943 resultados para Dosimetri LiF:Mg,Cu,P Taratura


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Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è la caratterizzazione della risposta di una partita di dosimetri a termoluminescenza LiF:Mg,Cu,P (GR200A) a fasci X di energie e intensità variabili. In questo elaborato è presentata la teoria che sta alla base degli strumenti e delle procedure utilizzate, cioè nozioni basilari di radiologia e dosimetria assieme ad una breve trattazione riguardante i dosimetri a termoluminescenza; sono descritti gli strumenti e le attrezzature impiegate, quali il sistema di acquisizione To.Le.Do , il tubo a raggi X presente all'interno del Centro di Coordinamento delle Attività di Fisica Medica e la camera di confronto utilizzata per la taratura. Tramite l'analisi dei dati raccolti sono stati definiti, all'interno della partita, gruppi differenti di dosimetri con risposte uniformi entro livelli di confidenza differenti. Questi gruppi di dosimetri saranno utilizzati dall'U. O. di Fisica Sanitaria dell'Università di Bologna per scopi diversi, in particolare per valutazioni di dosi personali e valutazioni di dosi ambientali in locali sottoposti a controlli di radioprotezione.


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Tavanomaisten hammasröntgenlaitteiden säteilyannoksia valvotaan postitettavien testipakettien ja paikan päällä tehtävien tarkastusten avulla. Säteilyannoksen valvontaan käytetään termoluminesenssidosimetrejä (Thermoluminescence Dosimetry, TLD). Dosimetreissä on TL-materiaalista valmistettuja loistekiteitä, joihin absorboitunut säteilyenergia vapautuu valona materiaalia lämmitettäessä. Prosessissa vapautuvan valon intensiteetti on suoraan verrannollinen absorboituneeseen säteilyannokseen. TLD:llä mitataan rekisteröityjen intraoraalilaitteiden tuottamaa säteilyannosta potilaan posken kohdalla. Säteilyturvakeskus (STUK) ylläpitää rekisteriä ilmoitusvelvollisuuden alaisista hammasröntgenlaitteista. Nyt hammaslaiterekisteriä ollaan uudistamassa siten, että TLD-mittaustulosten käsittely ja annoslaskenta siirtyvät rekisteristä WinTLD-laskentaohjelmaan, jossa on kaikki tarvittavat parametrit annoksen laskemiseksi. Tässä työssä TLD-mittausjärjestelmän kalibrointituloksia analysoitiin vuosilta 1996-2011 ja määritettiin uudelleen laskennassa käytetty energiakorjauskerroin, joka on osa tulevaa WinTLD-konfigurointia. Mittauksissa tarvittavat standardisäteilylaadut (ISO H-laadut) pystytettiin osana työtä. Henkilödosimetrien suorituskykytestauksessa käytetään ISO N-säteilylaatuja. Mirion Technologies (RADOS) käyttää TLD-systeemiä henkilödosimetriassa, ja hammas-TLD on tämän järjestelmän sovellus potilasdosimetriaan. ISO H-laadut otettiin käyttöön, jotta dosimetrien vastetta voitiin ISO N-laatujen tapaan tutkia jatkuvana fotonienergian funktiona Cs-137 ja Co-60 gammasäteilylaatuihin asti ja koska niillä voitiin jäljitellä todellista kliinistä suodatusta. Energiakorjauskerroin kalibroinnissa käytettävän Co-gammasäteilyn ja intraoraalikuvauksissa käytettävän röntgensäteilyn välillä määritettiin uudelleen. Sen arvoksi (yksikkö mGy/mGy) saatiin ISO N-60-laadulla 0,671 ja ISO H-60-laadulla 0,677, jotka ovat numeerisesti hyvin lähellä aikaisemmin määritettyä kerrointa 0,679. Energiakorjauskertoimen epävarmuudeksi saatiin 3,5 % (2std) ja annosmittauksen epävarmuudeksi 7,8 %. Energiavasteiden perusteella dosimetreissä käytetty materiaali on kahdesta vaihtoehdosta MTS-N (LiF:Mg,Ti) eikä MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P). TLD-järjestelmää voidaan kehittää ja konfiguroida uusien tulosten perusteella, jolloin otetaan käyttöön muun muassa uudelleenmääritetty energiakorjauskerroin. ISO H-säteilylaadut otettiin 22.3.2011 virallisesti käyttöön STUKissa ja niitä käytetään dosimetritestauksessa tarvittaessa suuria annosnopeuksia ja annoksia.


