959 resultados para Dorsal periaqueductal gray


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In order to investigate the relationship between behaviors elicited by chemical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dorsal PAG) and spontaneous defensive behaviors to a predator, the excitatory amino acid D,L-homocysteic acid (5 nmol in 0.1 mu l), was infused into the dorsal PAG and behavioral responses of mice were evaluated in two different situations, a rectangular novel chamber or the Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB) apparatus. During a 1-min period following drug infusion, more jumps were made in the chamber than in the MDTB runway but running time and distance traveled were significantly higher in the runway. Animals were subsequently tested using the standard MDTB procedure (anti-predator avoidance, chase and defensive threat/attack). No drug effects on these measures were significant. In a further test in the MDTB apparatus, the pathway of the mouse during peak locomotion response was blocked 3 times by the predator stimulus (anesthetized rat) to determine if the mouse would avoid contact. Ninety percent of D,L-homocysteic treated animals made direct contact with the stimulus (rat), indicating that D,L-homocysteic-induced running is not guided by relevant (here, threat) stimuli. These results indicate that running as opposed to jumping is the primary response in mice injected with D,L-homocysteic into the dorsal PAG when the environment enables flight. However, the lack of responsivity to the predator during peak locomotion suggests that D,L-homocysteic-stimulation into the dorsal PAG does not induce normal antipredator flight. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pharmacological manipulation of TRPV1 (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid type-1) receptors has been emerging as a novel target in the investigation of anxiety states. Here, we attempt to show the role played by the TRPV1 receptors within the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG), a midbrain structure strongly involved in the modulation of anxiety. Anxiety was assessed by recording spatiotemporal [percent open arm entries (%OE) and percent open arm time (%OT)] and ethological [e.g., head dipping (HD), stretched-attend postures (SAP)] measures in mice exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM). Mice received an intra-dPAG injection of the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin (0, 0.01, 0.1 or 1.0. nmol/0.2. μL; Experiment 1) or antagonist capsazepine (0, 10, 30 or 60. nmol/0.2. μL; Experiment 2), or combined injections of capsazepine (30. nmol) and capsaicin (1.0. nmol) (Experiment 3), and were exposed to the EPM to record spatiotemporal and ethological measures. While capsaicin produced an anxiogenic-like effect (it reduced %OE and %OT and frequency of SAP and HD in the open arms), capsazepine did not change any behavior in the EPM. However, when injected before capsaicin (1.0. nmol), intra-dPAG capsazepine (30. nmol-a dose devoid of intrinsic effects) antagonized completely the anxiogenic-like effect of the TRPV1 agonist. These results suggest that the anxiogenic-like effect produced by capsaicin is primarily due to TRPV1 activation within the dPAG in mice, but that dPAG TRPV1 receptors do not exert a tonic control over defensive behavior in mice exposed to the EPM. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Several findings have pointed to the role of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT2(A-C) receptor subtypes in the modulation of defensive behavior in animals exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM). Besides displaying anxiety-like behavior, rodents also exhibit antinociception in the EPM. This study investigated the effects of intra-dPAG injections of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B/2C receptor ligands on EPM-induced antinociception in mice. Male Swiss mice received 0.1 mu l intra-dPAG injections of vehicle, 5.6 and 10 nmol of 8-OHDPAT, a 5-HT1A receptor agonist (Experiment 1), or 0.01, 0.03 and 0.1 nmol of mCPP, a 5-HT2B/2C receptor agonist (Experiment 2). Five minutes later, each mouse received an intraperitoneal injection of 0.6% acetic acid (0.1 ml/10 g body weight; nociceptive stimulus) and was individually confined in the open (OA) or enclosed (EA) arms of the EPM for 5 min, during which the number of abdominal writhes induced by the acetic acid was recorded. While intra-dPAG injection of 8-OHDPAT did not change open-arm antinociception (OAR). mCPP (0.01 nmol) enhanced it. Combined injections of ketanserin (10 nmol/0.1 mu l), a 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist, and 0.01 nmol of mCPP (Experiment 3), selectively and completely blocked the OAR enhancement induced by mCPP. Although intra-dPAG injection of mCPP (0.01 nmol) also produced antinociception in EA-confined mice (Experiment 2), this effect was not confirmed in Experiment 3. Moreover, no other compound changed the nociceptive response in EA-confined animals. These results suggest that the 5-HT2C receptors located within the PAG play a role in this type of environmentally induced pain inhibition in mice. