996 resultados para Double skin façade


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Double Skin Façades (DSFs) are becoming increasingly popular architecture for commercial office buildings. Although DSFs are widely accepted to have the capacity to offer significant passive benefits and enable low energy building performance, there remains a paucity of knowledge with regard to their operation. Identification of the most determinant architectural parameters of DSFs is the focus of ongoing research. This paper presents an experimental and simulation study of a DSF installed on a commercial building in Dublin, Ireland. The DSF is south facing and acts to buffer the building from winter heat losses, but risks enhancing over-heating on sunny days. The façade is extensively monitored during winter months. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) models are used to simulate the convective operation of the DSF. This research concludes DSFs as suited for passive, low energy architecture in temperature climates such as Ireland but identifies issues requiring attention in DSF design.


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Glazed Double Skin Facades (DSF) offer the potential to improve the performance of all-glass building skins, common to commercial office buildings in which full facade glazing has almost become the standard. Single skin glazing results in increased heating and cooling costs over opaque walls, due to lower thermal resistance of glass, and the increased impact of solar gain through it. However, the performance benefit of DSF technology continues to be questioned and its operation poorly understood, particularly the nature of airflow through the cavity. This paper deals specifically with the experimental analysis of the air flow characteristics in an automated double skin façade. The benefit of the DSF as a thermal buffer, and to limit overheating is evaluated through analysis of an extensive set of parameters including air and surface temperatures at each level in the DSF, airflow readings in the cavity and at the inlet and outlet, solar and wind data, and analytically derived pressure differentials. The temperature and air-flow are monitored in the cavity of a DSF using wireless sensors and hot wire anemometers respectively. Automated louvre operation and building set-points are monitored via the BMS. Thermal stratification and air flow variation during changing weather conditions are shown to effect the performance of the DSF considerably and hence the energy performance of the building. The relative pressure effects due to buoyancy and wind are analysed and quantified. This research aims to developed and validate models of DSFs in the maritime climate, using multi-season data from experimental monitoring. This extensive experimental study provides data for training and validation of models.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact performance of axially loaded concrete-filled double-skin tube (CFDST) columns. These columns have desirable structural and constructional properties and have been used as columns in building, legs of off shore platforms and as bridge piers. Since they could be vulnerable to impact from passing vessels or vehicles, it is necessary to understand their behaviour under lateral impact loads. With this in mind, an experimental method employing an innovative instrumented horizontal impact testing system (HITS) was developed to apply lateral impact loads whilst the column maintained a static axial pre-loading to examine the failure mechanism and key response parameters of the column. These included the time histories of impact force, reaction forces, global lateral deflection and permanent local buckling profile. Eight full scale columns were tested for key parameters including the axial load level and impact location. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, impact duration, peak reaction forces, reaction force duration, column maximum and residual global deflections and column local buckling length, depth and width under varying conditions are analysed and discussed. It is evident that the innovative HITS can successfully test structural columns under the combination of axial pre-loading and impact loading. The findings on the lateral impact response of the CFDST columns can serve as a benchmark reference for their future analysis and design.


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This research treats the lateral impact behaviour of composite columns, which find increasing use as bridge piers and building columns. It offers (1) innovative experimental methods for testing structural columns, (2) dynamic computer simulation techniques as a viable tool in analysis and design of such columns and (3) significant new information on their performance which can be used in design. The research outcomes will enable to protect lives and properties against the risk of vehicular impacts caused either accidentally or intentionally.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact response of axially loaded concrete filled double skin tube (CFDST) columns. A total of four test series are being conducted at Queensland University of Technology using a novel horizontal impact-testing rig. The test results reported in this paper are from the first test series, where the columns are pinned at both ends and impacted at mid-span. In the next three series, effects of support conditions, impact location and repeated impact will be treated. The main objectives of the current paper are to describe the innovative testing procedure and provide some insight into the lateral impact behavior and failure of simply supported axially pre-loaded CFDST columns. The results include time histories of impact forces, reaction forces, axial force and global lateral deflection. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, peak reaction forces, maximum deflection and residual deflection, with and without axial load, are analyzed and discussed. The findings of this study will serve as a benchmark reference for future analysis and design of CFDST columns.


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The mechanical behaviour of transventilated façades performed by natural stone is necessarily based on the correct execution of both anchoring elements on the stone cladding as in the ones corresponding to the enclosure support, either with brick masonry walls or reinforced concrete walls. In the case studied in the present work, the origin of the damages suffered on the façade of a building located in Alcoy has been analyzed, where the detachment of part of the outer enclosure occurred. This enclosure is a transventilated façade formed by Bateig Blue stone tiles. To this end, “in situ” tests of the anchoring systems employed have been performed, as well as laboratory tests of mechanical characterization of the material and of different types of anchor, comparing these results with those obtained in both the simplified analytical models of continuum mechanics as developed by the Finite Element Method (FEM).