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A survey of pediatric radiological examinations was carried out in a reference pediatric hospital of the city of Sao Paulo. in order to investigate the doses to children undergoing conventional X-ray examinations. The results showed that the majority of pediatric patients are below 4 years, and that about 80% of the examinations correspond to chest projections. Doses to typical radiological examinations were measured in vivo with thermoluminescent dosimeters (LiF: Mg, Ti and LiF: Mg, Cu, P) attached to the skin of the children to determine entrance surface dose (ESD). Also homogeneous phantoms were used to obtain ESD to younger children, because the technique uses a so small kVp that the dosimeters would produce an artifact image in the patient radiograph. Four kinds of pediatric examinations were investigated: three conventional examinations (chest, skull and abdomen) and a fluoroscopic procedure (barium swallow). Relevant information about kVp and mAs values used in the examinations was collected, and we discuss how these parameters can affect the ESD. The ESD values measured in this work are compared to reference levels published by the European Commission for pediatric patients. The results obtained (third-quartile of the ESD distribution) for chest AP examinations in three age groups were: 0.056 mGy (2-4 years old); 0,068 mGy (5-9 years old)-. 0.069 mGy (10-15 years old). All of them are below the European reference level (0.100mGy). ESD values measured to the older age group in skull and abdomen AP radiographs (mean values 3.44 and 1.20mGy, respectively) are above the European reference levels (1.5mGy to skull and 1.0 mGy to abdomen). ESD values measured in the barium swallow examination reached 10 mGy in skin regions corresponding to thyroid and esophagus. It was noticed during this survey that some technicians use, improperly, X-ray fluoroscopy in conventional examinations to help them in positioning the patient. The results presented here are a preliminary survey of doses in pediatric radiological examinations and they show that it is necessary to investigate the technical parameters to perform the radiographs. to introduce practices to control pediatric patient`s doses and to improve the personnel training to perform a pediatric examination. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Investigations on the aging hardening behavior of four Al-Li-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys were carried out using differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy and hardness measurement. It is shown that the addition of Li inhibits the formation of Zn-rich G.P. zones in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. The dominant aging hardening precipitates is delta'(Al3Li) phase. Coarse T ((AlZn)(49)Mg-32) phase, instead of MgZn2, precipitates primarily on grain boundaries, and provides little strengthening. The multi-stop aging involving plastic deformation introduces in the matrix a high concentration of structural defects. These defects play different role on the nucleation of Zn-rich G.P. zones in different alloys. For the Li free alloy, structural defects act as vacancy sinks and tend to suppress the homogeneous precipitation of G.P. zones, while for the Li containing alloys, these defects promote the heterogeneous nucleation of G.P. zones and metastable MgZn2. A significant aging hardening effect is attained in deformed Li containing alloys due to the extra precipitation of fine MgZn2 in the matrix combined with deformation hardening.


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This paper compares the crack growth resistance of an experimental spray-formed extrusion with that of a commercial aluminium alloy, the two alloys having similar compositions but markedly different grain structures. Tensile and fracture behaviour is similar in both materials and is influenced by inclusion content. The two materials differ in their crack growth resistance, which is shown to be dependent upon grain size and shape. Environmentally-induced crack growth is favoured by aligned grain boundaries and small grain size.


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The present work describes the evolution of a strong, single-component rotated-Brass ((1 1 0) < 5 5 6 >) texture in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy by an uneven hot cross-rolling with frequent interpass annealing. This texture development is unique because hot rolling of aluminum alloys results in orientation distribution along the ``beta-fibre''. It has been demonstrated that the deformation by cross-rolling of a partially recrystallized grain structure having rotated-Cube and Goss orientations, and the recrystallization resistance of near-Brass-oriented elongated grains play a critical role in development of this texture. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electroless Ni-Cu-P-ZRO(2) composite coating was successfully obtained on low carbon steel matrix by electroless plating technique. Coatings with different compositions were obtained by varying copper as ternary metal and nano sized zirconium oxide particles so as to obtain elevated corrosion resistant Ni-P coating. Microstructure, crystal structure and composition of deposits were analyzed by SEM, EDX and XRD techniques. The corrosion behavior of the deposits was studied by anodic polarization, Tafel plots and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 3.5% sodium chloride solution. The ZRO(2) incorporated Ni-P coating showed higher corrosion resistance than plain Ni-P. The introduction of copper metal into Ni-P-ZRO(2) enhanced the protection ability against corrosion. The influence of copper metal and nanoparticles on microhardness of coatings was evaluated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mg65 Cu25 Gdlo bulk metallic glass and its carbon nanotube reinforced composite were prepared. Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) was used to investigate the kinetics of glass transition and crystallization processes. The influence of CNTs addition to the glass matrix on the glass transition and crystallization kinetics was studied. It is shown that the kinetic effect on glass transition and crystallization are preserved for both the monothetic glass and its glass composite. Adding CNTs in to the glass matrix reduces the influence of the heating rate on the crystallization process. In addition, the CNTs increase the energetic barrier for the glass transition. This results in the decrease of GFA . The mechanism of the GFA decrease was also discussed.


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The amorphous phases of the Pd-Cu-P system has been obtained using the technique of rapidly quenching from the liquid state. Broad maxima in the diffraction pattern were obtained in the X-ray diffraction studies which are indicative of a glass-like structure. The composition range over which the amorphous solid phase is retained for the Pd-Cu-P system is (Pd100-xCux)80P20 with 10 ≤ x ≤ 50 and (Pd65Cu35)100-yPy with 15 ≤ y ≤ 24 and (Pd60Cu40)100-yPy with 15 ≤ y ≤ 24.

