382 resultados para Doreen Massey


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Doreen Massey: geógrafa radical, feminista, pensadora y activista


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The creative work of this study is a novel-length work of literary fiction called Keeping House (published as Grace's Table, by University of Queensland Press, April 2014). Grace has not had twelve people at her table for a long time. Hers isn't the kind of family who share regular Sunday meals. As Grace prepares the feast, she reflects on her life, her marriage and her friendships. When the three generations of her family come together, simmering tensions from the past threaten to boil over. The one thing that no one can talk about is the one thing that no one can forget. Grace's Table is a moving and often funny novel using food as a language to explore the power of memory and the family rituals that define us. The exegetical component of this study does not adhere to traditional research pedagogies. Instead, it follows the model of what the literature describes as fictocriticism. It is the intention that the exegesis be read as a hybrid genre; one that combines creative practice and theory and blurs the boundaries between philosophy and fiction. In offering itself as an alternative to the exegetical canon it provides a model for the multiplicity of knowledge production suited to the discipline of practice-led research. The exegesis mirrors structural elements of the creative work by inviting twelve guests into the domestic space of the novel to share a meal. The guests, chosen for their diverse thinking, enable examination of the various agents of power involved in the delivery of food. Their ideas cross genders, ages and time periods; their motivations and opinions often collide. Some are more concerned with the spatial politics of where food is consumed, others with its actual preparation and consumption. Each, however, provides a series of creative reflective conversations throughout the meal which help to answer the research question: How can disempowered women take authority within their domestic space? Michel de Certeau must defend his "operational tactics" or "art of the weak" 1 as a means by which women can subvert the colonisation of their domestic space against Michel Foucault's ideas about the functions of a "disciplinary apparatus". 2 Erving Goffman argues that the success of de Certeau's "tactics" depends upon his theories of "performance" and "masquerade" 3; a claim de Certeau refutes. Doreen Massey and the author combine forces in arguing for space, time and politics to be seen as interconnected, non-static and often contested. The author calls for identity, or sense of self, to be considered a further dimension which impacts on the function of spatial models. Yu-Fi Tuan speaks of the intimacy of kitchens; Gaston Bachelard the power of daydreams; and Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin gives the reader a taste of the nourishing arts. Roland Barthes forces the author to reconsider her function as a writer and her understanding of the reader's relationship with a text. Fictional characters from two texts have a place at the table – Marian from The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood 4 and Lilian from Lilian's Story by Kate Grenville. 5 Each explores how they successfully subverted expectations of their gender. The author interprets and applies elements of the conversations to support Grace's tactics in the novel as well as those related to her own creative research practice. Grace serves her guests, reflecting on what is said and how it relates to her story. Over coffee, the two come together to examine what each has learned.


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Over the last twenty years or so, Australian cinema's international relations in production and policy have expanded and become more complex, while those with Hollywood have been transformed. The boundaries of the national cinema stretch much further than the national territory. Australian production and postproduction companies work in Australia with international partners or on international projects. In this article I will trace some of the material and discursive entailments of this new international turn to explore how dynamic and shifting relations between the local/national and the international have transformed the ways in which we might think about what constitutes Australian cinema, and to illustrate how relations of commonality and continuity with the international called up in the new arrangements challenge the dominant articulation in policy of difference from 'other kinds of filmmaking' as the basis of Australian cinema. I draw on Deb Verhoeven's work on simultaneously national and international films and filmmakers, and adapt Doreen Massey's concept of 'outwardlookingness' to consider Australian cinema's international aspects.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as transformações socioespaciais ocorridas em Angra dos Reis e Parati no período que compreende os anos de 1960/70 a 2010. Para isso, discutiu-se o conceito de espaço geográfico considerando obras dos autores Milton Santos, Doreen Massey e Roberto Lobato Corrêa, buscando identificar as concepções destes sobre o conceito em questão e de que maneira as transformações ocorrem nos espaços, alterando sua forma e conteúdo de maneira singular e diversa. A possibilidade do acontecer diferente, da não linearidade dos espaços no tempo e de que a multiplicidade abre caminho para inúmeros arranjos diferenciados, permitem concluir que os espaços são diferentes, ainda que considerado todo o movimento globalizante do qual fazem parte. Para analisar as transformações, utilizou-se imagens de satélite (Landsat 2 e 5) dos anos de 1977, 1990 e 2010 a fim de gerar mapas de onde foi possível verificar a expansão das áreas urbanas. Em conjunto, trabalhou-se com dados econômicos e populacionais de censos produzidos pelo IBGE, dados da EMATER e outros utilizados na elaboração de quadros e tabelas sobre a estrutura socioeconômica dos municípios. Foram selecionadas fotografias antigas fornecidas pelo IPHAN, IBGE e outras fontes para ilustrar as transformações apresentadas. Trabalhou-se com as interações espaciais e os fluxos, apontados por Roberto Lobato Corrêa e Milton Santos, respectivamente, para entender como as organizações espaciais de cada município vão se modificando, na medida em que as interações também se transformam. Por meio de um resgate histórico, retrocedendo um pouco no tempo para o século XIX, buscou-se compreender como o ouro, o café, a ferrovia e o porto explicam, em parte, essa dinâmica diferenciada de transformação. E no decorrer das décadas do século XX, foram identificados os principais elementos que originaram as mudanças analisadas no período escolhido, sendo as usinas nucleares, o estaleiro naval, a rodovia BR-101, o turismo e o terminal de petróleo da Petrobrás. Ao falar da expansão urbana discutiu-se sobre o espaço rural e a sua hibridização, assumindo novas configurações com a incorporação de valores, formas, comportamentos e práticas urbanas.


