com mucosa oral clinicamente normal, na língua e no palato mole. CONCLUSÕES: 1. Alteração clínica na mucosa oral não implica em comprometimento pela doença, é necessário confirmação histopatológica. 2. Alterações clínicas específicas aparentes são raras. 3. A mucosa oral clinicamente normal pode exibir comprometimento histopatológico específico.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da influência de diferentes materiais de cobertura no conforto térmico de instalações destinadas à criação de frangos de corte. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Câmpus Experimental da UNESP de Dracena - SP. Quatro protótipos em escala real foram construídos, com área de 28 m² cada, cobertos com telha reciclada à base de embalagens longa vida, telha cerâmica, telha cerâmica pintada de branco e telha de fibrocimento. Os dados foram coletados durante o período de inverno de 2007, totalizando 90 dias. Com esses dados, foram calculados os índices de conforto térmico Carga Térmica Radiante (CTR) e a variável ambiental (Ta). Uma análise estatística por inferência e descritiva foi realizada com os valores do índice de conforto térmico e da variável ambiental. Com os resultados obtidos, é possível afirmar que a telha reciclada apresentou índices de conforto térmico semelhantes àqueles encontrados para as telhas cerâmicas. O protótipo coberto com telha de fibrocimento apresentou os maiores índices, e o coberto com telha cerâmica branca, os menores índices de conforto térmico. No entanto para o período de inverno e para os horários avaliados, todas as instalações apresentaram índices de conforto térmico fora da zona de termoneutralidade do frango de corte.