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that excitatory amino acids induce unconditioned fear responses when locally injected into the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG). However, there are only few studies about the involvement of excitatory amino acids mediation in dPAG in the expression of conditioned fear. The present series of experiments evaluates the participation of AMPA/Kainate and NMDA glutamatergic receptors of dPAG in the expression of conditioned fear, assessed by the fear-potentiated startle (FPS) and conditioned freezing responses. Wistar rats were subjected to fear conditioning to light. Twenty-four hours later, they received intra-dPAG injections of kainic acid or NMDA (AMPA/Kainate and NMDA agonists) and 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-6-nitro-2, 3-dioxo-benzo[f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide disodium salt hydrate (NBQX) or D(-)-2-Amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (APT) (AMPA/Kainate and NMDA antagonists) and were submitted to the FPS test. Conditioned freezing response was simultaneously measured. Effects of drug treatment on motor activity were evaluated in the open-field test. Intra-dPAG injections of glutamatergic agonists enhanced conditioned freezing and promoted pro-aversive effects in the FPS. Lower doses of the agonists had no effect or enhanced FPS whereas higher doses disrupted FPS, indicating a non-monotonic relationship between fear and FPS. The antagonist NBQX had no significant effects while AP7 decreased conditioned freezing but did not affect FPS. Both antagonists reduced the effects of the agonists. The obtained results cannot be attributed to motor deficits. The results suggest an important role of the AMPA/Kainate and NMDA mechanisms of the dPAG in the expression of conditioned freezing and FPS. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an up-to-date review of the evidence indicating that atypical neurotransmitters such as nitric oxide (NO) and endocannabinoids (eCBs) play an important role in the regulation of aversive responses in the periaqueductal gray (PAG). Among the results supporting this role, several studies have shown that inhibitors of neuronal NO synthase or cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) receptor agonists cause clear anxiolytic responses when injected into this region. The nitrergic and eCB systems can regulate the activity of classical neurotransmitters such as glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that control PAG activity. We propose that they exert a ‘fine-tuning’ regulatory control of defensive responses in this area. This control, however, is probably complex, which may explain the usually bell-shaped dose-response curves observed with drugs that act on NO- or CB1-mediated neurotransmission. Even if the mechanisms responsible for this complex interaction are still poorly understood, they are beginning to be recognized. For example, activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 channel (TRPV1) receptors by anandamide seems to counteract the anxiolytic effects induced by CB1 receptor activation caused by this compound. Further studies, however, are needed to identify other mechanisms responsible for this fine-tuning effect.


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The escape response to electrical or chemical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (DPAG) has been associated with panic attacks. In order to explore the validity of the DPAG stimulation model for the study of panic disorder, we determined if the aversive consequences of the electrical or chemical stimulation of this midbrain area can be detected subsequently in the elevated T-maze. This animal model, derived from the elevated plus-maze, permits the measurement in the same rat of a generalized anxiety- and a panic-related defensive response, i.e., inhibitory avoidance and escape, respectively. Facilitation of inhibitory avoidance, suggesting an anxiogenic effect, was detected in male Wistar rats (200-220 g) tested in the elevated T-maze 30 min after DPAG electrical stimulation (current generated by a sine-wave stimulator, frequency at 60 Hz) or after local microinjection of the GABA A receptor antagonist bicuculline (5 pmol). Previous electrical (5, 15, 30 min, or 24 h before testing) or chemical stimulation of this midbrain area did not affect escape performance in the elevated T-maze or locomotion in an open-field. No change in the two behavioral tasks measured by the elevated T-maze was observed after repetitive (3 trials) electrical stimulation of the DPAG. The results indicate that activation of the DPAG caused a short-lived, but selective, increase in defensive behaviors associated with generalized anxiety.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Panic disorder patients are vulnerable to recurrent panic attacks. Two neurochemical hypotheses have been proposed to explain this susceptibility. The first assumes that panic patients have deficient serotonergic inhibition of neurons localized in the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain that organize defensive reactions to cope with proximal threats and of sympathomotor control areas of the rostral ventrolateral medulla that generate most of the neurovegetative symptoms of the panic attack. The second suggests that endogenous opioids buffer normal subjects from the behavioral and physiological manifestations of the panic attack, and their deficit brings about heightened suffocation sensitivity and separation anxiety in panic patients, making them more vulnerable to panic attacks. Experimental results obtained in rats performing one-way escape in the elevated T-maze, an animal model of panic, indicate that the inhibitory action of serotonin on defense is connected with activation of endogenous opioids in the periaqueductal gray. This allows reconciliation of the serotonergic and opioidergic hypotheses of panic pathophysiology, the periaqueductal gray being the fulcrum of serotonin-opioid interaction.