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Architects typically interpret Heidegger to mean that dwelling in the Black Forest, was more authentic than living in an industrialised society however we cannot turn back the clock so we are confronted with the reality of modernisation. Since the Second World War production has shifted from material to immaterial assets. Increasingly place is believed to offer resistance to this fluidity, but this belief can conversely be viewed as expressing a sublimated anxiety about our role in the world – the need to create buildings that are self-consciously contextual suggests that we may no longer be rooted in material places, but in immaterial relations.
This issue has been pondered by David Harvey in his paper From Place to Space and Back Again where he argues that the role of place in legitimising identity is ultimately a political process, as the interpretation of its meaning is dependent on whose interpretation it is. Doreen Massey has found that different classes of people are more or less mobile and that mobility is related to class and education rather than to nationality or geography. These thinkers point to a different set of questions than the usual space/place divide – how can we begin to address the economic mediation of spatial production to develop an ethical production of place? Part of the answer is provided by the French architectural practice Lacaton Vassal in their book Plus. They ask themselves how to produce more space for the same cost so that people can enjoy a better quality of life. Another French practitioner, Patrick Bouchain, has argued that architect’s fees should be inversely proportional to the amount of material resources that they consume. These approaches use economics as a starting point for generating architectural form and point to more ethical possibilities for architectural practice


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Comprendre le mode d’existence de l’organisation est certainement l’un des plus grands défis que se sont donnés les chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce domaine d’étude. La littérature nous présente ainsi plusieurs images, métaphores et perspectives qui, combinées, dressent un portrait hybride de ce type de collectif. Je propose, dans cette thèse, de reconnaître et exploiter ce caractère hybride de l’organisation en partant d’une réflexion centrée sur l'espace. En m’inspirant particulièrement des travaux de la géographe Doreen Massey (1999, 2005), le concept d'espace auquel je souscris est celui d’un espace ouvert et dynamique (qui incorpore le temps), basé sur une relationalité matérielle et hétérogène, supposant des acteurs humains et non humains en interaction. L'espace peut donc être compris comme la coexistence d’ontologies hétérogènes, ce que Massey (2005) nomme une coexistence de trajectoires comme stories-so-far. Il s’agit ici d’une vision performative de l’espace organisationnel qui est constitué dans la relation de trajectoires distinctes qui coexistent, se rencontrent, s’affectent, entrent en conflit ou coopèrent (Massey, 1999). Je postule que pour assurer une certaine continuité et cohérence dans la coexistence de trajectoires hétérogènes, un travail d’alignement et d’ordonnancement est mis à l’oeuvre, et ce, par le suivi d’une trajectoire principale — ce que je nomme une trajectoire scriptée. Suivre cette trajectoire permet ainsi à l’organisation de s’étendre, de se rendre présente dans le temps et dans l’espace, sans pour autant perdre son identité : to be here and there at the same time, now and then at the same place. À partir de cette définition de l’espace, je propose d’« espacer l’organisation », et plus particulièrement d’« espacer » Explora, un programme d’éducation non formelle du gouvernement du Chili visant la diffusion et la valorisation de la science et de la technologie. Cette proposition est double : elle renvoie aux pratiques d’espacements — des pratiques hybrides, collectives et situées — des agents organisationnels (dans ce cas, aux pratiques des agents d’Explora impliqués dans l’organisation d’un projet, celui de la Semaine de la science 2006),mais aussi à une pratique de recherche. « Espacer l’organisation » veut donc dire déployer ces espaces pleins, déplier l’organisation, accroître la série des simultanéités-successions pour ainsi créer plus d’espace-temps.