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Esta tesis ha estudiado los morteros celulares, centrándose en la experimentación con pastas de cemento aireadas (PCA) con polvo de aluminio como agente expansor. El objetivo es el desarrollo de un material cementicio con una baja conductividad térmica que sirva como aislamiento térmico. La naturaleza inorgánica del material lo hace incombustible, en contraste con las espumas poliméricas existentes en el mercado, cuya aplicación en cámaras ventiladas ha sido prohibida por normativas de construcción tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Las posibles aplicaciones son con proyección neumática o en paneles prefabricados. Se han ensayado dos series de pastas de cemento con polvo de aluminio: - Serie WPC/CAC/CH. Mezcla de referencia con cemento blanco (WPC), cemento de aluminato cálcico (CAC) y cal aérea (CH) en proporción 5:1:4. - Serie OPC/CH. Mezcla de referencia con cemento portland con cenizas volantes (OPC) y cal aérea (CH) en proporción OPC/CH de 4:1 A las mezclas de referencia se le han añadido adiciones de metacaolín (MK) (10 y 20%) o sepiolita (SP) (1 y 2%) para observar el efecto que producen tanto en el mortero fresco como en el mortero endurecido. Se ha estudiado la reología de las pastas en estado fresco, analizando el proceso de expansión de las pastas, registrando los valores de tensión de fluencia, aire ocluido y temperatura durante la expansión. Con los valores obtenidos se ha discutido la influencia de las adiciones utilizadas en la cinética de corrosión del polvo de aluminio que genera la expansión, concluyendo que las adiciones puzolánicas (CV y MK) y la SP reducen mucho el periodo de inducción, lo que provoca poros más grandes y mayor cantidad de aire ocluido. Asimismo se ha analizado la relación entre la tensión de fluencia y el contenido de aire ocluido, deduciendo que a mayor tensión de fluencia en el momento de iniciarse la expansión, menor tamaño de poros y contenido de aire ocluido. Finalmente, se han obtenido las densidades y capacidades de retención de agua de los morteros frescos. Para caracterizar la red porosa de las pastas aireadas endurecidas, se obtuvieron tanto las densidades reales, netas, aparentes y relativas como las porosidades abiertas, cerradas y totales con ensayos hídricos. Finalmente se obtuvieron imágenes de los poros con tomografía axial computerizada para obtener las porosimetrías de las muestras. La caracterización de la red porosa ha servido para terminar de analizar lo observado en la evolución de la expansión del mortero fresco. Se ha analizado la influencia de la red porosa en la conductividad térmica, obtenida con caja caliente, comparándola con la existente en la literatura existente tanto de morteros celulares como de espumas poliméricas. Se concluye que los valores de conductividad térmica conseguida están en el mínimo posible para un material celular de base cementicia. La microestructura se ha estudiado con microscopía electrónica de barrido, difracción de rayos X y ensayos térmicos TG/ATD, observando que los productos de hidratación encontrados coinciden con los que se producen en morteros sin airear. Las imágenes SEM y los resultados de ultrasonidos han servido para analizar la presencia de microfisuras de retracción en las pastas aireadas, observando que en las muestras con adiciones de MK y SP, se reduce la presencia de microfisuras. ABSTRACT This thesis has studied cellular mortars, focusing in testing aerated cement pastes with aluminum powder as expansive agent. The purpose is the development of a cementitious material with low thermal conductivity that can be used as thermal isolation. Inorganic nature of this material makes it non-combustible, in contrast with polymeric foams in market, whose application in ventilated double skin façade systems has been banned by building standards, both domestically and internationally. Possible uses for this material are pneumatically sprayed applications and precast panels. Two series of batches with aluminum powder have been tested: - WPC/CAC/CH series. Reference paste with white portland cement (WPC), calcium aluminate cement (CAC) and lime (CH) with 5:1:4 ratio. - OPC/CH series. Reference paste with portland cement with fly ash (OPC) and lime (CH) with 4:1 ratio. Metakaolin (MK) (10 and 20%) or sepiolite (SP) (1 and 2%) additions were used in reference pastes to characterize the effect in fresh and hardened mortar. Rheology in fresh pastes was studied, expansion process of pastes was analyzed, recording yield stress, entrained air and temperature values during expansion. Recorded values were used to discuss influence of additions on reaction kinetics of aluminum powder corrosion, that produces expansion.. Conclusion is that pozzolanic additions (FA and MK) and SP greatly reduce induction period, producing bigger pores and more entrained air. Relation between yield stress and entrained air has been also analyzed, observing that the bigger yield stress at beginning of expansion, the smaller pores size and the lower entrained air values. Finally density and water retention of fresh mortars were obtained. Pore network in hardened aerated cement pastes was characterized by imbibition methods providing true, bulk and relative density, and providing also open, closed and total porosity. Finally, pore system imaging were obtained with computerized axial tomography to study porosimetry of specimens. Pore network characterization was useful to complete facts analysis observed in expansion of fresh mortars. Influence of pore network in thermal conductivity, checked in hot box, was analyzed comparing with those existing values in cellular mortar and polymeric foams researches. It was concluded that thermal conductivity values achieved are close to minimum possible in a cementitious cellular material. Microstructure was studied with Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffractometry and TG-DTA analysis, observing that hydration phases found, are those produced in non aerated mortar. SEM imaging and ultrasound results were useful to analyze shrinkage microcracks in aerated cement pastes, concluding that microcrack presence in specimens with MK and SP additions were reduced.