The electrical resistivity for the Pd-Cu-P alloys decreases with temperature as T2 at low temperatures and as T at high temperatures up to the crystallization temperature. The structural scattering model of the resistivity proposed by Sinha and the spin-fluctuation resistivity model proposed by Hasegawa are re-examined in the light of the similarity of this result to the Pt-Ni-P and Pd-Ni-P systems. Objections are raised to these interpretations of the resistivity results and an alternate model is proposed consistent with the new results on Pd-Cu-P and the observation of similar effects in crystalline transition metal alloys. The observed negative temperature coefficients of resistivity in these amorphous alloys are thus interpreted as being due to the modification of the density of states with temperature through the electron-phonon interaction. The weak Pauli paramagnetism of the Pd-Cu-P, Pt-Ni-P and Pd-Ni-P alloys is interpreted as being modifications of the transition d-states as a result of the formation of strong transition metal-metalloid bonds rather than a large transfer of electrons from the glass former atoms (P in this case) to the d-band of the transition metal in a rigid band picture.


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-06-04T08:36:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dspace.cfg: 33388 bytes, checksum: ac9630d3fdb36a155287a049e8b34eb7 (MD5)


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Mg-doped p-InGaN layers with In composition of about 10% are grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The effect of the annealing temperature on the p-type behavior of Mg-doped InGaN is studied. It is found that the hole concentration in p-InGaN increases with a rising annealing temperature in the range of 600 850 C, while the hole mobility remains nearly unchanged until the annealing temperature increases up to 750 C, after which it decreases. On the basis of conductive p-type InGaN growth, the p-In0.1Ga0.9N/i-In0.1Ga0.9N/n-GaN junction structure is grown and fabricated into photodiodes. The spectral responsivity of the InGaN/GaN p-i-n photodiodes shows that the peak responsivity at zero bias is in the wavelength range 350-400 nm.


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本论文通过对贵州贵阳花溪杨中喀斯特山区的植被调查与土壤样品分析, 研究土壤-植被中Ca、Mg、 K、P分布特征、变化规律及其影响因素,并在此基础上尝试Ca同位素的预处理研究,以期为喀斯特地区土壤-植被中Ca、Mg、 K、P(尤其是Ca)的生物地球化学循环研究奠定基础,同时为植被演替、物质循环研究和退耕还林还草的人工恢复提供植物自身的营养依据。本次研究取得如下认识: 1.受石灰岩母岩控制,土壤样品元素含量的特征为:CaO>MgO>K2O> P2O5。同一元素沿海拔变化有一定的相关性,并且相关性随元素的不同存在差异:随海拔高度的增加CaO含量有升高的趋势,而MgO 、K2O、Na2O含量都有所降低。表层土壤中K2O-Na2O含量正相关变化,CaO-K2O含量负相关变化。并且从土壤表层到底层在剖面-1中随深度增加,CaO、MgO、K2O含量升高,而P2O5的含量则有上升的趋势。土壤中元素的上述分布特征主要与石灰岩的风化成土作用过程中不同分化程度土壤Ca的淋失和来自高处的富钙雨水输入有关。 2.喀斯特生态环境富钙的这一特点对喀斯特灌丛植物的种类成分和营养元素含量有很大影响。地貌部位、海拔高度对植物Ca、Mg 、K、P含量也有不同程度的影响。植物Ca、Mg 、K、P含量由高到低依次为:Ca > K > Mg >P。苔藓与其它植物比较, Ca、Mg、 K、P的含量都小于其它三类较高等的植物,这一现象与其自身的生物学特性有关:苔藓植物组织结构简单,不具备发达的输导组织,不具备真正的根系,不利于从土壤等基质中吸收营养。在、灌草、灌木、藤本三类植物营养元素之间Ca –P含量具有负相关变化,Mg –P含量具有正相关变化;在所分析的植物种,P- K含量变化呈正相关,并且植物叶片Ca/K比值随着P含量的增加而显著地以指数形式减小。这是因为植物体内的K和P对于Ca来说起着平衡离子(counter ion)的作用。 3. 生境中基岩裸露和土体浅薄的特点,极大地制约了喀斯特灌丛的发育,喀斯特生境的富含钙的特点对喀斯特灌丛植物的种类成分和元素含量有很大的影响。但是杨中灌丛群落植物Ca、Mg、K、P含量和对应土壤CaO、MgO、K2O和P2O5含量相关性不明显。植物Ca、Mg、K、P元素虽主要来源于土壤,但因其含量受元素地球化学性质、植物种类、土壤元素对植物有效态的含量等因素的制约,而使植物元素含量和土壤元素的含量没有明显的相关性. 4.从Ca同位素的预处理研究来看,离子交换分离法对去除样品中的杂质效果较好。在以后测定过程中,有利于增强离子流稳定性和强度, 提高测量精度和准确度,与沉淀法相比较,此法适宜作为钙同位素样品的前处理方法。 关键词: 喀斯特 石灰土-灌丛系统 Ca、Mg、K、P含量分布 钙同位素 环境地球化学