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La proposition sur laquelle je fais reposer mon analyse est que le rap montréalais est plus qu’un genre musical, mais un lieu qui est le résultat changeant de l’intersection de forces, d’interactions sociales, ce que Doreen Massey (1993 et 2005) appelle des «trajectoires». Pour elle, un lieu se construit continuellement, à la fois dans le temps et dans l’espace, par l’interaction simultanée, à plusieurs niveaux, de ces «stories-so-far» (Massey, 2005). Mon objectif est de circonscrire quelques-unes des «trajectoires» qui composent le rap à Montréal, et d’identifier celles quisemblent être les plus pertinentes. Pour ce faire, j’ai effectué une filature de trois groupes/artistes faisant du rap à Montréal. En suivant ces artistes dans leurs activités professionnelles sur une période de quatre mois, je suis entré en contact avec des acteurs humains (journalistes,programmateurs de festivals, agents d’artistes, fans) et non-humains (salles de spectacles, studio, locaux de répétition, boutiques restaurants, stations de métro). Ce sont leurs interactions qui forment les trajectoires qui recomposent continuellement le rap comme lieu.


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El objetivo de este estudio de caso es indagar sobre la influencia de la explotación petrolera en la (re)configuración territorial del municipio de Tauramena, desde el concepto de (re)configuración territorial que fue construido desde la conceptualización del espacio de Doreen Massey y Milton Santos. Para la realización de esta investigación se apela a fuentes primarias, constituidas principalmente por entrevistas a habitantes de Tauramena y visitas de campo. Como fuentes secundarias, se acudió a la revisión bibliográfica y cartográfica del municipio. Esta metodología permitirá diagnosticar y profundizar en dos de las variables que modificaron la configuración territorial del municipio: la migración y las regalías.


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This paper considers how children perceive and represent their placed-related identities through reading and writing. It reports on the findings of an 18-month interdisciplinary project, based at Cambridge University Faculty of Education, which aimed to consider children’s place-related identities through their engage- ment with, and creation of, texts. This paper will discuss the project, its interdisciplinary theoretical framework, and the empirical research we conducted with two classes in primary schools in Eastern England. A key text used in our research was My Place by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins. Drawing on our interdisciplinary theoretical framework, particularly Doreen Massey’s notion of place as a bundle of trajectories, and Louise Rosenblatt’s notion of the transaction between the reader and the text, this paper will examine pages from My Place, children talking about how this text connects with them, children talking about their sense of place, and maps and writing the children produced based on their place.


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In this article, the author interrogates students’ stories about the spaces and places in a tertiary Outdoor and Environmental Education course that support and shape their environmental ethics. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study, she explore the ways in which particular sites of learning (outdoor, practical learning) are privileged and how particular stories of outdoor spaces get reproduced. The author employs the work of poststructuralist geography scholar Doreen Massey in her analysis to highlight the intersections between space, relations of power and identity. This analysis also underscores the simultaneity of multiple and conflicting stories around Outdoor Education’s outdoor (practical) and indoor (theoretical) learning spaces. The article concludes by drawing on Elizabeth Ellsworth’s work on anomalous places of learning to explore some of the spaces in-between the indoor/outdoor binary as a way of interrupting and re-imagining places and spaces of learning in Outdoor Education.