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The general aim of this work is to contribute to the energy performance assessment of ventilated façades by the simultaneous use of experimental data and numerical simulations. A significant amount of experimental work was done on different types of ventilated façades with natural ventilation. The measurements were taken on a test building. The external walls of this tower are rainscreen ventilated façades. Ventilation grills are located at the top and at the bottom of the tower. In this work the modelling of the test building using a dynamic thermal simulation program (ESP-r) is presented and the main results discussed. In order to investigate the best summer thermal performance of rainscreen ventilated skin façade a study for different setups of rainscreen walls was made. In particular, influences of ventilation grills, air cavity thickness, skin colour, skin material, orientation of façade were investigated. It is shown that some types of rainscreen ventilated façade typologies are capable of lowering the cooling energy demand of a few percent points.


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Concrete-filled double skin tube (CFDST) is a creative innovation of steel-concrete-steel composite construction, formed by two concentric steel tubes separated by a concrete filler. Over the recent years, this column form has been widely used as a new sustainable alternative to existing structural bridge piers and building columns. Since they could be vulnerable to impact from passing vessels or vehicles, it is necessary to understand their behaviour under lateral impact loads. With this in mind, physical tests on full scale columns were performed using an innovative horizontal impact testing system to obtain the failure modes, the time history of the impact force, reaction forces and global lateral deflection as well as permanent local buckling profile of the columns. The experimental testing was complemented and supplemented by developing and using an advanced finite element analysis model. The model was validated by comparing the numerical results against experimental data. The findings of this study will serve as a benchmark reference for future analysis and design of CFDST columns.


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This study aimed at evaluating the effects of different levels of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on growth rate, hematology and cell-mediated immune response in Markhoz newborn goat kids. Twenty four goat kids (aged 7 +/- 3 days) were randomly allotted to four groups with six replicates. The groups included: control, T1, T2 and T3 groups which received supplemented-milk with 0, 100, 200 and 400mg aqueous rosemary extract per kg of live body weight per day for 42 days. Body weights of kids were measured weekly until the end of the experiment. On day 42, 10 ml blood samples were collected from each kid through the jugular vein. Cell-mediated immune response was assessed through the double skin thickness after intradermal injection of phyto-hematoglutinin (PHA) at day 21 and 42. No significant differences were seen in initial body weight, average daily gain (ADG) and total gain. However, significant differences in globulin (P <0.05), and white blood cells (WBC) (P <0.001) were observed. There were no significant differences in haemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cells (RBC), lymphocytes and neutrophils between the treatments. Skin thickness in response to intra dermal injection of PHA significantly increased in the treated groups as compared to the control group at day 42 (P< 0.01) with the T3 group showing the highest response to PHA injection. In conclusion, the results indicated that aqueous rosemary extract supplemented-milk had a positive effect on immunity and skin thickness of newborn goat kids.


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The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different levels of garlic extract supplemented in milk on growth rate, haematology and cell–mediated immune response of Markhoz newborn goat kids. Twenty four newborn goat kids (aged 7+/-3days) were randomly assigned to four groups. The groups consisted of control (received milk without garlic extract), T1, T2 and T3 which received milk supplemented with 62.5, 125 and 250 mg aqueous garlic extract per kg live weight per day for 42 days, respectively. Body weights were measured weekly throughout the experimental period. At day 42, about 10 ml blood samples were collected from each kid via the jugular vein for haematological study. Cell–mediated immune response was evaluated through double skin thickness after intradermal injection of phyto-hematogglutinin (PHA) at day 21 and 42. Total gain was significantly higher for kids in T3 (P<0.05) compared with the control group. Average daily gain (ADG) in T3 group in week 4–5 was higher (P<0.05). Significant differences in globulin (P<0.01), hemoglobin (Hb; P<0.001), hematocrit (PCV; P<0.001), erythrocyte (RBC; P<0.001), neutrophil (P<0.001), lymphocyte (P<0.001) and leukocyte (WBC; P<0.001) were observed among groups. Hb, PCV, RBC, lymphocytes and WBC were higher in kids given garlic extract supplementation. There was a significant difference of double skin thickness among the groups at day 42 (P<0.01). In conclusion, this study indicated that milk supplemented with aqueous garlic extract improved growth rate and immunity of newborn goat kids.