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Animals faced with conflicting cues, such as predatory threat and a given rewarding stimulus, must make rapid decisions to engage in defensive versus other appetitive behaviors. The brain mechanisms mediating such responses are poorly understood. However, the periaqueductal gray (PAG) seems particularly suitable for accomplishing this task. The PAG is thought to have, at least, two distinct general roles on the organization of motivated responses, i.e., one on the execution of defensive and reproductive behaviors, and the other on the motivational drive underlying adaptive responses. We have presently examined how the PAG would be involved in mediating the behavioral choice between mutually incompatible behaviors, such as reproduction or defense, when dams are exposed to pups and cat odor. First, we established the behavioral protocol and observed that lactating rats, simultaneously exposed to pups and cat odor, inhibited maternal behavior and expressed clear defensive responses. We have further revealed that cat odor exposure up-regulated Fos expression in the dorsal PAG, and that NMDA cytotoxic lesions therein were able to restore maternal responses, and, at the same time, block defensive responsiveness to cat odor. Potential paths mediating the dorsal PAG influences on the inhibition of appetitive (i.e., retrieving behavior) and consummatory (i.e., nursing) maternal responses are discussed. Overall, we were able to confirm the dual role of the PAG, where, in the present case, the dorsal PAG, apart from organizing defensive responses, also appears to account for the behavioral inhibition of non-defensive responses. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) is part of the brain system involved in active defense reactions to threatening stimuli. Glutamate N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation within the dorsal column of the PAG (dPAG) leads to autonomic and behavioral responses characterized as the fear reaction. Nitric oxide (NO) has been proposed to be a mediator of the aversive action of glutamate, since the activation of NMDA receptors in the brain increases NO synthesis. We investigated the effects of intra-dPAG infusions of NMDA on defensive behaviors in mice pretreated with a neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor [N omega-propyl-l-arginine (NPLA)], in the same midbrain site, during a confrontation with a predator in the rat exposure test (RET). Male Swiss mice received intra-dPAG injections of NPLA (0.1 or 0.4 nmol/0.1 mu l), and 10 min later, they were infused with NMDA (0.04 nmol/0.1 mu l) into the dPAG. After 10 min, each mouse was placed in the RET. NMDA treatment enhanced avoidance behavior from the predator and markedly increased freezing behavior. These proaversive effects of NMDA were prevented by prior injection of NPLA. Furthermore, defensive behaviors (e.g., avoidance, risk assessment, freezing) were consistently reduced by the highest dose of NPLA alone, suggesting an intrinsic effect of nitric oxide on defensive behavior in mice exposed to the RET. These findings suggest a potential role of glutamate NMDA receptors and NO in the dPAG in the regulation of defensive behaviors in mice during a confrontation with a predator in the RET.


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Glutamate NMDA receptor activation within the periaqueductal gray (PAG) leads to antinociceptive, autonomic and behavioral responses characterized as the fear reaction. Considering that NMDA receptor triggers activation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), enzyme that produces nitric oxide (NO), this study investigated the effects of intra-PAG infusions of NPLA (N omega-propyl-L-arginine), an nNOS inhibitor, on behavioral and antinociceptive responses induced by local injection of NMDA receptor agonist in mice. The behaviors measured were frequency of jumping and rearing as well as duration (in seconds) of running and freezing. Nociception was assessed during the second phase of the formalin test (injection of 50 mu l of formalin 2.5% into the dorsal surface of the right hind paw). Five to seven days after stereotaxic surgery for intracerebral cannula implantation, mice were injected with formalin into the paw, and 10 min later, they received intra-dPAG injection of NPLA (0, 0.2, or 0.4 nmol/0.1 mu l). Ten minutes later, they were injected with NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate: 0 or 0.04 nmol/0.1 mu l) into the same midbrain site and were immediately placed in glass holding cage for recording the defensive behavior and the time spent on licking the injected paw with formalin during a period of 10 min. Microinjections of NMDA significantly decreased nociception response and produced jumping, running, and freezing reactions. Intra-dPAG injections of NPLA (0.4 nmol) completely blocked the NMDA effects without affecting either behavioral or nociceptive responses in intra-dPAG saline-injected animals, except for the rearing frequency that was increased by the nNOS inhibitor. These results strongly suggest the involvement of NO within the PAG in the antinociceptive and defensive reactions induced by local glutamate NMDA receptor activation in this midbrain structure. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.