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This work is about a search that takes the Comitê pela Anistia no Rio Grande do Norte and the Associação Norte-Rio-Grandense de Anistiados Políticos as Political Spaces capable of expressing History, Memory and Politic. And has as main objective analyzing the amnesty process in the State from these Spaces of political struggle and of resistance, from the 1970s until the early 2000s. The discussion of amnesty and struggle for rights and remedies are still present today on the political agenda of the country, which demonstrates the importance and the incompleteness of the amnesty. Beyond the oral sources, which are essential for understanding periods of oppression, we also used written sources, such as digital and printed newspapers, laws, meeting minutes, pamphlets of political parties, magazines, theses, dissertations, among others. We made the crossing of oral sources with written guides us as Paul Thompson, highlighting the importance of Memory, especially of Collective Memory in line with the perception of Maurice Halbwachs. Work the concept of history approached by Jacques Le Goff and Politic from the perspective of Hannah Arendt. And consider the space from the approach taken by Doreen Massey


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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En esta tesis proponemos realizar un aporte al campo de los estudios sociopolíticos del arte, a partir de pensar la relación entre arte, política y espacio, teniendo especialmente en cuenta la centralidad del mismo en autores posestructuralistas que abordan la relación entre arte y política. Para ello, hacemos foco en los análisis de la relación entre arte y política de Jacques Rancière, Chantal Mouffe y Nelly Richard, como estrategia para analizar y establecer a posteriori el lugar que ocupa el espacio. Asimismo, tomamos, también desde el posestructuralismo, los desarrollos efectuados por Doreen Massey, sobre la construcción social del espacio y las dinámicas de poder que lo atraviesan. A su vez, recuperamos los aportes de Henri Lefebvre y Milton Santos para adentrarnos a la problemática de la producción social del espacio. En síntesis, apuntamos a producir un análisis que considere al espacio como una construcción social y de carácter político, atravesado por relaciones de poder, cuya presencia en las acciones artísticas no es sólo contextual, por lo que excede a la idea de simple emplazamiento o escenario donde transcurren los hechos. Así, problematizamos un vacío en relación a lo que hemos llamado trinomio entre arte, política y espacio contribuyendo a generar una perspectiva compleja que integre estos tres conceptos. Para la realización de la tesis planteamos, como estrategia metodológica, una revisión crítica de la bibliografía seleccionada de los autores ya mencionados. Consideramos que a partir del estudio y análisis del material bibliográfico, contribuimos a generar una perspectiva que integra arte, política y espacio, que será productiva para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones dirigidas al estudio de casos de artistas y grupos de artistas de diverso origen y temporalidad. Asimismo, incorporamos a los argumentos y terminologías de los autores aquí trabajados, obras y prácticas artísticas, no como mera ilustración, sino estableciendo un diálogo que potencie el ejercicio crítico y la reflexión teórica


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En esta tesis proponemos realizar un aporte al campo de los estudios sociopolíticos del arte, a partir de pensar la relación entre arte, política y espacio, teniendo especialmente en cuenta la centralidad del mismo en autores posestructuralistas que abordan la relación entre arte y política. Para ello, hacemos foco en los análisis de la relación entre arte y política de Jacques Rancière, Chantal Mouffe y Nelly Richard, como estrategia para analizar y establecer a posteriori el lugar que ocupa el espacio. Asimismo, tomamos, también desde el posestructuralismo, los desarrollos efectuados por Doreen Massey, sobre la construcción social del espacio y las dinámicas de poder que lo atraviesan. A su vez, recuperamos los aportes de Henri Lefebvre y Milton Santos para adentrarnos a la problemática de la producción social del espacio. En síntesis, apuntamos a producir un análisis que considere al espacio como una construcción social y de carácter político, atravesado por relaciones de poder, cuya presencia en las acciones artísticas no es sólo contextual, por lo que excede a la idea de simple emplazamiento o escenario donde transcurren los hechos. Así, problematizamos un vacío en relación a lo que hemos llamado trinomio entre arte, política y espacio contribuyendo a generar una perspectiva compleja que integre estos tres conceptos. Para la realización de la tesis planteamos, como estrategia metodológica, una revisión crítica de la bibliografía seleccionada de los autores ya mencionados. Consideramos que a partir del estudio y análisis del material bibliográfico, contribuimos a generar una perspectiva que integra arte, política y espacio, que será productiva para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones dirigidas al estudio de casos de artistas y grupos de artistas de diverso origen y temporalidad. Asimismo, incorporamos a los argumentos y terminologías de los autores aquí trabajados, obras y prácticas artísticas, no como mera ilustración, sino estableciendo un diálogo que potencie el ejercicio crítico y la reflexión teórica