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Background: Radiation-induced skin reaction (RISR) is one of the most common and distressing side effects of radiotherapy in patients with cancer. It is featured with swelling, redness, itching, pain, breaks in skin, discomfort, and a burning sensation. There is a lack of convincing evidence supporting any single practice in the prevention or management of RISR. Methods/Designs: This double-blinded randomised controlled trial aims to investigate the effects of a natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin (as known as Moogoo Udder Cream®) versus aqueous cream in reducing RISR, improving pain, itching and quality of life in this patient group. One group will receive Moogoo Udder Cream®. Another group will receive aqueous cream. Outcome measures will be collected using patient self-administered questionnaire, interviewer administered questionnaire and clinician assessment at commencement of radiotherapy, weekly during radiotherapy, and four weeks after the completion of radiotherapy. Discussion: Despite advances of radiologic advances and supportive care, RISR are still not well managed. There is a lack of efficacious interventions in managing RISR. While anecdotal evidence suggests that Moogoo Udder Cream® may be effective in managing RISR, research is needed to substantiate this claim. This paper presents the design of a double blind randomised controlled trial that will evaluate the effects of Moogoo Udder Cream® versus aqueous cream for managing in RISR in patients with cancer. Trial registration: ACTRN 12612000568819


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Purpose To investigate the effects of a natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin versus aqueous cream for preventing and managing radiation induced skin reactions (RISR). Methods and Materials A total of 174 patients were randomised and participated in the study. Patients either received Cream 1 (the natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin) or Cream 2 (aqueous cream). Skin toxicity, pain, itching and skin-related quality of life scores were collected for up to four weeks after radiation treatment. Results Patients who received Cream 1 had a significantly lower average level of Common Toxicity Criteria at week 3 (p<0.05), but had statistically higher average levels of skin toxicity at weeks 7, 8 and 9 (all p<0.001). Similar results were observed when skin toxicity was analysed by grades. With regards to pain, patients in the Cream 2 group had a significantly higher average level of worst pain (p<0.05) and itching (p=0.046) compared to the Cream 1 group at week 3, however these differences were not observed at other weeks. In addition, there was a strong trend for Cream 2 to reduce the incidence of grade 2 or more skin toxicity in comparison to Cream 1 (p=0.056). Overall, more participants in the Cream 1 group were required to use another topical treatment at weeks 8 (p=0.049) and 9 (p=0.01). Conclusion The natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin appears to have similar effects for managing skin toxicity compared to aqueous cream up to week 5, however, it becomes significantly less effective at later weeks into the radiation treatment and beyond treatment completion (week 6 and beyond). There were no major differences in pain, itching and skin-related quality of life. In light of these results, clinicians and patients can base their decision on costs and preferences. Overall, aqueous cream appears to be a more preferred option.


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BACKGROUND: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a common cause of complicated skin and skin-structure infection (cSSSI). Increasing antimicrobial resistance in cSSSI has led to a need for new safe and effective therapies. Ceftaroline was evaluated as treatment for cSSSI in 2 identical phase 3 clinical trials, the pooled analysis of which is presented here. The primary objective of each trial was to determine the noninferiority of the clinical cure rate achieved with ceftaroline monotherapy, compared with that achieved with vancomycin plus aztreonam combination therapy, in the clinically evaluable (CE) and modified intent-to-treat (MITT) patient populations. METHODS: Adult patients with cSSSI requiring intravenous therapy received ceftaroline (600 mg every 12 h) or vancomycin plus aztreonam (1 g each every 12 h) for 5-14 days. RESULTS: Of 1378 patients enrolled in both trials, 693 received ceftaroline and 685 received vancomycin plus aztreonam. Baseline characteristics of the treatment groups were comparable. Clinical cure rates were similar for ceftaroline and vancomycin plus aztreonam in the CE (91.6% vs 92.7%) and MITT (85.9% vs 85.5%) populations, respectively, as well as in patients infected with MRSA (93.4% vs 94.3%). The rates of adverse events, discontinuations because of an adverse event, serious adverse events, and death also were similar between treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Ceftaroline achieved high clinical cure rates, was efficacious against cSSSI caused by MRSA and other common cSSSI pathogens, and was well tolerated, with a safety profile consistent with the cephalosporin class. Ceftaroline has the potential to provide a monotherapy alternative for the treatment of cSSSI. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifiers: NCT00424190 for CANVAS 1 and NCT00423657 for CANVAS 2.